Top 50 Drugs-Nursing – Flashcards

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Albuterol Aerosol
Classification: Bronchodilator Beta 2 agonist Therapeutic Effects: Bronchodilation for asthma, COPD, acute bronchospasm Adverse Reactions & side effects: Nervousness, restlessness, tremor, chest pain, palpitations. Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess lung sound before & after TX. Observe for paradoxical bronchospasm (wheezing). Consider aerochamber. Monitor K+ and glucose. Rinse mouth with water to minimize dry mouth.
(Ambien) zolpidem
Classification: Sedative / hypnotic Therapeutic Effects: Sedation and induction of sleep Adverse Reactions & side effects: Amnesia, daytime drowsiness, drugged feeling, physical & psychological dependence, tolerance, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess sleep, mental status, potential for dependence. Don't use more than 7-10 days. Avoid ETOH & other CNS depressants
(Ativan) lorazepam
Classification: Antianxiety Sedative / hypnotic. Benzodiazepine. Therapeutic Effects:Management of anxiety, insomnia, Status Epilepticus. Preoperative sedation. Postoperative amnesia Adverse Reactions & side effects: Dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, APNEA, CARDIAC ARREST with rapid IVP Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess anxiety, mental status,. Avoid ETOH & other CNS depressants
(Avandia) rosiglitazone
Classification: Antidiabetic. Thiazolidinediones Therapeutic Effects: Decrease insulin resistance Adverse Reactions & side effects: Edema, anemia, wt gain, increased cholesterol Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor for fluid retention, hypoglycemia. Check PLFTs & CBC High Alert Medication!
(Cardiazem ) diltiazem
Classification: Antianginal antiarrhythimics (class IV) antihypertensive. CA++ channel blocker Therapeutic Effects: Decreased blood pressure. Coronary vasodilation. Antiarrhythimic Adverse Reactions & side effects: Arrhythmias. CHF. Peripheral edema, Postural hypotension Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess for signs of CHF. Monitor BP &P, notify < 50 bpm. May cause drowsiness of dizziness. Caution patient to avoid driving until response to medication is known. Gingival hyperplasia-teach good oral care
(Celebrex ) celecoxib
Classification:NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitor Therapeutic Effects: Analgesic, anti- inflammatory, & anti- pyretic Adverse Reactions & side effects: GI BLEEDING, dermal rash, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess pain, ROM and swelling. Do not give if allergic to sulfonamides, aspirin or NSAIDs. Watch for tarry stools.
(Cozaar) losartan
Classification: Angiotensin II receptor blocker Therapeutic Effects: Antihypertensive. Decreases risk of stroke. Adverse Reactions & side effects: Orthostatic hypotension, diarrhea. Dizziness, ANGIOEDEMA. Use cautiously in CHF Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess orthostatic blood pressures. Use care when changing positions to prevent orthostatic hypotension. Monitor BUN/Creatinine for possible early renal failure.
