To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 1-7 Review – Flashcards
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What is the author's mother's name?
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What place does Harper Lee in her family? (first child, second??)
Youngest of 4 children
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What is the setting of the book?
Maycomb, Alabama
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What years is the book took place in?
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What is Jim Crow Law?
"Separate but equal"
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Name some of the themes of the book.
1. Effects of racial prejudice and social snobbery 2. The need for moral education and tolerance 3. Tolerance 4. The fear of the unknown 5. The need for compassion and conscience 6. The coexistence of good and evil
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What is theme?
The subject of a piece of writing; a topic
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What do you learn in chapter 1 about Maycomb, Atticus Finch, and his family?
Maycomb is an old town filled with gossipy people. Also Maycomb is a small Southern town suffering through the Great Depression. Atticus Finch and his family have lived there for generations. Jem and Scout Finch's' mother died. The narrator's father is Atticus, became a lawyer in Maycomb, Alabama. The narrator's uncle is a doctor in Boston, while the narrator's Aunt Alexandra runs Finch's Landing, it is for generations. Finches spend holidays there in Finch's Landing.
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What do you learn about Dill's character in chapter 1?
Dill comes to live with his Aunt Rachel every summer. He likes to tell stories that make himself look important.
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Describe Boo Radley in chapter 1. Why does the Radley place fascinate Scout, Jem and Dill?
Boo Radley got into trouble as a young man and his father decided to keep him in the house, rather than let him go to a juvenile detention center. Fifteen years later Boo stabbed his father in the leg with a pair of scissors, but his father refused to send Boo to an asylum. They have never seen Boo Radley and they know that his house has a lot of stories. They also know they are not allowed to go there. They are so fascinate because of the fear of unknown, they wanted know what's in there.
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What is Scout's full name?
Jean Louise Finch
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What is Dill's full name?
Charles Baker Harris
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What is Jem's full name?
Jeremy Atticus Finch
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In chapter 2, Why is Scout so looking forward to starting school? How does she feel about it once she is actually there?
Scout is so looking forward to starting school because she wanted to play with the kids in school at the schoolyard. But, when she actually there, it is not what she expected to be, fun and joyful. Kids there are not that smart as Scout, so she is bored all the time.
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In chapter 2, Why does Jem not want anything to do with Scout at school? Why didn't Atticus bring Scout for her first day? What does she think happened between Jem and Atticus?
Jem is a typical older brother. He does not want his little sister to embarrass him at school. He does tell Scout that at home they will still play together. At school though, she needs to stay away and stay with the other 1st grade students. Atticus didn't bring Scout to school because Atticus have to work. "Jem condescended to take me to school the first day, a job usually done by one's parents, but Atticus had said Jem would be delighted to show me where my room was" (Lee 15). Scout think that Atticus paid Jem to bring her to school.
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In chapter 2, What do you think of Miss Caroline Fisher as a teacher? What is unusual about what she tells Scout? Why do you think she does this?
Miss Caroline is fresh from college and very young. She believes she is doing the right thing by following what she was taught in college. Unfortunately, she does not know how to work with students who might be poor or who might not have an educated family. It is unusual that she tells Scout not to read at home, because a normal teacher would like student to read a lot and be smart. I think she does this because she want every kids in her class to be in a same level so it is easier for her to teach.
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Describe the Cunningham family and compare and contrast it to the Ewell's family.
Though poor, the Cunningham family yet has values and dignity. But, in the Ewell family there is neither. Ewell family willing to steal stuff from other people.
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In Chapter 3, Who is Calpurnia? What role does she play in the Finch household? In the lives of the children? How is she treated? What does this show us about the Finch family?
Calpurnia is Atticus's maid and works as a nanny for the two children. She is a African American but by staying with the Finch's, she gets treated better than most African American's in this time period. Throughout the story she tries to teach hard headed Scout to become a "Lady". She plays a "mother" role in the Finch household. In the lives of the children, she is a great advisor and a mother. Atticus treated her with respect, and this is very unlikely to happen during this time. This shows that Finch family is not that poor as the Cunningham, and Finch family is not like the normal family.
