Use of Twitter in Communication between KFC and McDonalds Essay Example
The following project is a clear explanation of how different businesses use Twitter to communicate. Twitter is a social media where people link with their passions, find out what is happening around the world and also share their opinions. Individuals are in a mindset of discovery especially when they are on Twitter. The main aim of connecting to Twitter is to interact openly with different new businesses. The research focuses on a brand research from KFC and McDonalds. Both companies easily respond to complaints, launch various campaigns, and promote their sales and also respond to queries regarding their businesses. The project fully focuses on how the two brands present themselves differently on Twitter. We also find out the type of messages the two trademarks send out to Twitter and how they can compare. From this, the research investigates on how the tw
...o companies can improve their brand messaging. The public however has different sentiments about the two brands. We find out how differ people talk about the names. Finally, the social network also maps on comparing the two chosen brands. The NodeXL is used to answer all questions that draw towards the social network towards the two brands.
In the following study, we used the NodeXL to analyze the Twitter social media. Social media includes the different ways through which people connect to different individuals through computation. Social networks, mobile devices, texting, emailing and micro-blogging which helps people to locate and share few ways through which people engage in the computer-mediated and collective actions. People form many collections of connections as they link, follow, like, reply, comment, retweet, rate, tag, edit, twit and as they tex
each other. All these collections contain some network structures which can be analyzed, visualized and also extracted. The primary results of these actions can help to insight into the size, structure and some major positions in these different networks (Mat, Rafeah & Mohamad 78). Twitter social media form a broad range of terms where people can talk about the different news of the day from all over the world. People can also talk about celebrities, companies like KFC and McDonalds, technology or even about sports. As people use Twitter, they engage in forming networks as they follow each other, reply and also mention one another.
All these connections appear in the texts of each and every tweet and through request lists sent by the users who write each tweet from the Twitter network. The research bellow will show clearly how KFC and McDonalds use the twitter platform to engage with their customers, promoting their business or even appreciating their customers. The data from the report was collected, visualized and also analyzed from Twitter by the use of NodeXL, which is a free and open add-in for the Excel 2007/2003/2010. The research project which is from NodeXL was determined to create open data, free tools and also some open scholarship that are related to social media. The primary purpose for using NodeXL network is to help in analyzing the overview of the network, explore and also discover the importance of twitter in businesses (Mat, Rafeah & Mohamad 456).
The tool helps in the automation of the flow of data that starts with the collection of network data and also by moving through several steps that end on visualizing
the processed network and also some critical reports. NodeXL allows the non-programmers to generate useful statistical systems faster through metrics and visualization in the framework of the familiar Excel spreadsheet. Finally, a simple filtering and display of flexible attribute occur that helps in creating critical network structures The NodeXL enables the fast execution of data workflow that takes place in five steps. The process starts with the collection of data which is got from different network data sources, analysis of the data, visualization storage then it is finally published.
Demonstration of the Network Analysis Data Flow
On collecting data from Twitter for the two brands, we used an MSc project that we used to monitor, collect and analyze all the data from KFC and McDonalds Twitter page. We explored on all the posts, likes, shares and also the comments. We focused mainly on the retweets and the public tweets (Mat, Rafeah & Mohamad 65). We looked at the people’s suggestions about the services of the two brands. In our data collection, we used the sentiment analysis technique to verify the people’s comments regarding the tweets. We then sampled all the data collected since we did not want to bias on the results. We conducted several surveys to come up with complete analysis of tweets, we took two complete weeks to complete our Twitter survey.
Coding Schedule
A coding schedule was also undertaken where we were able to identify and check for some reliability of the tweets and also the errors people commit while tweeting. Some of the main errors that we found necessary to avoid are:
- One is that an individual should make sure that there are no categories
that tick in more than one box.
The developed of the coding schedule was as the following: 1 is the promotional messages for the customers, 2=is the feedback to the customers and 3=others issues concerning the company. In the sentiment analysis of the two brands, the maps reflect an international market that is well flooded. The KFC map rises upwards showing how the various sectors are involved in giving the products for the consumers. The foods and beverages are also reflected through the comparative analysis of the services and the SWOT of MacDonald’s and the KFC.
Research Findings
On investigating on the ideas that people use to see the KFC and McDonalds Twitter accounts we were able to look at the tweets sent by the two companies and how they do it. We were able to look at a hundred randomized tweets from KFC and the sentiments of the analysis results. On the other hand, we also analyzed the emotions from McDonald's users and analyzed their results (Aish & Alec 45). It is important to note that through my highlights of the separate McDonalds Corporative account that is @McDonalds Corp, the mind is quite monotonous and monopolistic compared to that of KFC. The McDonalds account is much ahead of that of KFC by the way they tweet. The tweets from the brand appear around 15 times in a row regarding its monopoly promotions. A popular competition appears on its tweets and has a great history, but the tweets dilute the semi-interesting offers they give.
