7/8 C’s of the Social Change Model – Flashcards
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Common Purpose (Groups)
Work with shared aim and values. Best achieved when all of the members in the group share in the vision and participate actively in articulating the purpose and goals of the leadership development activity.
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Controversy with Civility (Groups)
recognizes two fundamental realities of any creative group effort: those differences in viewpoint are inevitable, and that such difference must be aired openly but with civility. This is best achieved in a collaborative framework and when a common purpose has been identified. Controversy (conflict, confrontation) can often lead to new, creative solutions to problems, especially when it occurs in an atmosphere of civility, collaboration, and common purpose.
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Citizenship (Groups)
Individual effect have belonging purpose. Quality group can use to become effective. Groups with common purpose are more effective. Groups more effective works through conflict.
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Result of all the 7'cs. Whatever on your inside is your outside.The ultimate goal of the creative process of leadership - to make a better world and a better society for ourselves and others.
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