What Epilepsy Is And How To Deal With It Essay Example
What Epilepsy Is And How To Deal With It Essay Example

What Epilepsy Is And How To Deal With It Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 2 (284 words)
  • Published: May 2, 2018
  • Type: Case Study
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Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder and affects people of all ages Epilepsy means the same thing as "seizure disorders" Epilepsy is characterized by unpredictable seizures and can cause other health h problems Epilepsy is a spectrum condition with a wide range of seizure types and control 01 varying from prepossession Epilepsy is a chronic disorder, the hallmark of which is recurrent, unprovoked seizures. Many people with epilepsy have more than one type of seizure and may have other homonyms of neurological problems as well.

Sometimes EGG testing, clinical history, family history and outlook are similar among a group Of people with epilepsy. In these situations, their condition can be defined as a specific epilepsy syndrome. The human brain is the source of human epilepsy. Although the sym


ptoms of a seizure may affect any part of the body, the electrical events that produce the symptoms o occur in the brain. The location of that event, how it spreads and how much of the brain is affect d, and how long it lasts all have profound effects.

These factors determine the character of a seizure and its impact on the individual.

Having seizures and epilepsy also can also affect one's safety, relationships, w ark, driving and so much more. How epilepsy is perceived or how people are treated (sting ma) often sis bigger problem than the seizures. A person is diagnosed with epilepsy if they have had at least two seizures that were not caused by some known and reversible medical condition like alcohol withdraw al or extremely low blood sugar.

The seizures in epilepsy may be related to a brain injury or

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family tendency, but often the cause is completely unknown.

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