The Merchant of Venice Shylock Villain or Victim Essay Example
Shylock, Villain or victim? The Merchant of Venice June 8th, 2011 In the play The Merchant of Venice Shylock is supposed to be the protagonist, the definition of protagonist is; the leading character or a major character in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text. But the way Shylock is portrayed is more along the lines of being both victim and villain. Shylock is out for one pound of Antonio’s flesh which will in the end kill Antonio and the flesh will do him no good anyway. But he also gets called cruel names and is pushed around and spit on in the public by Christians, Antonio and all of Antonio’s friends.
And farther on into the play Shylock is betrayed by his own daughter who stole from her father and became a Christian. But as
...victimised as Shylock is, he is also out for revenge on all Christians and is willing to kill to get what he thinks everyone deserves. This makes him appear to be a villain. Firstly, Shylock shows his villainous side when he fools Antonio into signing a bond for his best friend Bassanio, promising Shylock a pound of his flesh if he cannot repay the three-thousand ducats in three months.
Shylock has found out in this act that Antonio’s ships might not return, and Antonio may be unable to pay back the bond in time. This shows that shylock is out for pure revenge, as he says, “To bait fish withal: if it feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. (3, 1, 47-48) He tells Salario that he will not use his flesh for anything but the purpose of havin
revenge upon Antonio and all Christians. But Shylock is shown as a victim when he is making the bond with Antonio and Bassanio and Antonio says, “I am as like to call thee so again, to spit on thee again, to spurn thee too. (1, 3, 125-126) Antonio is reminding Shylock that he is just a Jew who he has spit on and ridiculed and will not hesitate to do so again in front of people. This shows that Antonio along with other Christians think it is normal and appropriate to humiliate and make Jews feel badly, and treat them like they are not on the same levels as they are. But further on in the story, Shylock begins to look more and more like the villain when he will not show mercy in the court for Antonio’s life until his own is threatened. Therefore Shylock is greedy and will refuse to lose a fight when he is involved in one. I'll have my bond; speak not against my bond. I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond. Thou call'dst me dog before thou hadst a cause; But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs: The duke shall grant me justice. I do wonder, Thou naughty gaoler, that thou art so fond to come abroad with him at his request. (3, 3, 4-10) Lastly Shylock is shown as a victim when his daughter Jessica lies and betrays her father, when she waits for her father to leave for dinner with some Christians. She has a message delivered to her by one of her father’s workers.
Lancelot tells her to look out the
window because her Christian lover will be there waiting to rescue her. So Jessica dresses as a male torchbearer, steals all of Shylocks jewels and money, including Shylocks former wife Leah’s wedding ring and runs away from her father to elope with Lorenzo and become a Christian. Later on when Shylock finds out he is very upset and feels betrayed because Jessica was his only daughter and she stole Leah’s ring and has traded it for a pet monkey. He goes on to say he would not have given it up for a wilderness of monkeys.
That shows Shylock’s sweet sensitive side and shows he is not only victim to being harassed and spit on, but also a victim to betrayal. Therefore Shylock is both Villain/ Victim in the book The Merchant of Venice. He has both moments where he’s very vengeful and moments where he is very sensitive and caring. Shylock has both characteristics of being evil and being good, and that is why he is villain and victim in the story line. References http://www. opensourceshakespeare. org/views/plays/playmenu. php? WorkID=merchantv enice The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare, William The Merchant of Venice Oxford University Press NY 2001
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