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Passage of the Wilmot Proviso of 1846 would have 1.prohibited slavery in any territory acquired as a result of the Mexican War. 2.allowed the expansion of slavery into any territory acquired from the Mexican War. 3.established popular sovereignty as the means for any future expansion of slavery. 4.extended the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific. 5.little impact on the North.
1.prohibited slavery in any territory acquired as a result of the Mexican War.
Northern Democrats were upset at what appeared to be the policy of the Polk administration to 1.favor southern slaveholders' interests. 2.provide federal funds for the improvement of rivers and harbors. 3.emancipate all of the South's slaves. control of "all of Oregon." 5.increase tariffs.
1.favor southern slaveholders' interests.
The Compromise of 1850 was 1.opposed by important congressional leaders Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas. 2.passed by Congress as an omnibus bill. passed as a series of measures that could be voted on separately. 3.struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. 4.strongly supported by President Taylor.
passed as a series of measures that could be voted on separately.
Which of the following provisions was NOT included in the Compromise of 1850? 1.banning the slave trade from Washington, D.C. 2.organizing New Mexico and Utah territories on the principle of popular sovereignty 3.admitting California to the Union as a free state 4.reopening the international slave trade 5.the basis for a Fugitive Slave Law
4.reopening the international slave trade
The Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision 1.mandated congressional control of slavery in the territories. 2.was later overturned on appeal. 3.declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. 4.won widespread approval in the North. 5.granted citizenship to African Americans.
3.declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.
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Kansas's Lecompton constitution was 1.favored by a majority of the members of Congress. 2.designed to protect slavery in the soon-to-be-admitted state. 3.approved by a majority of the territory's residents in a fair referendum. 4.intended to divide the territory into two slave/not-slave districts. 5.vigorously defended by Senator Stephen Douglas.
2.designed to protect slavery in the soon-to-be-admitted state.
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Which of the following statements concerning the election of 1848 is true? 1.Whig candidate Zachary Taylor proposed equal rights for slaveholders in federal territories. 2.All of the answers are correct. 3.Martin Van Buren rejected the nomination of the Free-Soil Party because of his support for the extension of slavery. 4. The Democrats nominated Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan, the major proponent of popular sovereignty. 5.None of the answers are correct.
4. The Democrats nominated Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan, the major proponent of popular sovereignty.
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As president, James Buchanan 1.Accepted the advice of the "Ostend Manifesto" to pursue the acquisition of Cuba at all costs. 2.Urged the Supreme Court to settle once and for all the constitutional issues related to the extension of slavery in the territories. 3.Denounced the Lecompton Constitution as an obvious perversion of the principle of popular sovereignty. 4.Negotiated the Gadsden Purchase of southern Arizona from Mexico. 5.All of the answers are correct.
2.urged the Supreme Court to settle once and for all the constitutional issues related to the extension of slavery in the territories.
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The rapid rise of the Republican Party in the North can be partly attributed to the party's 1.moral stance in demanding complete abolition of the institution of slavery. support of issues at the local level geared to attract immigrant and Catholic votes. 3.adept organizing and campaigning skills at the grass-roots level. 4.consistently laissez-faire economic platform. 5.endorsement of slavery throughout the United States.
3.adept organizing and campaigning skills at the grass-roots level.
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During 1859-1860, southern extremists supported the 1.release of John Brown after his raid on Harpers Ferry. 2.reopening of the Atlantic slave trade. 3.election of John Sherman as Speaker of the House. 4.All of the answers are correct. 5.election of Abraham Lincoln as president.
2.reopening of the Atlantic slave trade
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In the Dred Scott v Sanford (1857) decision, the Supreme Court held that a. slavery could not be prohibited by any state b. the Fugitive Slave Law was unconstitutional c. Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories d. The Missouri Compromise was valid
c. Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories
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The Election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 indicated that 1.political power was shifting to western states 2.the Federalist were making a comeback 3. Henry Clay was an incompetent opponent 4.the bank of the United States was a popular issue
1.political power was shifting to western states
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During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the spoils system resulted in 1.federal laws being nullified by the states 2.elected officials rewarding their supporters with government jobs 3.all free males being given the right to vote 4.the end of political corruption in the federal government
2.elected officials rewarding their supporters with government jobs
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In the period from 1865 to 1900, the United States Government aided the development of the West by 1.maintaining free and unlimited coinage of silver 2.offering low-interest loans to businesses 3.granting land to railroad companies 4.providing price supports for farm products
3.granting land to railroad companies
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The Jacksonian charge of a "corrupt bargain" to gain John Quincy Adams the presidency arose because a. William Crawford threw his electoral votes to Adams in exchange for a seat in the Senate. b. Adams was charged with having bribed members of the House to vote for him. c. Adams ended his previous opposition to Clay's American System. d. Clay was named secretary of state after throwing his support to Adams.
d. Clay was named secretary of state after throwing his support to Adams.
