US Hist 2 Roosevelt – Flashcards

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1) Evaluate the context as well as the economic and ideological forces that helped compel the United States to pursue imperialism.
b. Philosophical reasons behind imperialism. c. Herbert Spencer (said "survival of the fittest"). Spencer writes about applying Darwins ideas to society. Fittest=rich. Thought the best thing to do would be let richest have lotsa kids so soon no poor ppl and only americans are smart and rich. Rich ppl liked them. Society is better if rich get richer and have lotsa kids→ idea called eugenics, THE idea of the time. d. Hitler used eugenics as Germans top race, since then no one likes eugenics cause Hitler's a dickhead e. Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan- thinks US needs a stronger navy (all powerful nation needs a strong navy for shipping, trading). Looks to Britain- best navy. Japan- island, also created a powerful navy. US needs to get going! We need to catch up and also build strong navy! f. John Fiske- epitome of US nation is white race. Sun never sets on Britain! Cause Britain has so many colonies in different time zones, very proud. Before wanted to be separate from Britain, but then Britain becomes more powerful, Brit has good navy to get along with them. g. Even Theodore Roosevelt wanted Euro-Americans to have lotsa babies so Fiske's idea would come true h. Josiah Strong- Christian. Thought Christianity is epitome of white culture, cause all powerful, white nations are Christian. Said US has obligation to take care of poor ppl around world, educate them about our culture (White Man's Burden)
2) Describe the reasons why the United States acquired Alaska.
b. Aquired it because we hoped that by acquiring Alaska we'd get Canada, not for oil. Wanted to get territory all around Canada, then eventually get Canada. Never happened. Also didn't want Russia to have colonies in NAmerica. Purchased Alaska from Russia, ppl mad cause thought all Alaska was ice & snow. Little did they know it had oil & beautiful scenery.
3) Explain how US economic policy devastated the economy and government of Hawai'i. Explain why its annexation was so controversial and why the United States annexed Hawai'i in 1898 anyway.
b. First humans on Hawaii was 1200 yrs ago c. 1790- Polynesian kingdom, no euros/amers. Soon lotsa euro/amers come for trade, missionaries (become Christian), oil. d. Russia, Britain, France, Amercs seek political influence but don't succeed e. Many Hawaiians affected w/ Lepracy, spread. Hawaiian pop feichang decreased f. Asians come to Hawaii for jobs cause of sugar production. US had a duty free policy, sugar produced in Hawaii is treated like it was grown in US, so growth encouraged. Sugar production in Hawaii grew dramatically. g. 1890 ended import of Hawaiian sugar to US, Hawaii devasted cause have lotsa sugar and no one to sell it to. (Secret plan to seize Hawaii??) h. Pearl harbor attractive to US, good port. US wants port, Hawaiian monarchy resists i. Dole (dole pineapple) make provisional gov, apodts constitution in Hawaiii j. Liliuokalani 9queen) offers better constitution, but doesn't have as many guns as Dole. Us resusts Dole- says its not right to do this, but mood in US changed, become increasingly in favor of imperialism. Also some Hawaiians wanted cause then wouldn't have to pay taxes to trade sugar to US. Finally annexes Hawaii- SCARED JAPAN WOULD TAKE OVER. Hawaiians wanted to be own country, Us ignored.
4) Evaluate the role newspapers played in American imperialism and draw important lessons of what this teaches us today.
b. instrumental in getting ppl excited about war (didn't actually start war) c. NY Journal & NY World compete for readers. Each make outrageous headlines
5) Describe the principal military engagements of the Spanish-American War.
Involvement based on desire for imperial gain. Kkinley's speech created mood for imperialism. News papers made that more intense. Maine exploded, killed americans, ppl said cused by Spanish so blamed. US went to war As soon as war broke out, Roosevelt sent out telegram to Us military in China, sail to phillipines. Defeats Spanish fleet stationed in Manila harbor, tries to gain phillipines for US. Americans b. America principally mad at Spain for being imperialist towards cuba c. Maine ship on coast of Cuba (Spanish territory), then blows up. Newspapers thought it was Spanish, blamed them. Probably wasn't, no one really knows why blew up. US wanted to believe Spanish blew it up cause wanted to go to war w/ Spanish. Congress declares war on Spain d. Newspapers super excited- makes titles big and bold. e. US goes to phillipines . Very short war, ppl died from diseases not cuase shot from Spanish. US won? f. Theodore roosesvelt wanted war, thought US needed it. War starts, but only lasts 114 days g. Before war officially started, US goes and captures Spanish boast in Philippines in case of war.
6) Compare and contrast the principal arguments of imperialists and anti-imperialists. (The debate will help with this).
b. Imperialists- need Philippines to facilitate trade in CHina i. Bring Christianity to Philippines ii. Cant give them to Spain, cant give them to other euro powers, cant leave them alone so have to work with them ourselves! iii. National glory c. Anti-imperialists- not right Anti-Imperialists: Acquisition of colonies would corrupt America's principle that people should be self-governing; America would be seen as inconsistent as they liberated Cuba but if not Philippines; Philippines would be impossible to defend if foreign power attacked the Philippines"
***7) Explain why the Teller and Platt amendments were so significant.
b. Teller amendment- congress disavows any desire of US to control Cuba. Congress won't let US take over Cuba, give Cuba its independence c. Platt amendment- US established protectorate over Cuba, would go away in 4 yrs. However, amendment prohibited Cuba's independence. Amendment said: -Cuba cant take away its independence by signing a treaty with anyone else, -not go into too much debt (enough for gov to repay in their revenues), -US can intervene in cuba whenever they see fit, Cuba also gives US land to mine for coal, & naval bases (ie Guantanamo Bay)
8) Explain the Open Door Policy.