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What is Walter Cunningham like? What does his behavior during lunch suggest about his home life?
Walter Cunningham is a very shy and poor 1st grade student. He does not have money to go to town and get lunch and also does not bring a lunch to school. During lunch at the Finch house, Walter asks for syrup. He then pours lots of syrup all over his food. This tells the reader that having syrup is a special treat for him. This again lets the reader in on the fact that Walter is from a poor household. This also shows that there are economic differences between families in Maycomb.
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What do you think of the way Atticus treats Walter in chapter 3? What do you think of the way Atticus treats Walter?
Atticus talks to Walter about farming as if Walter was an adult. This must mean that Walter has quite a bit of responsibility at home helping his family take care of the farm. Walter has had to grow-up too fast and does not have time to be a kid. I also notice that Atticus that always treats kids like an adult. Atticus talks to Walter about farming as if Walter was an adult. This must mean that Walter has quite a bit of responsibility at home helping his family take care of the farm. Walter has had to grow-up too fast and does not have time to be a kid. I also notice that Atticus that always treats kids like an adult.
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Does Scout learn anything from Walter's visit? What do you think this is?
Cal is angry that Scout judging Walter and I think that Scout learns that the Cunningham family has much less money than the Finch family does. Also Scout learns that you shouldn't judge someone based on their physical appearance, and their family background. Walter piling all this food onto his plate symbolizes to Scout that possibly he may not be fed enough food at home; however Scouts learns to accept others such as Walter even though they may not be as well off.
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Atticus says that you never really understand a person "until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." What does this mean? Is it an easy thing for Scout to learn?
This means that Scout needs to look at the world from another person's point of view. Someone may see something differently than she does. Try to look at someone else's point of view not based on their background information nor their images from someone else. This is a very hard lesson for Scout because she is so young.
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In chapter 3, What do you learn about the Ewells?
In this chapter we learn that the Ewells live in a small house out by the town dump. They are very poor and uneducated. Each year the children show-up to school for only the first day. They do not come back to school the rest of the year. Burris is in Scout's class and gets very angry at Miss Caroline when she tries to send him home to wash his hair when she sees a "cootie". We also learn that Mr. Ewell is a drunk. He spends all his money on alcohol instead of feeding or taking care of his children.
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What superstitions do the children have in connection with the Radley house? What is really behind the rumors and tall tales?
Jem and the children who lives in Maycomb believes that touching Radley property equals death, because they believed that the rumors are true. In the book, Jem said: "Don't you know you're not supposed to even touch the trees over there? You'll get killed if you do" (Lee 33). I think what actually behind the rumors and tall tales is this fear of unknown. Children who lives in Maycomb based on the rumors around them and prejudged what is in the Radley house.
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Why do the children make Boo's story into a game? What do they do in this game? Do you think the game is an accurate version of what happens in the Radleys' home?
I think children make Boo's story into a game because Jem want to prove that "he wasn't afraid of Radleys in any shape or form" (Lee 38). Dill plays Mr. Radley, Jem plays Boo, and Scout plays Mrs. Radley. The children are playing a play of Boo's life based on the rumors that they heard. I don't think this game is an accurate version of Radley's life story because many of the things the children portrayed are most likely gossip and the town cannot be sure of the true story.
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Describe Miss Maudie Atkinson? How is she a typical representation of Maycomb's women? What do the children think of her?
Miss Maudie Atkinson was an older widow woman that truly loved nature. "'Pull it up, child, pull it up?' She picked up the limp sprout and squeezed her thumb up its tiny stalk. Microscopic grains oozed out. 'Why, one sprig of nut grass can ruin a whole yard. Look here. When it comes fall this dries up and the wind blows it all over Maycomb County'" (Lee 42). Miss Maudie was very passionate about gardening. She allowed the children to socialize and play on her own property, with several guidelines. She is typical representation of Maycomb's women because she is sweet, still in the home doing what "women" should do, caring, and love children. The children really like her, and she bake cake for the children.
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What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about Boo? How does this compare with what Scout already believes?
