Effective Presentation Flashcards

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oral presentation
involve all of your communication skills from research through non verbal communication.the three step process can help you create more effective presentation and turn your public speaking anxiety into positive energy.
oral presentation.
delivered in person or online, offer important opportunities to put all communication skills on display, including research, planning, writing, visual design and interpersonal nonverbal communication.
planning presentations is like
planning other business messages, you analyze the situation, gather information, select the right medium, & organize information. its the same as in written communication projects.
1 hr presentations that uses 30 slides
allow 36 to 90 hours to research, conceive, create and practice. not every 1 hr presentation justifies a week or two of preparation but important presentation justifies a week or two of preparation.
analyzing the situation
involves defining your purpose & developing an audience profile. purpose of most presentations will be to inform or persuade , occasionally you'll need to make a collaborative presentation, such as when you are leading a problem-solving or brainstorming session.
knowing your audience's state of mind
will help you adjust both your message and your delivery. learn as much as you can about the setting and circumstances of your presentation, from the size of the audience to seating arrangements.
in addition to following the audiences's analysis
anticipate the likely emotional state of your audiences members that is. supportive, interested but neutral, uninterested, worried or hostile.
try to learn as much as you can about
the setting and circumstances of your presentation, from size of the audience to seating arrangements. as you analyze the situation, consider the circumstances , is audience in the room or online?, how many people will be present, how the seating will be set.
you can control environment to
minimize distractions. what equipment will you need. innovations in social media continue to reshape the nature of presentations.
selecting the right medium
spoken, is oral, . choices range from, live, in person presentations to webcasts, watch live or download later from your website, screen-casts which are recordings of activity on computer displays with audio voice over, webinars, use of of twitter as a back channel.
organizing your presentation
involves same tasks as organizing a written message. define your main idea, limit your scope, select the indirect or direct approach and outline your content. when people read reports, they can skip back and forth if their confused or don't need certain information.
however, in oral presentations
audiences are more or less trapped in your time frame and sequence. for some presentations, plan to be flexible and respond to audience feedback, such as skipping over sections the audience don't need to hear and going into more detail in other sections.
to determine audience size and composition
estimate how many people will attend. identify what they have in common and how they differ. analyze the mix of men and women , age ranges, socioeconomic & ethnic groups. occupations and geographic regions represented.
to predict the audience's probable reaction.
analyze why they are attending, determine audience's attitude towards topic: interested, moderately interested, unconcerned, open minded or hostile? . back up information that will impress the audience, tech data, historical information, financial data, demonstrations & samples.
predicting audience's probable reaction.
analyze the mood people will be in when you speak to them. consider whether audience has any biases that might work against you. anticipate possible objections or questions.
to gauge the audience's experience
analyze whether everybody has same background & level of understanding, what is already known on subject. background information. audience familiarity with vocabulary you intend to use. analyze expectations. think about mix of general concepts & specific details you will need to present.
if you cant express your main idea in one sentence
you probably haven't defined it clearly enough.limiting your scope ensures that your presentation fits the allotted time and your content meets audience needs and expectations. the only sure way to measure length of your presentation is to complete a practice run.
define your main idea, the key message
compose a one sentence summary that links your subject and the purpose to your audience's frame of reference e.g. convince management that reorganizing the technical support department will improve customer service and reduce employee turnover.
putting slant on the subject
one that directly relates to the audiences interest. focus on your audience's needs and using the you attitude, you help keep their attention and convince them that your points are relevant.
limiting your scope is important with any message
but vital with presentations for 2 reasons;- 1. you must work within strict time limits, for example, for demo & tech-crunch two influential conferences in which entrepreneurs present their business plans to potential investors, presentations are limited to 6 and 8 minutes respectively.
on limiting your scope
2. the longer you speak, the more difficult it is to hold the audience's attention levels, the more difficult it is for your listeners to retain your key points.
hybrid approach
in which you present key points in summary form and give people printed handouts with additional detail. whenever up against time or space constraints , view it as a creative challenge. such limitation can force you to focus on the most essential message points important for your audience
pecha- kucha
A presentation format that uses exactly 20 slides, and each slide is only viewed for 20 seconds. This format focuses on timing, brevity, and practice
choosing your approach
organize short presentations the same way you would a letter or brief memo , organize long presentations as you would a report or proposal
when choosing approach
with a well defined main idea to guide you and a clear idea about your scope of your presentation, you can begin to arrange your message . if you have 10 minutes or less, organize your presentation as you would a letter or other brief message.
use direct approach
if subject involves routine information or good news and use the indirect approach. if the subject involves bad news or persuasion. plan introduction to arouse interest and to give preview of what's to come.
