The Cold War: summary of events and dates – Flashcards

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When was the Grand Alliance created?
In 1941
Why was The Grand Alliance set up?
-It was set up to defeat the Nazis -To get the USSR to accept Britain and America's 'Sphere of Influence' in Western Europe, Greece and Italy -The USSR wanted its influence in Eastern Europe
What date was The Tehran Conference?
What were the main points of The Tehran Conference?
Included: Stalin , Churchill ,Roosevelt Agreements -Open a second front -USSR would declare war on Japan Disagreements -Churchill wanted to invade the Balkans the other superpowers did not agree .He wanted to do that to try to stop the Soviet expansion . -Stalin and Roosevelt disagreed they supported the idea of a second front in the west
What date was The Yalta Conference?
What were the agreements of The Yalta Conference?
Agreements -When Germany got defeated it would be reduced in size ,demilitarized and would have to pay reparations (taken in materials such as goods and labor.) -Germany would be divided .Europe would be rebuilt along the lines of the Atlantic charter -Nazi party would be banned and any war criminals would be tried in front of an international court -United Nations would be set up -USSR would declare war on Japan -countries should chose their own government -Poland could be under the rule of the USSR but it would have to be run democratically
What were the disagreements of The Yalta Conference?
-Britain and the USA had been reluctant to agree to Poland becoming Communist (because Britain had entered the Second World War to defend Poland). -Stalin desperately wanted Poland as a buffer between the USSR and the west.
What is a buffer zone?
A neutral area serving to separate hostile forces of nations
What is a sphere of influence?
A country or area where another country has the power to affect developments even though it has no official authority.
Why was there tension between the Grand Alliance?
-They all agreed to work for a democracy but disagreed over what a democracy meant -Stalin believed that a democratic government had to be communist as they represented the working people -Roosevelt believed that democracy involved free elections with a number of different parties -The success of the conference was based on Roosevelt and Stalin's friendship -When Roosevelt died, Truman refused to compromise with Stalin and this increased tension further.
When did The Potsdam Conference take place?
1945 involving Stalin, Churchill and Truman
Agreements at Potsdam?
-To set up a Council of Foreign ministers to organize the re-building of Europe, ban the Nazi party and prosecute surviving Nazis as war criminals -To reduce the size of Germany, divide Germany into four zones, to be controlled by the USA, the USSR, Britain and France, with the aim of reuniting it under one government as soon as possible -To Divide Berlin into four, give the USSR a quarter of the industrial equipment from the other three zones.
What were the Potsdam disagreements on Reparations?
The USSR wanted to impose heavy reparations on Germany, whereas America wanted Germany to be rebuilt. The Conference agreed a compromise whereby each ally would take reparation from he zone they occupied.
What were the Potsdam disagreements on the atomic bomb?
Truman attempted to assert his authority during the Potsdam conference. He believed that America possessed the ultimate weapon in the atomic bomb, that it was the 'master card' in the Potsdam discussions. Stalin refused to be pushed around. News of the American bomb made Stalin more determined than ever to protect the interests of the USSR.
What were the Potsdam disagreements on Poland?
Stalin had agreed to set up a government in Poland that included both Communists and Capitalists. However, by the time of the Potsdam conference it was evident that he had broken his word.
What was the War of Words?
-During 1946 Europe was divided by capitalism in the West and communism in the East -The former allies both made speeches declaring the tremendous suspicion they held for each other. This suspicion because an important part of The Cold War
Who sent secret telegrams after the war?
-Both Truman and Stalin were concerned at the breakdown of their alliance and the threat of a new war -Both men asked for secret reports from their embassies to help understand what their opponents were thinking
What was The Long Telegram?
In 1946 Truman received worrying news in the telegram from Kennan (US's ambassador in Moscow) saying: - Stalin had given a speech calling for the destruction of Capitalism -there could be no peace with the USSR while it was opposed to capitalism -the USSR was building up its military power
What was Novikov's Telegram?
in 1946 Novikov (the Soviet ambassador in America) sent a telegram that was equally concerning: -America desired to dominate the world -following Roosevelt's death, the government was no longer interested in co-operation with the USSR -the American public was being prepared for was with the USSR
What were the repercussions of these telegrams?
