Research Paper

Bigfoot: In Search of the Truth Essay Example

Bigfoot is, without a doubt, the most recognized mystery in all of North America. The apelike being has reportedly been sighted thousands of times since the beginning of the 19th century. According to eyewitness testimonies, Bigfoot, also known as Sasqautch, is a gigantic beast that towers in at eight feet tall and weighs as much […]

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Coffee Break Essay Example

Coffee Break “I believe I just witnessed Jesus in my cup of Taster’s Choice” -Zippy the Pinhead. I am currently seated on the bench outside “Caf Kilim,” which is a well-liked coffee shop located in downtown Portsmouth. Friends and buddies come in and I ask how they are doing. They nod and come back out […]

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Goals of the business Essay Example

Although not all consumers have internet access and some people lack computer literacy, the main downside of online banking is overcome by the strict security measures implemented by banks. This has resulted in safe transactions over the internet. As a result, customers can now bank online or through telephone services without losing specialized assistance from […]

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Porn On Internet 12843 Essay Example

What makes the Internet so appealing to pedophiles? It provides easily accessible stimulation for child molesters. According to Trebilcock, anyone can easily download pictures without revealing their identity or interacting with others. However, definitions of pornography fail to fully capture its destructive nature, degradation, and its pathetic implications. The term pornography aligns perfectly with Sonia […]

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Are “Good” Computer Viruses Still a Bad Idea? 13782 Essay Example

Are “Good” Computer Viruses Still a Bad Idea? Vesselin Bontchev Research Associate Virus Test Center University of Hamburg Vogt-Koelln-Str. 30, 22527 Hamburg, Germany [email protected] [Editor’s note: Vesselin’s current email address is [email protected]] During the past six years, computer viruses have caused unaccountable amount of damage – mostly due to loss of time and resources. For […]

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Attention Deficit Disorder Essay Example

Danny, a kindergartner, is constantly active during playtime. He frequently changes chairs, swings his arms and legs, and plays with the light switches by repeatedly turning them on and off. His constant talking irritates those around him. Even when his teacher suggests that he join a group of children playing in the playroom, Danny interrupts […]

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The Best Possible Business Plan Essay Example

In order to have the best possible Business Plan I had to take various steps. These may have included: Primary and Secondary research or even an analysis of the competition I’d be facing. Deciding on what we were going to sell was easy, as the business is situated on the college premises and it’s for […]

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Digital Broadcasting Summary Essay Example

Abstract The essay investigates the impact of Digital Broadcasting on viewing patterns, popular culture, and audience identity. It begins by analyzing the history of the BBC and its original purpose as Public Service Broadcasting. The essay explores how John Reith transformed the BBC into a National Institution that had an influence on popular culture and […]

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Every year over one hundred thousand people in the Essay Example

United States die as aresult of alcohol usage. As a whole America contains roughly 14 million people diagnosed with alcoholism, which means about 1 in every thirteen adults, the people leading our nation, abuse alcohol privileges. This disease is slowly taking over, poisoning one home after another. In fact, one out of every four American […]

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Submarines Essay Example

The American submarine force will celebrate its 100th year of service in the year 2000, showcasing the expertise of highly skilled individuals who operate advanced vessels. Throughout the past century, this force has made significant advancements in submersible warfare and introduced nuclear propulsion, resulting in the development of true submarines. These submarines played a critical […]

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Background to the organisation & problem Essay Example

My project is based on a small business called Babu Motor Maintanance (BMM). I have interviewed the owner and gained a lot of information on it Babu Motor Maintanance (BMM) is in Harrow. It is a private company. Its location is at a home in the central most part of Harrow (near the main shopping […]

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Federal government under the Constitution too weak Essay Example

Introduction There is a big debate on whether the Federal government under the Constitution is too weak or too strong. Taking a critical analysis of the origin of federalism and constitutionalism, there are several lessons which may make one to either support Federal government under the constitution as a weak or strong system of government. […]

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European City of Culture Essay Example

The European Cultural Capital title appeared in 1985, then the Greek minister of culture, former actress Melina Mercouri together with the French counterpart-jack came up with the idea of bringing Europeans closer together through highlighting Europe’s richness in diversity of culture, while creating their common history as well as well values. The title is managed […]

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Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals Essay Example

Advertising utilizes various strategies to capture the customer’s attention and influence their purchasing decisions. Each advertisement employs different approaches, but they all tap into basic appeals that target the customer. In this analysis, two ads will be examined, based on the psychological research conducted by Henry Murray. Fowles identified fifteen emotional appeals commonly found in […]

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Effective Anti-Terrorism Tactics Essay Example

September 11, 2001, better known as “9/11”, is undoubtedly a day carved in the minds of many people, not only in the United States, but across the world. On that day terrorists shattered the twin towers of the World Trade Centre. Additionally, they smashed the Pentagon building by means of skyjacked commercial airlines as weapons […]

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Is the Celtic Tiger a Paper Tiger? Essay Example

Cormac Grda Last year Ireland’s GDP grew faster than anywhere else in the world. In 2001 Ireland remains at the top of the OECD growth league (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2001: 10- 11; OECD, 2001: vi). Nonetheless, though the Irish economy continues to attract the headlines, gone is the euphoric tone of even a year or […]

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Book Report for the Odyssey Essay Example

The Odyssey is an epic poem written in a series of 24 books. It is one of two epics written over 2500 years ago by the Western European poet, Homer. This epic joins Odysseus 10 years after the Trojan War. The story follows him as he attempts to return to his home in Ithaca where […]

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Myth Of A Classless Essay Example

The existence of social classes and unequal wealth distribution in the United States fuels racial tensions, undermining race relations more than actual racial differences. The frustration and oppression felt by those who lack wealth and aspire to attain it contributes to the creation of racial tensions. Minority groups perceive that most of the wealth is […]

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Gullivers travels-satire w/bibliography Essay Example

Jhova Tyler, 1 Jonathan Swift’s book, Gulliver’s Travels, published in 1726, is primarily a work of satire. According to Rodino (124), the character Gulliver is not fully developed but rather serves as a satirical device for Swift to make his points. The satire in the book starts off with specific targets, such as political machines […]

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Managerial Grid Essay Example

The management grid in Chopra’s 2002 book assigned concern for people to the vertical axis and concern for production to the horizontal axis, both on a scale of 9. Heijden, Bono, and Jones (2008) describe Blake and Mouton’s five styles using this grid. The first style is Team Management (9,9), which integrates concern for production […]

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Social Media Effects on Australian E-Commerce Essay Example

Introduction There is an increasing trend in using social cues in website design, especially for e-commerce websites. The purpose is to improve user interaction by encouraging helpfulness and creating a sense of familiarity (Adapa 2008). The underlying concept proposes that these social cues on websites can prompt a social reaction from visitors, resulting in a […]

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Sun Vs. Microsoft 18623 Essay Example

Sun Microsystems, Inc. Introduction In 1998, Sun had become a significant player in enterprise network computing worldwide. Operating in 150 countries and generating $8 billion in revenues. Sun faced tough competition from Intel, HP, IBM, CPQ, and SGI in the technical markets. In 1998, the information technology industry, which was Sun’s target market, was fiercely […]

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