Set of rules that allows US to have freeER trade in China. Brits go along, no one else does b. Announced by US, way for US to have more access to China because Japan, Russia, Germany, and France were taking advantage of China's weakness. Each country had certain parts. SO all countries could go in and trade. d. US was late in the game. Proposed rules that would allow US trading ships more access to Porcelain, Tea, Silk e. British supported for selfish reasons; ignored by everyone else f. already had many Chinese ports, weren't intimidated g. 1900 Boxer Rebellion - US helped resolve the problem and enhanced its status
***9) Explain how Puerto Rico became a unique commonwealth.
Puerto Rico annexed by US, Spanish had it, lost during SPanish-Amer war. Cuba granted independence (technically), but Puerto Rico doesn't. Becomes territory of US, under US control. Later on, little by little gain more rights to govern itself (elected legislature, elected gov). Right now it's a commonwealth. Like a state but mor independent than a state because has own gov, but has US$ & Foreign policy. b. Aquired PR right around time of Philippines acquisition. Served as a "US outpost qguarding the aproad to the Caribbean sea" In order to serve as a gateway to carribean?? c. Established a gov on the island. Residents made citizens of PR, not (yet) made citizens of US d. not a territory, use America $$ but gov on own & a little more autonomous e. They voted to remain commonwealth in the US, and not become independent "Purpose of Puerto Rico being acquired by America: To serve as American outpost that guards against foreign approach to Caribbean Sea and other canals in Central America Anecdote of Puerto Rico becoming a commonwealth: Forsaker Act of 1900 established government on Puerto Rico (PR) where the president appointed the governor and the executive officials; residents of PR were declared citizens of PR and not citizens of America; Jones Act of 1917 enabled American citizenship and made both houses of legislature elective; governor of PR became elective in 1952; PR becomes commonwealth in 1952"
10) Assess the characteristics and the foreign policy accomplishments of Theodore Roosevelt as President.
-Energetic. -Avid imperialist -Wanted to use American military stuff a lot -Avid traveller (had $$ to do it) -Loved outdoors avoided problem of ppl becoming too soft -Tough guy (tried to compensate for loss of mom&wife by being tough) -Foreign policy reflected his personality -support spanish-american war. Left position to fight in cuba (before Pres) -Roosevelt Corollary ammendment to Monroe doctine- Euros can't intervene in Latin America. Corollary says US CAN whenever they see fit. -Intervene in Panama Canal b. Resolved war with japan (?) c. Theodore roosesvelt wanted war, thought US needed it. War starts, but only lasts 114 days d. "Mr. Imperialism" e. Built Panama canal f. He was imperialist, racist. Made some countries hate us. g. He meddled in other countries (ie DR debt, Jap-Russ beef) "Roosevelt made it so that America would take its responsibility as a world power, and did so by stretching both the Constitution executive power to the limit, by claiming that the president can do whatever not expressly forbidden on the Constitution Roosevelt took almost every issue in moral and patriotic viewpoints. Disabled war from conflagurating between Russia and Japan by initiating a meeting between the two countries Roosevelt's Corollary: Roosevelt argued thta the Monroe Doctrine prohibited intervention in the Caribbean, therefore America had the rights to intervene and forestall foreign involvement Big-Stick Diplomacy: Roosevelt's take on foreign policy; to negotiate backed by a threat of force (military). Roosevelt (TR)'s effort to influence American power around the world was accompanied by racist ideologies of major politicians Characteristics: Political reformer, environmentalist, obsessive hunter, racist, militaristic liberal Accomplishments: Extension of executive powers, regulation of big corporations, Hepburn Act in 1906: Enabled the power of setting maximum freight rates for the railroads to the ICC. Meat Inspection Act of 1906: Enabled requirement of federal inspection of meat for marketing and power of imposing sanitation standards in processing plants by government officials. Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906: forbade manufacture, sale, and transport of adulterated, harmful, or fake foods, drugs, and liquors."
11) Explain why and how the US acquired a portion of Panama.
b. Panama canal was an overland route to California goldfields c. A canal through Central America would ease movement of naval ships and trade btw Atlantic and Pacific d. Us negotiated treaties with France and the UK to take over construction of a canal e. The US negotiated a treaty with Colombia, but refused to pay what Colombia wanted ($25mill) f. Panamanians insurrect against Colombia, US help them so Panamanians allow US to build canal g. Canal completed in 1914 h. Control of Canal given back to panama i. However, this constant meddling of US in other countries affairs annoys panama
12) Describe how US relations with Japan evolved during the Roosevelt administration.