body of presentation
be prepared to explain the who, what , when ,where ,why and how of your subject. in the final section, review the subject of your speech. longer presentations are organized like reports if purpose is to motivate or inform. use direct approach and structure imposed naturally by subject.
if purpose is to analyze, persuade, collaborate, organize your material
around conclusion & recommendations or around a logical argument. use the direct approach if the audience is receptive and the indirect approach if you expect resistance.
using the storytelling model
can be a great way to catch , and hold the audience's attention. in addition to planning your speech , a presentation outline helps you plan your speaking notes. look for ways to integrate storytelling into structure of your presentation.
the dramatic tention
not knowing what will happen to the hero. that is,... at the heart of effective story telling is a great way to capture and keep the audience's attention.
preparation outline
presentation outline helps you organize your message , serves as foundation for delivering your speech & preparing outline in several stages. 1. state your purpose & main idea, use these elements to guide the rest of your planning.
2. organize your major points & sub-points
in a logical order, expressing each major points as a single , complete sentence. 3. identify major points in the body first, then outline the introduction and close. 4. identify transitions between major points or sections , then write it in full sentence form.
5. prepare your bibliography or source notes;
highlight those sources you want to identify by name during conversations. 6. choose a compelling title. make it brief , action oriented, focused on what you can do for the audience.
many speakers prepare both a detailed
planning outline and a simpler speaking outline that provides all the cues and reminders they need in order to present their material. to prepare an effective speaking outline , there steps to be followed.
steps to follow to prepare an effective speaking outline
-plan outline, strip away anything you don't plan to say directly to your audience. -condense points and transitions to key words or phrases. add delivery cues e.g. pause points for emphasis or visuals. arrange notes on numbered cards or use notes capability in presentation software.
developing a presentation
presentation is not written word by word., one needs to engage in word, the writing process, developing ideas, structuring support points, phrasing transitions etc.
adapting to your audience
-involves a number of issues, from speaking style to technology choices.audience size, venue, i person or online, your subject, your purpose, your budget and time available for preparation all influence the style of your presentation.
if you're speaking to a small group,
people you already know, use casual style that encourages audience participation, a small conference room with audience seated around a table is appropriate. use simple visuals, invite audience to interject comments. deliver remarks in a conversational tone, using notes to jog memory if necessary.
if you are addressing a large audience
or if the event is important, establish a formal atmosphere. during formal presentations, speakers are often on a stage or platform, standing behind a lectern and using a microphone so that their remarks can be heard throughout the room or captured for broadcasting or webcasting.
composing your presentation
like written documents, oral presentations are composed of distinct elements, the introduction, the body and the close. an effective introduction arouses interest in your topic, establishes your credibility and prepares audience for the body or your presentation.
presentation introduction
good introduction arouses audience interest in your topic, establishes credibility and prepares audience for what will follow. give yourself time to develop words and visuals you'll use to get your presentation off to a great start.
getting your audience attention
to arouse audiences attention when discussing any topic, unite the audience around common goal. tell compelling story that illustrates important and relevant points, if structured like a story, don't give ending away.pass examples around by appealing to listener senses.
ways of getting audience's attention
ask questions that will get your audience thinking about your message. share an intriguing, unexpected shocking detail. open with an assuming observation about yourself, subject matter of presentation or circumstances surrounding presentation.
make sure humor is
relevant, appropriate and not offensive to anyone in the audience. give audience reason to care and believe that the time spent listening to you will be worthwhile.
building your credibility
establishing credibility quickly is vital because audiences tend to decide within a few minutes whether you are worth listening to. present credentials by being introduced by someone else, if introducing yourself, keep your comments brief but don't be afraid to mention your accomplishments.
previewing your message
good introduction gives the audience a preview of what is ahead. preview should summarize main idea of presentation, identify major supporting points and indicate order in which you develop those points. if using indirect approach, decide how much information to review in your introduction.
offer preview to help your audience
understand the importance, structure and content of your message. use transitions in the presentation body to repeat key ideas, particularly in longer presentations.
presentation body
bulk of presentation is in the discussion of the main points in your outline. no matter what organizational pattern you're using, your goals are to make sure that the organization of your presentation is clear and that it holds audience's attention.
connecting your ideas
by design cues, headings, paragraph indention, white space and lists. with oral communication, especially with no visuals for support, rely primarily on spoken words to link various parts and ideas.
for links between sentences and paragraphs
use one or two transitional words, therefore, because, in addition, in contrast, moreover, in contrast, for example, consequently, nevertheless or finally.
to link major sections of a presentation
use complete sentences or paragraphs, such as, now that we have reviewed the problem, lets look at some solutions. every time you shift topics, stress connection between ideas by summarizing what has been said previewing what is to come.
every time you sift topics
stress connection between ideas by summarizing what's been said and previewing what's to come. the longer your presentation, the more important your transitions. listeners need clear transitions to guide them to the most important points. brief interim summaries help audience pick missed information.
