where the mountain meets the moon – Flashcards
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, why did Minli wish she was called by a name that meant gold or fortune?
Her village and her family were very poor and her mother was always sighing and depressed about their situation. (p2)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what were the only items of value in Minli's house?
Two old copper coins that were in a blue rice bowl with a white rabbit painted on it. (p3)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what kept Minli from becoming dull and brown like the rest of the village?
The stories her father told her (p3)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, In "The Story of Fruitless Mountain", where did the people get water before there were rivers?
From rain that was controlled by Jade Dragon. (p4)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, why did Jade Dragon stop the rain forever?
Jade Dragon heard some villagers complaining about the rain. (p6)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, when the lack of rain caused drought and famine across the land, what did Jade Dragon's children decide to do?
They turned themselves into rivers. (p7)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, when Jade Dragon realized what her children had done, what did she do?
She turned into the Jade River. (p8)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what does Fruitless Mountain represent in the story of Fruitless Mountain?
The broken heart of Jade Dragon. (p8)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, how long will Fruitless Mountain remain bare?
Until Jade Dragon is no longer lonely and is reunited with at least one of her children. (p8)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Each time Minli heard the story of Fruitless Mountain, what question did she ask her father?
Why doesn't someone bring the waters from the four great rivers to the mountain. (p8)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what is Minli's father's response to her question about bringing the four river waters together at fruitless mountain?
Jade Dragon would still not be reunited with her children because when her children turned into rivers, their spirits were released and no longer are in the water and Jade Dragon cannot find them in the rivers. (p8)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, why did Minli's mother not approve of the stories her father told her?
She felt it made Minli impractical and caused her to daydream. (p9)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Minli asked her father what would make Fruitless Mountain green again, what was his answer?
He said she would have to ask the "Old man of the moon". (p9)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Minli hated the constant hot grueling work to plant the rice plants every day, what made her not complain?
Seeing her parents work patiently at it day after day without complaint. (p11)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did Minli wish for her family?
That she could change their fortune and would not have to work so hard every day and still have nothing. (p12)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What was the peddler selling in Minli's village that he said bring fortune into their home?
Goldfish (p12 )
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Minli asked the peddler how a goldfish brought fortune into the home, what was his answer?
He said, having a bowl of goldfish means your home will be full of gold and jade. (p13)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did Minli pay for the goldfish?
She used the two copper coins from the white rabbit rice bowl.
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why was Minli's mother so upset about her purchasing the goldfish?
Minli spent all her money and now there was another mouth to feed when they barely had enough rice to feed themselves.(p16)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Minli asked her father what it would take to bring fortune into their home, what was his answer?
That is a question you will have to ask the Old man in the moon. (p17)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, In the story of the Old Man in the Moon, what was Magistrate Tiger's most coveted wish?
He wanted to be of Royal Blood. (p19)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did Magistrate Tiger plan on making his wish come true.
He planned on doing whatever he could to marry his son to a member of the Imperial Family. (p19)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What is contained in the old man in the moon's book of Fortune?
All the knowledge of the world, past, present and future.(p20)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Who did the man in the moon tell the Magistrate Tiger his son would marry?
The daughter of the grocer in the next village. (p21)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What does the Old Man in the Moon use red thread for?
He ties people together that will eventually meet. (p21)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, when the Magistrate Tiger's son married, how did it happen that he married into the Imperial family but also the grocer's daughter as the Old Man in the Moon predicted?
The grocer's daughter was orphaned and adopted by the Imperial family when she was young. (p24)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Where does the Old Man in the Moon live?
On top of Never-Ending Mountain. (p24)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, how did Minli discover the way to Never Ending Mountain?
The goldfish told her. (p28)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why did Minli set off on a trip to find Never Ending Mountain and the Old Man in the Moon?
She wanted to bring fortune into her home and bring life back to Fruitless Mountain. (32)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When Minli left her home to find the Old Man in the Moon, what did she use the needle, rice bowl, bamboo and water for?
She used the items and made a compass to find her way as the goldfish told her to do. (p34)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why did Minli walk all night the first night she left home?
She wanted to travel far enough away from home that her parents could not find her. (p35)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did Minli's parents know what direction to go when they set off looking for her?
A small boy in the village told them she was headed toward Fruitless Mountain with a pack and then they found footprints heading into the forest.(p38)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When Minli followed the stream of salt water, what did she discover?
A dragon in need of help and the salt water was the tears of the dragon. (p42)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When Ma and Ba, Minli's parents thought they heard Minli moving through the forest, who did they find?
The goldfish man that had sold Minli the goldfish. (p45)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why had the monkeys tied up the dragon?
He wanted to go into the forest to the peach grove but the monkeys would not let anyone have the peaches because they are greedy. (p47-48)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why did Minli suggest the dragon go with her to see the Old man in the moon?
Because the dragon couldn't fly and Minli thought the Old man in the moon could tell the dragon why. (p48)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How was dragon created?
He was originally a painting given to Magistrate Tiger in exchange for cancelling of taxes for one of his villages.