(Coumadin) warfarin
Classification:Anticoagulant. Interferes with hepative syntheses of Vitamin K- dependant clotting factors Therapeutic Effects: Prophylaxis/Treatment of venous &/or pulmonary embolism (PE) and atrial fibrillation w/ embolization. Antidote = Vitamin K Adverse Reactions & side effects: Bleeding. Numerous drugs and natural products affect the activity of warfarin! Nursing Implications & teaching: Asses for bleeding, or increased thrombosis. Check INR/PT before administration and regularly. PT may be 1.3-1.5 times greater than control. INR goal dependent on medical diagnosis. Maintain consistent vitamin K, Take in evening. Avoid ETOH & OTC medications. High Alert Medication
(Deltasone) prednisone
Classification:Anti-inflammatory. (intermediate acting) corticosteroid Therapeutic Effects: inflammation & modification of the normal immune response; replacement therapy in adrenal insufficiency. Management of cerebral edema. Potentiates anti-N/V action of Zofran. Adverse Reactions & side effects: PEPTIC ULCERATION, THROMBOEMBOLISM, mood changes, hypertension, anorexia, nausea, acne, decreased wound healing, ecchymosis, fragility, hirsutism, petechiae, adrenal suppression, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, cushingoid appearance, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching:Monitor for fluid retention, hyperglycemia, infections, bleeding, steady weight gain, crackles, dyspnea. Do not D/C abruptly. Monitor serum electrolytes, cholesterol/lipids. avoid people w/contagious illnesses, TAKE WITH FOOD
(Decadron) dexamethasone
Classification: Anti-inflammatory (long acting) corticosteroid Therapeutic Effects: inflammation & modification of the normal immune response; replacement therapy in adrenal insufficiency. Management of cerebral edema. Potentiates anti-N/V action of Zofran. Adverse Reactions & side effects: PEPTIC ULCERATION, THROMBOEMBOLISM, mood changes, hypertension, anorexia, nausea, acne, decreased wound healing, ecchymosis, fragility, hirsutism, petechiae, adrenal suppression, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, cushingoid appearance, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching:Monitor for fluid retention, hyperglycemia, infections, bleeding, steady weight gain, crackles, dyspnea. Do not D/C abruptly. Monitor serum electrolytes, cholesterol/lipids. avoid people w/contagious illnesses, TAKE WITH FOOD
(Dilantin) phenytoin
Classification: Antiarrhythmic, Anticonvulsant Therapeutic Effects: Decrease seizures, control arrhythmias; Decrease pain Adverse Reactions & side effects: Aganulocytosis, aplastic anemia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome. diplopia, nystagmus, hypotension, gingival hyperplasia, nausea, rashes Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess for hypersensitivity syndrome; monitor CBC, platelet count, avoid driving till MD ok; avoid ETOH & OTC meds; maintain oral hygiene; urine can be pink/red; diabetic-monitor glucose closely; avoid taking within 2-3hr of antacids/antidiarrheals; decrease contraceptive(hormonal), TAKE WITH FOOD
(Flagyl) metronidazole
Classification: Antiinfective, antiulcer, Antiprotozoal Therapeutic Effects: Treatment of anaerobic and parasitic infections Adverse Reactions & side effects: SEIZURES, dizziness, HA, anorexia, nausea, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching:Monitor WBC, neurological status, and I/Os, TAKE WITH FOOD
(Flomax) tamsulosin
Classification: Peripherally acting anti-adrenergic. Therapeutic Effects: Decreased symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia, i.e. male urinary outflow obstruction Adverse Reactions & side effects: Dizziness, headache, orthostatic hypotension, retrograde/ diminished ejaculation. Cautious in patients at risk for prostate carcinoma Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor for dizziness, hypotension. Have patient change positions slowly to minimize symptoms.
(Fosamax) alendronate
Classification: Bone resorption inhibitor. Bisphosphonate Therapeutic Effects: TX and prevention of post-menopausal and cortico-steroid-induced osteoporosis, Adverse Reactions & side effects: Altered taste, photosensitivity, rash, musculoskeletal pain, fluid overload, esophagitis. Common upset stomach & heartburn, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching:Take first thing in the AM, before eating anything; then pt MUST remain upright for at least 30 mins! Take only with plain water. Monitor for GI side effects. Use sunscreen to prevent photosensitivity reactions.
