Chapters 1-4 Test Questions – Flashcards

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Economics is primarily the study of: a. how scarcity can be eliminated b. how firms manipulate prices c. how government influence resource allocation decisions d. the problem of scarce resources relative to human wants
d. the problem of scarce resources relative to human wants
Macroeconomics mainly focuses upon: a. the economy as a whole b. international trade and foreign exchange markets c. specific product and resource markets d. individual consumers and producers
a. the economy as a whole
The production possibilities curve: a. shows all combination's of goods that society most desires b. indicates that any combination of goods lying outside the curve is attainable c. is bowed out from the origin d. is bowed in toward the origin
c. Is bowed out from the origin
Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability combined are called: a. factors of production b. post hoc fallacy c. correlation d. marginal analysis
a. factors of production
According to economists, human wants will never be fulfilled completely because: a. people are greedy b. productive resources are scarce c. people are not capable of fully rational thought d. people's wants are manipulated by advertising
b. productive resources are scarce
The unemployment rate in November 2010 was 9.8%. This statement is an example of a normative economic statement: a. True b. False
b. False
In studying economic principles, economists make use of: a.both the economic perspective and the scientific method b. the economic perspective but not the scientific method c. the scientific method but not the economic perspective d. neither the scientific method nor the economic perspective
a. both the economic perspective and the scientific method
The scarce resource of capital in economics, refers to: a. human labor b. management c. natural resources d. manufactured aids like machinery, tools, equipment, and facilities.
d. manufactured aids like machinery, tools, equipment, and facilities.
Purposeful behavior and marginal analysis: a. explain why there is "no free lunch" b. are part of the economic perspective c. are relevant in short-term but not long-term analysis d. explain the "fallacy of composition"
b. are part of the economic perspective.
Two rational individuals will always make the same choices when faced with the same circumstances. a. True b. False
b. False
The scarcity problem: a.can be eliminated if all countries adopt laissez-faire capitalism b. will persist so long as productive resources are limited c. persists only in the developing countries d. will be eliminated if full employment is achieved
b. will persist so long as productive resources are limited.
The unemployment rate in November 2010 should have been 2 percentage points lower. This statement is an example of: a. positive economics b. normative economics c. opportunity cost d. marginal analysis
b. normative economics
You should decide to study an extra hour tonight a. if the marginal cost of studying an extra hour exceeds its marginal benefit b. if the marginal benefit of studying an extra hour exceeds its marginal cost c. if you got a lower than expected grade on your last exam d. because studying harder will improve your test scores
b. if the marginal benefit of studying an extra hour exceeds its marginal cost.
When constructing a typical production possibilities curve, economists assume: a. economic resources are underutilized b. resources are equally productive in many alternative uses c. all available resources are fully employed d. production technology is allowed to vary
c. all available resources are fully employed
Microeconomics: a. is particularly subject to the "fallacy of composition" b. is concerned with the economy as a whole c. studies how supply and demand determine prices in individual markets d. describes the aggregate flows of output and income
c. studies how supply and demand determine prices in individual markets
Consider the choice Marsha faces of how to allocate her weekly allowance between books and CDs. An increase in Marsha's income will: a. shift her budget line to the right b. shift her budget line to the left c. rotate her budget line, allowing her to buy more books but not more CDs d. rotate her budget line, allowing her to buy more CDs but not more books
a. shift her budget line to the right
The negative slope of the production possibilities curve illustrates that: a. some resources are always unemployed b. an economy can produce more of one thing only by producing less of something else c. opportunity costs are constant d. business can sell more when prices are low
b. an economy can produce more of one thing only by producing less of something else.
When society forgoes the opportunity of getting the next best thing, that sacrifice is: a. utility b. marginal analysis c. opportunity costs d. macroeconomics
c. opportunity costs
The two major features of the economic perspective are: a. purposeful behavior and marginal analysis b. normative and positive analysis c. benefit and cost d. consumers and producers
a. purposeful behavior and marginal analysis
A nation's production possibilities curve is "bowed out" from the origin because: a. resources are not perfectly adaptable to production of alternative goods b. capital goods and consumer goods utilize the same production technology c. resources are scarce relative to human wants d. opportunity costs are decreasing
a. resources are not perfectly adaptable to production of alternative goods.