Both governments believed they were facing a possibility of war. Americans called Stalin 'the new Hitler' and said he must be stopped.
The verge of the Cold War?
-By the end of 1946 the alliance over -Both countries believed the opponent wanted to dominate the world -Truman gave a speech called the 'Truman Doctrine' where he sets out his belief that communism must be stopped. It has been seen as an unofficial declaration of the Cold War.
What was Churchill's Iron Curtain speech?
A speech made by Churchill after he is no longer Prime Minister where he condemns the USSR's policies and raises his suspicions. Stalin has supported what he has said although they began to view each other as opponents not allies.
What date was The Truman Doctrine?
What was cause of The Truman Doctrine about?
-Truman was sure the USSR wanted to spread communism -Britain could no longer afford to support Royalist side in Greek civil war against communism -USA stepped in with necessary aid to stop the spread of Communism
What was The Truman Doctrine?
-A policy of containment that was aimed at stopping soviet expansion -The Truman Doctrine announced the divide in the world
Effects of The Truman Doctrine?
-As a result the Greek government was able to defeat the communists -Relations between 2 sides soured -The world was divided into 2 -USA was more involved (no more isolationism) in Britain
When was the Marshall Plan?
1947 (European Economic Recovery Plan)
What caused the Marshall Plan?
-Truman did not want to use military forces to defeat communism -He believed in economic help to countries that were in risk of becoming communist -Increase in US exports when Europe recovered
What was The Marshall Plan?
-Aid was given to all war torn countries that were at risk of becoming communist. -Their agriculture and trade were recovered as a result of the Marshall Aid. -They were given cash and technology.
What were the effects of The Marshall Plan?
-Stalin did not trust USA because he believed that the USA wanted to create a sphere of influence in Western Europe (dollar imperialism). -Stalin prevented Eastern European countries from accepting the aid. -Stalin accused Marshall Aid as a beneficial plan for USA (US exports). -By 1953 USA had provided $17 bil to help rebuild European economies.
What is a satellite state?
A country that is independent but in reality controlled by another. Between 1947-49 the USSR extended it's influence over Eastern Europe, turning countries such as Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland into Satellite states.
Why did Stalin set up satellite states?
To prevent countries becoming allies with America after accepting Marshall Aid from them, he extended his control over Eastern Europe.
How did Stalin take control of them?
-By making sure the communist party in each state had leaders that would obey Moscow -Creating an atmosphere of fear and mistrust so that it was difficult for people who wanted to oppose Soviet rule to trust each other enough to work together -ruthlessly using the police and army in these states to stamp on any opposition -arranging the economies so they were dependent on the USSR. They rationalized industries to stop them from being self-sufficient (e.g. Poland made all ships, Hungary produced all trucks)
What occurred in Yugoslavia?
-Tito was elected leader and he had no intention of taking orders from Stalin. As a result Yugoslavia was expelled from Conformism. -Tito accepted aid from the West showing their distance from Soviet Union.
What occurred in Albania?
-Communists took over Albania in 1945, when the war was still going on. It had the least opposition to becoming a satellite state.
What occurred in The Baltic States?
-Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania became part of the Soviet Union after the war, they were treated as part of he USSR
What occurred in East Germany?
-East Germany was the part that belonged to the USSR. -In 1949, it was announced that East Germany was a separate country from the other three zones that were controlled by Western countries. -It became the communist German Democratic Republic. in June of 1953, demonstrations broke out and thousands were arrested and wounded.
What occurred in Czechoslovakia?
-Non-communist politicians were arrested and the foreign secretary was murdered. -Rigged elections brought the communist party to govern.
What occurred in Romania?
-In 1945, the communists were encouraged by Stalin to take part in demonstrations thus disrupting the government. -Also the Soviet army disarmed the Romanian army and forced the King to appoint a communist government.
What occurred in Poland?
-In 1947, elections were rigged to ensure communist government came to power.
What occurred in Hungary?
-They imprisoned other politicians in Hungary except the communist government. They also attacked church leaders. -The communist government seized control and in 1947 the Small Holders party leader was arrested and forced to resigned making the communist government come to power
What did Coninform happen?
What caused Coninform?
