Roman Catholic Church Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Roman Catholic Church?
The Roman Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination in the world. It has over 1.2 billion followers, and is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as they were interpreted by St. Peter and St. Paul. The head of the church is the Pope, who resides in Vatican City in Rome, Italy.The Roman Catholic Church believes that God has revealed himself through scripture and tradition, and that his grace can be found through seven sacraments: baptism, confirmation, Eucharist (also known as holy communion), reconciliation (also known as confession or penance), anointing of the sick (formerly called extreme unction), marriage and holy orders (ordination to priesthood). As such, only members of this religion are able to take part in these sacraments.The church also teaches that salvation comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as well as following his teachings both personally and within society via evangelism and acts of charity. The most important elements of Catholicism are faith in God’s mercy, obedience to His will and a belief in life after death where rewards for living a good life are given out by Him according to one’s deeds done during this earthly life span. In addition to its religious beliefs, Roman Catholicism also emphasizes morality which includes aspects such as chastity before marriage, fidelity within it, respect for human life from conception until natural death; abstaining from use of drugs or alcohol outside doctor’s orders; helping those less fortunate than oneself; sincerity; honesty; avoiding materialism; aiming for justice rather than revenge or vengeance; being generous with time/talent/money towards worthy causes etc The Roman Catholic Church has had many influential figures throughout its history including Popes such as John Paul II who made great strides towards modernizing it while still keeping true to its core values- something which he believed was essential for maintaining faith among believers. Furthermore it has been at times criticized for its perceived lack of openness but also praised for its dedication towards social work on behalf of those suffering around the world regardless or race or creed- something which many other religions struggle with today due to their own internal divisions/politics etc..