A microeconomist would most likely study: a. how consumers respond to a change in gasoline prices b. the effects of an income tax reduction on the size of the national budget deficit c. the effects of aggregate consumer debt on overall consumption spending d. the relationship between the size of the money supply and the rate of inflation
a. how consumers respond to change in gasoline prices
The satisfaction obtained from consuming a good or service is: a. marginal analysis b. factors of production c. scarcity d. utility
d. utility
"Rational self-interest is the same as selfishness." a. True b. False
b. false
When an economist concludes that there is not enough of some activity, the economist is suggesting that: a. the marginal benefit of the activity exceeds its marginal cost b. the cost of the activity has increased c. the benefit of the activity has decreased d. the marginal cost of the activity exceeds its marginal benefit
a. the marginal benefit of the activity exceeds its marginal cost
Suppose you can purchase milk for $3 a gallon or eggs for $1.50 per dozen. Your opportunity cost of a gallon of milk is: a. one dozen eggs b. two dozen eggs c. one half dozen eggs d. $1.50
b. two dozen eggs
Margaret decides to stay home and study for her exam rather than going out with her friends to a movie. Her dilemma is an example of: a. the economic perspective b. productive efficiency c. allocative efficiency d. opportunity cost
d. opportunity cost
Which of the following is a capital good? a. A steel fabrication facility b. A state highway construction bond c. A share of Microsoft stock d. A gallon of milk
a. a steel fabrication facility
The "command system" is also known as: a. capitalism b. the market system c. the political system d. socialism or communism
d. socialism or communism
The "market system" is also known as: a. capitalism b. socialism c. communism d. a mixed economy
a. capitalism
Private ownership of resources is best captured by which of the following concepts? a. Freedom of choice b. Freedom of enterprise c. Property rights d. Self-interest
c. property rights
In a market system, which of the following ensures that entrepreneurs and private businesses are free to obtain and use economic resources to produce their choice of goods and services and to sell them in their chosen markets? a. freedom of enterprise b. freedom of choice c. barter d. the invisible hand
a. freedom of enterprise
Which of the following best exemplifies the "guiding function" of prices? a. Milk production increases in response to an increase in consumer preferences for milk b. A firm produces output at lowest cost c. The market system encourages investment and technological change d. Maryann decides against purchasing a CD from her favorite band because she thinks it is priced too high
a. milk production increases in response to an increase in consumer preferences for milk.
The command systems of the Soviet Union and eastern Europe failed in part because: a. previously abundant economic resources became scarce b. central planners found it increasingly difficult to coordinate the economic decisions of consumers, resource suppliers, and business c. firms manufactured too much output for consumers to be able to buy, resulting in a general glut d. prices were set too low in all markets
b. central planners found it increasingly difficult to coordinate the economic decisions of consumers, resource suppliers, and business
Competition is characterized by: a. freedom of buyers to enter or leave markets b. a wide variety of prices at which to buy a product c. sellers manipulating prices by acting in concert with one another d. buyers manipulating prices by forming "buyers' groups" and cooperatives
a. freedom of buyers to enter or leave markets
It is in a firm's best interest to utilize the least-cost production technique because: a. profitability requires that firms produce their output at minimum cost per unit. b. the operation of the "invisible hand" requires it c. doing so will prevent competition from other firms d. economic profits will be negative otherwise
a. profitability requires that firms produce their output at minimum cost per unit.
Economic profits and losses: a. answer the question "Who will get the output?" b. answer the question "How will the goods and services be produced?" c. help determine which industries survive or fail d. are the expected outcomes of a decrease in dollar votes and an increase in dollar votes, respectively
c. help determine which industries survive or fail
The competitive market system encourages innovation and technological advance, primarily through: a. the government's tax code b. the process of "dollar voting" c. the guiding function of consumer needs and preferences d. profitable returns to innovative firms
d. profitable returns to innovative firms
In a market system, "those willing and able" answers which fundamental question? a. Who will get the goods and services? b. What goods and services will be produced? c. How will the goods and services be produced? d. How will the system promote progress?
a. who will get the goods and services?
Human specialization, or the division of labor: a. reduces output by dehumanizing workers b. reduces output by discouraging workers from learning a wide variety of tasks c. increases output by enabling workers to take advantage of differences in their skills d. increases output by allowing workers to each perform a wide variety of tasks
c. increases output by enabling workers to take advantage of differences in their skills
In terms of the circular flow diagram, firms receive revenue in the _____ market and incur costs in the _____ market. a. product; financial b. resource; product c. product; resource d. capital; resource
c. product; resource
"Through the guiding function of prices and the incentive function of profits" is the market system's answer to which question? a. How will society allocate goods and services to consumers? b. How will the market restrain economic freedom? c. How will society produce goods and services at lowest cost? d. How will the system accommodate change?
d. How will the system accommodate change?