If Japan acknowledges US control of Philli, US acknowledge Japan control of Korea a. Japan thought Russia threatened what Japan wanted to do in China and korea. Tried to drive Russians back into Manchuria. Roosevelt intervenes to help facilitate a settlement. Both end up leaving Mannchura, but Japan gets concessions b. Become distrustful though, Japanese kids in US instructed to go to separate schools. Japanese complain, Roosevelt says ok, but make sure Japanese immigrants to US are people who have previously lived in America, or been interested in American agrictulture for a long time. Basically limit japanese c. 714-715 (don't need to know names of treaties, need to know content) "The Russo-Japanese War: Japan defeats Russia and signals for negotiated settlement; Theodore Roosevelt (TR) sponsored peace conference, and the treaty made (Treaty of Portsmouth) was predominantly Japan sided. The effect of Japanese victory: America feared that Japan would take over America's Philippines; therefore, America made agreement with Japan in 1905 that in return for America recognizing Japanese control of Korea, Japan denied any plans concerning the Philippines (Taft-Katsura Agreement) Mutual distrust: America and Japan was in mutual distrust; Theodore Roosevelt made sure Japanese immigrants would not come into America"
****13) Explain the Roosevelt Corollary and give examples of how it was implemented.
Monroe Doctrine is supposed to protect the Western Hemisphere from Europe In 1902 British, German, and Italian gunboats clocked Venezuela's ports because they had defaulted on it debts to foreign beholders -America worried that the Europe intervention in Latin America would lead to intervention here, in America -Roosevelt issued a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine stated that the US had the right to exercise international police power to end chronic unrest in Western Hemisphere -American intervention where necessary in the western hemisphere -"walk softly and carry a big stick" -Be diplomatic and friendly but have a lot of support to get you ideas across Roosevelt tried to make it seem like a good thing How Implemented: In nicaragua, US intervened militarily. Remained there Go into panama Cuba protectorate a. US policy saying since the Monroe doctrine prohibits European intervention in the region, the US was justified to intervene cause were not European! b. Japan recognizes that the US has the Philippines
14) Describe the important role played by settlement houses in cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
b. houses in poor citiies run by middle-upper class ppl. Wanted to do good stuff for less fortunate ppl so created settlement houses. Had them in lotsa cities, one famous was Holl house in Chicago. Started by Jane Addams. Wanted to help ppl, became most famous c. 718 d. Roosevelt was scared of other countries colonizing/intervening in South America e. The US can implement 'police force' on a nation that intervenes/tries to colonize South America f. He said the US isn't land hungry, but this is really about advancing the land owning of the US
15) Describe with key examples the principal concerns of the muckrakers.
"Muckrakers: Journalists that wanted to by expose social issues of the 1900s. a. Henry Demarest Lloyd- wealth against common wealth. Thought elite was destroying civilization. Consumers expected to be consumers so elite will continue to be prosperous b. Lincoln steffens- exposed urban corruption. Exposed urban corruption through articles, ie there were different colors for ballot. If voting democrats, take one color of a ballot if voting republican take a nother ballot. Other ppl could see who you were voting for, gives peer pressure c. Ida Tarbell- wrote hthe History of the Standard Oil Company. Scathing, destroys Jon D Rockefeller. Says he manipulated other companies to gain monopoly d. Frank Norris. Wrote the Octopus, about Southern Pacific railroad company that was stretching its "tenticles" all over America to California, etc e. Theatore Dreiser- wrote An American Tragedy. Exposed how capitalism corrupts human spirit, wrote about Clyde who drowns pregnant lover in river. f. Uption Sinclair- MOST FAMOUS Muckraker. Wrote The Jungle- exposed how badly immigrants are treated in America. Ie if came alte to factory, wouldn't get paid for that hour, Also talked about how meats were prepared→ theadore Roosevelt sees, then meat inspection act, pure food & drug act
16) Analyze the five main features of Progressivism and explain examples of reforms for each one.
"(1) Democracy: To clean up the government, or to have elected officials serve interest of all people rather than industries; to democratize the government and promote increased public political participation; many states had granted this goal within the decade, and most even after. (2-1) Efficiency in industries: To reduce waste and inefficiency in the workplace by conducting scientific analysis of labor processes, or more specifically, by breaking down production into smaller steps and studying the time needed for each task, then prescribing the optimum technique for the average worker and setting performance standards for each job (Taylorism); however, many workers did not like the effective taylorism for they thought the idea made people work harder and less healthy. (2-2) Efficiency in politics: To reorganize agencies to reduce redundancy, to draw clear lines of authority, and to give more responsibility and reliability to specific government officials (3) Anti-trust regulation: To regulate giant corporations and to restore competition of smaller firms; regulatory agencies were set up, but were taken into control/influence by the big companies. (4-1) Social justice: To create nonprofit charitable service organizations that promoted social justice; these organizations cleaned cities, and promoted reforms regulating child labor and alcohol consumption. (4-2) Social justice by WCTU: To shelter prostitutes and abused women and children, improve prison conditions, support female labor unions and women's suffrage, support eight-hour workday and regulation of child labor, and more. (4-3) Social justice for labor regulation: To have safe, sanitary, and regulated working conditions, to regulate child labor (granted within 10 years), to regulate work hours for women (laws made but were nullified), to protect workers from avoidable accidents (safe working conditions) (5) Prohibition: To remove a way political leaders would illegaly win over voters by illegalizing the synthesis and selling of alcohol in saloons; the Anti-Saloon League promoted prohibition amendment to the Constitution and was ratified in 1919. (Optional) Religion: The religious ideologies became a major source of energy for progressive reformers; some progressionists thought the fight for social justice was a crusade; progressionists wanted to express their religious faith through helping the ones in need." a. Regulation (Triangle Shirtwaist Fire- Fire in the blouse factory. Executives had offices in bottom floor cause safer to get out incase of fire. Hoses couldn't spray water high enough to put fire out on top floors. Lots were killed- most were young women, or foreigners. Escape routes were locked because didn't want ppl sneaking out or taking a break. Ppl could either burn to death or jump, many jump. Before fire, factory owner blocked efforts to create unions, but as a result to the tradgety prompted new state and local regulations- regulations come about in progressive era) b. Democracy- direct primary to choose delegate for____, initiative & referendum were made (reforms) c. Efficiency d. Social Justice e. Prohibition f. g. Progresives think gov should inform consumers what theyre buying
17) Assess the role of Theodore Roosevelt in the coal strike and the Northern Securities case.
