Ernesto Che Guevara’s Impact on Society and the Politic Essay Example
Ernesto Che Guevara’s Impact on Society and the Politic Essay Example

Ernesto Che Guevara’s Impact on Society and the Politic Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (931 words)
  • Published: January 26, 2018
  • Type: Case Study
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Revolution has been taking place throughout many centuries in various methods and it has made both a positive and negative impact on society. Revolutions have a basic fundamental idea, which is to make a change in the government or social order in favor of a new system. A revolution usually Is better change for the parties Involved and when the process of that rebellion movement comes true, the leaders, the thinkers and followers are considered heroes. Ernest Ache Guava was a revolutionary man who had made a major impact on the society and the political Ideology of Latin America. Ache Guava worked alongside with Fidel and Aural Castro

In his years to bring socialism to Cuba and he was able to achieve this with the revolution they created.

The main reason why A


che Guava made this decision in life was because of his first-hand observations of the severe poverty, oppression, and powerlessness of the masses he had made while trekking throughout South American This is where Guava decided that the only remedy for Latin America's economic and social inequities lay in revolution. Ache was a very inspirational man he would try to inspire his followers with words to encourage them to fight on, but unfortunately for Ache, he was killed in Bolivia by the

CIA In 19672, and before he died his last words were "l know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man"3 and words like these are what inspired his followers and others to carry on the legacy and beliefs he left behind. And so they did, She's ideas and beliefs have lived on

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creating the perfect idealistic reality of a 1 - "Ache Guava.

 The opposing party, this resulted in the deaths of many British soldiers. So, by the time India got its freedom, Begat Sings was considered one of the greatest heroes in history.

Ache Guava gained similar admiration when he overcame the obstacles he faced at which point there was nothing to stop him from achieving his goals. Even today, in Cuba and many parts of the world, Ache is considered to be a hero of the underdog because of his part in the successful revolution in Cuba. Moreover, today we still see the rise of anti-American, left wing elected governments in South America and how She's revolutionary movement and his ideas better impacted the country itself and the lives of many individuals. She's idea of a revolution derived from the visuals and the experiences he had during his life.

Imagine a society where everyone has adequate and reasonable access to a home, clean water and where one person cannot use their money and power to control the lives of thousands.

Many have envisioned this but why hasn't it worked? Why is it that in every country there are people who live in luxury while others in the same place have to starve and survive in poverty? During She's traveling years across South America "it was the poverty he saw there and the apparent exploitation of this poverty by American multinationals that turned him into a committed socialist.

Guava hated Capitalism and he soon came to realize that the economic growth and the lives of individuals in a capitalistic society only benefit the ones who are born into the

right session. "Wealth in modern societies is distributed according to opportunity; and while opportunity depends partly upon talent and energy, it depends still more upon birth, social position, access to education and inherited wealth; in a word, upon property'10. This explains how the majority if not all of the wealthy are born into a wealthy family with power and money.

So how is it fair for the people that are born to a poor family and therefore do not have money for education and to get a job? This is where socialism comes in place. Ache Guava decided that socialism is the key o end these problems, because socialism is a much more moral and righteous ideology that fills in the gaps of what capitalism leaves behind, also Ache Guava believed that socialism would bring upon a better change for the economic systems in South America, so he challenged the factors of capitalism and tried to transform it to a more socialistic system.

Socialism organizes a society in which major corporations and industries are government-owned rather than being privately owned.

The Acquisitive Society. Minimal: Dover Publications, 1920. Overspent and is equally distributed, so every individual gets the same as the other and Guava saw this as an ultimate cure for poverty. Lastly, socialism itself acts like safety net for the people within the country, while capitalism on the other hand provides an opportunity for economic growth, making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

I believe that Ache Guava had done a lot for the country to bring it where it tends now, today some still stand on their thesis of how he killed suspects without any

negotiation, but I believe what he had done was best for the greater good of the country.

Since the revolution has worked, today we see him as a hero who has made history. To many, capitalism was not the key for a stable society, but what did they do? If it weren't for great thinkers and heroes like Ache Guava, Cuba as we know it today would probably still consist of the same amount of poverty Ache saw in his revolution, which consisted of overthrowing the capitalistic Batista government of Cuba and transforming it into a socialistic society.

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