Classification: Antiinfective, Aminoglycoside Therapeutic Effects: Treatment for enterococcal infections Adverse Reactions & side effects: Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity Nursing Implications & teaching: Do peak and trough levels, report to MD for dose adjusting. Assess hearing periodically throughout TX. Monitor for superinfections
(Glucophage XR) metformin
Classification: Anti-diabetic. Biguanides Therapeutic Effects: Decrease hepatic glucose production & intestinal absorption, increased receptor site sensitivity, GI effects Adverse Reactions & side effects: Abdominal bloating. Lactic acidosis. Metallic taste Nursing Implications & teaching: Educate about lactic acidosis when food or fluid is decreased. (S/S - chills, diarrhea, dizziness, low BP, weakness, muscle pain, slow HR. Notify MD IMMEDIATELY). Stop drug before dye based studies. Check renal function. TAKE WITH FOOD
Classification: Anticoagulant Therapeutic Effects: Antithrombotic. Prevention of extension of existing thrombi Antidote = protamine sulfate Adverse Reactions & side effects: BLEEDING. Thrombocytopenia, anemia. Has multiple drug reactions Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess for bleeding (nose, gums, urine, stool), anemia, thrombocytopenia. Closely monitor aPTT. High Alert Medication. Use heparin nomogram/protocol. Immediate onset when given IV
(HCTZ ) hydrochlorothia-zide
Classification: Antihypertensive. Non K+ sparing diuretic Therapeutic Effects: Decrease Blood Pressure. Increase in Urine output Adverse Reactions & side effects: Hypokalemia. Drowsiness. Digoxin toxicity. Increased glucose levels Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor blood pressure, I & O, daily wt, Monitor lytes. Administer in AM. Change positions slowly to minimize orthostatic hypotension.
(Imuran) azathioprine
Classification: Immunosuppressant Therapeutic Effects: Prevent renal transplant rejection. Treat Rheumatoid arthritis and Chron's Adverse Reactions & side effects: Blood dyscryasias, hepatotoxicity, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Check CBC, LFT. Assess for infection, fluid retention, bleeding. Contraception and teratogenic concerns. Do not d/c abruptly
(Lantus) insulin glargine
Classification: Antidiabetic; pancreatic hormone. Long acting 24 hours Therapeutic Effects: Lowers blood glucose by increasing transport into cells and promoting conversion of glucose to glycogen. Inhibits release of free fatty acids. Adverse Reactions & side effects: HYPOGYCEMIA, lipodystrophy, anaphylaxis Nursing Implications & teaching: For all insulins: typical diabetic teaching and concerns. Watch for interactions with beta blockers, thiazide diuretics, corticosteroids. Lantus: Do not mix with any other insulin. No peak. Humulin 70/30: 2 Peaks . Lispro: Do not give sooner than 15 minutes before a meal . Know peaks, onsets, durations High Alert Medications
(Humulin 70/30) NPH/Regular insulin mixture
Classification: Anti-diabetic; pancreatic hormone. Onset 30 min Therapeutic Effects: Lowers blood glucose by increasing transport into cells and promoting conversion of glucose to glycogen. Inhibits release of free fatty acids. Adverse Reactions & side effects: HYPOGYCEMIA, lipodystrophy, anaphylaxis Nursing Implications & teaching: For all insulins: typical diabetic teaching and concerns. Watch for interactions with beta blockers, thiazide diuretics, corticosteroids. Lantus: Do not mix with any other insulin. No peak. Humulin 70/30: 2 Peaks . Lispro: Do not give sooner than 15 minutes before a meal . Know peaks, onsets, durations High Alert Medications
(Humalog) insulin lispro