a. Roosevelt handled it very well. Strikers were striking for better working conditions and better hours. Owners of factories wouldn't budge. Roosevelt tried to get ppl to talk, got strikers to talk but owners wouldn't talk. Owners thought Roosevelt would force strikers to stop striking, Roosevelt said not. If you don't work it out I'll bring out the army and mine the coal so you'll be out of a job. b. Morgan invested in Northern Securities, which was a railroad monopoly, Roosevelt helped to break that up? "Northern Securities (NS) case: NS had a monopoly of railroads, and they had control over freight rates; Roosevelt ordered to break up the conglomerate because of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Cause of Coal Strike and Roosevelt's involvement: Workers of United Mine Workers (UMW) started a strike for wage increase, reduction of working hours, and recognition of their union; mine owners refused, and closed down the mines to starve the workers to death; on a side note, many of these workers were immigrants from eastern Europe; because the company owners shut down the mines, price of coals skyrocketed, and caused a coal crisis; this caused the president to be involved. Coal Strike Conference: Roosevelt invited the leaders of the strike and the coal mine owners to a conference; however, the owners behaved arrogantly and refused to talk to the strike leaders, which infuriated the President Result of Coal Strike Conference: Roosevelt threatened to take over the mines militarily; Roosevelt did not care about the constitutionality of his moral decision, for the population needed coal; the mine owners yielded, and gave the workers a reduction to the work hours but only 10% wage increase and no recognition of the union."
18) Describe other ways that Theodore Roosevelt expanded federal power over the economy. `
Enforcing Anti-trust laws i.e. Northern Securities case (monopolize railroad trade between West&East, Roosevelt tried to break up monopoly) "Theodore Roosevelt (TR) enforced the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1980 with his executive powers and starting suits against oversized businesses. Theodore Roosevelt signed the Elkins Act, which forbade railroads to give secret deals to their favorite customers. Theodore Roosevelt signed a bill for a new Bureau of Corporations to monitor activities of interstate corporations."
19) Explain the importance of each of the following: the Interstate Commerce Act, the Hepburn Act, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and the Meat Inspection Act.
"Interstate Commerce Act: Required that railroad rates be ""reasonable and just,"" but did not empower the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to fix specific freight rates a. Hepburn Act- Gives interstate commerce commission more power, to rule over more than just railroads- also over pipelines etc that pas through more than 1 state b. Pure food and drug act- 1906 Before, couldn't tell whats in your food (ie coca-cola had cocaine in it) Gov's view thought there should be detail about what is in your food Meat inspection act The Jungle came out, ppl wanted to you what you were consuming Did not require dates on canned meat - reformers wanted dates on cans companies says thatll prevent ppl from eating perfectly good meat d. Important because no way to chase it. Now theres more nationalization of food production. National meat cortorations sart to make food, not just growing it from backyard or local butcher. So now if get sick, not there was no way to trace it cause could be from any number of national food companies.
20) Assess the role of Theodore Roosevelt in conservation.
a. Roosevelt outdoorsman, say bear tied to a tree one day. There was a though that land was suppostd to be exploited by ppl to get all resources out of them. Roosevelt starts thinking we should conserve it "I hate a man who wants to skin the land." "Theodore Roosevelt (TR) was one of the first promoters for resource conservation; he was one of the sportsmen among the social elite that worried that hunters were carelessly killing a lot of animals to extinction; therefore they formed a coalition that managed natural resources. Theodore Roosevelt (TR) and Conservation: Before, mines were made to mine, farms were made to farm...etc; but he set a land aside for conservation Division of Forestry (DF) in 1881: Appointed by Roosevelt as the head of the DF, Gifford Pinchot, with Roosevelt himself, used the Forest Reserve Act of 1891 to protect 172 million acres of timberland. Results of Roosevelt's Conservation Efforts: Helped to curb the unregulated exploitation of natural resources for private wealth."
