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What happened to tom robinson? ?
He was shot when he tried to escape from prison.
Mrs. Merriweather of the missionary circle complains about her cooks and field hands. What does that tell us about her??
As a member of the missionary circle, she is very concerned about the personal welfare of many Africans, but in her own back yard, mrs. Merriweather is just as prejudiced as she can be.
Jem said, "I think im beginnkng to understand why boo radley's stayed she up in the house all this time... Its because he wants to stay inside." Why does he say that??
The world is starting to look mighty complicated to jem. The jury's decision, all the talk about social class and the problem of what exactly "background" means, and mr. Raymond's false drinking problem are all weighing on his mind, and hes trying to get things all sorted out with nice, neat definitions. He is learning that things in the real world just aren't easy to sort- out and understand.
Alexandra doesnt want scout playing with walter cunningham. Why not???
Alexandra thinks the cunninghams are trash b/c they dont have the "background" of the Finches.
What is atticus's reaction to ewell's threats? ?✋
He rationally understands that ewell us upset, and he allows mr. Ewell the right to be upset. However, he does not believe that bob ewell would actually do any terrible physical harm to anyone.
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Describe bob ewell's meeting with atticus at the post office. ?
Bob Ewell wanted to fight with Atticus. Atticus just said he was too old to fight, and he walked away. Bob ewell threatened to get even.
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What was the significance of maudie's two little cakes and one large cake? ????
Maude had two little cakes for scout and dill, but jem got a slice from the big cake. This was maudie's symbolic way of saying she accepted jem as a young man instead of a boy.
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What was " 'round the back steps" when calpurbia came in on monday morning? ????????
The black community had left all kinds of food for atticus and hos family as a gesture of their thanks for his defending tom robinson.
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Why did jem cry? ?
Because he was shocked at the injustice of the jury, people from his own town, which he had always considered above such prejudice.
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What is the jury's verdict? ???????✋?
Tom is guilty... People cant see beside the fact that hes black- even though it is nearly impossible for tom to be guilty based on the evidence.
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What were atticus's closing remarks to the jury? ??????
He says that the courts are supposed to judge one as equals because they are the great levelers.
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What do dill and scout learn about mr. Raymond? ?☕
Mr. Dolphis raymond is not what he appears to be because he drinks coca cola from his paper bag and it not really a drunk. He tells people that he is because he wants it to be a reason for the odd things that he does. He also wants to be left alone and live how he wants.
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What was toms handicap? Why was this important to the case? ??
Toms left arm is of no use due to an accident with a cotton gin when he was young. He could bot have hit her wih his left hand.
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What was Tom's side of the story? ??
Tom felt sorry for her because she was lonely. Mayella sent the kids to get ice cream so that she and tom could be alone. He was standing on a chair, and she grabbed his legs, he fell off the chair, she kissed him. He pushed her away and ran out.
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What was mayella's account of the incident with tom robinson? ✔❌‼??☑
Mayella asked tom to come into her house and bust up a chiffarobe. She paid him a nickel. Her si lings were getting ice cream. He grabbed her around the neck and hit her. Then he threw her on the floor and took advantage of her.
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What more do we learn about Alexandra after Atticus and calpurnia leave? ????
Alexandra is given a more rounded personality in this section. We see clearly for the first time that she loves and is concerned for her brother. We see her take the news of tom's death with great difficulty, yet she gathers herself together and carries on with her guests. She seems a bit more human and a bit more noble that she has been painted prior to this.
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What did Mr. Underwood's editorial say?
He likened Tom's death to the senseless slaughter or songbirds by hunters and children.
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What was Scout's fantasy regarding Arthur (Boo) Radley?
She daydreamed that Boo would be sitting in the swing and they would chat as if they chatted every day for all their lives. She wanted him to be "normal" like everyone else on the street.
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What did Scout hear Miss Gates say at the courthouse? In class, Miss Gates said, "That's the difference between America and Germany. We are a democracy and Germany is a dictatorship. ...We don't believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced." What does this tell us about Miss Gates?
Scout heard Miss Gates at the courthouse saying that "it's time somebody taught'em a lesson, they were gettin' way above themselves, an' the next thing they can do is marry us." Miss Gates is either a hypocrite or has not stopped to recognize that she is just as prejudiced as Hitler was, although for a different group of people (negroes)
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What happened to Judge Taylor
Someone (Bob Ewell, we assume) was breaking into the judge's house when the judge and his dog frightened him away.
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What happened to Helen Robinson?
Helen Robinson walked the long way to work to avoid the Ewell house because they "chunked at her" when she used the public road. One day Bob even followed her all the way to Link's house. Mr. Link Deas escorted Helen on the public road and threatened the Ewells. After that she had no trouble.
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What is the connection between the incidents with Helen and Judge Taylor?
Bob Ewell was obviously trying to get back at all of the people in the court case who caused him problems.
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What was Scout's part in the pageant?
She was to be a ham. Her ham costume would later save her life from Bob Ewell stabbing her the night of the pageant.
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Why did Scout and Jem not leave the school until almost everyone had gone?
Scout was embarrased because she fell asleep, came on stage late during the pageant and ruined Mrs. Merriweather's program.
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What happened to Jem and Scout on the way home from the pageant?
Someone attacked them. Scout for tangled in her costume, someone knocked out Jem, there was a struggle and then Scout saw someone carrying Jem home.
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Who saved Jem and Scout?
Arthur (Boo) Radley saved Jem and Scout and he killed Bob Ewell.
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Why did Heck Tate insist that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife?
Heck figured out that Arthur killed Bob Ewell, and he saw no sense in dragging the "hero" through a nasty, public ordeal. He thought it would be better to "let the dead bury the dead"
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Scout arranged things so that "if Miss Stephanie Crawford was watching form her upstairs window, she would see Arthur Radley escorting her down the sidewalk, as any gentleman would do." Why would she do that?
Scout now understandds that Arthur Radley is a real person, not a freak. She wants him, in his public appearance, to look "normal" so that Miss Stephanie and (through Miss Stephanie's gossip) the rest of the town will begin to think of him as a real person, too.
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As Scout leaves the Radley porch, she looks out at the neighborhood and recounts the events of the last few years from the Radley's perspective. Why is that important?
All through the book, she (and Jem and Dill) have been, at various times, taking Atticus' advice and putting themselves in someone else's shoes, looking at things from someone else's perspective. Each time they do this, they learn something new. It is appropriate that near the conclusion of the novel, Scout takes the most difficult stance of looking through the world from Arthur Radley's perspective.
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