McDonalds has several monopoly
tweets that leave one wondering whether McDonalds is aware of the absolute importance of a tweet. McDonalds brand's tweets so many times about their promotion making their tweeter account monotonous (McMichael & Brian 76). By looking at the tweets from McDonald, I was keen to note about tweets of a Happy Meal and others tweeting of efforts to make it healthier. Tweeting more of this could easily give them a stronger voice.
On the other hand, KFC dominates on some heaving feed backs with several retweets from their followers, fewer promos and more jokes. KFC also links its tweets to their Facebook account where they can talk about charitable work. KFC tactic of some good trending hashtags and jokes is quite significant to keep lots of their customers looking at what is trending from their twitter handle (Pepinsky & Thomas 87). KFC gives its customers a better opportunity for blowing their chicken trumpet. The public sentiments about the two companies compare on Twitter through the chicken the two brands sell. The two brands have a chicken war that is brewing where McDonald seems to have stepped ahead into the KFC's world. The tweets show that the chain of chicken is not only a lay down and the two companies are trying to fight over getting trampled. Customers of McDonald are seen to appreciate their tasty Chicken McBites.
We can clearly see how it is touting its Spiced Chicken McBites. KFC customers, on the other hand, are facing a threat on their horizon of their business. From KFC sentiments, users are happy with their boneless chicken. For instance "@inkling Wait for tweets…I thought everyone had a passion for
boneless chicken (Aish & Alec 98). Is it just me?" The war might lead to a slowdown in their business, especially in the down economy. In the sentiment analysis of McDonalds, we see a client complaining about their cheese that is not melted. Contrary compliments from customers are a set back to the brand which therefore gives KFC a strong stand to make sure it provides its clients with quality stuff. Again there is another setback from McDonald where a worker is complaining about a situation where he cannot work on an empty stomach. McDonald has to ensure that all employees are fed well for quality results and better cooking to beat KFC.
The KFC map rises upwards showing how the various sectors are involved in giving the products for the consumers. The foods and beverages are also reflected through the comparative analysis of the services and the SWOT of Mac Donald’s and the KFC. To find the details about the favorite foods of everyone, we also look at the graphs representing competition for KFC and MacDonald’s. The brief history for the map shows KFC having leading foods through the SWOT analysis. From our research, we requested NodeXL to add an edge which could be used to describe a connection between the two Twitter users especially when they follow, mention or even reply a tweet to one another (Mat, Rafeah & Mohamad 90). Different data about each user was therefore selected together with the content of some latest tweets that have been chosen and were to be added as data sets.
From the comparative analysis of KFC management and McDonalds the features expose some positive orientations that
target their customers. From the RQ1 analysis Mcdonalds randomized 100 brand tweets that are seen to dominate the market by promotional issues. The features of McDonald’s management strategies show that most people are engaged in direct consumption through their comments (McMichael & Brian 87). As depicted by the line charts, the highest volume of the daily mention pick shows that KFC was around 650 then followed by 270 and 250. On the other hand, the social network map for McDonalds illustrates that the daily activities for the burger king was mostly sold from 6PM to 12AM then from 12PM to 6PM to 12PM respectively.
The RQ1 randomized tweets for KFC show how the company engages with its customers to seek information to better its services for its clients. The customers also engage in making jokes where they enjoy KFC services.
From the sentiment analysis for the two brands, KFC is seen to lead in the online presence since it leads by capturing a high share of voice especially from RQ2 sentiments of the users. The Branding from the Sentiment analysis of KFC serves as a tool that enables the company to build its own identity. The sentiment analysis helps KFC to communicate its products, their trustworthiness and their business reputation. On the other hand, the sentiment analysis for MacDonald’s shows how the marketers for the company uncovers all the indicators that reveal some directions of the market trends which were previously not able to address. The company sentiments show the weaknesses the company faces in their marketing strategy and how it engages in targeting its market.
The social network maps illustrates information about the business reputation and responsibility
by the customers. In this case there is the use of the Ego Networks that mostly focuses on connecting to a specific user. The Ego Network show that there is 1-degree that connects a person to his friends. The 1.5 degree ego network on the other hand shows a connection from you to friends and some connections between friends. The 2-degree ego network shows connection between friends of friends. The social network for KFC is so much over clustered since it is receiving a lot of feedback from its customers. Most of the information in the Social network map for McDonalds is dispersed. The company engages mostly in promoting its brands on Twitter and therefore there is no much customer interaction by the customers. The main important position for the network is that it helps in promoting brands, it acts as a search engine optimizer, and finally acts as a digital marketing platform for the two organizations. The two brands are able to get potential customers when they look at the social network maps.