-It was in response to the Truman Doctrine to organize Eastern European communist governments.
What was Cominform?
-It followed Soviet aims -It introduced Soviet-style economic policies like the collectivisation of agriculture and state control of industry.
What were the effects of Cominform?
-It benefited the USSR because they used this to purge any member who disagreed with Soviet Policies e.g. Tito
When did Comecon happen?
1947 (The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)
What caused Comecon?
-It was set up in response to the Marshall Plan. -It was a policy in which USSR financially supported Eastern Europe.
What was Comecon?
-It meant USSR financially supported Eastern Europe so they relied on the USSR.
Effects of Comecon?
-It benefited the USSR as they controlled the economy of many countries. -It also allowed USSR to access other countries resources. -Soviet could tell other countries to make products for them (specialise in producing specific goods e.g. Hungary produced agricultural goods)
What was Germany's unfinished business?
-After WW2 Russia and America were unable to agree about the future of Germany. There were 4 issues: -Should a reunited Germany be part of the Soviet 'sphere of influence' or should it be neutral? -Should a reunited Germany have a communist or capitalist government? - Should a reunited government receive marshall aid? -Should troops from America and the USSR be allowed to remain in a united Germany?
What was Bizonia?
-In 1947, the British and American zones were operating as one, therefore it became known as 'Bizonia' (meaning 2 zones). -The relationship between Bizonia and the French zone was also very good, and therefore the three western zones were referred to as 'Trizonia' -Although Berlin was in the Soviet's zone, it too was divided into 4 regions, with the western section under American, French and British control.
When did the Berlin Blockade occur?
What were the events of the Berlin Blockade?
-From June 1948 until May 1949, Joseph Stalin ordered that all traffic between West Germany and West Berlin should be stopped. -He was able to close the road, canal and rail routes, but was not able to prevent the western allies, Great Britain, France and the USA from bringing supplies into West Berlin by air -The Berlin airlift lasted ten and a half months and one plane landed in West Berlin every ninety seconds.
What were the effects of The Berlin Blockade?
The Berlin Blockade led to: -propaganda success for the USA -failure for the USSR -increased fears of war in Europe This contributed to: -increased tension -the setting up of the FDR and the GDR -the setting up of NATO This led to: -the setting up of The Warsaw Pact -the arms race
When was the formation of NATO?
In April of 1949
What caused NATO?
-Even before the events in Berlin, USA thought military alliance was needed to protect the West. -The events in Berlin confirmed this desire and ensured that a military alliance was needed.
What was NATO?
-It was a military alliance that was made to maintain peace. -It was dominated by America -The original membership was USA, 12 countries in W. Europe and Canada. -All members agreed to go to war if any member was under attack.
What was the effect of NATO?
-NATO was greeted with great support. -There was a permanent presence of American forces in Europe. -Soviet Union felt threatened by this and felt it was made directly against USSR which led to the creation of Warsaw Pact.
When did The Warsaw Pact happen?
May 1955
What caused The Warsaw Pact?
-Stalin saw NATO as an aggressive alliance aimed at the USSR. - The creation of Warsaw Pact was the response to the creation of NATO.
What was The Warsaw Pact?
-It was a military alliance of 8 nations headed by USSR to counter the threat of NATO. -It agreed to go to war and protect each other if any member was involved.
What was the effect of The Warsaw Pact?
-It confirmed the divide in the world, because the world had to choose between capitalism and NATO or communism and Warsaw Pact. -NATO and Warsaw pact were against each other for the next 3 decades.
What was the beginning of arms race?
-USA drops atomic bomb in 1945 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki -USSR tests its first nuclear bomb in 1949 -By 1953 both the superpowers had hydrogen bombs and continued to develop weapons. -There was some hope that the superpowers would slow down their arms race development. -But from 1957- 1959, US increased its spending on missiles by 20%. -USA also placed missiles in several European countries (e.g. Italy) -By 1961 relations were deteriorating and the events in Cuba almost brought the world to a nuclear war.
Why was the arms race significant?
-It prevented a war in Europe -The USSR had 3 million troops and could easily capture Western Germany but they feared nuclear retaliation as one bomb could destroy a city
What was the cause of the Korean War?