Classification: Anti-diabetic pancreatic hormone Onset < 15 min Therapeutic Effects: Lowers blood glucose by increasing transport into cells and promoting conversion of glucose to glycogen. Inhibits release of free fatty acids. Adverse Reactions & side effects: HYPOGYCEMIA, lipodystrophy, anaphylaxis Nursing Implications & teaching: For all insulins: typical diabetic teaching and concerns. Watch for interactions with beta blockers, thiazide diuretics, corticosteroids. Lantus: Do not mix with any other insulin. No peak. Humulin 70/30: 2 Peaks . Lispro: Do not give sooner than 15 minutes before a meal . Know peaks, onsets, durations High Alert Medications
(K-Dur ) potassium chloride
Classification: Potassium supplement Therapeutic Effects: Transmit nerve impulses; contraction of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle; gastric secretion; renal function; tissue synthesis; and CHO metabolism. Adverse Reactions & side effects: ARRHYTHMIAS, ECG changes oral—abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea & vomiting, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: (IV rate should generally not exceed 20 mEq/hr, unless closely monitored.) Check for s/s hypokalemia/hyperkalemia, TAKE WITH FOOD
(Lanoxin) digoxin
Classification: Antiarrhythmic, cardiotonic and inotropic agent Therapeutic Effects: TX of CHF, tachyarrhythmia. Antidote immune Fab (Digibind) Adverse Reactions & side effects: NARROW THERAPUETIC RANGE visual disturbances and fatigue, blurred vision, ECG changes, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor apical pulse for one full minute. Hold if pulse is < 60. Second person check calculations in IV & Peds. Monitor drug levels
(Lasix) furosemide
Classification: Loop Diuretic Therapeutic Effects: Diuresis. Lowering of blood pressure Adverse Reactions & side effects: Dehydration, hypochloremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesaemia, hyponatremia, hypovolemia, metabolic alkalosis Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor for thirst, dry mouth, lethargy, weakness, hypotension, oliguria and notify physician. Monitor K+, Ca++, Mg. Can increase BUN, glucose and creatinine, TAKE WITH FOOD
(Levaquin) levofloxacin
Classification: Antiinfective, Fluoroquinolone Therapeutic Effects: Broad spectrum against gram positive and gram negative Adverse Reactions & side effects: Dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Watch for anaphylactic rxn. Do not administer <4 hr before or 2 hr after giving an Al/Mg/ Fe or Zn preparation. Monitor for superinfections
(Lipitor) atorvastatin
Classification: Lipid-Lowering agent Therapeutic Effects: Decrease LDL/VLDL/Triglycer.; Increase HDL (slightly) Adverse Reactions & side effects: RHABDOMYOLYSIS = muscle cell lysis, toxins into circulation, rashes, constipation, flatus, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Avoid grapefruit & grapefruit juice. With unexplained muscle pain/tenderness-monitor CPK -- if it increases, d/c med = life threatening. Check LFTs
(Lovenox) enoxaparin
Classification: Anticoagulant Causes the inhibitory effect of anti-thrombin on factor Xa and thrombin Therapeutic Effects: Prevention of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and PE. Antidote = protamine sulfate Adverse Reactions & side effects: Bleeding, anemia, thrombocytopenia, erythema at injection site, pain. Use only 1 heparin product at a time Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess for bleeding, CBC, platelet count, neurological impairment. Note pkg info for prefilled syringe- keep air lock. "Lovenox in the love handles"-no aspiration or massage. High Alert Medication
(Micronase) glyburide
Classification: Antidiabetic. Sulfonylurea Therapeutic Effects: Stimulates release of insulin from the pancreas, increase receptor site sensitivity Adverse Reactions & side effects: Photosensitivity, hypoglycemia. APLASTIC ANEMIA. Nursing Implications & teaching: Observe s/s of hypoglycemia. High Alert Medication. Do not take glyburide if you are unable to eat. Avoid alcohol.
