Physical activities can be seen as any movement of the body that spends energy. This comprises any movement you engage in during the day apart from lying down or standing still. Physical activities can range from the simple or rather obvious tasks we accomplish each day such as walking to different places, cleaning the house and compound to the more vigorous activities such as participating in sports. Exercise can be referred as a kind of physical activity but not all physical activity is exercise. Exercise is more routine and it is planned and structured with the aim of enhancing physical fitness. Engaging in regular physical activity aids in improving ones general health and fitness, while at the same time reduces the possibility of many chronic diseases in your body system. Scheduling regular physical exercises may seem difficult at first, but upon following some guidelines, for inst
...ance, in the physical activity strategies for Americans, you gain flexibility and freedom to attain the goals pertaining to your physical activity objectives through various kinds and quantities of activities every week.
Physical activities fight obesity. According to statistics, approximately 35.7% of the United States population suffers from obesity. Just to define what obesity is, it is the excessive accumulation of fat that compromises health. In addition, obesity has a variety of medical complications including cancer, stroke and diabetes and pulmonary diseases among many others. The causes of obesity vary in different people and may be in the dimensions of genetic issues, lifestyles or even viruses. Fighting obesity entails certain risks, with the adjustable risk factors comprising of physical activity, much intake of calories and lower socioeconomic class. Since obesity remain
a threat to majority of us, the change must begin with us to fight this condition. Carrying out physical activities frequently remains the most appropriate and achievable solution to everyone at risk or those who would not wish to be faced with this condition.
Physical activities are known to improve mental health and physical health altogether as well as helping to prevent a variety of chronic conditions. Whichever physical activity is preferable than none, one only needs to begin small and eventually develop. Physical activities have highly been recommended to prevent over twenty chronic conditions and ailments, majority of which are on the increase adn affecting a lot of population at a young age. This poses a great challenge to the nation as well as the growing population and calls into attention the necessity of abrupt consideration to participate in more regular activities than ever before for the sake of securing our future generation and promoting nations free of many complications due to failures in exercise.
Physical activities have a lot to contribute in managing and preventing cancer. A study conducted in the UK stipulates that lack of physical activities can cause three dimensions of cancer to occur in our bodies, for instance breast cancer, bowel cancer and womb cancer. The report further submits that the active woman is less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer compared to the inactive woman. Physical activity can reduce the bowel cancer by making sure that bowel movements are regular so that the cancer causing substances that may be present in undigested food pass via the bowel faster. It also reduces the levels of insulin and various growth indicators which
are more destructive at high levels and may promote the development of tumors. In a certain publication-landmark, 1996 entitled physical activity and heath, acknowledged considerable health benefits of frequent physical activity.
Another report as at 2000 referred to as healthy people enlisted some healthy indicators that involve physical activity as one of the key concerns for the general public health status. A certain branch of CDC’s department of nutrition and physical activity currently worked hand in hand with other national institutions to come up with guidelines for increasing physical activities cutting across a variety of settings and populations as well. Their report has some essential recommendations as to why we should be actively engaged in physical activities and the benefits thereof.
Physical activities are of paramount importance to the young and growing population. The truth is that as we teach and train our children on the importance of engaging in physical activities, they are most likely to continue in a healthy lifestyle. The mistake we do to our growing population is to train them on how to interpret programs on a television program for instance and keeping them more focused on the digital technology. However, we forget that as we introduce our children to participate and be active in physical activities, they are unlikely to abandon this habit even in their old age and the same will also be passed to their generation and the offspring behind them. Physical activity cuts across age adn are applicable to all without any limitation. It is never so late to engage in physical activity and tap the health benefits that come with it. However, as we grow older, physical activities
reduce due to commitments like work and parenting. We should nevertheless find time regardless of how tight our schedule.
Physical activities can be incorporated in different professions with the sole aim of reaching out to majority of the population. For instance, if nurses and doctors can assume this responsibility of enlightening their patients on the importance of physical exercise, perhaps they could help reduce the number of times such patients appear for treatment. Despite of our limitations based on the environments in which we live which forces us to only participate in the physical activities that are obvious, such as walking and cycling, we can gain more insights on how to enhance our physical exercises. For instance, we can avoid taking an automobile to town if it is a walking distance, we can advocate for more space alongside the busy roads to be put aside for pedestrians to walk or cycle. Small scale enhancements can also encourage physical activities such as lighting in the streets and also better road crossings.
Physical activities help in reducing the danger of heart disease where a number of studies have shown that habitual physical activities boost up high-density lipoprotein and reduces the unhealthy triglycerides which are the total amount of fat in an individual’s bloodstream. This keeps an individual’s blood flowing smoothly which reduces the risk of the cardiovascular illness. Physical activities prevent illness for instance it reduces the danger of type 2 diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, injury and colon cancer with most of the studies behind these findings. Depression as well as anxiety is also one of the benefits of physical activities as it improves mood as well as relieves stress
by lessening stress hormones as well as releases endorphins which is the individual’s natural feel-good chemicals. Various studies have shown that individuals who regularly do exercise do experience less signs of anxiety and depression than those people who do not exercise often. Both strength training and aerobic exercise have been established to be very beneficial in lessening depression.
It is not a secret that physical activity such as resistance training or else weight training can give an individual muscle that were never available in the body, but it had other important functional benefits. The benefits comprise of increasing and improving joint function, ligament and tendon strength, muscle as well as density. For instance it can aid significantly in managing along with preventing osteoporosis. Physical activities aid in loss of weight and do play a vital responsibility in controlling an individual’s weight. Whatever an individual eats contains calories and all that the individual does use calories. The more people do physical activities the more the calories they use. For instance uncomplicated forms of physical activities such as taking up the stairs instead of lift will burn additional calories.
The effect of the physical activities on an individual’s brain has been documented well and a recent study from the United States has confirmed that the activities have been very beneficial to the memory. Comparing a group of people who had exercised for a period of one month with those who never exercised and the study found that the group which was active performed well in memory tests. Running to the cabinet for medicine or else the doctor for the pill for sleeping is one of the methods to battle
insomnia, though aerobic exercise may be the best prescription. One of the study from state university in Oregon shows individuals who sleep considerably feel and better more alert if they do have 150 minutes of moderate to dynamic physical activities.
A research which was conducted by Harvard-affiliated Brigham as well as women hospital along with us cancer institute established that the more an individual engages in physical activities the longer the life span. The research of about 650,000 individuals over period of 10 years established that a period of 150 minutes of the quick walking one in a week can be equivalent to additional three to four year of life expectancy. In addition it found that people who are obese can enjoy the benefits of the physical activities. Through engagement in physical activities the individuals are more probable to live 3.1 years more than someone of normal weight who do not engage in any physical activity.
Physical exercises improve people sex life and according to one of the study which was carried out in the Arkansas University showed that physical activities boosts the flow of blood in the genital region which makes easier for ladies to hit the big O, and it is not just the women who get the benefits. Similar studies demonstrated that men do have good grounds to be fit too there by burning no less than 200 calories in a day can significantly lessen the risk of erectile dysfunction which sounds to be good reason for the men to be fit. In addition physical activities do not have to be only strict fitness exercise to decrease blood pressure or else lose weight. It
can additionally be a time is having fun with friends enjoy or else unwind the outdoors. Join community soccer teams, go for bush walking or else take a dance class. Physical activities always aid individuals in maintaining a happy and healthy life.
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