-After WW2 Korea had been split into North and South -The division was along the 38th line of latitude (a.k.a the 38th parallel) -North Korea established a communist government and became an ally of USSR -South Korea became a democratic country and allied with US -The North Korean leader, Kim Il Sung, wanted to unite North & South Korea under a communist rule. -On June 25th 1950 he sent 90,000 communist troops into South Korea.
What was America's reaction to the Korean War?
-Truman was alarmed by the events in Korea -In 1949, China (which boarded with Korea) became communist -Truman felt he needed to stop communism spreading in Asia -He declared The Truman Doctrine applied to Asia as well as Europe -He asked the UN for support and by the end of June the UN troops (mainly American) were sent to Korea- led by General McArthur
What was the outcome of the Korean War?
-Initially the war went badly for the UN -By September 1950, North Korea had conquered almost all of Korea. However under General McArthur, UN troops managed to turn the war around -By May 1950, they were pushed back to the 38th parallel, and by November 1950, they were pushed back to the Chinese boarder -However, China then joined the war which forced the UN troops to retreat -After 3 years of fighting an armistice was agreed which re-established the boarded between North and South Korea along the 38th parallel. -Although the armistice was never signed, the fighting ceased.
What was the impact of the Korean War?
-Firstly, it demonstrated America's commitment to containing communism anywhere in the world -Secondly, the involvement of Russia and China persuaded the American government to increase defense spending (it increased by 400% after the war) -The Korean War led to a rearmament throughout the western world (to furnish with new or better weapons)
Hungary under Stalin?
Stalin claimed that Soviet troops liberated Hungary from the Nazis. However, in 1949, Cominform imposed an oppressive regime on Hungary: -Hungary's land was given to other Eastern European countries -Hungarian coal, oil and wheat were shipped to Russia while Hungarians were starving -Non-communist parties were banished -Russian officials controlled the government, police and army -Cominform began a reign of terror, executing popular political leaders and their supporters -Matyas Rakosi was appointed as Hungary's dictator
Who was Matyas Rakosi?
-Hungarian dictator fro, 1949-56 -He got rid of his opponents by dividing it bit by bit -His oppressive regime imprisoned 387,000 and was responsible for 2,000 deaths
When did Stalin die?
Why was Stalin's death a turning point in the Cold War?
-Stalin's type of government (Stalinism) was very oppressive -Stalin was responsible for 20 million deaths during his time in power -Russia's new leader, Nikita Khrushchev, opened the way for a more liberal approach to governing the USSR and Eastern Europe -In 1956 he gave the 'Secret Speech' which promised to end Stalinism throughout the entire Soviet sphere of influence through a policy of 'peaceful co-existence'
What was Nagy's programme of reform?
-Hungarians were dissatisfied with Soviet rule so attacked Soviet troops with petrol bombs and grenades -Despite it being illegal to demonstrate in Hungary huge demonstrations took place which soon turned violent -In response Khrushchev agreed to appoint a more liberal leader called Imre Nagy
What reforms did Nagy impose?
-Hungary should leave the Warsaw Pact and become neutral -Communist government in Hungary should end -Hungary should become a Western-style democracy with free electrons -Hungary should ask the UN for protection from Russia
How did Khrushchev respond to Nagy?
-Nagy's reforms ended Hungary's alliance with the USSR -Khrushchev believed the reforms were unacceptable -In November of 1956- 200,000 Soviet troops invaded Hungary to crush the new government
What were the results of Hungary's invasion?
-2,500 people were killed by Soviet troops and 20,000 injured -200,000 Hungarians fled to the West -650 Soviet troops were killed and 1,250 injured -Fighting continued into 1957 but properly ended in November
When was Nagy's trail and execution?
-Nagy sought protection from the Yugoslavian embassy -The Yugoslavian embassy agreed with Khrushchev that Nagy was free to leave Hungary -As soon as Nagy left the embassy he was arrested by Soviet troops on the account of Treason -In a trial overseen by Khrushchev he was declared guilty and was hanged in June 1958
What was the international reaction?