Morphine sulfate
Classification: Opioid analgesic. Opioid agonist Therapeutic Effects: Decrease pain, pulmonary edema, pain with MI Adverse Reactions & side effects: Respiratory depression, confusion, sedation, hypotension, constipation Nursing Implications & teaching: Typical opioid precautions. Dilute for IV push and give over 4-5 minutes
(Neurontin) gabapentin
Classification: Analgesic adjunct. Anticonvulsant. Therapeutic Effects: Decrease seizures, neuralgias, chronic pain Adverse Reactions & side effects: Drowsiness, ataxia. Avoid in pregnancy/breastfeeding Nursing Implications & teaching: TID dosing should not exceed 12 hr between doses. Do not D/C abruptly; do not take within 2hr of antacid. avoid driving-till MD OK; Avoid use with other CNS depressants
(Nexium) esomeprazole
Classification: Antiulcer agents; proton pump inhibitors Therapeutic Effects: Decrease acid accumulation in the gastric lumen which decreases GI reflex Healing of duodenal ulcers Adverse Reactions & side effects: Headache, constipation, dry mouth, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Give 1hr before meals Do not crush or chew pellets Assess for epigastric/abdominal pain, blood in stool, emesis, or gastric aspirate Give slow IVP over 5-6 minutes, diluted with 0.9% NS
(Nitrostat) nitroglycerin
Classification: Antianginal, Nitrate Therapeutic Effects: Increases coronary blood flow to decrease angina attacks. Decrease BP. Increase cardiac output. Adverse Reactions & side effects: Dizziness. HA. Blurred Vision. Hypotension. Tachycardia. Flushing, GI effects. Nursing Implications & teaching: Tablets should be kept in original container & cotton should be removed. Do not open bottle frequently or handle tablets. Replace q 6 months after opening
Transderm Nitro, nitroglycerin
Classification: Antianginal Therapeutic Effects: Relief or prevention of anginal attacks; increase cardiac output; decrease blood pressure Adverse Reactions & side effects: dizziness, headache, restlessness, syncope, hypotension, contact dermatitis, blurred vision Nursing Implications & teaching: Wear gloves during removal/application, Remove patches before cardioversion or defibrillation. D/C if low BP. Rotate sites of application to prevent skin irritation
(Oxycontin) oxycodone
Classification: Opioid agonist Therapeutic Effects: Controlled release for moderate to severe pain, Not for PRN confusion, sedation, constipation RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Administer q12 hours for Chronic pain. Typical opioid precautions. Do not crush or chew. TAKE WITH FOOD
(Pepcid) famotidine
Classification: Histamine (H2) Antagonist Antiulcer Therapeutic Effects: Inhibits the action of histamine at H2-receptor site (gastric parietal cells), decreases gastric acid Adverse Reactions & side effects: ARRHYTHMIAS, APLASTIC ANEMIA, AGRANULOCYTOSIS, confusion, dizziness, headache, nausea, black tongue, diarrhea Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor CBC, Dilute IV, rapid administration may cause hypotension. TAKE WITH FOOD
(Phenergan) promethazine
Classification: Antiemetic. Antihistamine (H1). Sedative / hypnotic. Phenothiazine Therapeutic Effects: Decrease symptoms of excess histamine, sedation, decrease N/V Adverse Reactions & side effects: neuroleptic malignant syndrome, confusion, disorientation, sedation, dizziness Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor for extrapyramidal side effects; educate on techniques to help dry mouth; oral care, photosensitivity; orthostatic hypotension risk; avoid ETOH & other CNS depressants; monitor sedation. A known Vesicant!
(Plavix) clopidogrel
Classification: Anti-platelet Therapeutic Effects: Decrease atherosclerotic events Adverse Reactions & side effects: GI bleed, neutropenia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor for bleeding, CBC, diff, platelet count, Do not double dose, Avoid NSAIDs. Watch for fever, chills, sore throat, bleeding/bruising. Caution in brushing/flossing teeth
(Rocephin) ceftriaxone
Classification: Antiinfective, 3rd generation cephalosporin Therapeutic Effects: Bactericidal for bone & joint and lower resp. tract infections; skin infections, some STDs and UTIs Adverse Reactions & side effects: PSEUDOMEMBRANOUS COLITIS, SEIZURES, phlebitis at IV site, pain at IM site, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor for superinfections. Obtain specimens for culture and sensitivity before starting. Instruct patient to notify MD if fever and diarrhea develop, especially if stool contains blood, pus, or mucus.
