The Study Of Communication Essay Example
The Study Of Communication Essay Example

The Study Of Communication Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (931 words)
  • Published: April 28, 2022
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The mass media has pointed to the formulation of some theories. These theories are applicable in everyday living and are the indicators to the various communication models. Every situation presents a different approach of application of the same determines what theory to use. This paper will highlight a real life situation recently encountered and matched it with common sense theory. Recently, I had a brush of shoulders with one of my colleagues because of trying to access to my phone and trying to transfer funds to his account without my knowledge. I had mistakenly assumed that it was him who took my phone without my permission and navigated through my apps. I was sure that it was him because it was only him and my father back home who knew the password to my PayPal a


ccount. This turn of events had brought tension between the two of us, and we were almost not communicating for a while.

One day, I decided to raise the issue because it was almost tearing our relationship apart. We had a heated debate in the first place but decided that the matter is solved by someone above our rank and age. We decided that someone neutral would be better placed in solving the dispute. We, therefore, agreed to meet at the office of the dean of students so that we could come to terms. I had learned previously from my dad that in serious disputes, maintaining eye contact meant that you demonstrated confidence and high chances of telling the truth. I decided that I would use the same tactic for my colleague. If he failed the test, I would conclude tha

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he was guilty of tampering with my phone. We got to the office of the dean. I was freaking because I did not have enough conclusion that my friend had committed the offense. I, however, had the firm assurance that the test I had put on my friend would not fail; I would maintain a direct eye contact in the process of questioning.

The investigations started, and I had the confidence. Before long, my friend started giving contradicting information about the event. I was looking at him straight in the eye and would not look aside in the process of investigation. Our professor was composed and too had to make conclusions not long after the investigation. He too knew that my friend was in the wrong. Interestingly, my friend had to make confessions that he had committed the offense and had to seek for forgiveness.
I chose commonsense theory for this task. This is because it is a theory that has assisted me in the process of making a decision sometimes. Through common sense theory, I have been able to relate communication with real life and personal experiences that have left me to make decisions for life. Common sense theory also referred to as theory-in-use is often created by the individual’s own experiences or from hints that are passed on from one person to another. The commonsense theory is important because it forms the basis of how we make decisions for everyday life.

It is through the common-sense theory that we can apply different kinds of approaches to situations. It is important to apply what we learn in the process of decision making because life events will always

present in different scenarios. The way one would respond to a professor in a situation of examination irregularity would be completely different from the way he/she would respond to the same person when caught up in another disciplinary case. It is well known that communication forms the basis of healthy relationships, whether personal or professional. Maintaining good relationships is therefore very important for anyone willing to maintain good relations with everyone around. It is equally important how the various non-verbal communications contribute towards passing on a message. According to Mitchell et al., (2013) commonsense theory is therefore and important theory because it leads into using the traits of personal character in non-verbal communication, of course through experience, to make judgments.

These decision-making processes are crucial in everyday living. The situation above could have been solved through the intervention of the law, and the enforcement would be successful. However, through the exercise of common sense theory, the process was over faster and without a break off relationships. However, it should not be mistaken that this approach will always work according to expectations. Sometimes it can backfire. For instance, in my situation above, assuming my friend had a mastery of the way to behave in such a case. He would maintain an eye contact when telling a lie and it would be difficult getting the truth from him because he would act against our expectations. It is not necessarily that the commonsense theory would always work according to our expectations. It would be wise therefore to use this approach in conjunction with other strategies. In conclusion, communication theories assist in everyday communication. All the three methods are relevant

according to different scenarios. The common sense theory, however, is critical in helping us to make decisions of everyday living.


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