21) Compare and contrast William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt.
a. Roosevelt decided after 2 terms, he wouldn't run again. Roosevelt appoints Taft (there was a vote, but Roosevelt praised Taft, so everyone votes for him) (Roosevelts secretary of war). Largest president, myth he got stuck in a bathtub) b. Taft- broke up more trusts than Roosevelt (monoponies) even though Roosevelt was famous for busting trusts i. Put land in conservation (agreed w/ Roosevelt) ii. Added 16th amendment (allowed fed gov to charge income tax) iii. Republican iv. However: tariff on imported goods (tariffs were really high those days. Republicans liked high tariffs cause wanted to support US businesses "Roosevelt: Graduated from Harvard; an athletic man; many hobbies; fierce, competitive personality; high speed advcancement (New York legislature within 2 years after graduation); however, wife and mother's loss devastated him, and made him politically dormant. Taft: Graduated from yale; bright legal scholar; served in Ohio Supreme Court; appointed as governor of Philippines in 1900; appointed secretary of war by Roosevelt; a progressive conservative"
22) Evaluate the presidency of William Howard Taft with attention to the tariff and the Ballinger-Pinchot controversy
PPl concieve Taft as anti conservationalist a. However: tariff on imported goods (tariffs were really high those days. Republicans liked high tariffs cause wanted to support US businesses b. Taft wanted to bring down tariff c. Passed reform bill to lower form bill w/ 200 amendments so basically would lower overall tariffs, but increase all individual atriffs. d. Taft says ok yay this is the best tariff rule in the history, ppl thing Taft is an imbusule, di you not see all the exceptions!!! e. Conservatives liked had higher tariffs f. g. Ballinger-Pinchot controversy: Pinchot it one of Roosevelts tennis partenrs, was appointed to chief forester by Roosevelt. Ballinger was mayor of Seattle, used to be secretary of interiors. Leased federal land to his friends, not to highest bidder on land. Pinchot realizes what Balinger was doing, alerts the press. Taft says Pinchot stop, fires Pinchot. Everyone likes Roosevelt since Pinchot friends / Roosevelt, veveryone backs Pinchot and is mad, Whyd you do that? Roosevelt also mad, thinks Tafts a fathead "William Howard Taft (WHT) and Tariff: WHT wanted lowere tariffs, so he attempted to lower the tariff; however, the resulting tariff changed little because of the congress. Ballinger-Pinchot controversy: Richard A. Ballinger (RAB) believed that conservation held back full economic development of the West, so he enabled commercial use of federal land Roosevelt ordered to be conserved; although Gifford Pinchot (GP), head of U.S. Division of Forestry showed his disapproval to William Howard Taft (WHT), WHT refused to intervene; when GP publicized the controversy, WHT fired GP. Result of Ballinger-Pinchot controversy: William Howard Taft (WHT) replaced Gifford Pinchot with conservationists with impeccable creddentials and as a result preserved more land in four years than Roosevelt had in eight; however, made WHT appear that he is abandoning Roosevelt (TR)'s conservation policies; set in motion a feud with TR; TR believed WHT is too conservative (Republican Old Guard); disabled WHT to be reelected. Signed Mann-Elkins Act that: Gave ICC more power; other than to chage railroad freight rates, ICC can now regulate telephone and telegraph companies and was set up the Commerce Court that excecuted ICC's decisions Establishment of Bureau of Mines Establishment of federel Children's Bureau Supported the Sixteenth Amendment that: Authorized a federal income tax Supported Seventeenth Amendment that: Required popular election for senators"
23) Explain the key events and lessons of the 1912 Presidential election.
Lessons: Socialist won ALOT of votes OMG. Rooselvelt runs as 3rd party candidate. Wilson wins. Taft comes in 3rd, embarrassing a. Taft right (conservative). Running for reelection. Hes a progressive republican b. Theadore Roosevelt deicdes to run against Taft for Republican nomination (cause mad at Taft). Taft wins, so Roosevelt runs as third party candidate (bull moose party) (one time, was shot then went and have a 1.5 hr speech then go to hospital). c. Woodrow Wilson democratic nominee. (Princeton projessor, raised by ministers) d. Eugene V Debs also runs (leader of American railway union, leads Pullman Railroad strike) as a Socialist (ran 8 yrs later from prison) e. Wilson ends up winning. Roosevelt 2nd, Taft 3rd. he election proved that the age of progressivism had prevailed, gave Democrats power since the Civil War, brought Southerners back into government politics, and changed the character of the Republican party by making it more conservative and temperate"
24) Compare and contrast New Nationalism and New Freedom.
New Nationalism- Theodore Roosevelt -Corporations are getting huge so the government has to regulate them and have anti-trust laws -Active government role in the economy -Cant break up businesses, keep them big, but regulate them New Freedom- Woodrow Wilson -Break up monopolies, create world where small companies compete in fair game. -NOT the same as 14 pts. Break up the big companies and then let free markets provide the goods people want at the prices people want
25) Explain the principal components of Wilson's New Freedom: the Underwood Simmons Tariff, the Federal Reserve Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act, and the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act.