(Sinemet) levodopa
Classification: Antiparkinson agent. Dopamine agonist Therapeutic Effects: Relief of tremor & rigidity in Parkinson's Adverse Reactions & side effects: Involuntary movements, Avoid with MAO inhibitors, narrow angle glaucoma, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor CBC, hepatic & renal function; avoid driving-till MD OK; orthostatic hypotension; oral hygiene-dry mouth; skin lesions-changes; avoid OTC meds, TAKE WITH FOOD
(Synthroid) levothyroxine
Classification: Thyroid preparation Therapeutic Effects: Restoration of hormonal balance, suppression of cancer Adverse Reactions & side effects: Insomnia, arrhythmias, tachycardia, wt. loss. Avoid use in thyrotoxicity Nursing Implications & teaching: Assess apical pulse and BP prior to admin & during therapy, & for chest pain, tachyarrhythmia. Give prior to breakfast. Monitor T3 and TSH. Important drug interactions
(Toprol-XL) metoprolol
Classification: Beta blocker Therapeutic Effects: Antihypertensive Antianginal, Prev & decr mortality in recent MI pts Adverse Reactions & side effects: BRADYCARDIA, PULMONARY EDEMA, CHF. fatigue, weakness, impotence Nursing Implications & teaching: Hold HR <60. Monitor I & O, daily weight. Assess for HF, bronchospasm
(Vicodin) hydrocodone & acetaminophen
Classification: Opioid agonist Therapeutic Effects: Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS—decreases moderate pain. Suppresses cough reflex Adverse Reactions & side effects: confusion, sedation, hypotension, constipation, HEPATOTOXICITY, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor respiratory status. Should not exceed 4 grams of acetaminophen in 24 hrs. Typical opioid precautions. TAKE WITH FOOD
(Vytorin) ezetimibe & simvastatin
Classification: Lipid-Lowering agent Eze = inhibits intestinal absorption of CHOL Sim = inhibits CHOL synthesis Therapeutic Effects: Lowers Total and LDL CHOL and triglycerides with slight increase in HDL Adverse Reactions & side effects: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, epigastric pain, HA, dizziness, anemia, alopecia Nursing Implications & teaching: Administer once daily in the evening, without regard to food. Wear sunscreen to prevent rare photosensitivity reaction. Check LFTs
(Wellbutrin) bupropion
Classification: Antidepressant Smoking deterrent Therapeutic Effects: Diminished depression Decreased craving for cigarettes Adverse Reactions & side effects: SEIZURES, agitation, HA, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, tremor Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor mood changes. Assess for suicidal tendencies. Monitor hepatic and renal function in pts with liver or kidney impairments to prevent increased serum levels.
(Zestril) lisinopril
Classification: Antihypertensive, ACE inhibitor Therapeutic Effects: Lowers BP, decreases afterload in CHF & LV remodeling & mortality Adverse Reactions & side effects: Cough, proteinuria, taste impairment, clinically significant hyperkalemia, ANGIOEDEMA Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor BP, pulse, fluid retention, dry persistent cough, rash, mouth sores, swelling of face, dizziness
(Zofran) ondansetron
Classification: Antiemetic. 5-HT3 receptors antagonist Therapeutic Effects: Prevention of nausea & vomiting associated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.. Prevention/treatment of postop nausea/vomiting. Adverse Reactions & side effects: HA, dizziness, diarrhea Nursing Implications & teaching: Advise patient to notify MD for involuntary movement of eyes, face, or limbs.
(Zoloft) sertraline
Classification: Antidepressant SSRI Therapeutic Effects: Decreases panic attacks, OCD, intense fear and helplessness Adverse Reactions & side effects: Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, HA, insomnia, dry mouth, tremor, sweating, Avoid use with any MAO Inhibitors, GI effects Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor weight, mood changes, and suicide risk. No alcohol or other CNS depressants. Do not D/C abruptly. Wear sunscreen to prevent photosensitivity reaction.
(Zyrtec) cetirizine
Classification: 2nd generation (non-sedating) Antihistamine Therapeutic Effects: Relief of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis Adverse Reactions & side effects: Dizziness, fatigue, dry mouth Nursing Implications & teaching: Administer once daily without regard to food
Classification: Antiarrhythmic. Anticholinergic Therapeutic Effects: TX for symptomatic bradycardia & heart block. Decrease GI & respiratory secretions Adverse Reactions & side effects: Dry mouth, urinary hesitancy, blurred vision, tachycardia Nursing Implications & teaching: Monitor urinary output esp. in BPH. Assess VS and EKG
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