Research of Bottled Water Essay Example
Research of Bottled Water Essay Example

Research of Bottled Water Essay Example

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  • Pages: 10 (2577 words)
  • Published: September 9, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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1.0 Introduction
Water is a crucial necessity for everyone, and its importance cannot be overstated. The reliance on water is significant enough that people are willing to spend money to buy it. Research indicates that many consumers in the United States prefer bottled water over tap water due to safety concerns. These consumers trust specific companies that provide filtered and pure drinking water. Additionally, bottled water is easily accessible and convenient, which further attracts consumer attention.

This report aims to investigate consumer attitudes towards three leading brands in the bottled water industry and examine how they impact decision-making and brand perception. To ensure consistency in studying behavior, beliefs, intentions, and attitudes, the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) is used as an analytical framework. The TRA consists of two main concepts: "principles of compatibility" and "behavioral intention". Complying with compatibility principles involves evaluating sp


ecific attitudes associated with a particular brand within a given context or circumstance. The construct of behavioral intention asserts that an individual's motivation to engage in a behavior is influenced by their attitude towards that behavior.The research focuses on exploring attitudes, subjective norms, and factors influencing behavioral intention towards leading brands in the bottled water product category. It also aims to improve the reputation of these brands among consumers and understand how qualities in this category impact consumer decision-making and perception of brand performance. The study investigates how leading brands can enhance their performance and attract more customers by understanding the properties that influence purchasing decisions, such as convenience for on-the-go individuals or those engaging in outdoor activities. Bottled water's easy transportability makes it readily available at various locations, including convenience shops, supermarkets, hypermarkets, an

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food markets. In states where tap water may be unsafe due to pollution and contamination, regulations from the FDA ensure that bottled water production is safe, clean, and free from contaminants. Additionally, bottled water is preferred by some due to its better taste compared to tap water because it lacks chlorine.During natural disasters, when tap water may not be available or safe to drink, the importance of bottled water increases. The global consumption of bottled water has been steadily rising over the past decade. This is partly due to its affordability compared to expensive and unhealthy soft drinks. Many consumers choose to purchase bottled water because it is more affordable. Efforts are being made to reduce waste and promote environmental preservation in relation to bottled water usage. Recycling bins can now be found in many shopping centers, making it easy for consumers to dispose of empty bottles.

Some consumers initially buy bottled water but then refill them with tap water as a cost-saving measure and an environmentally-friendly choice. Understanding consumer purchasing behavior is crucial in marketing strategies, although it is a complex task. According to marketing expert Philip Kotler's research on this topic, consumer purchasing behavior involves multiple stages before reaching a final decision.

Factors such as age, education level, preferences, income, brand name, quality, reputation, and price can all impact the decision-making process of consumers. Consumer behavior is influenced by cultural, social personal factors as well as psychological factors. Culture plays a significant role in determining consumer desires and behaviors; however these influences can vary across different countries.
Each civilization is composed of various subcultures, including racial groups, faiths, nationalities, and geographical divisions. These subcultures often prioritize

different market segments, so sellers must consistently strategize their products to meet their demands. Socioeconomic class is another factor that affects consumer buying behavior, encompassing upper class, middle class, and lower class individuals. Sellers must understand the societal class of their target market because lower-class individuals may not be inclined to buy high-priced items. Societal factors such as small groups, families, social roles, and status also impact consumer behavior. Small groups have a significant influence on consumer behavior; therefore it is important for sellers to identify their target market within these groups. Family dynamics greatly affect consumer behavior; thus sellers should make their products appealing to spouses, husbands, wives, and children to increase the chances of success. An individual's role and position within a group can significantly impact consumer behavior as well. Additionally personal factors like age,lifestyle,and occupation play a role in determining preferences for food,clothing,and entertainment.It is crucial for sellers to tailor their marketing plans based on these personal factors.
As individuals age, their lifestyle tends to change, which subsequently impacts their preferences. Therefore, it is crucial for sellers to identify the businesses that are more likely to purchase their products in order to focus their efforts accordingly. Business-related factors play a substantial role in influencing consumer purchasing decisions. Additionally, psychological elements such as motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, and attitudes also exert significant influence on these decisions. Consumers heavily rely on their senses (touch, sight, smell, taste,and hearing) to gather information and make informed choices. Previous experiences also play a part in decision-making; positive encounters with a product or brand like Starbucks coffee can lead to continued future purchases. The process of consumer purchasing decision

encompasses various stages including need recognition, information search, evaluation of options,purchase decision,and post-purchase behavior.When individuals intend to buy something,the usual course of action involves seeking input from family,friends ,neighbors,and advertisements.This study employs both quantitative and qualitative methods for research design.Quantitative methods involve surveys and statistical analysis for data collection and analysis.Qualitative methods,on the other hand,encompass interviews and observations aimed at achieving a deeper understanding of shampoo selection factors and consumer behavior.To ensure valid and representative results, a non-probability sampling technique is utilized in this research due to its cost-effectiveness, speed of implementation, ease of use, and availability of respondents. Specifically, convenience sampling is employed to gather data from shampoo consumers. This involves selecting participants wherever they can be found, typically in convenient locations like shopping centers. The researcher will approach individuals passing by outside shopping centers and invite them to take part in the study. The desired sample size for this research is 150 respondents.

