Technology In The Classroom Argumentative – Flashcards

Flashcard maker : Briley Leonard
Who published the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) in 2008? Remember these were renamed ISTE Standards for Teachers in Summer 2014.
A. International Society for Education
B. International Association for Education and Technology
C. International Society for Technology in Education
D. International Association for Educational Technology
International Society for Technology in Education

What statement is true of technology and teaching?
A. Technology is a problem.
B. Technology provides a tool for solving instructional problems.
C. You are a lifelong learner.
D. Teach a man to fish.
You are a lifelong learner.

“Best practice” is achieved when technology is used to support what type of curriculum?
A. Teacher-based curriculum
B. Student-based curriculum
C. Authentic teacher-centered curriculum
D. Authentic learner-centered curriculum
Authentic learner-centered curriculum

The three types of knowledge required for effective teaching in the 21st century do NOT include ____.

A. Intersectional knowledge
B. Pedagogical knowledge
C. Pedagogical content knowledge
D. Technological knowledge

Intersectional knowledge

In addition to having become more accessible to the general public, what significant feature is now associated with technology?
A. fun
B. increased speed
C. expense
D. difficulty
increased speed

The printing press is associated with which technological era?
A. Pre-mechanical
B. Mechanical
C. Electronic
D. Digital

When was teh first Macintosh computer introduced?
A. 1977
B. 1981
C. 1982
D. 1984

The computer as a communication device and resource tool is connected to which period?
A. 1977 – 1982
B. 1983 – 1990
C. 1991 – 1996
D. 1997 – current
1991 – 1996

What is ARPANET?
A. A brand of computer
B. An early computer network that initially linked scientists and engineers, permitting communication and providing a shared space for collaboration
C. An explosion of networked resources
D. A graphic interface
An early computer network that initially linked scientists and engineers, permitting communication and providing a shared space for collaboration

What term was a focus of the second United States National Educational Technology Plan (US Dept of Education, 2000)?
A. Computer literacy
B. Technological literacy
C. Productivity application
D. Information literacy
Information literacy

What does NETP stand for?

A. National Educational Time Plan
B. National Educational Technology Plan
C. National Educational Technology Phase
D. National Emphasis on Technological Productivity

National Educational Technology Plan

What report, published in 1983, influenced the modern standards movement?
A Nation at Risk

What is the reason for the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers coordinating efforts to develop a common core of academic standards?
because of the wide diversity in state standards

What makes standards different from other types of quality expectations?

When technology becomes an integral part of the teaching and learning process, this is referred to as ____.
technological integration

Whose definition of new learning experiences says that they are ones in which teachers and students work together to address the requirements of the curriculum while still taking into account individual student needs, interests, and preferences?
ISTE (1998)

How many stages are noted in the continuum describing how teachers demonstrate standards and sub-standards at each stage in their professional development, as per recent ISTE standards?

What is the third phase of the standards continuum?
proficient stage

In what phase would students collaborate and communicated with their teachers, other students, and experts to select and use technology tools that align with learning preferences, styles, and content requirements in order to address real-world, complex problems with multiple answers or solutions?
transformative stage

The US Office of Technology’s analysis of skills required for integrating technology is written up in whose book?
Mehlinger (1997)

Teaching with technology is considered a lifelong ________.

What answer is NOT correct for a lifelong learner?
Learning is directed by others.

What model is introduced as a method of structuring learning both for the teacher and students?
GAME plan

What does SDL stand for?
self-directed learning

Which of the processes mentioned is NOT one of the three key processes of metacognitive learning?

Monitoring progress is the ______ step of the GAME plan.

What approach is suggested for self-assessment of technology issues, in addition to creating a technology resume?
take a survey

Who has developed student technology profiles with specific examples required by students to demonstrate standards competency?

Who writes about the benefit of reflection both “in action” and “on action”?
Schon (1983)

Where should you be particularly careful about writing information regarding your reflections?

