What are Humans Doing to Stop Animal Cruelty Essay Example
In my investigation, I am focusing on the treatment of animals and the ongoing efforts to prevent abuse. Unfortunately, numerous innocent animals suffer and perish due to mistreatment globally. However, there are committed individuals who work tirelessly to aid these animals, and I am enthusiastic about examining their initiatives. Particularly, I find interest in understanding why elephants are killed for their horns, tigers being targeted by hunters, and domestic animals being exploited for entertainment or as acts of vengeance.
In a world without animals, human existence would lack companionship and be dull. It is important to recognize that humans themselves are classified as animals. This raises the question of why harm should be inflicted upon a species that shares our classification.
The authorities have been informed about approximately 71% of reported cases of animal abuse.
...This highlights the importance of making professionals aware of such incidents so they can intervene promptly and prevent cruelty towards animals. The PAWS act provides shelter and housing assistance to domestic violence survivors with pets, preventing the annual slaughter of 198 animals and benefiting 198 individuals. Global awareness campaigns against animal cruelty, including posters, have inspired many people to adopt vegan lifestyles. A protester from Hartford County, Connecticut emphasizes that products like soap, shampoo, or lip balm should not involve injecting, poisoning, or shooting animals.
100 million animals die from animal testing-both wild and domestic, with about 150,000 reports in a day within 27 seconds. Governments (in countries like America) have decided to create laws that must be accepted by everyone. Three of the common ones are: no hunting, no experiments on animals, and no zoos or animal entertainments should be
Problems and Solution
Many people in the world have feelings for animals and believe they deserve rights, while many do not. There should be peace between the human world and animal world, but countries like Canada allow people to kill and eat animals that they own.
Various measures, including the implementation of animal cruelty laws, have been taken to prevent harm or discomfort caused by pet owners. Some households now consider their pets as family members rather than possessions. This has led governments, including India, to introduce strict regulations ensuring animals are treated with respect. Failure to comply with these laws in India can result in cruel acts such as beatings, abuse, or even death.
In addition to enforcing animal cruelty laws, the Indian government actively promotes vegetarianism and bans the consumption of animal meat. Furthermore, Anita Roddick has established a store that offers skincare products free from cruelty. These products come in different container sizes and sample options are also available.
Since then, cruelty-free shops such as Lush, Bath & Body Works, Milani, and others have been created due to the influence on people.
In my opinion, individuals who are inhumane do not take animals seriously except for their use as food. They argue that animals are lower on the food chain and overlook the option of consuming vegetables instead. During my research, I had hoped that animal welfare would be a priority for most people worldwide and that they would work hard to prevent animal cruelty. While countries like India and Hong Kong have strict laws against animal cruelty, the rest of the world seems less concerned. In the past, fear of hefty fines
prevented many individuals from being caught consuming animals. However, modern laws are now less strict and countries like Canada show little regard for endangered animals.
Before starting the essay, I believed that people would have more concern for animals due to their general care for the world and its environment. However, my disappointment grew when I saw discouraging search results on Google. Some debate websites featured arguments about whether animals should have rights and be protected from abuse. Unfortunately, there were always some individuals with negative perspectives.
Summary and Conclusion
In summary and as a conclusion, I firmly believe it is unfair for animals worldwide to be abandoned by heartless pet owners and left to fend for themselves in the streets. While many compassionate people take them to animal shelters when they witness their loneliness and hunger, not all animals are lucky enough to receive help. Additionally, I have encountered cases where some people lack knowledge on how to properly care for their pets or other animals. They may neglect adjusting collars correctly, leading to tightness, or fail to provide proper grooming which can result in potential diseases. Nevertheless, a few individuals have taken action against animal abuse and cruelty in order to reduce global animal fatalities.
Different countries like India, Hong Kong, China, and others are implementing strict regulations to fight against animal abuse. At the same time, people are actively participating by distributing posters in their communities to raise awareness and discourage irresponsible behavior towards animals. These efforts aim to highlight the mistreatment of animals and make a positive impact on society.Additionally, there are various websites available to promote the reporting of instances involving animal cruelty to
the relevant authorities. The sources for further information on this topic include:
- https://awionline.org/content/animals-family-violence
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/animals/rights/rights_1.shtml
- https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/our-animal-cruelty-laws-need-to-catch-up-in-2018/article38109498/
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/29/rspca-animal-cruelty-caseload-rises-to-almost-150000-investigations
- https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/how-indias-sacred-cows-are-beaten-abused-and-poisoned-to-make-leather-for-high-street-shops-724696.html
-< a href="ttps:/ / www.biographyonline.net/business/anita-roddick.html ">https://www.biographyonline.net/business/anita-roddick.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anita_Roddick
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animal-emotions/201103/caring-about-animal-abuse-has-lot-do-human-psychology
-< ahref = "ttps:/ / animalsake.com / animal-abuse-statistics "> https: //animalsake.com / animal-abuse-statistics
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