The main objective of this research is to gain an understanding of the factors that influence shampoo selection and consumer purchasing behavior while also proposing methods to enhance shampoo quality. By combining quantitative and qualitative approaches with a suitable sampling technique, valuable insights can be provided for sales representatives and websites to make informed decisions regarding trade name selection. Furthermore, the study aims to examine how post-purchase services contribute to customer satisfaction.

A questionnaire included as Appendix 1 was used for gathering information from respondents. It consists of four sections: personal demographics; attitudes towards popular bottled water brands; factors influencing choice of bottled water; consumer purchasing behavior when selecting bottled water brands; and strategies for brand success and improvement.

Data collection was conducted

through paper-based surveys and face-to-face questionnaires.This method enhanced efficiency and cost-effectiveness by distributing surveys to a large number of participants. When participants were guaranteed anonymity, they were more likely to provide accurate responses, particularly when expressing opinions on contentious subjects. However, it is important to note that this study focused solely on Malaysian consumers aged 18-58 years old due to the influence of culturally-specific factors in Malaysia. Therefore, all information and findings derived from this study are only applicable within the context of Malaysia. Moreover, the research exclusively examined consumer purchasing behavior towards bottled water and did not consider other products with potentially different consumption patterns. Additionally, although certain demographic and psychological factors were analyzed, there may be additional variables influencing consumer purchasing behavior that were not taken into consideration. The findings from this research can be found summarized in Table 4.1, which presents an overview of the demographic factors among the 150 respondents. Of these respondents, 21% identified as female and 79% identified as male.In terms of age distribution, approximately 57% of respondents were between the ages of 18-28, while 23% fell within the ages of 29-39. Additionally, 18% were in the age range of 40-50, and only a small percentage (2%) fell within the ages of 51-58.

Racially, Chinese respondents made up roughly half (50%) of the participants. Malay respondents accounted for about one-third (33%), and Indian respondents comprised approximately 17%.

Religiously, Buddhism was the affiliation for the majority (43%) of respondents. Islam represented about one-third (33%) of participants' affiliations. Hinduism accounted for around 17%, and Christianity represented approximately 7%.

When it comes to academic qualifications, SPM qualifications were held by 30% of respondents. Certifications were

possessed by only a small percentage (5%). Meanwhile, diplomas were held by almost one-third (29%), and degrees were obtained by approximately a quarter (25%). Graduate students made up around 8%. The remaining portion (3%) falls into other categories.

Regarding occupation, most respondents identified as students at a significant majority rate of63%. Non-executives followed at16%, executives at11%, and professionals at10%. Therefore, pupils make up a large proportion.

Considering income distribution among respondents: Less than RM1500 constituted a substantial portion with63%, followed by RM1501-RM2500 with29%. A smaller proportion fell into RM2501-RM3500 with6%, while above RM3500 had4%.

Figure4.2 displays the percentages representing trade names purchased by150 people for bottled water. In Figure4.3, respondent preferences for different trade names are depicted. Sea Master is favored most often at55%, followed by Dasani at24 %and Spritzer at21 %. Respondents tend to choose mineral water over drinking water as they perceive it to be more natural and healthier for their bodies.Figure 4.4 illustrates the factors that impact consumers when purchasing bottled water. The primary factor, influencing 36% of respondents, is the design of the bottle. Following closely behind are brand reputation (21%), bottle quality (14%), brand name (13%), taste (11%), and price (5%). The significant influence of bottle design on consumer behavior highlights the importance for sellers to attract their target market through appealing bottle designs in order to increase sales.

According to Figure 4.5, the location of purchase plays a crucial role in consumers' decision-making process when buying bottled water. Sellers should strategically position their products at the right time and place for success. Convenience stores are preferred by 44% of respondents, followed by grocery stores (22%), hypermarkets (19%), and supermarkets (15%). This emphasizes how

convenience greatly influences consumer behavior.

Figure 4.6 demonstrates how factors like bottle design impact a respondent's decision to switch costs as shown in Figure 4.4, thereby affecting consumer buying behavior and influencing their choice of products. Some respondents prioritize bottle quality as they plan to recycle them after consuming the water. Understanding consumer needs and preferences is crucial for sellers to prevent customers from switching to competitors' products.