Who described how initial attempts at reflections may be more descriptive than reflective?
Hatton and Smith (1995) and Moon (2001)

One of the systematic forms of reflective practice is referred to be three names. Choose the answer that is NOT one of those names.
critical reflection

What is an organized collection of artifacts compiled for a specific purpose called?

Which of the following is NOT given as one of the categories of educational portfolio use?
reflect on past skills

What type of portfolio showcases achievement in relation to a desired position or profession?
employment portfolio

A subset of the professional development portfolio may be seen in _______.
assessment and employment portfolios

Which is the third step in building a portfolio?

When planning the organization of a portfolio, which of the following would you NOT use?
bells and whistles

Choose the answer that LEAST pertains to supporting learning.
A GAME plan is used for students’ learning.

What occurs during the monitoring process?
reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action

Which is NOT one of the three primary roles that the computer can serve, according to Wegerif (2002)?
computer as friend

Where would instructions regarding how to complete specific tasks on a digital program NOT be embedded?

Technology-based tutorials do NOT _____________.
evaluate teacher performance

What is an intelligent tutoring system (ITS)?
detailed, personalized support following a tutorial

Which of the following is NOT discussed as a tutorial technology term in your text?
computer scan (CS)

Proponents of WebQuests believe that they are a good educational technology resource for _____________.
promoting higher-level thinking

Another name for concept-mapping tools is _________________.
semantic-organization tools

What is another way for referring to hypertext and hypermedia?
knowledge-building tools

What underlies all knowledge?

According to the textbook, which of the following is the third step in creating collaborative databases?
Students confirm, modify, or refute their hypotheses.

Which database website is popular, although controversial, and even prohibited, in some schools?

What does a visualization tool do?
allows learners to picture, or represent, how various phenomena operate within different domains

What is NOT true of word clouds?
also called a Venn diagram

Which of the following is an inaccurate depiction of what creating a concept map involves?
labeling the nature of the relationships among people

What simulation software allows learners to manipulate, explore, and experiment with specific phenomena in an exploratory learning environment?

A non-sequential, or non-linear, method for organizing and displaying text is called ___________.

What is the first step recommended for digital storytelling (according to the textbook)?
develop a personal narrative

What can teachers provide to help students in the evaluation process?

What was the “Envisioning Machine” designed to teach students?
Newtonian physics

What is typosquatting?
a site with URLs that are slightly different from a legitimate source

Which ISTE NETS-T (now called ISTE Standards-T) standard requires that you “develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning and assessing their own progress”?
Standard 2.b

Which of the following is NOT an example of a technological device?
paper notebook

A discussion can be supported through the use of what software?
concept-mapping software

What medium allows you to gain and focus student attention, orient students to an activity or task, or bring in the viewpoint of outside experts?
short streaming media clips

A data projector does NOT project images onto which one of the following?

Which statement is inaccurate regarding web and video conferencing applications?
allow students to create and edit documents together and interact on a wiki, but are not able to share whiteboards online

When did Johnson and Johnson establish guidelines for effective cooperative learning groups?

Effective group work requires the support of a culture of ________.

What is the name of the model used by Scott Mandel (2003)?
cooperative workgroups

Who suggests group rules that include acknowledging that every team member is important; working as a team and as individuals to accomplish goals; respecting diversity; seeking solutions, instead of blaming or criticizing; structuring work according to individual needs; and helping those requiring assistance?
Morrison and Lowther (2002)

Who is responsible for preparing meaningful interactions with the technology being used?
the teacher and students

What does the teacher need to consider, prior to instruction, so that students are able to complete their tasks as autonomously as possible?
how to scaffold students’ learning activities

In the planning stage, after becoming familiar with the resources you plan to use with students, what is the next step?
determine the time required to complete the activities

How should students view technology in the classroom work context?

What statement is NOT true regarding the challenge teachers face about how much instruction to provide?
It is best to maximize the amount of time devoted to learning functionality.

What do technical guidelines provide?
step-by-step instructions for using technology

What is the benefit of an exemplar?
further clarifies expectations by providing models of acceptable performance

What is the most effective way to familiarize students with an interface?