a. Underwood Simmons Tariff- lower import tarrif. 1st time substancial lowering of tariffs (still pretty high- 27%). b. Federal Trade commission- creades commission to review trade stuff by companies, can tell cpmanies to stop unfair trading. Ie need to inform buyer if selling a used car and theres a deform in the car c. Clayton act- anti trust act. Like Sherman anti trust act which didn't break up trust. This one actually did cause made it easier for Government to break up monopolies (ie rockerfellers). It exempted labor unions. Sherman An-t act often broke uplabor unions cause they were technically trusts,. Clayton said unions ares trusts so wouldn't be broken up d. Progressivism for whites only-Progresssive movement good for gender roles, etc but not good for civil rights/racism. Even Roosevelt still racist, Wilson even worse. When Af-American leaders came to talk to them, dismissed them cause didn't think they had anything valuable to say. Conclusion- progressivism good, but has drawbacks e. Federal Farm loan act- creates system like federal reserve, provides low interest loans to farmers. Helps cause income only comes after reaping of crops. f. Federal Reserve Act- Aldridge proposed to make a central banking system of US, Create national reserve association- would be under private control so that was a point for controversy. Purpose is to regulate amount of money in circulation so no in/deflation. Act would create nation's central bank. Feds are appointed by the president, approved by Congress, but their policy/laws are not subject to Congress. Feds act independently of short term politics. Founded in 1913. Supposed to "avoid panics, end bank runs (where ppl all go and take money out of bank)". i. 12 districts. Were in 12th district, headquarters in San Fran. 12 banks, so decentralize power of banks Keating-Owen Child Labor Act: Enacted in 1916, disabled any goods manufactured by children under the age of fourteen to be sold in interstate commerce; however, was later ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court."
26) Describe why the Muller v. Oregon decision was important.
State of Oregon advocated a 10 hr work day limit for women Significant data, supported by attorney Lousis Brandeis, documented the adverse effects of long work hours Supreme court supportes a. Oregon advocated that women can only work 10 hours/day (usually was 12-14). Thought was she needs time to spend & raise her kids b. Supreme court supported law, made it law. Supreme court started supporting progressive laws now
27) Explain the role of Louis Brandeis in Progressivism and the importance of his appointment to the Supreme Court.
a. Attorney that Documented the adverse effects of long work hours b. Supported Oregon's movement for 10hr women work day c. Later served on supreme court as justice. d. A very liberal progressive, ppl didn't want him to be appointed to supreme court justice. 1st JEWISH supreme court justice. Anti-Semitism was very prevalent.
28) Explain why Progressivism did nothing for the civil rights of African-Americans.
Roosevelt predjudice, rascist. Wasnt a prioroty for him. Didn't happen until 1940's. Progressivism was more important
29) Describe the progress of women's rights during the Progressive Era, including the accomplishments of Alice Paul, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Margaret Sanger.
a. Carrie Chapman Catt- one of leaders of womans suffrage movement. Leader of National American Women's suffrage Association. Inluential from winnign support from congress and president Wilson for a constitutional amendment (19th) However presidents don't sign amendments to make it legal. Wanted Wilson to supported so ppl would think it was important, endorse it, didn't actually have any sway. She worked w/in system . b. Alice paul- also supported womans rights. She didn't work w/in system as much. Thought ppl should go out and protest. Helped to form National women's party. In 1917, lead huge protest around White House—was sent to jail from that. Also went on hunger strikes. Wilson finally pardoned her. The publicity made ppl support her, Wilson finally went along w/ idea of amendment. c. After amendment passed, Alice paul went on to advocate for equal rights amendment- no discrimination in pay, jobs, etc. PPl didn't support this as much. Finally congress passed it in 1972 sent it to states (38 states need to ratify it to pass), only 35 ratify it. Still not in national constitution, but in many states' constitutions d. Margaret Sanger- worked at midwife in NYC among NY poorest. Coined term birth control. Thought women should have more control over how many children they have. Organized American Birth Control League (Noe called planned parenthood). Significantly contributed, because expanded on right to vote to another right- control of babies. Eugenics a very big belief system of the time e. 19th amendment- women's right to vote. Wyoming was 1st to give riht to vote. States in west generally more progressive f. 19th amendment adopted in 1920 prohibits right to vote based on gender
30) Why was Taft's foreign policy called "dollar diplomacy"?
a. Taft administration encourages US bankers to lend money to indebted Latin American governments...for a price (ie interest). If lend money to diff countries, banks will be proactive about getting money back, don't just sit and wait for money back. What will happen is Bankers will go to US gov, say help us to get our money back. b. Ppl who cal it dollar diplocamy are criticizing it, saying foreign policy not based on moral grounds, based on financial interests. We were only interested in making money off of LatAmer countries→ biggest investment place
31) Evaluate the success of Wilson's intervention in Mexico.
a. **Mexican war is different than Mexican revolution b. Mexican rev occurs after war, US meddles in it. Porfirio Diaz leader of Mexico- supports US. Dictator. Leaves country in 1911. Madero takes over, but killed. Victoriano Huerta then takes power as a result of the coup on Madero. Wilson mad cause doesn't think Huerta should be in power, since he overthrew & killed last leader. So US occupies Veracruz—Huerta leaves office, other LA countries need to get involved to persuade US to stop occupying Veracruz. Huerta leaves office, Carranza now in office—he supported democracy so Wilson liked him. c. Pancho Villa attacks Carranza, US tries to attack Pancho Villa cause they like Carranza. Carranza ok with htat, cause getting Carranza out of his hair. However, US cants catch Pancho Villa. Mexicans are like, why the hell are these americans in the US? Made Carranza look bad cause they invited him in. US retreats back to US.
