Martin Trayvon was a 17 year Old African-American (Miami Native) who was shot dead on February 26, 2012. Based on the relentless investigation and news coverage, unarmed Martin went out to a 7-Eleven store at half time of an NBA all Star Game to fetch Iced Tea and Skittles. On his way back, he encountered and engaged with Zimmerman, a Neighborhood Watch captain who shot him through the chest. Martin’s death and the whole issue of Zimmerman case have shed light on how racism against African-Americans in growing in America. This paper will analyze and present how this inhuman act is a broader example of how racial issues are increasing in the United States.
According to sociologists Mustafa Emirbayer and Mathew Desmond, there are two main ways of showcasing how racial domination is growing in the United States. First, based on the case unf
...olding, institutional and interpersonal racism aspects are the main factors driving racial discrimination and profiling in America. Mustafa Emirbayer describes institutional racism as the white domination of the black people or the people of color. This is reflected in politics, culture, business, education and law (Desmond & Emirbayer, 2015).
Stereotyping is one the main behavior that shows how racial profiling has grown in the United States (Desmond & Emirbayer, 2015). For example, immediately Zimmerman saw Martin he called 911 and informed the dispatcher that he has spotted a black male who looks to no good. Additionally, he believes that the “black male” may be on drugs or something. He continuous, “he has his hand in his waistband and have something in his hands”. Based on these call information, it clear that a black ma
is seen as a criminal who is aimed at no good. After a few minutes, someone is heard screaming for help then a shot is heard living Martin lifeless. In this case, the American society perceives black individuals as criminals just because of their skin color and the relation in which black has with the crime (Desmond & Emirbayer, 2015).
After the shoot-out, George Zimmerman claimed that he shot Martin in self-defense. According to Timothy Smith, a police officer at the Scene, George Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of his head and the nose. Also, his back was wet and covered with grass and indication that he laid flat on the ground during the commotion. Robert, who is George Zimmerman's father, claims that George was knocked down by Martin and; therefore, he had no chance rather than to shot for self-defense. Robert Junior, who is also George Zimmerman's brother, claims that medical records will show how Martin Trayvon broke George’s nose.
Variously, Zimmerman was not tested for alcohol or drug abuse which is considered standard practices in homicide cases and investigation. On inquiry about the incidence at the Stanford police station, Martin father was informed that no charges would be pressed against Zimmerman because he was a criminal student with a very squeaky clean criminal record. Based on these records, it’s clear that Zimmerman is a racist with an interpersonal aspect of racism. For example, Media and other investigators describe Zimmerman as a vigilante hunting down black men in the neighborhood. Between the year 2004, Zimmerman has made more than 46 calls to 911 which implies that he is a racist freelance policeman. Therefore, local authorities
such as police are seen to be part of the racist movement aimed at eradicating the black lives in America (Desmond & Emirbayer, 2015).
Desmond and Emirbayer describe interpersonal racism as a domination that manifests in individual’s everyday practices and interactions. Interpersonal racism is fed by our beliefs and ideas about other individuals from diverse races. The 46 calls within the eight years indicate that Zimmerman has racist attitude and emotions in him. He views all black individuals as suspicious. According to the audio sent to the media houses, George Zimmerman is heard to whisper a racial slur that indicates his racial motives and profiling. He says “fucking coons”, which should be applied by the federal government in charging him with hate and racial crimes. But since the quality of the audio was poor, family members are defending George with claims that he never altered such a word. Zimmerman is no different from other American Individuals with the same ideas and beliefs. For example, a white lady may clutch her purses when a black man approaches due to the mentality that blacks are always criminals. Putting a hood on confirmed to Zimmerman that Martin was no good and, therefore, decided to follow. This scary feeling and perception are influencing the increase of racism in the United States. The fear that exits between white and black men in the United States is heightening the increased discrimination, extrajudicial killing and alienation of black lives in America (Desmond & Emirbayer, 2015).
Furthermore, based on how the courts are spinning the investigation and the evidence, it’s clear that Martin Trayvon death carried with it his right not to be discriminated and
the right to live. The court system seems to be founded on racism where white domination controls. For example, in spite of killing Martin, the court has not revoked the gun holder’s license given to Zimmerman. This is an indication that even if racism grows in America, courts and legal system will just delay and indirectly support the white individual (Desmond & Emirbayer, 2015).
A wider scan through the neighborhood (community), the Stanford Police Department and the American Criminal justice system, it’s clear that the unequal treatment and waves experienced in Martin Trayvon case are just because he was a minority. The white dominated community treats the African-American harshly than the fellow whites. The police departments work in cohort with the racist in the community as no action is done even after execution of a racist act. More than 50% of inmates in American prisons are African-American, which points out that discrimination in America is growing at an alarming rate. If by chance, George Zimmerman was an African-American who killed a white, he would be immediately get placed on the death penalty with all his license revoked. Therefore, stereotyping, white domination mentality and corruption within the judicial system are the main factors fueling growth or racism in the United States (Desmond & Emirbayer, 2015).
- Desmond, M., & Emirbayer, M. (2015). Race in America. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.