Biological Anthropology Midterm 1 – Flashcards

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Chromosome number is reduced during mitosis. recombination. translation. meiosis.
Fitness trade-off refers to selection favoring which genotype? homozygous dominant. homozygous recessive. heterozygous. no genotype is favored.
The natural processes operating today are the same as the natural processes that operated in the past; this statement describes ____________. Catastrophism Modern Synthesis of Evolution Uniformitarianism Geology
According to Larsen (2014: Chapter 4) and class discussions, what is a polymorphic trait? Provide two examples of polymorphic traits in modern humans? Also give one example of a monomorphic trait. (short answer)
A polymorphic trait is one in which at least two alleles exist at a frequency greater than 0.01%. Polymorphic traits in humans include eye, hair, and skin color, ABO blood type, and PTC tasting. In contrast, a monomorphic trait is one in which a single allele has become fixed, so all individuals express the same phenotype for that trait. Monomorphic traits in humans include the number of limbs and digits and walking on two feet (bipedalism).
Why is the work of Alfred Russell Wallace considered when discussing the theory of evolution? He was an English naturalist who had arrived at many of the same conclusions as Darwin through his own research in the Amazon His work is not considered, as he was mistakenly credited with the theory of natural selection He was a British dog breeder who worked on artificial selection experiments in the same way Mendel worked on sweet peas to determine inheritance He was well known and gathered even more evidence to support evolution than Darwin, though from the Amazon rather than the Galapagos
He was an English naturalist who had arrived at many of the same conclusions as Darwin through his own research in the Amazon
Archaeology is ___________ the study of human evolution largely devoted to recovering artifacts and building museum collections the study of the behavior and material culture of past human societies All of the above
the study of behavior and material culture of past human societies
According to Clark Larsen (2014) in Chapter 2; why was Darwin's 1859 published theory of natural selection not widely accepted by his peers? What later scientific advance was critical to the subsequent broad acceptance of natural selection as a major force in evolutionary change?
Darwin's theory lacked a mechanism for the inheritance of desirable characteristics. Gregor Mendel discovered the principles of inheritance—that is, the basis for understanding how traits are transmitted from parent to offspring. Mendel's discovery that traits are passed as discrete units (genes) laid the foundation for our understanding of chromosomes and of population genetics.
DNA replication produces __________ four identical daughter cells. two identical daughter cells. two single strands of DNA. none of the above.
two identical daughter cells
In mammals, the male parent's gametes determine the sex of his offspring because ___________. the X chromosome originates only from females. sperm are more powerful than ovaries (eggs). the Y chromosome is present in males only. the X chromoseome determines sex.
The Y chromosome is present in Males only
While conducting research with a small population in South America, you note that an overwhelming majority of individuals exhibits signs of a specific genetic abnormality. This is most likely the result of _________ natural selection. founder's effect. extinction. gene flow.
founder's effect
According to Larsen (2014), bipedalism is considered one of the hallmarks of hominid evolution because _________ it was the first evolutionary development that distinguished humans from other animals it was possible only after the advent of simple material culture it followed brain expansion in human evolution it allowed hominids to come out of the trees and make tools 10 mya
it was the first evolutionary development that distinguished humans from other animals
Briefly discuss the forces of evolution as laid out in Chapter 2 and their role in evolution.
Natural selection, gene flow, genetic drift, and mutations Have greater influence on gene pool and lead to variation in the gene pool composition over time.
According to Chapter 3 in your textbook: Haplotypes are ___________. not likely to recombine during crossovers. likely to recombine during crossovers. genes that code for similar things. genetic material that comes from one parent only.
not likely to recombine during crossovers.
Larsen (2014) uses the lactose intolerance as an example to illustrate various types of genes and their functions, where he specifically points out that the gene responsible for lactose persistence among adults in Europe is a ________. structural gene. dominant gene. regulatory gene. Hox gene.
regulatory gene
Children living at high altitudes develop a larger chest cavity by adulthood than children living at lower altitudes. This is an example of ________. environmental adaptations that occur at the individual level. acclimatization at the individual level. developmental adaptations that occur at the level of an the individual during critical life stages. inheritance of increases in lung volume by high-altitude populations.
inheritance of increases in lung volume by high-altitude populations
Physical anthropology as a discipline is NOT concerned with ________ skeletal pathology primate behavior fossilized non-primate remains. human evolution
fossilized non-primate remains
As we discussed in class, how is a theory different from a hypothesis?_______ A hypothesis explains observations and cannot be refuted by new evidence A theory is an explanation based upon controversial facts A theory is an explanation relying on careful examination and has been tested A theory has been less thoroughly tested than a hypothesis
A theory is an explanation relying on careful examination and has been tested
As discussed in class and in your textbook; why is the incidence of sickle-cell anemia an excellent example of a balanced polymorphism, in which two or more alleles are maintained by natural selection in a population?
Homozygous normal individuals have healthy red blood cells (and hence normal oxygen distribution to tissues) but are susceptible to malaria. Homozygous abnormal individuals display sickle-cell anemia, a very serious disease that usually results in death before reproductive age. Those who are heterozygous are more fit in malarial environments, because they display only very mild symptoms of sickle-cell anemia (if any) and are much less susceptible to malaria. Hence the sickle-cell allele is maintained in fairly high frequencies in regions where malaria is common.
What is the evolutionary significance of meiosis?
Adaptation by natural selection depends on inherited variability. If individuals were genetically identical, there could be no evolutionary change by natural selection. Darwin was never able to pinpoint the source of the variation or how it was inherited. This was one of the major barriers to acceptance of natural selection by Darwin's peers during his lifetime. Mendel's work and the newer science of genetics provide the missing information. Owing to meiosis and sexual reproduction, genetic variation increases in populations. Each gamete contains just one chromosome from a homologous pair, and during reproduction each parent contributes only half of his or her genetic material. The random assortment of chromosomes in cells during the first meiotic division can result in millions of genetically different gametes. Crossover (exchange of pieces of maternal and paternal homologous chromosomes, or recombination) occurs during the reduction division, further increasing variability. This provides the essential genetic diversity required for natural selection to occur.
