Shawshank Redemption Analysis Essay Example
Shawshank Redemption Analysis Essay Example

Shawshank Redemption Analysis Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1193 words)
  • Published: January 26, 2018
  • Type: Film Analysis
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In the story, Andy befriends a smuggler named Red who gives him a rock hammer to create chess pieces and later gets him large posters of prominent celebrities. Andy becomes the Warden's financial assistant and assists in using prison labor for personal profit, but his innocence is declared by Tommy Williams. The corrupt Warden punishes Andy for his skills in accounting, but Andy asks Red to promise to find a package in a field near Buxton if he ever gets out of prison. The next day, Andy disappears and a tunnel carved by him is revealed, leading to his escape from prison. He withdraws all of the Warden's money under an alias and moves to Mexico. Red finds the promised package after his release on parole and joins Andy in Situational, where they reunite on the beach.

It portrays a sense of hatred towards the


warden who is revealed as a terrible man, but also displays happiness when Andy Defense escapes and builds a new life in Mexico with Red. The mistreatment of inmates by officers and other inmates is shocking, while the camaraderie between Andy's group of friends in prison is heartwarming. The feeling of antiquarianism is also present as authorities failed to support Andy while he was incarcerated. The text conveys the message that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible, and one must never give up hope. The film shares similarities with Jasper Jones, as all inmates at Shawano prison are outcasts from society, and Andy's unfaithful wife has a profound effect on him like Charlie's mother in Jasper Jones. The characters' perceptions of belonging are varied throughout the film.

Red an

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Brooks Hadley, who have been serving at Shawano for a long time, feel that their perceptions of belonging have been altered by the prison system. They believe that they now truly belong at the prison, and the word "institutionalized" used by Red highlights this feeling. They fear that they wouldn't be able to cope with the rapidly changing outside world. Meanwhile, Brooks feels a strong sense of belonging at Shawano and attempted to murder another inmate when he was told he would be released. But when he is eventually released, he struggles to adapt to society and eventually commits suicide. On the other hand, Andy still feels connected to the outside world despite spending numerous years at Shawano. He wants to rejoin normal society and his posters reflect changes in culture. Although he is accepted by his peers, Andy doesn't belong at Shawano due to his wrongful conviction, which fuels his desire to escape.

The characters in the text have different experiences and perceptions of identity while in prison at Shawano. Many inmates have lost their sense of individuality due to prison life, crushing their dreams and leaving them with a bleak future. This erodes their self-perception as they come to terms with the wasted life they have led. However, some prisoners like Red and Andy have managed to create an identity for themselves in a prison environment where it is essential to maintain individuality.

Red has forged relationships within the prison, understanding the importance of having friends to keep him sane and focused during his sentence. He believes that unrealistic hopes and dreams do not bring anything good in prison life but staying connected with people

who matter helps lessen the burden.

Andy also has relationships inside Shawano, some good while others negative. Despite the lacking integrity within the prison environment, Andy ensures he maintains his personal integrity throughout his sentence. These characters' success in maintaining their individual identities makes them popular among viewers and critical players in the prison's social dynamics.Initially, Andy had a positive relationship with many of the guards in prison due to his financial assistance in protecting him from the 'sisters'. However, this changed and the destruction of these relationships made prison life more difficult for him. Acceptance played a prominent role in Shawano which Andy experienced through being accepted into Red's peer group and among the guards who initially protected him because of his financial skills. As they spent a lot of time together, Andy and Red began to understand each other well, being able to read each other's thoughts and emotions. The warden challenged Andy and Red's peer group as he presented a moral and religious persona, but was revealed to be a corrupt, unfeeling, money-obsessed man who disregarded the lives he destroyed at Shawano. Despite clear evidence provided by Tommy Williams regarding Anta's innocence, the warden refused to take action out of fear of revealing his financial crimes. Tommy was killed, and Andy was placed in solitary confinement for two months as a result.In the film, the major protagonist intentionally hinders Andy's opportunity for freedom and a new life, significantly testing his mental strength as he is deprived of companionship. However, Ellis 'Red' Redding, a notorious smuggler of contraband, greatly enriches the main prison group by giving Andy the tools he needs to escape and

providing practicality and extra cigarettes to enrich life at Shawano. Red's friendship helps Andy feel a sense of belonging, whereas other characters such as Brooks and Red become institutionalized and no longer belong in the real world. Overall, belonging is a significant theme throughout the film.The prison environment greatly limits the choices available to characters, which is also true for aspects of belonging. Many inmates in Shawano are forced to join a particular group for safety, as rejecting them could lead to being preyed upon by other ruthless inmates. Even those who do not feel comfortable in their social groups must force themselves to belong. However, some main characters, including Red and Andy, are content with their chosen group of friends. Nonetheless, there are barriers that prevent characters from belonging fully. For example, the prison walls prevent inmates from being together at certain times and joining society upon release. Additionally, the corrupt warden inhibits Andy's chances of becoming a free man with a normal life.

Techniques used:
- Unifying multiple sentences into one cohesive paragraph
- Maintaining the original and their contentsG.

In the movie, after 20 years of tunneling, Andy successfully escapes Shawano by crawling through a sewage tunnel. He joyfully washes himself in the river as the rain cleanses him and outstretches his arms towards the heavens. This symbolic gesture represents his redemption and indicates that all his previous sins have been symbolically washed away. Andy is now ready to rejoin society and start his new life in the Pacific Ocean where he can find a sense of belonging. The title of the movie highlights Andy's achievement of

redemption, which includes moving on from causing his wife's death. Throughout the film, Andy undergoes character development that is shown visually with the change in lighting on his face. From arriving at Shawano with much of his face hidden in shadows to being highlighted in his new library, these lighting changes emphasize his growth as a person. In addition to this, Andy's kind nature is revealed as he tries to better prison life for other inmates.

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