Unstoppable by Tim Green – Flashcards

Flashcard maker : Ethan Carter
What is the name of the main character in the story?
What is Harrison’s nickname?
Who are the kids in the story that Harrison lived with?
Flossy, Crab, Dora and Lump
What did Harrison have to do at home while the other school kids played football?
What type of home did Harrison live in?
A foster home which was a farm
What did Harrison refer to as soup?
The cow manure
Who are Mr. and Mrs. Constable?
Harrison’s foster parents in the beginning of the story
Who is Cyrus Radford?
A man who worked on the farm and supervised the cow milkings
What was Harrison’s job on the farm?
To keep the barn clean
How old were Dora and Lump?
Dora was 16 and Lump was 16
What job did Dora and Lump have on the farm?
Slipping the suction cups onto the cows’ udders
Who was the only person that could take the suction cups off of the cows? Why?
Cyrus because he was the only one that Mr. Constable trusted to know that the comes milk was completely emptied
What were the names of the 2 young kids that Harrison lived with?
Flossy and Crab
What job did Flossy and Crab do on the farm?
The helped Mrs. Constable around the house (
How old was Harrison?
Why did Harrison get placed in a foster home?
For hitting and fighting with other kids
Harrison was sent to the Constables’ home from other foster homes because of fighting? How many foster homes, including the Constables’, was Harrison in?
What did Harrison fight?
He was usually fighting to help younger kids that were getting beat up by older kids or protecting himself
What did Harrison get beat for the first time in the story?
For lying to Clyde about being called into the house by Mr. Constable. Harrison was watching Monday night football when he should have been doing his chores
What was Lump’s real name?
What was Crab’s real name?
Did Mrs. Constable give the kids real milk with their cornflakes?
No, it was the powdered milk that she got free from the county. She didn’t want to waste the good milk from the farm on kids like foster kids
What did Mr. Constable eat for breakfast?
6 eggs and toast
Did Harrison try to lick his plate after he was done?
Who was Zip?
A yellow lab dog on the Constable’s farm
26.) What was Harrison’s last name?
27.) What did Mr. Constable want Harrison to call him in court?
28.) What was Harrison’s mother’s name?
Melinda Johnson
29.) What was Mr. Constable’s lawyer’s name?
Mr. Denny
30.) What was Mr. Constable’s first name?
31.) What happened at the court house when Harrison’s mother didn’t show up on time?
The judge made Mr. and Mrs. Constable Harrison’s legal parents (
32.) Did Harrison’s mom show up to court?
Yes, but she was late and removed from court by the Bailiff
33.) After court, Harrison gets beat with a belt for the second time. This time Mr. Constable hit him in the
forehead with the belt buckle? Why?
Mr. Constable was watching a cow having a bad birth and told Harrison to stop watching because he had chores to do. Harrison said that he did them and Mr. Constable said he was lying. Harrison answered Mr. Constable back and told him that it was a lie earlier when he told him to call him Papa
34.) What happened to Mr. Constable after he hit Harrison with the belt buckle?
Harrison stabbed him with a pitchfork in the leg and he fell close enough to the cow that was having a bad birth. He fell right into the way of the cow giving a wild kick that he flipped backward over a railing and hit his head. The hit was so hard that he died.
35.) What did Mrs. Constable do to Harrison after the accident?
She locked him in a silo with no food or water
36.) How long was Harrison in the silo?
3 days
Who found Harrison in the silo?
Mrs. Godfrey
How long was Harrison in the silo?
3 days
How did Mrs. Godfrey know that Harrison was in the silo?
Harrison’s foster sister Dora told a teacher at school (
What did Harrison eat and drink when he got out of the silo?
2 fish sandwiches and 3 bottles of Gatorade
Who told the court that Harrison acted in self-defense against Mr. Constable?
What happened to Harrison’s mom?
She died
Who become Harrison’s new foster parents?
Mrs. Godfrey’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly
What does Mrs. Kelly do for a living?
She is a lawyer
What does Mr. Kelly for a living?
He’s an English teacher and a football coach
What color eyes and hair did Mrs. Kelly have?
Green eyes and red hair
Who doesn’t want Mr. Kelly to become coach of the football team?
The head of the booster club
What was the name of the doctor that gave Harrison his physical for football?
Doc Smart
What was Doc Smart’s daughter’s name?
Becky Smart
After they first met, what did Becky do that Harrison will never forget?
She waved to him and told him that she would see him in school
What war was Mr. Kelly in?
The Gulf War in Iraq
How much did the fishing boat that Harrison pulled into the water, all by himself, weigh?
400 lbs.
When Mr. Kelly and Harrison went fishing they caught a fish that resembled Harrison in what way?
The fish was hurt and had a bloodshot eye
On the boat, what did Mr. Kelly call Harrison that no one had ever called him before?
A good kid
Why did Mr. Kelly call Harrison a good kid?
Because he wanted to let the injured fish they caught go and also didn’t want Mr. Kelly to be mad at him for that
How many fish did Harrison catch?
How many fish did Mr. Kelly catch?
Mr. Kelly caught 3 fish.
What show did Mr. & Mrs. Kelly like to watch on TV?
Mr. Kelly liked to watch Monday night football and Mrs. Kelly liked to watch Dancing with the Stars
What was the name of the first book that Harrison read?
Sackett’s Land
Did Harrison know who his father was?
What did Mrs. Kelly tell Harrison he could call her?
Mom, but Jennifer if he wasn’t ready to call her mom
Who was the main character in the book Sackett’s Land?
