We've found 1607 Sports Marketing tests

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Misty Porter
30 terms
What is the historical development of sports marketing?
1. evolution of sports broadcasting 2. growth of sponsorship 3. development of promotional strategies 4. the birth of research in sport marketing
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/sports-management-unit-1-chapter-3-4/
What makes Sports marketing different from marketing
The personality of the Athletes
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Which of the following statements are true regarding sports marketing
the distribution of licensed sports apparel is an effective way to create team and brand awareness
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/sports-entertainment-marketing-unit-1-test-review/
What does sports marketing include?
1. products(equipment, apparel, footwear) 2. services(skill lessons, club memberships) 3. entities(leagues, teams, individuals)
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/sports-management-unit-1-chapter-3-4/
Sports marketing includes the marketing of: _______________, _________________, and _____________.
products, services, and entities
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Sports marketing is defined as marketing of?
Sports products Non-sports products using sports
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historical developments with sports marketing
evolution of sports broadcasting, growth of sponsorship, development of promotional strategies, birth of research in sports marketing
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/ch-3-marketing-principles-applied-to-sports-management/
Sports marketing includes
Sports Marketing defined
the process of promoting and distributing of a sport product or business to satisfy the needs or desires of consumers and achieve company objectives
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-12-sports-marketing/
Mark McCormack’s sports marketing agency, IMG, began through a relationship with players of this sport A. baseball. B. golf. C. tennis. D. football.
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