Research Paper

The Socio Cultural Impact Of Tourism Tourism Essay Example

Introduction Tourism plays a significant role in external economic activities, experiencing rapid expansion. Its growth brings foreign currency, infrastructure development, and the adoption of innovative management and educational approaches. These advancements have a positive effect on multiple sectors of the economy, contributing to overall societal and economic progress. Western countries such as Austria, Italy, and […]

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Impact Of Holiday Business Seasonality On European Hrm Tourism Essay Example

The touristry industry recognizes seasonality as a common characteristic, resulting from people’s movement and causing fluctuations in demand (Bulter,1994; Baum,1999). This phenomenon and its effects on destination areas have been extensively studied in academic literature, often seen as a challenge for the industry. Seasonality significantly affects the human resource patterns in hospitality and touristry businesses, […]

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Why Gum Chewing Should Be Allowed in School Essay Example

In School Some would have you believe that gum chewing is a nasty habit and that it should be banned from schools. At SASS it is banned— Just like it is banned in all of Singapore. However, chewing gum should be allowed— promoted in fact— because of the many significant benefits of gum chewing. Not […]

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Smuggler’s Paradise: The Story of Nigeria’s Vehicle Smuggling Network Essay Example

Smugglers’ Paradise: The story of Nigeria’s vehicle smuggling network Recently, the federal government lifted ban on importation of vehicles via the nation’s land borders thus prompting speculations of automatic decline in vehicle smuggling across the country’s borders. However, contrary to expectations, smuggling still thrives across the nation’s entry points. Olatunji Ololade, Assistant Editor, takes a […]

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The Arrival of the Bee Box’ by Sylvia Plath Essay Example

‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’ was written by Sylvia Plath after the end of the Second World War. The poem is about the arrival of a bee box, and the emotions that Plath has towards it, and the sounds emanating from it. The poem has a definite beginning, middle, and end, but has no […]

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Conjugation and Transposition in Escherichia Coli Essay Example

Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to study the transfer of genetic information on plasmid F’lac by using Escherichia coli. Plasmid transfer was measured by using two different methods. The first one was by using selection and contraselection with three antibiotics: streptomycin(which was replaced by naladixic acid for the second part of the experiment), […]

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The Dichotomous Asset Pricing Model Essay Example

Ever since its introduction by Sharpe-Lintner-Black, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) has been the subject of criticism, appraisal, and continuous efforts for improvement. These efforts include the Reward Beta approach (Bornholt, 2007), conditional CAPM, and the consumption CAPM. Professor Liang Zou at the Universiteit van Amsterdam introduced the Dichotomous Asset Pricing Model (DAPM), which […]

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The Impact Of Events On Host Areas Tourism Essay Example

Introduction Within the growing waies of the touristry industry, which presently represents the 4th largest industry in the universe in footings of export, events act as accelerators for pulling visitants and image-makers, making finish profiles, positioning finishes in the market, and supplying competitory advantages (Bowdin et al. 2006). Their significance prompted a new capable type […]

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Study The Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty Tourism Essay Example

In 2006, a survey conducted by Zoe S. Dimitriades examined client satisfaction and trueness in service organizations. It was found that client trueness is a result of satisfaction, although it should be noted that they are different measures of company performance. Customer satisfaction can be influenced by both tangible products and service experiences, with the […]

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The Joe Camel Ad Campaign Essay Example

The Joe Camel Ad Campaign was created by the R. J. Reynolds U. S. marketing team in 1987. R. J. Reynolds created this ad campaign because at the time the company’s brand “Camel” was seen as an old mans cigarette. Because the youth market is such an important market to tobacco companies, as in their […]

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Impact Of Religious Tourism On Locals In India Theology Religion Essay Example

Multicultural India is puting up to flip faith touristry by developing more spiritual tourer circuits to pull foreign Tourist. Religious Tourism can be defined as travel with this nucleus motivation affecting sing spiritual signifiers, or the goods they induce, like art, civilization, imposts and architecture. Being merely about the most ancient civilisations on the universe, […]

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Should juvenile offenders be treated differently to adult offenders Essay Example

Juvenile offender’s also known as young offenders are classified in an individual section of the criminal justice system Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (NSW). This is known as the Juvenile Justice System which describes how juveniles are treated in the criminal justice system. It incorporates legislation, policing, the courts and aspects of welfare including criminology, […]

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American Fashion Fads of the Twentieth Century Essay Example

American Fashion Fads of the Twentieth Century A fad, or craze, becomes popular in a culture relatively quickly, but also loses its popularity dramatically. A fad that remains for a significant amount of time typically loses its significance in current popular culture as it evolves and becomes accepted into a society’s everyday culture. In the […]

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European Union and Child Protection With reference to UK Essay Example

The current talks concerning the European Union are centered on integrating the rights of children. This paper centers on Article 24 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which aligns with the principles set by the UNCRC and aims to promote children’s rights. The EU engages in various activities that affect children directly or indirectly, […]

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Jury Trial within the English Legal System Essay Example

The Jury system in England enables the public to actively participate in the legal system, enhancing their comprehension of court proceedings and the functioning of the law. Serving as a juror grants individuals the chance to contribute to handling significant criminal cases like burglary, theft, and drug offenses. The probability of participating in a murder […]

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Manas National Park, India Essay Example

Located in the Himalayan foothills spanning Assam, India and extending to Bhutan, the Manas National Park is renowned for its rare and endangered endemic wildlife (Wikipedia, 2008). While visitors are welcome, reservations and police escort are mandatory. Tourists have various options to explore the Manas National Park, ranging from boating, jeep riding, to trained elephant […]

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Rituals Of Accession And Apotheosis Theology Religion Essay Example

The male rulers of ancient Mesoamerican civilizations were regarded as sacred and possessed a level of holiness surpassing that of an ordinary person. They believed that upon their death, they would transform into deities and enjoy an afterlife in the heavenly Sun Eden. Each city and civilization had its own distinctive coronation rituals, which evolved […]

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Teen Pregnancy In The United States Economics Essay Example

Adolescent pregnancy is a significant issue in the United States, with various entities, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, and private foundations conducting studies on teenagers’ involvement in risky sexual behavior. These studies aim to explore effective strategies for reducing and preventing the negative consequences associated with such behavior. There is a range of […]

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The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example

This paper examines the insurability of the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Business Performance. It discusses how there has been a shift in measuring business performance, moving away from short-term analysis that focuses on indicators such as shareholder value, revenue, and market share. Instead, there is now a consideration of soft indicators like […]

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Icici Prudential Amc Essay Example

The purpose of this study is to examine the preferred service parameters of Bias in Bangle and their perception of ICC Prudential MAC compared to other Mac’s. The goal is to assist the organization and branch in identifying their current level of service, potential areas for improvement, and competitive standing to bolster their presence in […]

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Adding Third Dimension To Conventional Teaching – Exploration and Experimentation Essay Example

Adding a Third Dimension To Conventional Teaching – Exploration and Experimentation. This paper examines traditional teaching methods and proposes a new approach to creating architectural education focused on exploration and experimentation. With the changing technology and fast pace of the world, traditional education methods focused on information and assimilation are insufficient. The rapid changes in […]

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Analysis, Recommendation and Reflection on New Zealand Ideal Immigration Essay Example

New Zealand Ideal Immigration Consulting Ltd is a company that assists skilled individuals in immigrating to and studying in New Zealand. The company has contributed significantly to the economic growth and societal development of New Zealand, particularly through the influx of immigrants and international students. It was established in 1985 (New Zealand Ideal Immigration, 2010). […]

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