holding audience attention
introduction helped grab attention, now body needs to hold on to that attention . you need to keep relating your subject to audience's needs. anticipate & answer your audiences questions as you move along to avoid distractions. use clear vivid language, use variety of words, similar words puts people to sleep.
holding audience attention in presentation body
show how your subject is related to ideas audience members understand, give people a way to categorize and remember your points. if appropriate, encourage participation by asking for comments or questions.
best way to hold an audiences attention
is to show how your message relates to their individual needs and concerns.illustrate your ideas with visuals which enliven your message, and help you connect with audience
presentation close
critical because audience is waiting for the final words that will ring in their ears after wrap up. tell them that u are about to wrap up before closing your presentation so that they can listen intently. don't be afraid to sound obvious. in conclusion, to sum it up, indicates final stage.
restating main points
repeat main idea emphasizing what you want your audience to do or think, stress key motivating factors that will encourage them to respond. reinforce theme by restating your main supporting points. repetition of key ideas improves chance that audience will hear your message in the way you intended.
ending with clarity and confidence
close provides a clear warp up, if audience agrees on an issue covered in a presentation, briefly review the consensus, if they don't agree, make a lack of consensus clear by saying something like , " we have fundamental disagreement on this question," then suggest resolve.
if you expect any action to occur as a result of your speech
be sure to explain who is responsible for doing what. list action items and if possible within the time available, establish due dates and assign responsibility for each task. make sure final remarks are memorable and have right emotional tone.
effective visuals
they create interest, they illustrate complex points in your message and add variety and help the audience absorb and remember information. overhead transparencies, chalkboards and white boards and flip charts can all add value in right circumstances.
most business presentations use
Microsoft power point, apple keynote, google documents. Electronic presentations are easy to edit and update, you can add sound, photos, video and animations, which can be incorporated into online meetings, webcasts and webinars. - web semminars
focusing on making your representation simple
and authentic, will help you avoid the death by power point stigma, that presentations have in the mind of many professionals.
structured slides are usually based on templates
that give all the slides in a presentation the same general look, which involves a lot of bullet points: free form slides are much less rigid and emphasize visual appeal.
free-form slides often have
far less content per slide than structured designs, which requires many more slides to cover a presentation of equal length. structured slides are often the best choice for project updates and other routine information presentations, particularly if the slides are intended to be used only once.
well designed free-form slides
help viewers understand, process and remember the speakers message. three criteria researchers have identified important for successful presentations are.
successful presentations
providing complementary information through textual & visual means. 2. limiting amount of information delivered at any one time to prevent cognitive overload.
3rd criteria researchers have identified for successful presentations.
3. helping viewers process information by identifying priorities and connections, such as by highlighting the most important data point in a graph
advantages of structured slides
easy to create. choose an overall design theme for the presentation, select template for new slide and start typing. if in a schedule crunch, going the structured route might save the day because at least you'll have something ready to show.
use slide text to emphasize key points
not to convey your entire message.free form designs create dynamic, engaging experience for the audience. free form designs are mainly good for motivational, educational ,persuasive presentations especially when used multiple times thus compensate for extra time & effort required to create them.
writing readable content
common mistake is stuffing slides with too much text. it overloads audience with too much information too fast, takes attention away from the speaker by forcing people to read more, presenter has to use smaller type, which in turn makes the slides even harder to read.
designing graphics for slides
visuals for presentations need to be simpler than visuals for printed documents. visuals with details should be kept to an absolute minimum, eliminating anything that is not absolutely essential. if necessary break information into more than one illustration.
selecting design elements
color, background designs and artwork, foreground design and artwork, font and type styles.
critical design element that can grab attention, emphasizing important ideas, create contrast, and stimulate various emotions. more than just decoration, have meaning, based on both cultural experience and the relationship that established between the colors in your designs.
is the equivalent of paper in a printed report and should be open, spacious and simple, most presentation backgrounds are too distracting, a background should never get in the way of the informational elements in the foreground.
foreground designs and artwork
contain unique text and graphic elements that make up each slide. foreground elements can either be functional or decorative. functional include;- photos, technical drawings, charts and other visual elements. decorative art enhances the look of your slides so should be used sparingly.
