speech comm quiz 2 – Flashcards
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Even though Wilber's public speaking teacher had encouraged him to practice and prepare notes, he was convinced he did not need them. Wilbur was naturally comfortable in front of an audience, and thought notes would just stifle his charisma. On the day of his speech Wilbur found he was struggling to find the right words and felt like he was rambling. His audience was not amused or engaged. What was Wilbur's biggest mistake?
a. Wilbur did not prepare
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Why is it especially important to have a clear plan for your speech introduction?
a. You are likely to feel the most anxious during the opening moments of your speech
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Saul is very nervous before delivering his speech and notices that his hands are shaky and his knees are wobbly. How can Saul take control of these involuntary body movements before his speech?
c. By channeling his nervous energy
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Jackie was giving a speech on horses. She loves horses and she was excited to talk about horses. She imagined how happy she would be to share the information with her audience and how glad they would be to hear the information. What strategy was Jackie using to manage her anxiety?
a. She visualized her success
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Which of the following is a good strategy to use while speaking in order to calm speaker anxiety?
b. Look for positive listener support
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Ellie was very nervous about giving her first speech in her speech class, so she began working with several clubs on campus and volunteered to do presentations before her first formal speech in class. What strategy did Ellie use to combat her nervousness?
b. Ellie sought out speaking opportunities
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