We've found 6 Foreign Exchange Market tests

Finance Foreign Exchange Market Monetary Economics
FRL301 Ch.21 Test Bank – Flashcards 94 terms
Mike Bryan avatar
Mike Bryan
94 terms
AP Statistics Elementary Statistics Foreign Exchange Market Grade Point Average Marketing Money Market Mutual Funds Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Digital Marketing – Chapter 9 – Flashcards 18 terms
Michael Seabolt avatar
Michael Seabolt
18 terms
Federal Open Market Committee Finance Financial Accounting Foreign Exchange Market
Finance 2 – Flashcards 33 terms
Gracie Stone avatar
Gracie Stone
33 terms
Foreign Exchange Market International Organizations
IB Set 2 – Flashcards 100 terms
Alexandra Robertson avatar
Alexandra Robertson
100 terms
Foreign Exchange Market Foreign Exchange Rates Monetary Economics
International Business – The Foreign Exchange Market Chapter 9 notes – Flashcards 29 terms
Noah Thomson avatar
Noah Thomson
29 terms
Balance Of Payments Business Law Business Management Foreign Exchange Market Political Geography Principles Of Marketing
Introduction to Business chapter 3 ; 4 Key Terms – Flashcards 22 terms
William Jordan avatar
William Jordan
22 terms
The Great Recession that started in 2007 was triggered by shocks in which of the following economic sectors? Gold market and stock market International trade and foreign exchange markets Real estate and financial markets Consumer and government spending
How are spot exchange rates in the foreign exchange markets determined? a. By using historical average prices. b. By the relative demand and supply for different currencies. c. By taking the average of a basket of currencies. d. By government decree.
By the relative demand and supply for different currencies.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/international-business-exam-3/
Which of the following is a key feature of the foreign exchange market? a. The market never sleeps. b. The market is located in London. c. The market is characterized by high transaction costs. d. The market is shut for only three hours.
The market never sleeps.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/international-business-exam-3/
In the dollar-yen foreign exchange market, if Japanese companies sharply increase their importation of U.S. products, then the:
Supply of yen will increase and the yen will depreciate
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why are foreign exchange markets necessary?
businesses use it to exchange currency to import goods from other countries
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Macroeconomics mainly focuses upon: a. the economy as a whole b. international trade and foreign exchange markets c. specific product and resource markets d. individual consumers and producers
a. the economy as a whole
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Foreign exchange Market serves two main functions:
1. To convert the currency of one country into the currency of another. 2. Provide some insurance against foreign exchange risk
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The Great Recession that started in 2007 was triggered by shocks in which of the following economic sectors? A. Gold market and stock market B. International trade and foreign exchange markets C. Real estate and financial markets D. Consumer and government spending
Definition: Foreign Exchange Market
1) physical and institutional structure, money of one country is exchanged for that of another country 2) determination of the rate of exchange 3) place for physical completion of transactions
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The rapid rise in the value of the dollar on the foreign exchange market in the 1990s hurt the price competitiveness of many U.S. producers in world markets. U.S. manufacturers that relied heavily on exports saw their export volume and world market share decline. This is an example of: a. income exposure. b. transaction exposure. c. economic exposure. d. translation exposure.
economic exposure
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/international-business-exam-3/
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