For a market system, which of the following best answers the question, "What goods and services will be produced?" a. Only those goods whose long-term economic profits are greater than average b. Any good for which consumers are willing to pay a positive price c. Any good whose production is characterized by the least-cost technology d. The goods and services produced at a continuing profit
d. the goods and services produced at a continuing profit
The market system is characterized by: a. widespread use of government price controls b. centralized decision-making c. limited use of capital goods d. private property rights
d. private property rights
Barter: a. requires money to overcome the problem of coincidence of wants b. is the direct exchange of goods for goods c. is a fundamental characteristic of the market system d. is generally a more efficient system than a monetary exchange system
b. is the direct exchange of goods for goods
The term "consumer sovereignty" means: a. there are many independently acting consumers in society b. firms' choices are constrained by the government through consumer voting blocs c.consumer choices ultimately determine which goods and services are produced d. consumers have freedom of choice
c. consumer choices ultimately determine which goods and services are produced
"The pursuit of self-interest automatically promotes the social interest." This concept is known as: a. consumer sovereignty b. the rationing function of prices c. the invisible hand d. the guiding function of prices
c. the invisible hand
In the circular flow diagram, firms: a. receive revenue and supply resources in the resource market b. receive revenue and demand resources in the product market c. incur costs and demand resources in the resource market d. incur costs and supply goods and services in the product market
c. incur costs and demand resources in the resource market
Compared to a command system, economists typically favor a competitive market system because it promotes: a. efficiency b. an active government c. limited use of capital goods d. high economic profits
a. efficiency
In a market system, which of the following enables owners to employ or dispose of their property and money as they see fit? a. freedom of enterprise b. freedom of choice c. barter d. the invisible hand
b. freedom of choice
A command system promotes the efficient use of resources by guiding them into the production of the goods and services most wanted by society. a.True b. False
b. false
The government plays no role in the United States economy. a.True b. False
b. false
Refer to the following: Total Taxable Income Marginal Tax Rate $1-$15,100 10% $15,101-$61,300 15% $61,301-$123, 700 25% The tax represented in the table above is: a.regressive b. proportional c. progressive d. optimal
c. progressive
Production of good X creates substantial external costs in addition to private costs. Economic theory suggests X should be: a. prohibited b. discouraged by taxing either its manufacture or its consumption c. encouraged by subsidizing either its manufacture or its consumption d. neither encouraged nor discouraged in a free market society
b. discouraged by taxing either its manufacture or its consumption
A (an) ____________ occurs when some of the costs or the benefits of a good are passed on to or "spill over to" someone other than the immediate buyer or seller. a. externality b. bond c. nondurable good d. speculation
a. externality
"Tax Freedom Day" is: a. the anniversary of the day the constitutional amendment allowing for a U.S. income tax was ratified b. April 15th of each year c. the day by which Congress must pass any new budget resolutions d. the day by which the typical worker has earned enough money to pay his or her share of taxes
d. the day by which the typical worker has earned enough money to pay his or her share of taxes
Which type of business organization provides limited liability to its owners? a. Sole proprietorship b. Partnership c. Corporation d. Principal company
c. corporation
Legal business forms, listed in order from fewest to greatest in number, are comprised of: a. partnership, sole proprietor, corporation b. monopolist, oligopolist, competitor c. corporation, partnership, sole proprietor d. partnership, corporation, sole proprietor
d. partnership, corporation, sole proprietor
Government purchases and transfer payments: a. both contribute to total domestic output b. differ in that only government purchases contribute to total domestic output c. differ in that only transfer payments contribute to total domestic output d. do not contribute to total domestic output
b. differ in that only government purchases contribute to total domestic output
At the state level: a. most spending is for police and fire protection b. most spending is for health care and hospital administration c. the largest source of revenue is taxes on income d. the largest sources of revenue are sales and excise taxes
d. the largest sources of revenue are sales and excise taxes
A common stock: a. is another name for a corporate bond b. represents a share in the ownership of a corporation c. does not give its owner the right to vote in a corporation, as these rights are reserved for preferred stock d. cannot be transferred to another individual
b. represents a share in the ownership of a corporation
A typical household uses the largest share of its total income for: a. personal consumption expenditures b. combined income, payroll, sales, and property taxes c. personal saving d. food
a. personal consumption expenditures
In a corporation, one primary principal-agent relationship is exemplified by: a. owner-stockholder b. stockholder-manager c. hourly worker-salaried employee d. bond holder-stockholder
b. stockholder-manager
Good X is characterized by nonrivalry and nonexcludability; good Y is characterized by neither. If both are economically desirable, then: a. both can be efficiently provided by private firms b. X can be efficiently provided by private firms but Y must be financed through taxes c. Y can be efficiently provided by private firms but X must be financed through taxes d. both must be financed through taxes
c. Y can be efficiently provided by private firms but X must be financed through taxes