Barnabas Sackett
What was the name of Harrison’s school?
Brookton Junior High
Who was the principal at Brookton Junior High?
Mr. Fisk
What was the name of the guidance counselor at Brookton Junior High?
Mr. Sofia (first name Frank) Kids called him ‘S’
What did Coach hand to Harisson on his first day of school?
A packet of football plays
Why did Coach tell Harrison before he went to his first class on the first day of school?
That he could not get into any fights anymore
What was the name of Harrison’s math teacher?
Mrs. Zebolt
What was the name of the kid that was poking Harrison and calling him names?
Leonard Howard
What did Harrison do to the kid behind him in class that kept poking him and calling him names?
He turned around grabbed his pencil and broke it in half
What happens in Mrs. Zebolts class if no one volunteers to answer a math question?
She calls on someone and if they don’t know it, they get an F score for a test
Who volunteered to answer the math question so Harrison wouldn’t get an F?
Who got in between Harrison and Leo and stopped a fight in the hallway?
Did coach tell the other kids in class or on the team that Harrison was his?
What did Harrison do wrong the first time he put his football uniform on?
He put his shoulder pads on backwards
Who was the first kid on the football team that introduced himself to Harrison?
What did Justin call Harrison and why?
A monster because he was huge (
Why did Harrison get in trouble at the first football practice?
For spiking the ball after a touchdown.
Who tried to shove Harrison out of the huddle at the first practice for taking his spot?
Adam Varnett
Who called Harrison Unstoppable?
Coach Lee
Where did Harrison go with some of his teammates after the first practice?
What does Leonard Howard’s dad do for a living?
He’s a district attorney or lawyer
86.) What was the team talking about at Subway that worried Harrison?
That Leonard’s father would find a way to get Harrison kicked off of the team. He was specifically worried that he would get blamed for killing Mr. Constable and not get to play football
Why did Mrs. Constable always keep Harrison’s hair long?
Because it would keep him warm in the winter
Who would meet with Mark Howard (Leo’s dad) to hear his complaints about Harrison?
Mrs. Kelly or Jennifer
How did coach break the rules on Harrison’s first week of practice?
He let him wear football pads and participate in contact drills
Which pads did Harrison not wear during his first week of practice?
The rib pads
What happened in Mrs. Zebolt’s class that caused Harrison a trip to the principal’s office?
After Harrison answered a question at the board correctly, Mrs. Zebolt called him Harry and told him to sit down. He would not sit down until she called him by his correct name Harrison. She waved a ruler at him like she was going to hit him and he grabbed it and broke it
Did Harrison get in trouble for breaking the ruler and refusing to sit until she called him Harrison?
No, Mrs. Kelly turned the tables and ordered that Mrs. Zebolt apologize to Harrison or she would press charges against her for a hate crime and physical assault. She also ordered that Harrison be put into a different Math class
Is Harrison part native american?
Yes, his grandmother was native american
What job did Harrison have with Justin?
Mowing lawns
How much did Doc Smart pay to have his lawn mowed?
Did Harrison play in his first football game?
No, he couldn’t because of the rules
Did the team win? By how many touchdowns?
Yes, by 2 touchdowns
What did Becky bring Justin and Harrison after they mowed her dad’s lawn?
Bottles of orange Gatorade
What does Becky want to be when she grows up?
A lawyer like Mrs. Kelly
Who would meet with Mark Howard (Leo’s dad) to hear his complaints about Harrison?
Mrs. Kelly or Jennifer
How did coach break the rules on Harrison’s first week of practice?
He let him wear football pads
Which pads did Harrison not wear during his first week of practice?
The rib pads
What happened in Mrs. Zebolt’s class that caused Harrison a trip to the principal’s office?
After Harrison answered a question at the board correctly, Mrs. Zebolt called him Harry and told him to sit down. He would not sit down until she called him by his correct name Harrison. She waved a ruler at him like she was going to hit him and he grabbed it and broke it
Did Harrison get in trouble for breaking the ruler and refusing to sit until she called him Harrison?
No, Mrs. Kelly turned the tables and ordered that Mrs. Zebolt apologize to Harrison or she would press charges against her for a hate crime and physical assault. She also ordered that Harrison be put into a different Math class
Is Harrison part native american?
Yes, his grandmother was native american
What job did Harrison have with Justin?
Mowing lawns
How much did Doc Smart pay to have his lawn mowed?
Who is the author of Unstoppable?
Tim Green
What color does Harrison see when he’s playing football?
Who did Justin ask to the Fall Ball dance?
Charlene Gambol
What are the names of Becky’s friends?
Rachel and Delilah
Did Harrison ask Becky to the Fall Ball Dance?
Who is Mrs. Peabody and what did she say to Harrison?
Harrison and Justin cut her lawn for $10 each. She told Harrison that someone told her that he was a violent criminal. She told him to keep being nice and it would pass
Why was Harrison mad at Becky?
He was mad because she was already going to the dance with someone else and she didn’t want him to ask her because she felt bad about having to say no to him
Who was Becky going to the dance with?
Adam Varnett
Why did Justin call Harrison a freak? And what did coach think about it?
He told coach that he isn’t like anyone else on the football field and doesn’t care about anyone or anything when he’s playing. Justin didn’t mean it in a mean way. Coach told Harrison not to worry and that players that play with that intensity are the ones that make it to the NFL
Who did Harrison first tell about Coach being his foster dad?
Who did Justin live with?
His grandmother. He didn’t know who his father was and his grandmother said his mother was no good.
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