'College is the place where you gain self-discovery and knowledge about learning. It's where fresh concepts are introduced,' Mark Cuban wrote in his blogpost 'Will Your
Shut Down Prior to Your Graduation?' on Jan 26.
In 2013, going to college had advantages in terms of achieving success in life as it provided a better future for my family and increased the likelihood of obtaining a good job. Graduates typically earn approximately $22,000 more than those with just a high school diploma. While some argue against the necessity of college for a good life, examples like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg, and Karl Albrecht demonstrate that individuals can achieve remarkable success without graduating from
ext__match--highlight" data-match-index-1="0">college or attending it at all.
They believed that college was a waste of both time and money, but not everyone can achieve billionaire status without a college degree. On January 9, 2015, Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, delivered a speech at a Community College in Tennessee emphasizing that education serves as a means to enhance ourselves.
College education is advantageous for personal and societal development, offering chances to gain knowledge about the world, discover new concepts, and pursue one's interests. As stated by the U.S. Census Bureau (www.census.gov), individuals with a college education typically earn an additional $22,000 annually compared to those who only have a high school education. To illustrate this
point, I have a cousin who opted out of attending college and instead works six days every week lifting tires; he often expresses unhappiness due to back pain and insufficient income.
Having a college degree is crucial for success, as exemplified by my cousin who graduated from college with an engineering degree. He works diligently five days a week, utilizing his intellect and ultimately earning a higher income. This highlights the preference of businesses to hire individuals with college education over those without it. The significance of obtaining a college degree is emphasized by both my parents, both of whom hold degrees themselves. My dad's perspective on this matter is particularly strong since he had the fortunate opportunity to attend college, which transformed his life considering his upbringing in a small town.
As a high school student and with a clear vision of my future, I recognize that attending college is the optimal path to choose. Not only does college offer promising prospects, but it also provides remarkable experiences and freedom. Undoubtedly, college will shape me into a better individual. Additionally, it offers an opportunity to meet new people, making it a transformative journey for many teenagers as they embrace their independence for the first time.
Being on your own entails responsibilities, such as waking yourself up without parental assistance, preparing for class independently, and meeting deadlines without reminders from teachers. Although it may be a change and a challenge, it will ultimately be worthwhile. In summary,
guides you through life by increasing the likelihood of obtaining better employment opportunities, securing a brighter future for your family, and significantly enhancing earning potential.
It's true that while some billionaires have achieved success without attending
for the majority of individuals, a
education is necessary and advantageous in order to succeed in this world.