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why did the painter of dragon paint him on the ground and without eyes?
He was painted on the ground to represent the magistrate's wealth weighing him down and no eyes because if the eyes were painted in the dragon would come to life.(52-53)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What happened when the magistrate painted in the dragon's eyes?
The dragon came to life and escaped into the forest. (p58)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When Minli's parents told the goldfish man that her trip to find the old man in the moon was impossible, what did the goldfish man tell them?
He told them how he went to see the old man in the moon to change his age of his death from nineteen to ninety-nine.
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did the goldfish man's grandmother tell him to do when she saw in her fortune telling that he would die on his nineteenth birthday?
He needed to get a fine bottle of wine and make a box of sweets and take them to the Old man in the moon, do not say anything until he speaks first. (p64)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did the goldfish man give Ma and Ba before he left them?
A bowl with a goldfish in it. (p67)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When Minli rode on the dragon, what did she hold onto?
The round ball about the size of a small melon on top of the dragon's head. (p70)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did the dragon make a fire when he and Minli made camp?
He would scratch his claws against stone. (p74)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did Minli and the dragon get past the monkeys to the peach grove?
Minli cooked a pot of rice and covered it with a fishnet. When the monkeys reached through the opening in the net to get the rice, their hands would not fit through the net with a handful of rice, they refused to let go of the rice because they were so greedy and so were stuck . This allowed Minli and the dragon to pass by them safely. (p77)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Who told Ba to tell the story of the paper of happiness?
The goldfish given to them by the goldfish man. (p80)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When Minli and the dragon were traveling through the peach grove, where were they headed?
To the City of Bright Moonlight. (p89)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What was Minli to get from the Guardian of the City when they reached the City of Bright Moonlight?
The borrowed line. (p 89)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, In the story of the dragon gate the fish told Minli and the dragon, what happened to a fish that was able to swim up the waterfall and through the dragon gate?
The fish would be turned into a flying dragon. (p93)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why did Minli go into the City of Bright Moonlight without the dragon?
The fish that told them about the dragon gate told them that the people in the city would not take kindly to a dragon in the city. (p95)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Where did the buffalo boy tell Minli she could find the king of the City of Bright Moonlight?
In the inner city where the palace was located and only the king and officials lived. (p98)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why did the buffalo boy tell Minli she would have to wait a year to get into the inner city to see the king of City of Bright Moonlight?
The only time you could get into the inner city was during the annual Moon Festival and it had already happened that year. (p100)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When the buffalo boy took Minli home what did they have for dinner?
Bamboo shoots and peaches. (p103)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When is the only time the buffalo boy get to see his friend he met at the lake?
Only the nights of the full moon when she visits her grandfather. (p 108)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What work does the buffalo boys friend do?
She spins thread for her grandfather, that is what she brings to him on the night of the full moon. (p 110)
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Where does the buffalo boy's friend tell him Minli can find the king of the City of Bright Moonlight the next day?
At the Market of Green Abundance. (p113)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did Minli do with the copper coin she brought from home?
She bought a peach at the Market of Green Abundance for a poor man from a vendor that refused to give him a peach. (p121)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did the poor man do with the peach pit?
He planted it, stuck a small stick into the hole where the pit was planted and poured water over it. The stick quickly turned into a peach tree and then quickly produced large ripe fruit while the people watched. (p122-123)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did Minli notice was happening to the greedy vendor's fruit as people picked the peaches from the magic tree?
As peaches were picked, peaches from the vendors fruit stand disappeared. (p124)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did Minli realize the poor man was actually the king?
When she reached for his sleeve, she caught a glimpse of a gold dragon hidden by the sleeve. The dragon and the buffalo boy told Minli the only people allowed to wear a gold dragon are the imperial family. (p125)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did Minli get into the inner city?
She followed the poor man (king) through a secret doorway in the wall that surrounded the inner city. (p 127)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did the king think the "borrowed line" was that Minli was seeking?
He thought it was a portion of a page from the Book of Fortune that his great-great- grandfather, magistrate tiger, ripped out of the book when he was angered by the Old man in the moon when he learned his son would marry a grocer's daughter. (p 137)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why did the King of the City of Bright Moonlight consider the torn page, handed down from generation to generation more valuable than gold or jade?
The words on the paper changed according to the situation at the time and the kings would consult the paper when there was a problem. (p 139)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What was written on the paper when Minli and the King looked at it?
"You only lose what you cling to." (p140)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Why was the original name of the city, City of Far Remote, changed to the City of Bright Moonlight?
The King's great-great grandfather realized the only way to see the writing on the paper from the Book of Fortune was to view it in bright moonlight. (p138)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did the King decide to do with the paper?
Give it to Minli. (p142)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Who spoke to Dragon outside the gates of the City of Bright Moonlight?
The lion statues guarding the city. (p144)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What was the stone ball held by the stone lion?
The city that the lions were guardians over. (p147)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When the stone lions asked for help from the Man in the Moon, what did the Man in the Moon give the lions?
A red thread of destiny. (p148)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did Dragon think the red thread the lions had was?