Metrics and other ranges of the data processing occur in steps that are then calculated and later performed through the use of some automated features. Automate dialogues then provide a better summary of steps and other operations that apply to network graphs.
Several networks can, therefore, be decomposed to smaller sub-groups or even regions that are based on various ways of groups of vertices or even users that connect to each other. Several networks, however, can readily decompose to smaller sub-groups or even regions that are based in the way different groups of users and vertices relate to each other. All these approaches,
however, can divide all the ways that connect people to each other more than to other groups. Networks have some several dense interconnected and separate groups of individuals who connect more easily than to the others.
From the research, it is clear that KFC and McDonald use Twitter as a social media platform to communicate with their customers. People always like to feel important by getting new information and being involved in business activities. The social media sites act especially since a platform where people can engage with each other through Tweeting. Twitter can be a great place for several businesses like KFC and McDonalds, where business activities take place making it advantageous for consumers to be acknowledged (Mat, Rafeah & Mohamad 56). Throughout the research, I have taken a close look at all the events that take place on Twitter accounts for KFC and MacDonald's and found out that the interaction of the companies with their potential consumers is quite encouraging. It is, however, necessary for the companies to make the social media tactic a better platform which they can use to better the services they offer to their consumers. Both KFC and McDonald's companies are however not fully utilizing their accounts.
The two companies, however, try to respond to the customers thoughts. The reason as to why many businesses ignore the customers complains is because most clients complain for no reason. It is also hard to respond to everyone. KFC and McDonalds have to make necessary efforts to ensure that they respond to all the negative feedbacks they get from their clients. From the research, it is also evident that KFC is also facing some
problems in the market situation. On the other hand, McDonalds is also experiencing some challenges which need some direct and fast solutions. It is the mandate of all the companies to ensure that they offer good foods to their clients to avoid complains. The Brands should use Twitter to better their business activities for a better tomorrow since other competing brands are developing on the daily basis.
All the consumers have the right to deliver their complaints via social media. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the brands to respond to all the complains performed by the customers at the right time. Since the companies are looking to be more economical, it is their mandate to focus on bettering the way they deliver their products and demands to their customers. MacDonald's, for instance, has come up with McBites and other types of food staff to deal with the economic changes. The company, therefore, needs to change on how it communicates with its clients. Instead of focusing on promotional issues on Twitter, it is necessary to ensure that it responds to all the queries brought forward by customers as expected. The main aim of this research, however, was to find out how all these businesses use Twitter to operate their businesses. The Twitter survey conducted and recorded on the Nobel is quite an evidence that companies use Twitter to communicate to its clients.
Critical Reflection
The use of Twitter by KFC and MacDonald's was however not an exhaustive audit nor was it scientific. From my perspective, all the feed backs are somehow a coping mechanism. I can, however, suggest that the KFC account is quite recommendable on how it
responds to the client’s complaints and issues (Pepinsky & Thomas 23). MacDonald's should avoid the problem of focusing on promotions since the customers are of much importance than the advertisements they carry out on the daily basis. Twitter is always a simple platform for the brand users. It is a blogging tone where people use it to communicate about how they feel about the services offered by the companies. MacDonald should be at all costs avoid being monotonous on its tweets. Companies are at a high rate of competition where all the brands should concentrate on offering better services to their customers. One can wonder whether there are so many Monopoly tweets if McDonald's is acutely aware of some perceived value about the tweets that people get. KFC has a better feedback towards its clients (McMichael & Brian 45). It offers more retweets of its followers where people make more jokes and also some less stiff promos.
Most of their customers can look at the trends of their feedback, and this gives them a better opportunity for them to blow the chicken a trumpet. The Twitter brands is an area where people can express their feelings towards a company. If the goods are however right, then there is no need for a company to lose much when they are trying to tweet back in a driveling. KFC also tweets some cool pics and stuff. The history of KFC is also great which they should maintain at all costs. MacDonald's, on the other hand, has good photos of burgers, but nothing else is better from them. All the two Brands should work to enhance and better their
weaknesses at all costs as they interact with their clients. The Twitter platform continues to get bigger and therefore all these companies should use the opportunity to enhance their capabilities in customer care. I am confident that the companies will work on better interactions with their clients confidently without ignoring any complaints or feedback brought to them.
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