Serving Our Country Essay Example
Serving Our Country Essay Example

Serving Our Country Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (649 words)
  • Published: August 26, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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People now a days take life for granted , they think tomorrow is assured when the reality is no one knows for certain what will happen. The majority has grown indifferent to the dangers surrounding them , rumors of war and threats from foriegn countries. They see on the news the atrocities happening in the Middle East and are still obscure to the fact that our country is in need of people to serve and protect. One way to offer your service to this country is joining the miliary. The great philosopher Thomas Jefferson once said " The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Some sacrifices have to be made in order to maintain the life of routine peop


le are living today. We need brave men and women willing to look beyond their own needs and put their life on the line for a greater cause , the cause of protecting our country. Why serve an unappreciative country ? Duty and family , the duty to fulfill your obligations to this country. As a citizen one must protect and defend the very principles this country was founded upon ; freedom, liberty, and justice for all. As a father, or head of a family, one must do anything in their power to protect their family. " The few.

The Proud " is a popular slogan of the U. S. Marines and it fits perfectly , many are called to duty, many neglect that calling, but the few that hear it are worthy of being called soldiers they are humble and hono

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their country. Fight for a greater cause , look beyond your own needs and realize that this country needs you! People often say that we seek peace but fight a bloody battle. Why must we fight fire with fire? The earliest account of a war is dated back to more than 2,000 years ago, as much as we want all fighting to cease and live in harmony, that goal is close to impossible.

What the military does is, it uses its skill set to try and diminish the use of the same skill which is often abused and used for terror. For example , police officers walk the streets with guns not to provoke violence but to enforce the law , and discourage anyone thinking of breaking the law. Some people will always dicourage such irony , but what we need to do is embrace the fact that war is a reality that is always lurking around us , and we should always be ready for any given circumstance. Another reason to serve our country by joining the military is for its great benefits.

The job security and financial help it offers is almost uncomparable. Although there is countless jobs that may pay more, many military branches pay your tuition for college, offer free housing, and because of the GI bill retired veterans are set for life. The Army alone offers many oppurtunities for young men and women seeking job experience, and at the same time many of them qualify for its extensive benefits. Not only do you get great training in any field you wish, you also earn a steady salary for

it. Getting paid to learn a necessary skill set, it almost sounds to good to be true!

One of the many ways you can serve your country is by serving in the armed forces, and in my point of view it is among the most honorable ways. Brave young men and women put their lives on the line everyday so people like us can live a comfortable life. It is one of the most honorable things a human being can do, look past their own needs and put strangers before themselves. This is a call to arms for anyone willing to fight for a greater cause, serve your country, defend its freedom, and be honored for the rest of their days.

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