The borrowed thread Minli was searching for.(p149)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, When Minli and Dragon were sleeping in the cave, what woke Minli and attacked her when she went outside to investigate?
A tiger. (p159)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What caused Dragon to get very sick?
The tiger slashed Dragon with his claws causing the illness. (p165)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did the girl and boy get rid of the green tiger?
They tricked him into jumping into a well. (p174)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Who treated the Dragon's wounds?
The grandfather of Da-A-Fu the girl and boy that killed the green tiger. (p180)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What was the medicine made from that was given to Dragon?
From the leaves of the flowering trees growing around the village where Da-A-Fu live. (p194)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What did A-Gong realize the green tiger was?
The spirit of the magistrate that had demanded the secret of happiness from A-Gong's ancestors. (p196)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What gift did the people of the Village of the Moon Rain give Minli?
A warm jacket made out of patches taken from each person's coat. (p207)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, What was the name of the village where Da-A-Fu lived?
The Village of the Moon Rain. (p 183)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Who led Minli and Dragon from the Village of the Moon Rain to Never-Ending Mountain?
Da-A-Fu, the twins from the Village of the Moon Rain. (p206)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, why did Da-A-Fu think the Old Man of the Moon live at the top of Never-Ending Mountain?
It looked like the top of the mountain reached the moon (p218)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did Minli get a message to the Old Man of the Moon?
She created a kite and flew the message up to the Old Man of the Moon. (p219)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what items were used to make the kite to fly to the Old Man of the Moon?
The two borrowed items, the page from the Book of Fortune and the string of Destiny, and chopsticks. (p219)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, when Minli and Da-A-Fu flew the kite up to the top of Never-Ending Mountain, why did the children think it was a magic string?
They thought it would run out way before the kite would get to the top of the mountain but the string seemed to endlessly unwind. (p220)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, when Minli flew the kite to the top of Never-Ending Mountain, what did the string turn into?
A bridge (p222)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, "The Story of the Dragon Pearl" explains the creation of what?
The moon (p231)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, why could Dragon not ask the Old Man of the Moon a question?
He could not cross the bridge because he was too large and heavy. (p234)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what greeted Minli as she approached the end of the rope bridge that took her to the top of Never-Ending Mountain?
A rabbit (p237)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, in "The Story of Wu Kang" why did Wu Kang keep moving from one place to another?
Once Wu Kang mastered a task or skill he was wanting more and moved to a new location to learn a new skill. (p239-241)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, in "The Story of Wu Kang" what did Wu Kang's son suggest to him to do to satisfy his want for more?
To become Immortal (p241)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, in "The Story of Wu Kang", who did Wu Kang approach to teach him become Immortal?
The Old Man of the Moon (p241)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, in "The Story of Wu Kang", what lesson was the Old Man of the Moon trying to teach Wu Kang when he had him chop down the silver tree?
The lesson of contentment and patience (p 243)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, at the top of Never-Ending Mountain Minli discovered that the seeds that fell onto Moon Rain Village came from where?
The tree that Wu Kang chopped down each night. (p 244)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, when Minli saw the Old Man of the Moon at the top of Never-Ending Mountain, what was surrounding him?
Small clay figures tied with red thread spread out like a spider web around the Old Man of the Moon. (p246)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, how many questions did the Old Man of the Moon allow Minli to ask him?
One (p248)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, the Old Man of the Moon told Minli someone comes to ask him a question how often?
Every ninety-nine years (p248)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, when Minli approached the Old Man of the Moon and saw the book open in his lap, what page did she recognize in the book?
The borrowed line (page) she had gotten from the King, the same page she had made into a kite to fly to the top of Never-Ending Mountain. (249-250)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what word did Minli see on the page of the book when she visited the Old Man of the Moon at the top of Never-Ending Mountain?
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, Minli went to the Old Man of the Moon to ask how to change her family's fortune but when the Old Man of the Moon allowed her only one question, what did she ask?
Minli asked why Dragon couldn't fly. (p250)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, when was the only time Ma and Ba found comfort while Minli was gone?
When Ba told stories, because if felt like Minli was there listening with them. (p251)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what story did Ma tell?
She told the story of her family,how she was dissatisfied with their life, how it made Minli leave home in search of fortune, and how she realized the things she cherished such as her daughter, made life worse once she was gone. (p254)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, how long did Dragon wait for Minli to return from seeing the Old Man of the Moon?
Three nights (p256)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what did Minli do to Dragon to make him able to fly?
She removed the ball from the top of his head. (p257)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, why did Minli not need to ask the Old Man of the Moon her question?
She said, "because I don't need to know the answer" (p259)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, when Minli and Dragon were flying home what flew past them?
An orange dragon (p262)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, where did Dragon leave Minli to walk home?
At the foot of Fruitless Mountain. (p264)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what did Minli offer to Dragon but Dragon refused when she started walking home?
The ball from Dragon's head (p265)
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In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, what spoke to Minli as she entered her home from her trip?
The goldfish. (p265)
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