32) Explain why the United States developed stronger ties to England and France during the first several years of World War I.
a. Allies buy lotsa stuff from US (German ports blocked, cant buy very much). So for sake of business, support UK & France positions. b. UK & France buy lotsa stuff from US cause their ports aren't blocked
33) Explain why the United States entered World War I.
a. Started in 1914. US jumped in later in 1917 b. Lusitania- ship that went between US and UK. Ships shipped goods back and forth. US send notice- FYi Uk is at war w/ Germany, if you sail a ship w/ a UK flag on it then youre subject to be bombed by Germany. Lusitania, surely, was sunk by Germans. 100 American travellers were killed. Ammunitions were also on the ship, to help UK fight Germany c. HOWEVER: this incident DID NOT lead to US getting involved in war- this was in 1915. Lead ppl to think negatively about Germany and support UK more d. 2 reasons: e. Zimmerman Telegram- Telegram sent to German embassy in Mexico. Germany promises mexico that if we win, we'll give you New Mexico, Texias and Arizona. Mexico doestn agree, Britain intercepts it. They realize if US sees it, US will get so mad at Germany that they'll go to war. Pretty much worked. f. Unlimited submarine warfare. In 1917, war was going nowhere all sides losing lives in trenches. Germany wanted to move things along, so say if your ship is anywhere near Europre, its fair game and we'll fire on it. That impaired US ability to continue to sell goods to Francs and UK. Puts business sales at great risk. US gets mad, join war.
34) Describe how the United States mobilized to fight in World War I.
a. Propaganda- said would pay $77 each, would also give you clothes & bed & food. "I wish I were a man, Id join the navy" (pic of a gir). Uncle Sam- I want YOU for the US Army b. Also fyi- army still racially segregated
35) Explain the importance of the following: Sedition/Espionage acts, Food Administration, War Industries Board, Selective Service Act, Committee on Public Information, the Great Migration.
b. Sedition & Espionage Pair of bills that became laws in 1917. Espionage act cam first. Wartime act- criminalized civilian actions that went against government. Ie spying, helping other side (germans). Don't cause mutany, or refuse to be in army—would be emprisoned or fined Sedition act- more restricting that espionage. Instead of restricing actions, also restricting speech. If went against flag, uniform, constitution (said bad things about it). Would be fined and imprisoned Designed to go against radical ppl who were encourage ppl to not follow draft. Short term- instilled fear, to make ppl obedient. Significant: went against 1st amendment of free of speech, congress supported&upheld it. If questioned it- went to jail There had been sedidtion act before: one in John Adams' c. Food administration: No one in Europe could farm (farms destroyed, all farmers off to war). Now how going to get food!! Also farmers in US were gone, not alot Created in 1917. **Wanted to raise agricultural productions by reducing consumtion (through meatless Mondays, wheatless Wednesdays) so could send food to Allies. Do your part on the war- grow own food, don't eat meat on Mondays so ppl who are fighting for you can eat. Set in place to promote preservation of US surplus, so would economically stabilize prices of wheat & other foods. Leader of food administration was Herbert hoover- did campains such as meatless Mondays. Promoted victory gardens- planted own food so could sustain themselves. Also used propaganda. d. War industries board Established 1917 Most important federal mobilization agency in US (preparing country for war). Bernard Baruch lead it- wall street person, high influence on economy. Goal of board was to increase war materials, order contstruction of new production plants, & fixed prices (Socialist!!). War- had to increase ships, clothes for soldiers etc e. Selective service act Act to get ppl to go into war Authorized by Woodrow Wilson to raise army and enter WW! Through compulsory entering war of ppl (forced by law). Ppl saw war as national duty. 2.8 million men inducted into army in next few years. Targeted males 18-45. Main cause of selective service act was Zimmerman telegram -Selective service act cancelled after WW1, reinstated in WW11 -Basically Draft -Committee of public information -1917- 8 days after war declare. Creator of it was a newspaper journalist. Secretary of state, secretary of war & navy composed the committee. - Was composed to make propaganda to influence public thought on US participation in WW1. - Created propaganda (propagation of a set of attitudes/opinions). This propaganda supported war. Stuff they said was very one sided, would probably say we won this battle! But wouldn't mention all others lost. g. Great Migration -What happened? White men go off to war, women & af-amers take jobs in North that were previously occupied (migrated to occupy those jobs) -Who caused it? Ppl going off to war and a disparity of ppl to occupy jobs -When did it take place? 1916- Through 1920's and lasted until 1970s actually. 6 mill migrate total (about a mill in WW1 time) - What was its role in WW1: -What outcomes? 1. Long term- changed social & political structure of cities. Many af-amers now live in North. Mex-amers migrate to texas & far west (diaspora of races) 2. Short term- racial tensions, 40 af-amers killed in riot over employment. Often whites would get mad at how many southern blacks were in city, use anything as an excuse to loot through black neighborhoods. Policemen encourages/looked the other way vi. Why Important? Created racial tensions, spread races vii. Af-Amers wanted diff jobs. Were sharecroppers, being exploited. This gave them chance to have actual jobs- ie make engines
Describe the principal components of Wilson's Fourteen Points: freedom of the seas, disarmament, open covenants of peace, free trade, League of Nations.