Creditors can sue a corporation as a legal entity but cannot sue the stockholders as individuals. a. True b. False
a. true
The largest component of federal spending is: a. national defense b. health and education c. income security and pensions d. interest on the public debt
c. income security and pensions
Which of the following taxes is progressive? a. The federal income tax b. State sales taxes c. Gasoline excise taxes d. Property taxes
a. the federal income tax
In the U.S., most businesses are _____, while most sales are accounted for by _____. a. sole proprietorships; partnerships b. partnerships; corporations c. sole proprietorships; corporations d. corporations; sole proprietorships
c. sole proprietorships; corporations
___________ indicates how the nation's money income is apportioned among wages, rents, interest, and profits. a.The functional distribution of income b. The personal distribution of income c. Transfer payments d. Taxation
a. the functional distribution of income
_______ is the total tax paid divided by total taxable income. a. personal income tax b. progressive tax c. marginal tax rate d. average tax rate
d. average tax rate
Suppose in Fiscalville there is no tax on the first $10,000 of income, but a 20 persent tax on earnings between $10,000 and $20,000 and a 30 percent tax on income between $20,000 and $30,000. Any income above $30,000 is taxed at 40 percent. If your income is $50,000, how much will you pay in taxes? a. $0 b. $10,000 c. $13,000 d. $20,000
c. $ 13,000
What accounts for 59% (In 2005) of personal consumption expenditures? a. Durable goods b. Nondurable goods c. Savings d. Services
d. services
Among all types of business forms, sole proprietorships account for approximately: a. 75% of businesses but account for only 5% of total sales b. 55% of businesses but account for only 20% of total sales c. 20% of businesses but account for 55% of total sales d. 5% of businesses but account for 20% of total sales
a. 75 % of businesses but account for only 5% of total sales
Jeri owns $300,000 of stock in ABC Corporation and has a personal net worth of $2,000,000. The company goes bankrupt with debts totaling over $50,000,000. The most Jeri can lose as a result is: a. Zero b. $300,000 c. $2,000,000 d. $2,300,000
b. $300,000
Products that have expected lives of 3 years or more are referred to as: a. services b. durable goods c. nondurable goods d. stocks
b. durable goods
The most important source of local tax revenue is: a. sales and excise taxes b. personal and corporate income taxes c. estate and inheritance taxes d. property taxes
d. property taxes
The government redistributes income through which of the following policies/programs? a. transfer payments b. market intervention c. taxation d. all of the above are policies/programs that the government uses to redistribute income.
d. all of the above are polices/ programs that the government uses to redistribute income.
For the U.S. income tax, the average tax rate increases as income increases. We can therefore conclude the tax is: a.equitable b. regressive c. proportional d. progressive
d. progressive
Which of the following is an example of a negative externality? a. flu shots b. education c. pollution d. all of the above
c. pollution
Bees from a keeper's hive can pollinate fruit trees for many surrounding orchards. Therefore, the production of honey: a. generates external benefits and should be encouraged through subsidies b. generates external benefits, however resources are correctly allocated in this market c. generates external costs and should be discouraged through taxes d. needs no government interaction. Beekeepers reap all private benefits
a. generates external benefits and should be encouraged through subsidies
In the circular flow diagram expanded to include government: a. only households receive government-produced goods and services while paying net taxes b. only businesses receive government-produced goods and services while paying net taxes c. both households and business receive government-produced goods and services while paying net taxes d. only households pay net taxes while only businesses receive government-produced goods and services
c. both households and business receive government-produced goods and services while paying net taxes
Refer to the following: Total Taxable Income Marginal Tax Rate $1-$15,100 10% $15,101-$61,300 15% $61,301-$123, 700 25% If your income is $10,000, how much will you pay in taxes? a. $0 b. $1000 c. $5000 d. $10,000
b. $1000
Refer to the following: Total Taxable Income Marginal Tax Rate $1-$15,100 10% $15,101-$61,300 15% $61,301-$123, 700 25% If your income is $60,000, how much will you pay in taxes? a. $8,245 b. $9,000 c. $8,440 d. $10,000
a. $8,245
___________ indicates how the nation's money income is divided among individual households. a. The functional distribution of income b. The personal distribution of income c. Transfer payments d. Taxation
b. the personal distribution of income
Suppose in Fiscalville there is no tax on the first $10,000 of income, but a 20 persent tax on earnings between $10,000 and $20,000 and a 30 percent tax on income between $20,000 and $30,000. Any income above $30,000 is taxed at 40 percent. If your income is $50,000, what is your average tax rate? a. 0% b. 20% c. 26% d. 40%
c. 26%
The United States is referred to as a service-oriented economy a. True b. False
a. true
The inability to exclude individuals from the benefit of a good in which they did not contribute to its costs is known as a free rider problem. a. True b. False
a. true
Taxes on commodities or on purchases take the form of sales and excise taxes. a. True b. False
a. true
If the supply of a product decreases and the demand for that product simultaneously increases, then equilibrium: A) price must rise B) price must fall C) quantity must rise D) quantity must fall
a. price must rise
When an economist says that the demand for a product has increased, this means that: A) quantity demanded is greater at each possible price B) firms make less of the product available for sale C) consumers respond to a lower price by buying more D) the demand curve becomes steeper
a. quantity demanded is greater
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