US Health Care Chapter 9 – Flashcards
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Long-term care and nursing-home reform legislation of the 1970s occurred as a response to which of the following: A. widespread media reports and ensuing Congressional hearings on nursing home and residential care facility abuses and negligence B. inadequate reimbursement for appropriate care in institutional settings C. national recognition of inadequate quality assurance and monitoring systems in the long-term care industry D. A and C
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The major distinction between skilled-nursing and residential care facilities is that skilled nursing facilities: A. provide care in both community and institutional settings. B. provide care primarily for people requiring intensive nursing, rehabilitation, or related services. C. typically accommodate relatively self-sufficient residents. D. primarily provide at-home care.
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Which of the following was not a driver of expanded home care services during the 1980s through the 1990s? A. Assertions by increased numbers of older persons of their desire to remain in their own homes for care, whenever possible. B. audits documenting significant fraud and abuse of Medicare billing. C. Decreased availability of informal care-givers available to assist their family members D. The Olmstead Supreme Court decision upholding the right of citizens to receive care in the community
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Which of the following best describes the informal long-term care system? A. group living facilities where residents may come and go as they please B. care and assistance provided in the home by family members and friends C. adult day care facilities D. assistance with activities of daily living from a home care agency
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Respite care is best defined as: A. services that temporarily relieve informal caregivers through assistance in the home or through institutional placement on a temporary basis. B. legally required "rest periods" for caregivers of dependent family members by which employers are required to give paid leaves of absence. C. temporary, Medicaid-supported vacations for caregivers of a physically or mentally-dependent family member. D. permanent patient placement in a residential care facility.
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The hospice movement is concerned with care for terminally ill patients. Which of the following is not a major goal of hospice care? A. decreasing costs of care for the terminally ill by avoiding use of expensive technology B. providing an alternative to the curative/intervention approach of medical care for the terminally ill C. providing state-of-the-art pain relief interventions while supporting the patient and his/her family through the life-death transition D. supporting terminally ill patients' sense of independence throughout their dying process
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The "naturally occurring retirement community" is best defined as A. a federally-designated geographic area with a high proportion of older Americans. B. groups of federally-funded senior services centers in a defined geographic area that offer congregate meals and social activities. C. apartment complexes, neighborhoods, or sections of communities where residents have opted to age-in-place. D. a not-for-profit organization-operated campus of facilities and services for Medicare beneficiaries.
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