Vino Kulafu (Kulafu Wine) Health Benefits Essay Example
Vino Kulafu (Kulafu Wine) Health Benefits Essay Example

Vino Kulafu (Kulafu Wine) Health Benefits Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (918 words)
  • Published: February 1, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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About the product

  • Vino Kulafu is the Philippines most popular Chinese wine.
  • Named after a legendary Filipino jungle hero Kulafu.
  • The brand has become a byword in Visayas and Mindanao, especially for its health benefits. Vino Kulafu is is appreciated from its 50 proof, 25% alcohol and 14 authentic traditional botanical herbs combined through a special distillation process to attain a well-blended herbal aroma.
  • Manufactured by Ginebra San Miguel, formerly La Tondena Inc.
  • It is considered as the main elixir of peasants in the countrysides of Visayas and Mindano.

Competitive Information Sioktong Sioktong was the brand name of the medicinal wine that was the flagship product for many generations of Destileria Limtuaco, a distillery that was founded by a Chinese immgrant named Lim Tua Co.

Within two year


s after his arrival in 1850 Lim Tua Co concocted a secret recipe that he carried with him from AMoy. It was a concoction of bittersweet herbs that was in the family for five generations. It was first named Vino de Chino, then later Sioktong. It was distilled in 135 Gandara Street, Binondo for many years. It became a bestseller for its legendary qualities of imparting stamina in the same way that energy drinks are consumed now. Sioktong has many popular qualities among the rural folk that consume it in prodigious amounts.

A Pinoy komiks character by Rico Bello Omagap for example was named Susanang Siyoktong who was a toughie girl transformed into a beautiful girl by the alcoholic elixir she ingests. Vino Kung-fu In 1852, a young chinese kung-fu master brought to Manila the secrets of making medicinal wine using secret herbs. Thus, Vino Kung-fu was born. Energy giving Siok

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Tong that tastes good. Highly recommended for good health. Drink Vino Kung-fu for V-igor and V-itality. Viagro Viagro is a Philippine liquor manufactured by Tanduay Distillers. Its competitor is Sioktong distilled by Destileria Limtuac.

It is a type of vino de Chino and positioned in the marketplace as a liquid Viagra alternative. Its label showing a naked muscular Filipino he-man with a languidly posed mestiza seems to profer sexual tonic benefits. It is 50 proof and contains aqua cinnamon, cardamomum, asparagus, red dates and esoteric Chinese herbs such as wu kar pee, sum thoy, chuen kung, tung kwi, sock tee and par che. Its trademark was registered on March 10, 2003. Industry Analysis Alcohol Industry in the Philippines Manufacturing * Manufacturing of beer and liquors is one of the most profitable industries in the Philippines.

Four of its manufacturing companies i. e. San Miguel Corporation, Tanduay Distillers, Ginebra San Miguel and Asia Brewery has been consistently among the top Asia Brewery has been consistently among the top 75 among the top 1000 corporations in the country. * Despite recorded economic downturn and gloomy outlook for the Philippine economy, sales and consumption of alcoholic drinks are found to remain high and are projected to expand positively. This is due largely to the increasing disposable incomes among the young and the emerging influence of Western pub drinking. Massive and aggressive advertising helps the alcohol industry achieve its optimum sales were 80% of cost for every bottle is spent on advertising. Tradition * Alcohol drinking has been traditionally associated with happiness, success, thrill and sexual prowess, especially for the males’ contemporary images of the young and the women emerging. *


is projected as part of the day-to-day lives as portrayed in soap operas, basketball leagues, comedy shows and music video channels. Total recorded per capita consumption of Filipinos is 3. 5 liters of pure alcohol for those of pure alcohol for those 15 years and above and increases by 10% every year (Filipinos only third to Thailand and Japan Figures for moderate and heavy drinkers among the young and women from 2001-2004 are found to be increasing, still with more males at 6. 6% and women slowly catching up at 3. 4% * 60% of Filipino youth ages 13 years and above have taken or are taking alcoholic beverages—79% males and 21% females. * 38. 9% of Filipinos are occasional alcohol drinkers, * 11. 1% are regular drinkers (13% males and 5. 9% females) * 4. 8% are heavy drinkers (6. 6% males and 1. % females)

Drinking is still more acceptable among young males, and those likely to drink are those who are not living with their parents, whose parents approve of drinking, who frequently attend social gatherings or parties, bars and discos and those who do not normally take part in any sport activity. Beer Festivals For the past two decades, October has been designated as beer-month where beer festivals are celebrated in major cities of the country with famous rock bands. To manifest its extreme and growing popularity among the Filipino youths, last year’s beer festival ran for 3months—from September to November.

Beer festivals are largely attended by the young—college students, young professionals, both sexes. Minimal police records on both petty crimes and traffic police records on both petty crimes and traffic violations are

found during this time and in these areas. Alcohol Drinking Patterns Among Filipinos Filipinos drink to socialize (45. 5%), to remove stress and burden (23. 8%), or just be happy and gain pleasure (17. 5%). Roman Catholicism from the Spanish colonizers has entrenched not just a religion but a culture with collective joyous festivities and celebrations followed by dining, drinking and merrymaking.

Alcohol drinking is portrayed with positive images and focus on Filipino values—thirst quenching, bonding, friendship, camaraderie, unity, youthfulness, fun and excitement. In more rural and remote villages alcohol is used as a substance with healing properties. Addiction becomes highly possible with level of deprivation high, the opportunity to overcome it is low. Relaxing, unwinding and loosening effects of alcohol is compatible as well with the natural inhibitions of Filipinos.

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