Basic Speed Law Flashcards, test questions and answers
Discover flashcards, test exam answers, and assignments to help you learn more about Basic Speed Law and other subjects. Don’t miss the chance to use them for more effective college education. Use our database of questions and answers on Basic Speed Law and get quick solutions for your test.
What is Basic Speed Law?
The Basic Speed Law is a law that states drivers must never drive faster than the speed limit, or at a speed which is unreasonable for current traffic conditions. It requires all drivers to always reduce their speed when necessary in order to maintain reasonable control of their vehicles and avoid endangering other people’s lives. This law also applies even if there are no posted speed limits signs visible; as such, it is important for all drivers to observe common sense and good driving practice while on the roads. Adherence to the Basic Speed Law helps prevent accidents by ensuring that all drivers stay within safe speeds limits regardless of road conditions or weather. Drivers can be charged with violating this law if they are found exceeding the posted limit, driving too fast for existing traffic and road conditions, or engaging in excessive acceleration, weaving between lanes and tailgating. These offenses could result in fines from local authorities, points added onto your license as well as potential revocation of driving privileges altogether depending on the severity of the offense committed. It should be noted that penalties vary from state-to-state for violations of this law; however most states accept similar punishments including fines ranging from $100-$500 per incident plus insurance hikes over time due to an increase in points against your license record. In addition, some states may require mandatory driver training courses following a violation so make sure you know what kind of repercussions you will face if caught breaking this rule before getting behind the wheel. Overall, adhering to basic speed laws not only keeps yourself safe but others around you on the roads too – so keep those speeds down even when it seems like everyone else isn’t.