Introduction to a guest speaker Essay Example
Introduction to a guest speaker Essay Example

Introduction to a guest speaker Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (361 words)
  • Published: July 31, 2016
  • Type: Speech
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Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! On behalf of the organizer of this event I want to welcome you on our open forum about Climate change. I am pleased to be with you tonight and to have a chance to introduce our guest speaker. I consider this as an opportunity to hear our guest in person. Our guest speaker for today is a man who really put an effort in this forum. He will be discussing about “Making Alternative Fuel for Cars with least amount of Carbon Dioxide and Monoxide”.

Our guest speaker is the president of the Integrated Chemist of the Philippines, who is also working in the Environmental Protection Agency. In 2009, he discovered the Alternative Fuel that will be discussed for today and he was able to present his personal research in Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the sa


me year. Recently, he is working for his another research on minimizing Volatile Organic Compound, a harmful emission that chemical plant generates as a product.

While working in the Chemical Laboratory of the Philippines, he formed a group that will help our planet in preventing Climate Change; he called this group as “Builders of a New World Organization”. With his own was group, they organized the last year event the “Run for the Pasig River” which aims to develop the polluted river of Pasig. He was also one of the guest speakers of the prestigious event in Malaysia in the 2011, the “World Energy Outlook Climate Change Excerpt Launch”. And recently, he was awarded in the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation.

Our guest speaker graduated as “Summa Cum Laude” in Technologica

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Institute of the Philippines with the course of Chemical Engineering in the year of 2005. He was also the top notcher of 2007 bored exam for chemical engineers. He earned his Doctorate Degree for chemical engineers in University of the Philippines Diliman and has been published in one of the world’s leading papers, the “The New York Times” in the year of 2010. It is undeniable that he will receive these awards for his intelligence and his hard work on his field. And with these awards he was considered as a gem of his Institute.

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