-US had encouraged the Hungarian uprising but did not offer military help -US did offer $20 million worth of food and medical aid to the Nagy government -The US president Eisenhower (1953-61) praised Hungary's bravery -The UN condemned the Soviet invasion but did nothing more to help them -Spain, Netherlands and Sweden boycotted the 1956 Olympics in protest at the Soviet invasion -Thousands in European countries resigned their membership from the communist parties -Since the US failed to provide military support to the Hungarians it showed the lack of commitment to liberating Europe from Communism
How did the Soviet's take back control?
-Khrushchev appointed Kadar as the new Hungarian leader -Initially Kadar had little influence over the country. However, he published his 15-point Programme setting out the new government's direction: *re-establishing communist control of Hungary *using Hungarian troops to stop attacks on Soviet forces *remaining in the Warsaw Pact *negotiating the withdrawal of Soviet troops once the crisis was over The Hungarian people had no choice but to accept Kadar's new government
What refugee problems occurred in Germany?
-East Germany was so unpopular that people fled to West Germany because the citizens enjoyed freedom and wealth -Between 1949-61 2.7 million East German refugees escaped to West Germany -Berlin was the centre of East Germany's refugee problem because it was easy to cross from East Berlin into West Berlin
What was Khrushchev's challenge?
-In response to refugee crisis Khrushchev declared that the whole of Berlin belonged to East Germany and demanded the withdrawal of US troops -Eisenhower was unsure how to respond as he did not want to lose West Germany but did not want to start a war so he held a conference
When did the Two Summits happen?
The summer of 1959 in Geneva
What occurred in the Two Summits
-Eisenhower and Khrushchev were unable to agree a solution to the problem -They did, however, agree to keep talking and met for a second summit at Camp David (Eisenhower's retreat) later that year -The Camp David meeting also failed to agree a future for Berlin
What was The U2 incident?
-Since 1956, The US air force had sent U2 spy planes into Russia airspace to gather info about Soviet military -The Soviets condemned this but the US denied entering their airspace -Finally, in May of 1960, the Russians shot down a U2 plane and captured its pilot -Khrushchev used the incident to expose US's spying programme -Eisenhower claimed the plane was studying the weather. Khrushchev produced the US pilot who confessed that he was spying
Two more Summits?
-Khrushchev was outraged by US spying and demanded that Eisenhower punish the leaders of the U2 programme -Eisenhower refused and Khrushchev walked out on the first day -Finally at the Geneva conference in 1961, Khrushchev challenged the new president John F Kennedy to withdraw US troops form Germany in six months or he'd declare war on America -Kennedy refused to removed troops from German soil and prepared US for war -The US spent an additional $3.2 billion on defence and an extra $207 million on building nuclear fallout shelters
What was the Berlin Wall?
The Berlin Wall was a barrier made by the German Democratic Republic in August 1961, that completely cut off West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin.
What were the impacts of the Berlin Wall?
-it stopped East Germans from escaping into the West and therefore ended the refugee crisis -it allowed Khrushchev to avoid war with US while still appearing strong -it became a powerful symbol of the division of Germany and the division of Europe
When did Kennedy visit Berlin?
In 1963
Why did Kennedy visit?
-Kennedy was unable to stop the construction of the Wall -In 1963 he toured West Berlin expressing his feelings of solidarity with the people -Kennedy made a speech discussing the importance of freedom
The arms race?
-US had the most arms race and was the first country to develop an atomic bomb -By 1961 US had almost 20x as many nuclear missiles as USSR -In 1957, Russian scientists developed the first man-made satellite (Sputnik 1) -The US felt threatened by the Soviet's development in science and technology -however, the USSR simply was not wealthy enough to mass-produce missiles and Khrushchev's claim that the USSR produced as many missiles as sausages was an empty boast
When was the Cuban Revolution?
Why did the Cuban Revolution happen?
-Originally Cuba was an ally of the US but this was said to have only happened as Cuba was 90miles away from America and therefore in the sphere of influence -The Cuban Revolution of 1959 overthrew Cuba's pro-American government. Led by Fidel Castro, Cubans wanted greater independence from the US -Castro's new communist government over took American property in Cuba. As a result, America banned he import of Cuban sugar which threatened to bankrupt the Cuban economy -Cuba turned to the USSR for help. Khrushchev was delighted to have an ally deep in US's sphere of influence -Khrushchev agreed to offer economic aid to Cuba in order to allow Cuba to industrialize
When was the Bay of Pigs incident?
