Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable disease and premature death Essay Example
Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable disease and premature death Essay Example

Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable disease and premature death Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 2 (502 words)
  • Published: August 7, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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The leading cause of preventable diseases and premature death is smoking.

Smoking causes more deaths than road accidents, suicide, murder, AIDS, and illegal drugs combined. It creates a dependence on nicotine found in tobacco, leading to both physical and psychological addiction. Nicotine significantly increases heart rate and blood pressure. Tobacco products also contain tar, a dark and sticky substance that contains cancer-causing agents known as carinogens. Tar in the lungs blocks airways and gradually absorbs chemicals causing irritation and harm. Cigarettes also have Carbon Monoxide, a dangerous gas that hinders the transportation of oxygen to the brain and muscles through the bloodstream. While short-term smokers face lower risks compared to long-term smokers who are more likely to experience serious health problems, starting smoking at a young age makes quitting later in life more difficult.

Both peer and paren


tal smoking have a significant impact on the smoking behavior of teenagers. Additionally, pregnant women are also negatively affected, leading to an increased likelihood of delivering underweight, premature, stillborn, or miscarried babies. A recent study found that individuals aged 65 to 74 who smoke face almost ten times higher mortality rates from lung cancer compared to non-smokers in the same age group. As a result, elderly individuals should seriously consider quitting smoking despite the challenges associated with their long-standing addiction to nicotine. The reasons for smoking vary; some people use it as a method for weight loss despite the numerous health risks involved. Teenagers often start smoking in order to appear cool without fully understanding the health complications that come with it. To discourage teenagers from taking up smoking habits, schools should prioritize educating students about the dangers and disease

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associated with tobacco use.

Various factors can significantly impact the number of teenagers who smoke. One crucial influence on teenagers is their parents, who can shape their smoking behavior. If parents themselves smoke, teenagers may be more likely to follow suit, thinking that if their parents do it, they can too. It is essential for both parents and teenagers to take responsibility and avoid associating with the wrong crowd.
Parents should particularly consider quitting smoking permanently because even if teens don't smoke themselves, they can still suffer from passive smoking – inhaling secondhand smoke from their parents. Smoking has severe consequences such as premature death and significant health deterioration throughout one's lifetime. The experience often feels like a slow decline.
Furthermore, exposing infants to cigarette smoke poses a threat and potentially fatal harm to them. Moreover, chronic exposure to tobacco smoke may result in hearing impairment.

This woman is at risk for multiple health issues due to smoking. These include cancer of the mouth, throat, gullet, pancreas, and lungs as well as bronchitis, emphysema, stroke, coronary heart disease, bladder cancer, and blocked arteries. Smoking can also harm her child by affecting brain oxygen levels and increasing harmful carbon monoxide levels. It impacts lung function by causing difficulty in breathing. Excessive consumption of cigarettes over a long period of time can result in liver and kidney failure.

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