Miss Maudie tells Scout the truth about Boo Radley. She explains how Boo got in trouble with some teenagers and, in a plea bargain with the judge, was locked up in his father's house for pretty much of his life. Miss Maudie also explains how Boo had stabbed his father in the leg with scissors. Before taking to Miss Maudie, Scout is similar to the other children lives in Maycomb think that Boo was a monster who ate squirrels and stalked children. Miss Maudie helped Scout understand that things are not always what they are, you need to see more deeper in things.
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Scout claims that "Dill could tell the biggest ones" (lies) she ever heard. Why might Dill have told such lies?
Dill tell lies about having a dad with a black beard. I think Dill might have told lies because Dill was lonely, he wanted people to like him and want to spend time with him. The lies he tells are designed to make himself sound interesting, so people will want to be with him. He keep bounces around from family member to family member like no one really wants him around.
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What reasons does Atticus give for the children not to play the Boo Radley game? Do you think he is right? Why?
Atticus catches the children and orders them to "stop tormenting that man" with either notes or the "Boo Radley" game. He remainds the children that "What Mr. Radley does is his own business." I think he is right of stopping the children because he taught the children as lesson about respecting other people. Atticus warns the children not to mistreat people because they're different, instead he implies, respect them.
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How much time do the Ewell children spend in school?
The first day of every school year
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What happens to Scout in chapter four?
She is pushed too fast in a tire and rolls into the Radley yard.
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Superstition causes the children to be afraid of which family's house?
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What does Atticus suggest to Scout?
In order to understand others better, she should jump into their skin to see things from their perspective.
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What does Scout find in the secret hiding place?
Two pieces of chewing gum and then later two pennies
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In the "incident" of chapter five, how does Dill attempt to warn Jem and Scout that Atticus is approaching?
They woud ring a silver dinner-bell
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The school setting in the second chapter allows the author to...
Introduce the reader to the various families, as well as their peculiarities, in Maycomb county.
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The Ewell family could best be termed...
White trash
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Scout and Jem are how old when the novel begins?
6 and 10
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Which of the following is NOT one of the items found in the knothole of the oak tree?
A sharktooth necklace
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What do Jem, Dill, and Scout do that causes Mr. Radley to shoot at them?
They sneak into the Radley yard and try to peak into a window.
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What excuse does Nathan Radley give the children for filling in the knothole with cement?
The tree is dying and the cement will protect it.
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How does Dill explain Jem's missing pants?
He lost them in a game of strip poker.
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When Jem and Dill start to exclude Scout from their activities, with whom does she spend more time?
Miss Maudie
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How does Jem lose his pants?
Jem loses his pants when they become caught in the Radley gate.
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What agreement does Atticus make with Scout? (school problem)
If she will agree to continue going to school, he will continue to read to her in the evenings
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Scout tells Miss Caroline that Walter has probably never seen ___ in his entire life.
three quarters
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What is the hiding place that Scout discovers on her way home from school?
A knothole in one of the trees at the Radley house
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Walter Cunningham surprises Scout in which of the following ways?
He failed to pass first grade due to his having to leave work on the farm. He discusses farming in a vey mature way with Atticus and he pours molasses on his food
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Why does Scout disapprove of Jem's and Dill's plan of looking in at one of the Radleys' windows in chapter 6?
She thinks it is dangerous. Atticus also told them not to do it again.
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What does Mr. Nathan Radley know about the intruders in his garden? Why does Miss Stephanie refer to a "negro" over whose head Mr. Nathan has fired? What might this indicate?
He assumes that it was black people who broke in. This shows his racism.
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Can you find any evidence that Jem is beginning to understand more than Scout about Boo Radley? What do you think this is? (chapter 7)
He doesn't want to stalk Boo anymore and he feels badly about what they did.
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Does Jem still fear the gifts in the tree? Give reasons for your answer.
He does not. He takes the gifts from the tree and values them even more than his own possessions.
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When the children plan to send a letter to the person who leaves the gifts, they are prevented. How does this happen? Who does it, and why might he do so?
When they send the letter they find that the tree has been filled with cement by Mr. Nathan Radley. He probably did this to cut off his brother's contact with the children.
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