Travel Diary Originating from the Arabian Peninsula Essay Example
Travel Diary Originating from the Arabian Peninsula Essay Example

Travel Diary Originating from the Arabian Peninsula Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (558 words)
  • Published: November 29, 2021
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It was my first day to go to the Arabian Peninsula and hence I was very happy at the imagination of going to Oman. We decided to take the route towards the west as it the one said to be more adventurous. The journey started by an exploration of Salalah located at the southern side of Oman (Axhausen et al, 2002). It was very hard for me to believe when we arrived there since everything appeared green contrary to my expectation. In the summer, this region experiences monsoon rain commonly referred to as “Khareef” (Fujii & Taniguchi, 2006). Towards the end of the month of June up to September, drizzling of rains occurs something which turns the place to appear like paradise. Papaya, coconut, and banana trees are the majority groups of vegetation in that ar



The journey continued up to a place referred to as Wadi Darbat where we were to tour. The nature of the place made me start feeling as if I was somewhere in France (Silvis et al, 2006). Green trees were seen everywhere with a river flowing down along a narrow valley. Our guide told us that this place was one of the best places to visit while in Arabian Peninsula.

We also passed through Frankincense trees and the site was so appealing to everybody evens those who were familiar to the place (Madre et al, 2007). This place had been nicknamed the “scent of Oman” since it was the biggest region in the area where Frankincense was being produced. At the same place, we met with Achmed who gave us a demonstration on the way we were going to obtain treasure

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from these trees. Our journey went on through Wahiba sands located in the desert. I was very happy to go through a desert for the first time. During that night, we slept at a camp which was on the same desert. For me, Oman was the best of all the place I have ever explored (Wolf et al, 2001).

Along Silk Road, we passed through Antioch, Adana, Murdunu, and Bursa cities. The Frankincense trees growing along the way made it appear green despite the fact that it was during the dry season. The Ancient monastic hospital which was a major form of art represented one of the most advancement in terms of technology. The silk towards the west was also another major form of art. The roads were very important to the residents as they are one of the core reasons as to why technology had thrived well in the place.


  • Axhausen, K. W., Zimmermann, A., Schönfelder, S., RindsfĂĽser, G., & Haupt, T. (2002). Observing the rhythms of daily life: A six-week travel diary. Transportation, 29(2), 95-124.
  • Fujii, S., & Taniguchi, A. (2006). Determinants of the effectiveness of travel feedback programs—a review of communicative mobility management measures for changing travel behaviour in Japan. Transport policy, 13(5), 339-348.
  • Madre, J. L., Axhausen, K. W., & Brög, W. (2007). Immobility in travel diary surveys. Transportation, 34(1), 107-128.
  • Silvis, J., Niemeier, D., & D’Souza, R. (2006, August). Social networks and travel behavior: report from an integrated travel diary. In 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Reserach, Kyoto.
  • Wolf, J., Guensler, R., & Bachman, W. (2001). Elimination of the travel diary: Experiment to derive trip purpose from global positioning system

travel data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (1768), 125-134.

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