The Insights of Isabela National High School Essay Example
are a current issue. The government views them as a solution for preventing diseases, particularly HIV and Teenagers. However, opinions on condom usage vary among students, and excessive exposure is not encouraged.
Many people have questions and concerns regarding the distribution of condoms and its effectiveness in helping students learn. This study aimed to understand the perspectives of all students on the issue. The opinions expressed by both Filipinos and foreigners reflect the importance of addressing this matter not just in the Philippines, but in other countries as well.
According to Paulyn Jean Rosell-Ubial (2017), the distribution of condoms will be done in a discreet manner, providing a platform for discussing HIV/AIDS prevention among young individuals.
Ubial acknowledged that the government provides support to Catholic institutions for spreading awareness
...about HIV/AIDS. However, she pointed out that the government still opposes the use of prophylactics, despite their proven effectiveness in preventing transmission of the virus. She clarified that although this approach is not intended for population control, it is closely linked to family planning. Dr. Minguita Padilla (2016) stated that providing condoms to public schools would continue.
should be made available at no cost in healthcare facilities for individuals who require or desire them. Nevertheless, dispensing condoms in educational institutions without appropriate supervision from qualified personnel may inadvertently convey the wrong messages to adolescents experiencing hormonal changes and produce adverse consequences. According to Fr. Dan Cancino (2016), young people constitute the most vulnerable demographic, with a rising incidence of cases reported among those aged 15 to 24 years.
paragraph underscores the significance of tackling HIV/AIDS among young individuals in our nation. It recognizes inadequate information distribution and the existence of pre-marital sexual activity as factors that contribute to its dissemination. World AIDS Day is commemorated in December. The text stresses the necessity for distributing condoms and offering extensive sex education and parenting programs as strategies to deter the escalating count of fresh HIV infections among men who engage in same-sex relationships. It also explores the drawbacks of relying solely on condom utilization for HIV prevention and urges a more holistic approach tailored to the demands of young adults in the Philippines.
(Morisky et al., 2004)
The presence of condoms in schools does not lead to an increase in sexual activity among high school students, but it does enhance condom usage among males. These findings indicate that such programs can have a significant impact on the sexual behavior of inexperienced adolescents. Despite being a controversial topic, a study demonstrates that the availability of condoms alone does not influence students' conduct. Concerned parents often fear that providing condoms will encourage more students to engage in sexual activity (Family Planning Perspectives, 1998, 30(2):67-72 ;88).
(Schuster, Bell, Berry, Kanouse RAND 1998). In schools, the controversial issue of facilitating access to condoms remains. Many parents are concerned that making condoms available will increase sexual activity among students. However, the new report reveals that the presence of condoms alone does not alter behavior. The debate surrounding condoms is similar to the debate surrounding needle exchange programs.
Several studies have confirmed that providing clean needles to drug addicts does not result in an increase in drug use. However, it effectively
decreases the sharing of contaminated needles and thus helps reduce the spread of AIDS. This is especially relevant for individuals who already engage in risky behavior and actively seek addiction programs.
The implementation of condom programs has had a modest but statistically significant impact. In New York, sexually active students exhibit higher rates of condom usage compared to those in Chicago. Utilizing condoms is beneficial because even a slight decrease in unprotected sexual activity can contribute to preventing teenage pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.
According to The New York Times (1997), it is important to consider the financial expenses associated with providing condoms in schools. While these costs may be minimal, there could be potential social or political ramifications. Furthermore, there may be individuals who strongly oppose the distribution of condoms due to religious or moral grounds, and it is crucial to take their beliefs into account to avoid community conflicts (West J Med).
According to a study (2000 Mar; 172(3): 149-151), the availability of condoms in high schools does not seem to have increased the sexual activity of students. However, there is evidence of a better use of condoms by male students. The study also found that programs like these can have a significant impact on the intent to use condoms and their use among less experienced teenagers. Another study (Fam Plann Perspect. 1998 Mar-Apr;30(2):67-72, 88) supports these findings and suggests that previous researchers have only provided one outcome or result.
The use and distribution of condoms has led to a decrease in teenage pregnancy and an increase in the number of people living with HIV/AIDS. While this is
a positive outcome, it has had a negative impact on students who have become more sexually aggressive, potentially leading to sexual addiction. Past researchers have suggested that along with instructions on proper condom use, they should also be provided with additional lessons and guidance to ensure more effective implementation of condom usage.
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