Lastly, Figure 4.7 reveals that most respondents purchase bottled water for health reasons because they care about their well-being.
In addition, some respondents find bottled water beneficial for their sporting activities as it boosts their energy levels. Figure 4.8 presents evidence that participants are willing to pay more for higher quality bottled water. This figure displays the percentage of respondents who are willing to spend extra money in order to improve the quality of bottled water, indicating that 74% of participants prioritize their health and are willing to incur additional expenses. Furthermore, there is a subset of respondents who prioritize financial gain over their personal well-being. However, only a minority of participants increase their consumption solely because they perceive bottled water's quality to be superior. Figure 4.9 visually represents the percentage of respondents who choose to consume more based on the quality aspect of bottled water. The results reveal that only 25% respond positively towards this idea, while the remaining 75% do not feel compelled to increase their consumption as they consider the recyclable nature of bottled water satisfactory. Additionally, Figure 4.10 illustrates the proportion of respondents actively engaged in recycling and reusing bottled water.The text discusses the influence of advertisements on consumer decision-making in the bottled water industry. It

highlights the significance of effective advertising campaigns for companies to boost sales and attract more consumers. The study identifies television, radio, newspaper, magazine, and broadcast as the most commonly utilized advertising mediums. Respondents perceive television ads as particularly impactful due to their creative and appealing nature. A notable portion of respondents agrees that advertisements have a significant influence on their decision-making process.Events and activities have an impact on consumer choices. The research examines attitudes towards three trade names in the bottled water category: Sea Master, Dasani, and Spritzer. Understanding consumer needs and desires is crucial for increasing company sales, so sellers should develop a business plan based on this understanding. Implementing the consumer purchasing decision process is essential; it includes recognizing needs, searching for information, evaluating options, making a purchase decision, and considering post-purchase behavior. According to Ajzen (1988) and Werner (2004), the Fishbein model is considered significant in this regard as it aims to establish consistency in studies regarding behavior, beliefs, intentions, and attitudes. Promotional activities and advertising are recommended to raise awareness and enhance brand image. The text emphasizes the importance of promotions in influencing consumers to switch brands and highlights the significance of water quality. Sellers should improve water quality by implementing filtration systems as many respondents value a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, using stainless steel bottles is recommended to promote the concept of reuse (3R), asserting that everyone has a responsibility to recycle and reduce waste while encouraging consumers to recycle their purchases and refill water to save money and minimize pollution.The text includes a list of references that cover subjects like quality costing, consumer perception of tap water and filtration devices,

mail and telephone surveys, sampling theory, belief and attitude theories, research methods in social sciences, marketing principles, measurement and evaluation techniques, communication theories, consumer decision processes, RADAR technology in radio detection and ranging mark acknowledgment. It also mentions freshwater resources management, social science methods and statistics. Additionally, it brings up administrative behavior studies, international marketing research topics,and the use of rhetoric analysis approach to market research society in Malaysia. Lastly,it proposes the creation of an institute to regulate all water bottlers for ensuring product quality and preventing misleading advertising. The mentioned sources are:

1.Ajzen.I. & Fishbein.M. (1980).Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior.Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
2.Ajzen.I. (1988).Attitudes,P ersonality,and Behavior.Open University Press:Milton-Keynes.
3.Ajzen.I.(1991).The Theory of Planned Behavior.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes , 50(2),179-211The text below provides various sources of information about bottled water. These sources include convenience sampling and frequently asked questions. The specific URL for one of the sources, accessed on March 23rd, 2012, can be found at hypertext transfer protocol: // markup language.

The sources mentioned in the text are as follows:
- Castillo, J. (2009). Convenience Sampling. Experiment Resources.Available at:
- Department of Health.New York State.(2006). Bottled H20 Frequently Asked Questions.Available at: http://www.wellness.province.New
- Melanie, C.N.D.Advantages of Bottled Water.

In addition to these sources, there are three additional ones mentioned in the text:
- Peter Y. (2010). Marketing Research.Available at:
- Rodwan, J. (2009). Confronting Challenges; U.S. and International Bottled Water Developments and Statistics for 2008.Available at: %202009.pdf.
- Sean, G.(2011)."Bottled Water Scorecard."Available on: hypertext transfer protocol://static.e Theory of Reasoned Action is discussed in Appendix 7.1, which can be accessed at the link: This appendix was accessed on March 23rd, 2012. Additionally, Appendix 7.2 is dedicated

to discussing the Consumer Buying Decision Process and is available at the URL: hypertext transfer protocol:// This appendix was also accessed on March 23rd, 2012.

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