What happened in The Bay of Pigs incident?
-President Eisenhower believed the best way to solve the Cuban problem was to get the CIA to assassinate Castro -When Kennedy took over as president in 1960, he devised a new plan for a CIA-backed revolution to over-throw Cuba's communist government and replace it with a capitalist government -Kennedy thought Castro's government was unpopular and therefore easy to attack as the Cuban people would join in to over throw Castro -The CIA trained a group of Cuban refugees and invaded The Bay of Pigs in 1960 -Kennedy had miscalculated: the people of Cuba fought back bravely in support of Castro -The American-backed force was defeated in 2 days
Missile bases?
-In spite of his victory, Castro felt vulnerable and feared another US attack -He asked Khrushchev to help defend Cuba and in August of 1661 Khrushchev devised a plan that would solve the problems in Russia and Cuba -He decided to station Russia's nuclear weapons on Cuban soil as this would deter US from attempting another invasion.It would also place Russian nuclear weapons within striking range of US
What was the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
-The Bay of Pigs Invasion brought Castro much closer to USSR. -In response to US missiles in Turkey, USSR placed missiles in Cuba, when U2 spy planes took photographs of Cuba showing the IRBM missiles, everything changed.
What happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis?
-It was decided to place a naval blockade/quarantine to prevent anymore Soviet equipment going into Cuba. -Kennedy told Khrushchev he would stop any military equipment going into Cuba and send it back to USSR
What were the consequences of The Cuban Missile Crisis?
-Kennedy was successful as he had stood up to Communism and had removed presence of missiles in Cuba -Khrushchev was criticized by many as he sent missiles but backed down and as result he was sacked as a leader in 1964 -The leaders had almost gone into a nuclear war which would have ended the world, which greatly reduced tension between the two sides
What was the 'Thirteen Days'?
The Thirteen Days was the period at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis during which there seemed to be the greatest threat of nuclear war
When was Khrushchev's plan revealed?
Mid October 1962
How did his plan get revealed?
-In September 1962 K sent 114 Soviet ships to Cuba -The ships carried nuclear warheads and long-range missiles -By Mid-October US spy planes discovered what was going on -Kennedy addressed the American citizens and old them the Soviets were planning to build nuclear missile bases on their doorstep -Kennedy's news shocked the world and many Americans panicked and started to build nuclear shelters in preparation for nuclear war
What were the 'Hawks and doves'?
-During the crisis Kennedy Khrushchev's advisors were split into two groups: hawks and doves -The hawks on both sides wanted an aggressive policy. E.g. some US generals believed nuclear war was inevitable and therefore Kennedy should go to war because US had a better chance of winning -The doves advised caution, recommending diplomatic strategies, which they felt offered the best chance of peace
Short-term consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
-Reduction in authority of Khrushchev as the removal of US missiles was kept secret , people thought he had backed down and betrayed his allies -The Cuban Missiles Crisis highlighted the fragility of international peace and the difficulty of negotiation between Russia and US in a crisis situation -As a result the superpowers agreed to introduce: *a hotline in 1963 for the US president and the Russian Premier in Moscow *The limited test ban treaty- in 1963 US and USSR agreed to ban testing of nuclear weapons in space, sea and above ground. Underground testing was still permitted -Kennedy made a speech signaling his communication with the USSR in June of 1963, which he argued that both superpowers need to work on their 'common interests' -The speech was the beginning of a policy called 'detente' a relaxing of tension in the relationship between US and USSR. -Initially moves to détente were sow but became a key feature of super power relations during the 1970s
Long-term consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
-Leaders of USSR were determined never to be pushed about by US again -Soviet government made every effort to catch up with America in arms race -by 1965, both were equal footing in terms of nuclear capability -Both countries knew nuclear war would destroy both countries (the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction) which gave both countries an excellent reason to avoid war -French left NATO. In the event of a nuclear war between US and USSR, the members of NATO would be obliged to fight alongside US -The French President was appalled that France would be destroyed in a Nuclear war so in 1966 ended its military alliance with S and began to develop its own missiles
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