Environmental Chemistry Test Questions – Flashcards

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What is the nucleus composed of
protons and neutrons
how big is the nucleus compared to the atom as a whole?

the nucleus is a very small volume compared to the volume of the atom but it holds almost all of the atom's mass


very dense

What is the relative mass of the subatomic particles?

Proton: 1.00727 amu

Neutron: 1.00866 amu

Electron: 0.00054858 amu

What is the notation for isotopes?


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Z


;X = the atomic symbol of the element

A = mass number; A= Z+N

Z = atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus)

N= number of neutrons in the nucleus

aside from zAX, what is an alternative notation for isotopes?



A=the mass number

How do you find the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons, given the symbol of an isotope?



Z = the number of protons

If there is no charge, the number of protons = the number of electrons

A-Z = N so subtract A from Z to get neutrons

if you don't know X you can use A and Z to get the number of protons and neutrons, then use a periodic table to find X

How do you calculate the mass number of an element?

use ZAX


A is the mass number


Mass Number (A) = #protons (Z) + # neutrongs (N)

A = Z+N


eg. Nitrogen-14 (14N) and Nitrogen-15 (15N) have mass numbers of 14 and 15

we could also write Nitrogen-14 with both the mass number (14) and the atomic number (7) ie. 147N


True or false:

isotopes are chemicall different




isotopes are chemically identical


True or False:


Isotopes have the same masses




Isotopes have different masses

What are five processes for radioactive decay?

Alpha Decay


Beta Decay


Gamma Emission


Positron Emission


Electron Capture

Describe alpha decay, what happens to atomic number and mass number as a result of alpha decay, and give an example of a nuclear equation for this process

when an alpha particle (2 neutrons and 2 protons, essentially a He nucleus) is lost


atomic number decreases by 2

mass number decreases by 4


22288Ra -> 42He + 21886Rn



Describe beta decay, what happens to atomic number and mass number as a result of beta decay, and give an example of a nuclear equation for this process

when a beta particle (fast moving electron found in the nucleus) is lost


atomic number increases by one

atomic mass stays the same


***different from electron capture because e- on right***

neutron changes to a proton

23490Th -> 0-1e + 23491 Pa

Describe gamma emission, what gamma rays are, what happens to atomic number and mass number as a result of gamma emission, and give an example of a nuclear equation for this process

when the nucleus rearranges, occurs whenever nucleus undergoes some other type of decay (alpha beta, positron emission, electron capture)

gamma rays are high energy photons


no loss of particles from nucleus

no change in composition of nuceus (same atomic # and mass #)





Describe positron emission, what postirons are, what happens to atomic number and mass number as a result of postiron emission, and give an example of a nuclear equation for this process

when an atom loses a positron in the nucleus


a positron is basically an anti-electron with a charge of +1 and a negligible mass


mass number stays the same

atomic number decreases by one


positrons result from protons changing into neutrons


2211Na -> 0+1e + 2210Ne

Describe electron capture,  what happens to atomic number and mass number as a result of electron capture, and give an example of a nuclear equation for this process

when an inner orbital e- is pulled into the nucleus

***anti-beta decay***

***e- on the left of equation***

no particle emission, but the atom changes

*same result as positron emission*

proton combines with e- to make a neutron


mass number is the same

atomic number decreases by one


20080Hg + 0-1e -> 20079Ag


What are the approximate contributions of various sources of radiation to our overall exposure?

man made and natural sources


82% - natural sources (Radon gas from the ground)

11%- inside the human body (Carbon-14)

8% - rocks and soil (uranium)

8% - cosmic rays from space (supernovas, higher up more exposure)

11% - medical x-rays

4% - nuclear medication

3% - consumer products

1% - other (phosphorus in fertilizer etc)

How does ionizing radiation affect bonds?

it knocks electrons from atoms or molecules

can generate highly reactive free radicals

how does radiation damage DNA?
it produces free radicals that are reactive and can alter the structure of the DNA which leads to mutations in the DNA th. these mutations affect cell replication that can lead to cancer, or if the mutations occur in gametes it can be passed on to offspring. Because DNA produces RNA which produces protiens, it can also lead to problems in protien production which can cause overall health problems.
How does wavelength relate to energy?

energy is inversely proportional to wavelength


electromagnetic radiation with shorter wavelength (gamma rays, X-rays, UV rays) are more energetic and thus more ionizing

How do alpha, beta, and gamma radiation compare in terms of penetration power?

alpha particles are the larges and can't penetrate through a piece of paper or skin. won't cause problems unless inhaled/injested


beta particles can penetrate more than alpha and can go through paper, plastic, and skin


gamma rays can penetrate the most and cause more diffuse radiation sickness. they can go through paper, plastic, skin, steel, and lead so it takes a lot to stop gamma rays from getting through.

is alpha, beta, or gamma radiation the most destructive?

alpha radiation is the most destructive because it is the most ionizing


due to its large particles/low penetration it does not transmit through skin, however if it is injested or inhaled it can be harmful (Radon gas = problem b/c we can inhale it)

what is a half-life?

the length of time it takes one-half the radionuclides to decay



how do you calculate the time to get a fraction of an isotope or the fraction of an isotope given the time?

the fraction of the orginal isotope that remains after a given number of half lives is 1/(2n) where n is the number of half lives


ex problems:

1. Radium-223 has a half life of 12 days. How long will it take for a 1.00 mol sample of 223Ra to contain only 0.25 moles of 223Ra?