a. 774- Fourteen points, Wilson thought was only possible program for peace (always thought he as right) Open diplomacy- negotiate treaties openly so other countries don't become suspicious theyre plotting against it. Freedom of the seas- commerce can be anywhere, pp can trade wherever. (But now country carving up islands, claiming seas to get recources) No trade barriers- trade barriers limit countries getting along. If free up trade, everyone will trade with each other and interact/be friends Arms reduction- so countries won't get suspicious, and think other countries are going to attack. League of Nations- so have forum to work out national conflicts
37) Assess the reasons why the United States Senate refused to ratify the Versailles Treaty
-Wilson went to Paris to negotiate treaty, but doesn't invite Republican leaders. French praised them, US ended war essentially. But members of congress (Repub), didn't get praised. Pissed that didn't get to go to Paris. Wilson pushed 14 pts @ Versailles. Other Euro countries not so supportive. Other countries wanted territory&money, not to change laws. -Wilson fight in Senate to ratify treaty, senate not happy cause didn't get invited. 2/3 vote in Senate to ratify treaty. -Wilson doesn't get treaty ratified @ home. BECAUSE -16 senators just didn't want to vote for any treaty regardless of what it was. Didn't want to hurt progressivism & hurt neutrality. Didt want to get wrapped up in war in Europe. -Revervasionists weren't opposed to treaties. But wanted to revise it so LoN less obligatory for US to go along w/ League . If US didn't want to go along w/ it, would have to (want to be able to get out of it). Wilson should've talked to negotiate, but didn't -Wilson ran around US and said "get your senator to vote for this treaty!!!!!" Then has a stoke and can't do anything for 17 months. By that time was off bed rest, 14 points had died
38) Explain why there was a Red Scare and racial friction after World War I.
-Bolshevism. Right after WWI, Bolshevism takes over Russia (revolution). Bolshevism brings about red scare, great fear that bolshevism will devour liberalism. Extreme leftists thought of as anti-american -Time of extremism, KKK reemerges & becomes super popular. March w/ faces uncovered, had 3,000-30,000. Had highest membership ever. -Leads to racial friction- Riot in Oklohoma breaks out against AF-AMers (girl was raped by af-amer supposedly). Police came out and said stop, need to give them due process of law. Mob doesn't want to, burn all businesses in black town to the ground
39) Explain why the Spanish Flu outbreak in 1918 was so important.
784 -100mill ppl throughout world died from Spanish flu -675,000 in US died -Most ppl who died were in 20s, teens (ppl who usually dont die from diseases) -Didn't necessarily come from Spain -Many schools closed "Its contagion started in the spring of 1918, spread around the globe, killing as many as 100 million people worldwide, which is twice as many in World War I, and abruptly stopped inexplicably in the spring of 1919. It transformed modern medicine and altered the course of history. No illness or natural catastrophe in world history killed as much people in a short time.
*Who was more progressive- Theodore Roosevelt of Taft?
Roosevelt- broke up trusts supported conservation, set land aside for yellowstone & grand canyon -helped workers negotiate btwn companies when on strike -Pure food & drug act- what's in pals food, meat inspection act, interstate commerce act- regulate railroad prices, hepburn act, Elkins act, enforced Sherman anti-trust act -Promoted democracy in Panama w/ panama canal -Made Roosevelt corollary to Monroe Doctrine Taft- broke up more trusts put land in Conservation "lowered tariffs" -ballanger & pinchot controversy- makes him less progressive
Describe the 4 most important aspects of Wilson's new freedom
Federal Reserve act (745-6) -US central bank. Officials had to be appointed by press, approved by Congress but policies are not subject to congress. Supposed to act independently of politics. Regulated inflation/deflation Underwood Simmons Tarrif (744-5) -Wilson lowered imported tariff on imported goods, lowered tariffs (but not really) Clayton Act -broke up trusts (monopolies not unions) much more efficiently than sherman. Broke up Rockerfeller petroleum company. Federal Farm loan act -offered farmers loan at lower rates than usual
How are Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines & Panama good examples of Imperialism & main motivation
703 -More power -trading -take control of economy through commerce -thought best race & religion in world -educate other countries Hawaii- treaty w Hawaii so can export sugar w/ no tariffs. Many americans went into Hawaii to make sugar. 1890- diminished duty-free commerce. Devastated Hawaii's economy. Royals of Hawaii tried to regulate white farmers in Hawaii. Movement in US try to annex Hawaii. McKinley found ...... -Want to annex cuba cause think cubans less fit for govern -phillipines cause wuld be good checkpoint for trade (china) -pannama wanted so could have easier route to go from East-West coast (for cali gold mines)
Descirbe 4 most important aspects of progrssivism
-Regulation (triagnle-shirt waist fire) Losta workers were fired cause worked at top of building. Escape routes closed off. Progressivists wanted regulation- hard for smaller companies to gain same ant of power as big companies -Conservation, respect environment. Conserve environment -Prohibition- progressivists wanted ban of alcohol- thought that ppl who drank would stop being able to grow in business, damages mind. -Democracy- wanted direct election of senators, Americans have say in who governs.
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