Occupational Therapy Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy is a form of healthcare that focuses on helping individuals to accomplish everyday activities. These activities, known as occupations, can range from self-care tasks such as dressing and bathing, to leisure activities like playing video games or sports or working at a job. Occupational therapists are specialists in helping people with injuries or illnesses gain the skills they need for an independent life.The goal of occupational therapy is to improve quality of life by enabling those who require assistance with daily living skills to live their lives without limitation. This may include physical rehabilitation after an injury or illness; adapting the home environment so that it is safe and comfortable; using special equipment; learning new ways of doing things; improving social skills; teaching stress management techniques; developing coping strategies for emotional issues such as depression or anxiety; finding meaningful employment opportunities and more. Occupational therapists use a variety of methods including assessment, education, intervention planning, problem solving and evaluation to help individuals reach their goals. They work closely with clients to identify their needs and develop personalized treatment plans based on these needs. Therapists also work in collaboration with families and other medical professionals when needed in order to provide comprehensive care for people recovering from surgery or illness, dealing with mental health disorders, managing chronic conditions such as arthritis or diabetes, combating obesity or simply trying to maximize independence in everyday living activities.Occupational therapy provides many benefits not only for those receiving services but also for family members who may be providing support during recovery periods following injury or illness. By providing valuable insight into how someone’s abilities have changed due to disability while encouraging positive lifestyle changes through adaptive approaches, occupational therapy helps restore function while promoting well-being both physically and emotionally.