.25mol÷1mol = 1/4 (1/2n) so n= 2 half lives

12 days x 2 = 24 days


2. what fraction of a 100mg sample of 99Tc remains after 2.0 days if 99Tc has a half life of 6 hours?


n= 2 days=((24x2hours)/6hours)=8hours

1/28=1/256=(1/256)x100mg=0.39mg remaining

How can the half-life of carbon-14 and tritium be used to date materials and what is the approximate half-life of each?

c-14 has a half life of 5730 years

tritium has a half life of 12.26 years


C-14: works by comparing the amount of C-14 to C-12 b/c C-14 is radioactive with a half-life of 5730 years

while living, the C-14/C-12 ratio is kept constant by the CO2 in the air being respired through the body but once dead the C-14 to C-12 ratio decreases, this can help with dating for things up to 50,000 years old


tritium can be used for more recent objects (up to 100 years) and works in much the same way where delicate instruments look for traces of tritum and compare with the amount in lving/current things to see how old it is.

How does nuclear transmutation generate new elements?

it uses a particle accelerator to bombard elements with small nuclei, protons, or neutrons, if the catch on it can cause a new element to be formed


this is how many of the obnoxious elements like Americum are formed

How are radioisotopes used?

food sterilizers - kill bacteria and don't do harm to body

tracers in physical, chemical, and biological systems (medical tracers)

* certain organs absorb most or all of a particular element so we can measure the amount absorbed by using tagged isotopes of the element and a Geiger counter. they use radioisotopes with short half-lives and use low ionizing radioisotopes (beta or gamma)

Why is radiation therapy used to treat cancer?
radiation is most lethal to dividing cells
How does radiation therapy target tissue?
with direct x-ray beams, implanted radioisotopes, or tracers
How does fission work?
it works because some nuclei are so unstable that if their nucleus is hit just right by a neutron the large nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei
How does fusion work?
it works by accelerating small nuclei to such a degree that they overcome their charge repulsion and are smashed together to make a large nucleus
How much energy do fission and fusion produce?
Huge amounts of energy by E=mc2
How does a fission chain reaction work?

it occurs when a reactant is also a product (in the fission process it's the neutrons)


basically, one element undergoes fission, producing new elements and neutrons, the neutrons hit other elements and cause fission, which releases more neutrons which hit more elements which causes more fission etc


it's like a game of marbles where if you hit it just right they bounce out of the ring



what is the critical mass?
the minimum amount of fissionable isotopes needed to sustain the fission chain reaction
what are fissionable isotopes used as fuel in reactors or nuclear weapons?
uranium-235 and plutonium-239
What is the natural isotope for uranium and what must be done to make it useable in a reactor or for a bomb?

it is naturally uranium-238 but it must be enriched to uranium-235 to be used in reactors and bombs



How does a nuclear power plant generate heat and control the nuclear reaction?

they use fission of U-235 or P-240 to make heat


the fission reaction takes place in the reactor core


fissionable material is stored in long tubes arranged in a matrix called fuel rods (subcritical)


between the fuel rods are control rods made of neutron absorbing material (B and/or Cd)

neutrons needed to sustain the chain reaction


the rods are placed in a material called a moderator used to slow down the ejected neutrons (allows chain reaction to occur below the critical mass)

What happened at Chernobyl?
In 1986 in Ukraine, during a safety test the cooling water supply stopped causing the temperature of the reactor to rise quickly. There were too few control rods and they could not insert them fast enough. The water and graphite produced hydrogen gas that exploded. It was not a nuclear explosion but radioactive fission products were released into the atmosphere
What are the different ways of handling nuclear waste and the benefits/problems of each?

It is typically stored near reactors which requires constant monitoring to ensure the integrity of the storage

Long term storage in ground, but must take care to avoid groundwater contamination, can also bring up environmental justice issues b/c of where they want to bury the waste (Yucca Mountain)

Isotopes may be used as fuel to produce lighter more stable elements (transmutation of waste) - this is currently not practical for volume and type of waste generated by reactors

Launching into space -dangerous due to risk of accident during launch (and expensive)

What is a breeder reactor?

breeder reactors produce fissionable fuel 233U or 239Pu from non-fissionable isotopes 232Th or 238U


they produce more fuel than they can use, this excess fuel can be used for energy, bombs, or power plants

What are the conditions for nuclear fusion?
high temperatures and large amounts of energy required to initiate, but should continue if you can get it started - currently impractical for energy production but used in bombs (thermonuclear devices)
Where does the sun's energy come from?
the fusion of hydrogen to helium
Which releases more energy: fusion or fission?
What kinds of bombs were used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
fission bombs aka atomic bombs
What are thermonuclear (hydrogen) bombs and how nuclear are they?

they are the most nuclear weapons available currently


they use fissionable material to initiate a fusion reaction between 2H and 3H

much of the energy released is still derived from the fission reaction

they are 1000x more powerful than the bombs dropped in Japan

What is the aftermath of a nuclear accident or bomb?

the radioactive materials in the bomb or the nuclear reactor are released into the atmosphere and can rain down for days and weeks over thousands of miles


the fission of these atoms can produce many products, most of which are also radioactive and some have long half lives


neutrons released can act on atmosphere to produce C-14, H-3 etc


the breakdown of U-235 can produce Sr-90, I-131, and Cs-37 which are all dangerous isotopes

why are Sr-90, I-131, and Cs-137 dangerous?

Sr is close to Ca on the periodic table and when injested it gets into bones however it only has a half life of 28.5 years so you will probably still be alive when it undergoes decay (and it will still be in your bones)


I-131 is dangerous because it tends to concentrate in the thyroid and in high concentrations can cause cancer. Its half life is 8 days (chernobyl decendents/survivors have high rates of thyroid cancer)


Cesium-137 has a half life of 30 years and can be distributed throughout the body, it is toxic in small amounts

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