Cisco defines IoE (Internet of everything) as "bringing together people, rocess, data and things to make networked connections more relevant and valuable than ever before. " However; the Oxford dictionary further defines it as "A proposed development of the Internet in which everyday objects have network connectivity, allowing tem to send and receive data". Therefore one could define the Internet of Everything as a development that brings everything useful to connectivity, that Is; items that process data and Improve living conditions such as: smart pens, smart toilets and smart chairs, etc.
The purpose of us essay Is to discuss the concept of the Internet of Everything (IoE). That is, the differences between the Internet of Everything (IoE) and the Internet of Things (Ion the economical impacts, environmental concerns, social impacts, just to
...mention a few. Difference between the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything As discussed in the introduction, according to Cisco the Internet of Everything "is bringing together people, process, data and things to make networked connections more relevant and valuable than ever before. Moreover the Oxford dictionary, which defines further It as "a proposed development of the Internet in which everyday bjects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data. " Both terms each may sound similar however they are different. Many people are used to the term Internet of things: therefore it is not startling when people assume that the internet of everything is an improvement of the internet of things. The point is; the internet of things is one in four dimensions, that is: people, process, data and things.
As identified by Aztori et al: th
"internet of things can be realized in three paradigms-internet oriented (middleware), things oriented (sensors) and semantic oriented (knowledge)". He further adds that "the usefulness of Internet of things can be unleashed only in an application domain where the three paradigms intersect", however when we critically examine the dimensions and how they collaborate together we arise to see the dfferent value of the Internet of everything. It has been known world wide that technology is evolving and technology has taken over our lives.
Google now has smart glasses that connect to the Internet; Samsung has also Introduced a smart watch, These are some of the few portable devices that we use today to make our lives easier. Nike even introduced an independent portable device uman being provided it is connected. It is now clear that the internet of things differs in the sense that it only focuses on certain things, unlike the internet of everything were literally everything has to be connected to something. Now that the differences between the two have been discussed for the rest of the essay we look at the advantages and disadvantages.
Disadvantages: One of the three main concerns about the internet of everything is the breach of privacy. When everything is connected to everything then it means the server companies have everything about an individual, they can even tap into your calls and isten to your conversations. Just now wedding bands have been digitalized; anyone can track their spouses using this ring. Of course there are security measures that are taken to protect information, but there is always the possibility of hackers breaking into the system and stealing the data.
align="justify">For example, Anonymous is a group of individuals that hacked into federal sites and released confidential information to the public. Meanwhile the government is supposed to have the highest level of security, yet their system was easily breached. Therefore, if all of our information is tored on the internet, people could hack into it, finding out everything about individuals lives. If anyone can monitor your personal life without even seeing or knowing a certain individual then if poses a threat to that individual. The privacy issues also leads to the question of who will control the Internet of everything.
If there is only one company, that could potentially lead to a monopoly hurting consumers and other companies. If there are multiple companies that are given access to the information acquired, doesn't that breach consumers privacy? Also, where is the information going to be stored? Phone service suppliers such as Verizon and AT are no longer offering unlimited data usage for mobile phones because it is too costly, yet by 2020 it is expected that 50 billion devices will be connected, collecting and storing data (Evans, 2011).
Therefore if people can hack into bank accounts when less items are still connected to the internet, what more when everything is connected. The second out of the three main concerns is over reliance of technology. As time has progressed, our current generation has grown up with the readily availability of the internet and technology in general. However, relying on technology on a day to day basis, making decisions by the information that it gives up could lead to devastation. No system is robust and fault-free. We see glitches
that occur constantly in technology, specifically involving the internet.
Depending on the amount that an individual relies on the information supplied could be detrimental if the system collapses. The more we entrust and the more dependent we are on the Internet could lead to a potentially catastrophic event if it crashes (Belda, 2014) When we rely on technology this much, things tend to get out of control, then soon we will ot require to have certain Lastly the third main concern is the connecting of more and more devices to the everything "will have a devastating impact on the employment prospects of less- educated workers" (Schumpeter, 2010).
For example, people who evaluate inventory will lose their Jobs because devices can not only communicate between each other, but transmit that information to the owner. We already are witnessing Jobs being lost to automated machines, such as the checkout line in supermarkets and even ATM's. These disadvantages can be largely devastating to society as a whole, as well as individuals and consumers. If people lose Jobs then the economy will hit rock bottom.
As citizens of the world we cannot risk going back to step one, for example: if technologists invent machines that can operate a human being while the doctor is in the comfort of his home and instructing the machine with a device what the machine should do, then soon enough everything will be able to be independent and not require the use of human assistance, which could lead to professionals losing their jobs. When everything can operate independently then less human being will be needed in the world, a situation which could lead to
the reality of the movie "Total recall". We would not want that to happen.
The other disadvantage is the fact that most devices are not yet ready to communicate with another brand of devices. Specific products can only be networked with their fellow products under the same brand name. It is good that "All Seen" Alliance is making sure connectivity happens but the reality of a "universal remote control" for all these devices and products is still in its infantile development. Advantages Of course the internet of everything has many advantages that can help ease everyday hassles. I see the IoE's impact on healthcare being much more personalized and interactive in the future.
In the iHealth section of CES, United Healthcare actually had the largest booth in this section. They had 6 stations showing off things like Web sites with nutritional info and other sites for preventative healthcare as well as backing two or three wearable health monitoring devices. I have had discussions with some healthcare providers over the last six months that helps me understand why United Healthcare was at the show. All of the major healthcare insurers and providers know that if people stay healthy they stay out of Dr's offices and the hospital and their costs are reduced.
So they are making a major effort to push llness prevention and are very big on keeping people well. In the aspect of energy conservation, household appliances can suggest optimal setting based on the user's energy consumption like turning the ideal temperature just before the owner arrives home as well as turning on and off the lights whenever the owner is out on vacation
Just to create the impression that somebody is still left inside the house to prevent burglars from attempting to enter. Roberto, 2014) Smart refrigerators, on the other hand, can suggest food supplies that are low on inventory and needs immediate replenishment. The suggestions are based on the user's istorical purchasing behavior and trends. Wearable technology are also part of this Internet of Things, where these devices can monitor sleeping patterns, workout social media accounts for tracking purposes. (Roberto,2014) Conclusion It is certainly good to know that technology is working for people and not against people.
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