Which of the following does NOT fit into the broad umbrella of lesson planning?

What process is suggested as a means of organizing lesson and unit plan templates?
GAME plan process

With the prevalence of technology today, what skill is being stressed in education and business?

Which of the following is FALSE about the NETS-T Standard 1 requirements? {Please remember that the NETS-T Standards have been renamed to the ISTE Standards for Teachers.}
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences in virtual environments only.

Who created a list of common recommendations proposed by educational experts and practitioners, based on a range of national curricular reports?
Zemelman, Daniels, and Hyde (2005)

Creativity is a form of higher-order thinking defined as “complex thinking that requires effort and produces valued outcomes” by whom?
Wegerif (2002)

A type of divergent thinking that aims to produce something that is original and of value is called _________.

What is another name for critical thinking?
analytical thinking

Who suggests that the level of engagement resulting from the opportunity to pursue your own interests is one of the hallmarks of an effective creative task?
Egbert (2009)

What is the term for the type of question that anchors the curriculum in many authentic approaches?
a driving question

What is NOT true of scaffolds?
They serve the same function irrespective of where they are used in the instructional process.

Authentic instruction is based on what type of learning?
active, experiential

The ability to describe what one has done, explain what resulted and why, is called _______.

Authentic intellectual work is a term used by ______.
Newmann, Bryk, and Nagaoka (2001)

What is the number of distinct characteristics defining authentic intellectual work?

What concept is used to match student ability with the level of reading material?

Choose the incorrect statement regarding team work.
Through group conversations, learners come to understand and accept that while there are multiple ways of approaching tasks, there is only one method for solving them.

When is teacher-directed instruction an effective approach during authentic activities?
when students need just-in-time instruction delivered at the point of need

According to Magliaro, Lockee, and Burton (2005), directed instruction encompasses a variety of instructional methods. These methods have all of the following at their core with the exception of __________.
non-interactive supply of learning content

What item of specificity frequently accompanies standards?
compliance and consequences

What are Anderson and Krathwohl known for?
publishing a revised version of Bloom’s taxonomy in 2001

What mistake is often made by inexperienced teachers?
designing activities at a skill level that is higher than that dictated by the content standard

Using strategies and resources in the classroom that support all students, particulary their unique needs and abilities, is a process referred to as _______.

Technology is an asset for many reasons. Which of the following characteristics is NOT an asset of technology mentioned in the text?
create a playing field

According to Anderson (2007), which of the following is NOT one of the intents of differentiated instruction (DI)?
builds on the tenets of universal learning theory

According to Basham et al. (2010) and Edyburn (2010), universal design for learning (UDL) has its origins in which of the following?
special education policy and practices supporting students with learning disabilities

What do both differentiation and universal design rely on?
use of data to determine student needs

When does differentiated instruction begin?
before instruction occurs

What does differentiated instruction entail?
purposely designing and delivering instruction that helps every student master the required learning goals, depending on his or her readiness and interests

What is the key to differentiation?
providing flexibility and choice

What do Anderson (2007), Levy (2008), Tomlinson (1999), and Tomlinson and Imbeau (2010) emphasize as a critical strategy to differentiate instruction?
flexible grouping

Choose the answer that does NOT pertain to how student learning profiles may be determined.
Levy models

According to ______, teachers can remove barriers to learning by providing flexibility in materials, methods, and assessments.
Edyburn (2010)

What is CAST the acronym for?
Center for Applied Special Technologies

In what year were UDL guidelines for educators developed by CAST?

Which is NOT one of the networks on which the UDL guidelines are based?

Which statement is FALSE of recognition networks?
resides in different areas of the brain of each individual

What is the function of strategic networks?
plan, execute, and monitor actions

Choose the statement that is NOT associated with learning goals that incorporate UDL guidelines.
focus on the preparation

How are Response-to-Intervention (RTI) frameworks commonly represented?
by a triangle or pyramid divided into three levels

How is the Technology-Related Assistance of Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 sometimes referred to?
Tech Act

How is the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 sometimes referred to?
AT Act

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