Acceptable Use Policy Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Acceptable Use Policy?
An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is an important document that sets forth the rules and regulations for acceptable behavior when using a particular network, system, or service. It serves as a guideline to help ensure users are aware of their responsibilities in regards to technology use within a given organization.The goal of an AUP is to protect the organization from malicious activity such as unauthorized access, data loss, and other cyber-attacks. It also sets limits on what users can and cannot do with the resources provided by the organization. AUPs may also define appropriate network usage for employees and contractors, as well as acceptable activities for customers that may be accessing services online. AUPs should be tailored to fit each individual organization’s needs. They should include specific policies related to acceptable computer use, email usage, internet access, social media usage, software installation/use guidelines and network security measures that must be followed at all times. The language used should be clear and concise so that everyone understands their expected behavior while using organizational technology resources. Organizations should also include provisions in their AUP regarding disciplinary action if users fail to adhere to any of the rules set forth in the policy document. This can range from warnings or suspensions of privileges up to termination depending on the severity of the violation(s). In addition organizations should make sure they review their AUP regularly in order to keep up with any changes in technology or regulatory requirements that may have been implemented since its initial drafting.