Font and type styles
most computer fonts are difficult to read on screen, so they AREN'T good choices for presentation slides. type is harder to read on-screen than on printed page because projectors have lower resolution than typical office printers, sans serif font is easier to read than serif font.
design inconsistencies
confuse and annoy audience, don't change colors and other design elements randomly throughout your presentations
peaceful, soothing, tranquil, cool, trusting. background for electronic business presentations, usually dark blue, safe and conservative.
neutral, innocent, pure, wise. font color of choice for most electronic business presentations with a dark background. yellow on the other hand is warm, bright, cheerful and enthusiastic. text bullets and subheadings with a dark background.
passionate, dangerous, active and painful for promoting action, or stimulating the audience seldom used as background, refers to financial losses. green is assertive, prosperous, envious and relaxed. highlight and accent color. symbolizes money in USA .
you can animate
just about everything in an electric presentation, but resist the temptation to do so, make sure an animation has purpose. if you use transitions between slides, make sure they are subtle, they should do nothing more than ease the eye from one slide to the next.
let you build flexibility into your presentations. instructs your computer to jump to another slide in your presentation to a website, or to another program entirely. using hyperlinks is a great way to change the flow of your presentation in response to audience feedback
multimedia elements
offer ultimate in active presentations, using audio or video clips can be a great way to complement your textual message, be sure to keep these elements brief and relevant, as supporting points for your presentation, not as a replacement of it.
completing a presentation
allow enough time to test your presentation slides, verify equipment operation, practice your speech, handout materials. with a first draft, revise your slides to make sure they are readable, concise, consistent and fully operational, including transitions, builds, animations and multimedia.
complete your production efforts
by finalizing your slides and support materials, choosing your presentation methods and practicing your delivery. slide sorter is a great way to review a flow of your story.
help your audience follow flow of your presentation by
creating slides for your title, agenda and program details & navigation. title slides is the equivalent of a report's cover and title page. navigation slides, tell audience where you are going and where you've been based on outline and agenda.
navigation slides
help audience keep track of what you've covered already and what you plan to cover next. sometimes referred to as a moving blue print. alternative to repeating agenda slide, you can insert a simple bumper slide at each major section break, announcing the title of the section you are about to begin
best use of making use of limited time
is having a detailed handout, that is well integrated with your spoken message points in a good way to make the best use of your limited time in front of the audience.
choosing presentation method
best choice is speaking from notes rather than reciting from memory or reading prepared statement word for word, even if one memorizes entire speech, presentation will sound stiff and overly formal coz you are delivering lines rather than talking to audience.
memorizing a quotation
an opening statement, or a few concluding remarks can bolster your confidence and strengthen your delivery. reading presentations is a poor choice because it limits your interaction with the audience and lacks fresh dynamic feel of natural talking.
if you must read a prepared speech
print speech with triple spaced lines, wide margins and large type. speaking from notes, with the help of outline, note cards or visuals is usually the most effective and easiest delivery mode
you and your presentations are ready when
you can present your material naturally without reading slides. could still make a compelling and complete presentation if you experience an equipment failure, and have to proceed without slides. is your equipment working and do u know how to work it. is your timing on track.
back channel like twitter and other social media
is communication created by people in an audience to connect with others inside and outside the room, with or without the knowledge of the speaker e.g. texting with your classmates or live blogging during the a lecture. back channel presents both risks and rewards for business presenters.
how to make the back channel work for you
integrate social media into the presentation process. monitor and ask for feedback. review comment point by point to improve your presentation. automatically tweet key points from your presentation while you speak and establish expectations with the audience.
to ensure successful online presentations
preview study materials ahead of time. keep your presentation as simple as possible. ask for feedback frequently. consider the viewing experience from the audience's point of view. allow plenty of time for everyone to get connected and familiar with the screen they're viewing.
online presentations
give you a way to reach more people in less time, but they require special preparation and skills.
overcoming anxiety
preparation is the best antidote for anxiety, it gives you confidence that you know your material and that you recover from any glitches you might encounter.
techniques to help convert anxiety into positive energy.
stop worrying about being perfect. prepare more material than necessary. practice. visualize your success. breath. be ready with opening line. be comfortable. take three seconds break. concentrate on your message & audience, not yourself. maintain eye contact with friendly audience members. keep going.
quality of hire
a measure of how closely new employees meet their companies needs. many companies judge the success of their recruiting efforts by quality of hire
what employers are looking for
ability to perform the job. one has to be reliable and motivated, be a professional. a great way of of getting in the heads of professional recruiters is to listen to their professional conversations by reading periodicals such as workforce management.
researching industries and companies of interest
learning about professions, industries and companies through library and online sources is limited, companies are impressed by creative research, such as interviewing their customers to learn more about how a firm does business.
detailed research
including talking to customers is rare and will guarantee a hire. employers expect you to be familiar with important developments in their industries, so stay on top of business news.
gathering pertinent information
collect every relevant educational experience that adds to your qualifications, formal degrees, skills certificates, academic awards or scholarships, information about school or volunteer activities relevant to your job search. office held in any club, profession or organization, given presentations & online print publications.
selecting the best medium
expect to produce your resume in several media & formats. variations of organizing your resume include chronological, functional and a combination or the two
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