As defined in your textbook, a cline __________ is a continuous variation that follows a continuum. is a variation that falls into discrete categories describes the pattern of occurrence of trisomy 18. was used to describe human variation as early as the Renaissance.
is a continuous variation that follows a continuum.
Archaeology includes the study of __________ the use and social context of body language fossil plants and their closest relatives prehistoric societies and artifacts the relationship between humans and the universe
prehistoric societies and artifacts
Homologous chromosomes ________________ are genetically identical. carry genetic information that influence the same trait are inherited only from the mother. are members of different pairs.
carry genetic information that influence the same trait
Somatic cells are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT __________ each includes a nucleus. they are used in multiple tissues throughout the body. each contains half a copy of an organism's DNA. each contains a complete copy of all of an organism's DNA.
each contains half a copy of an organism's DNA.
According to Larsen (2014: Chapter 3), the expression of polygenic traits ________ is never determined by the influence of environmental factors. is determined by genes at several loci in conjunction with environmental factors. is determined solely by genes at two or more loci. is determined sorely by influence of environmental factors.
is determined by genes at several loci in conjunction with environmental factors.
List the six key attributes that make humans unique relative to other mammals.
Bipedalism nonhoning chewing complex material culture and tool use speech dependance of domesticated food
List four areas of specializations within the sub-disciplines of physical (biological) anthropology
Forensics Primate conservation Public health Substance abuse Epidemiology Aging
Genetically speaking and as we learned in Chapter 3, Microsatellites are _________ small satellite transmitters used in genetic research. useful for determining group but not individual identification. highly individualized repetitive stretches of nuclear DNA. were discovered by Gregory Mendel during his experiments with the peas.
highly individualized repetitive stretches of nuclear DNA.
According to Larsen in Chapter 1 in your textbook, environment refers to ________________ the connection between you, the climate, and your geographic placement social and cultural factors that have affected you the cultural identity of your family and friends Change in your physical location
social and cultural factors that have affected you the cultural identity of your family and friends
According to Larsen (2014) and lecture discussion, Thomas Malthus's contribution to natural selection is _______ the binomial taxonomic system of naming species the theory that the Earth's old age is based on geologic evidence resulting from cataclysmic events the theory that events like warfare, disease, and famine are necessary to control population size and thereby reduce the risk of depleting resources the theory that environmental resources are subject to population pressures
the theory that events like warfare, disease, and famine are necessary to control population size and thereby reduce the risk of depleting resources
According to Larsen (Chapter 3), homeotic (Hox) genes are ________. structural genes. responsible for the development and location of key body parts. responsible for determining sex of offspring. responsible for determining height during embryonic development.
responsible for the development and location of key body parts.
As we discussed in class and in your textbook in Chapter 2; what are the three observations of natural selection? Species change and adapt based on environmental pressure, individuals change within their lifetime, and offspring inherit the changes. Genetic drift, gene flow, and mutations provide the change necessary in populations that affect future generations. Organisms produce more offspring than survive, populations vary, and traits are inherited. The number of adults tends to remain the same over time, inheritance provides all of the genetic variation needed for future generations, and natural selection works on only the best of those adults in each generation.
Organisms produce more offspring than survive, populations vary, and traits are inherited.
As Larsen points out in Chapter 4, a point mutation that does not result in a change to the amino acid coded for is said to be a __________ spontaneous mutation. synonymous mutation. selective mutation. stabilizing mutation.
synonymous mutation.
True or false: Production of stone or lithic tools by humans is an example of subsistence strategies.
True or False: Functional adaptation occurs at the individual level throughout an individual's lifetime.
According to Larsen (2014 - Chapter 4), the clinal decrease in type B blood from East Asia to Western Europe is probably the result of _______ founder's effect. stabilizing selection. mutation. balanced selection.
founder's effect
Which of the evolutionary forces is most likely to decrease variation between populations? gene flow. mutation. natural selection. genetic drift.
gene flow
According to Chapter 2 and lecture notes, James Hutton is associated with _____ Adaptation Catastrophism Uniformitarianism Principles of heredity
Genetic adaptation ________________ occurs at the population level via natural selection. occurs at the individual level during childhood. occurs at the individual level throughout an individual's lifetime. involves using material culture to make living possible at certain settings.
occurs at the population level via natural selection.
When individuals of the same species are reproductively isolated, genetic differences may accumulate in sufficient number so that new species could emerge. Such an event would be an example of ____________ microevolution. natural selection. admixture. macroevolution.
As discussed in Chapter 2 and in our class; adaptive radiation occurs when _____ One species produces multiple closely related species several species adapt to one environment species radiate to different environments and adapt to the varying environment an individual adapts to varying environments
One species produces multiple closely related species
According to Larsen in Chapter 5, Wolff's law _________ is the principle that the lengths of limb bones are related to environmental conditions. applies to the maintenance of the endocrine system. accounts for the remodeling of bone when it is under stress. says that bone mass is taken away where it is needed and produced where it is not needed.
says that bone mass is taken away where it is needed and produced where it is not needed.
According to Larsen (2014), bipedalism is considered one of the hallmarks of hominid evolution because _________ it was the first evolutionary development that distinguished humans from other animals it was possible only after the advent of simple material culture it followed brain expansion in human evolution it allowed hominids to come out of the trees and make tools 10 mya
it was the first evolutionary development that distinguished humans from other animals
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