SCM 301 Chelko Exam 1 (Part 2) – Flashcards

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SCOR Model
SCOR Model
Supply Chain Operations Reference Model
Plan (SCOR) Demand Planning and Management
1. Balance supply & demand 2. Balance resources with requirements 3. Establish/ communicate plans with entire supply chain 4. Align supply chain with financial plan 5. Manage SC performance, data collection, inventory, capital assets, transportation, etc
Source (SCOR) Sorcing Stocked, Make-to-Order, Engineer-to-Order Products
1. Identify/select supply sources 2. Procure & schedule raw materials, receive, verify, transfer & pay for it 3. Assess supplier performance 4. Manage inventory & capital assets 5. Manage supplier networks, agreements 6. Vertical/virtual integration 7. Make/buy decisions
Make (SCOR) Make-to-Stock, Make-to-Order, Engineer-to-Order Production Execution
1. Select manufacturing process 2. Schedule production activities 3. Manufacture & test product 4. Package & stage product 5. Release product to deliver 6. Manage WIP inventories 7. Manage performance, equipment, facilities & production network 8. Manage regulatory requirements
Deliver (SCOR) Order, Warehouse, Transportation & Installation Management for Stocked, Make-to-Order, Engineer-to-Order Products
1. All order management steps from customer inquiries & quotes to shipments & transportation selection 2. Warehouse management—receive & pick, product to load & ship 3. Receive & verify product at customer site---install if necessary 4. Invoicing 5. Manage deliver business performance, FG inventories, capital assets, transportation, etc
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Return (SCOR) Return of Raw Materials to Supplier & Receipt of Returns of Finished Goods from Customers, includes Defective products, Excess Products, MRO Products
1. All return defective product steps from authorization to disposition (replacement or credit) 2. Ditto MROs (Maintenance, Repair, and Ops supplies) and excess products 3. Reverse supply chains 4. Manage return business performance, returned inventory, transportation, network config, and capital assets
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SCOR to Supply Chain Model
1. Raw Material Producer (Source) 2. Manufacturing Plant (Make) 3. Distributor/Wholesaler (Deliver) 4. Retailer (Deliver) 5. Customer (Deliver)
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Supply Chain Structure
Look more like a web or network and less like an actual chain structure. Supply chains consist of all stages involving (either directly or indirectly) in fulfilling customer requests.
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