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"Compromise Enables Maine and Missouri To Enter Union" (1820) "California Admitted to Union as Free State" (1850) "Kansas-Nebraska Act Sets Up Popular Sovereignty" (1854) Which issue is reflected in these headlines? 1.enactment of protective tariffs 2.extension of slavery rights for minorities 4.universal public education
2.extension of slavery
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The phrase "by military conquest, treaty, and purchase" best describes the 1.steps in the growth of American industry 2.methods used to expand the territory of the United States 3.major parts of President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points 4.causes of the United States entry into the Korean War
2.methods used to expand the territory of the United States
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Before the Civil War, the principle of popular sovereignty was proposed as a means of 1.allowing states to secede from the Union 2.permitting voters to nullify federal laws 3.deciding the legalization of slavery in a new state 4.overturning unpopular decisions of the Supreme Court
3.deciding the legalization of slavery in a new state
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As the United States acquired more land between 1803 and 1850, controversy over these territories focused on the 1.need for schools and colleges 2.failure to conserve natural resources 3.expansion of slavery of transcontinental railroads
3.expansion of slavery
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During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the intervention of the United States in Latin America was motivated mainly by a desire to (1) reduce the influence of communism (2) control Latin American independence movements (3) promote European colonization of the area (4) protect growing United States investments in Latin America
(4) protect growing United States investments in Latin America
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The foreign policies of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe were similar in that they each (1) supported wars against England (2) failed to acquire new territory (3) attempted to avoid involvement in European affairs (4) aided the French in return for their help during the Revolutionary War
(3) attempted to avoid involvement in European affairs
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The decision of the United States Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the power of the 1. House of Representatives to impeach the president 2. Congress to override a presidential veto 3. president to veto congressional legislation 4. Supreme Court to determine the Constitutionality of laws
4. Supreme Court to determine the Constitutionality of laws
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In the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803), the Supreme Court increased its power by (1) establishing the practice of judicial review (2) upholding the presidential appointment power (3) expanding the meaning of individual liberties (4) declaring the principle of states' rights unconstitutional
(1) establishing the practice of judicial review
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The Supreme Court has the power to 1.control the federal budget 2. vote to end a ties in the Senate 3. approve presidential appointments 4. interpret the Constitution
4. interpret the Constitution
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The power Judicial review allow the Supreme Court to 1. repeal amendments to the Constitution 2. determine the constitutionality of a law 3. break the votes in the electoral college 4. impeach the president and other high-level officials
2. determine the constitutionality of a law
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4) Which headline illustrates the use of judicial review? (1) "Congress Passes a Civil Rights Bill" (2) "Conference Committee Meets to Finalize Budget" (3) "New York State's Reapportionment Plan Ruled Unconstitutional" (4) "President Signs SALT Agreement with Russia"
(3) "New York State's Reapportionment Plan Ruled Unconstitutional"
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Judicial review, as practiced by the federal courts, resulted directly from 1. the decision of colonial governors 2.the Articles of Confederation 3. the Bill of Rights 4. a Supreme Court decision
4. a Supreme Court decision
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What was the result of many of the Supreme Court decisions made under Chief Justice John Marshall between 1801 and 1835? 1.The system of slavery was weakened. 2.The federal government was strengthened. 3.The rights of workers were supported. 4.Antitrust laws were upheld.
2.The federal government was strengthened
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The due process clause in the 5th Amendment and the right to an attorney in the 6th Amendment were designed to 1.protect freedom of expression 2.assure that laws are properly enacted 3.ensure fair treatment for those accused of crimes 4.provide for judicial review of laws
3.ensure fair treatment for those accused of crimes
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During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the spoils system resulted in (1) federal laws being nullified by the states (2) elected officials rewarding their supporters with government jobs (3) all free males being given the right to vote (4) the end of political corruption in the federal government
(2) elected officials rewarding their supporters with government jobs
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A major reason for the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to 1.discourage United States trade with Latin America 2.defend the Panama Canal from Great Britain 3.prevent further European colonization in the Caribbean region 4.provide economic aid to Latin American nations
3.prevent further European colonization in the Caribbean region
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One way in which the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (1798) and the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification (1832) are similar is that each 1.claimed that individual states have the right to interpret federal laws 2.formed part of the unwritten constitution 3.supported the federal government's power to declare war 4.provided a way for new states to enter the Union
1.claimed that individual states have the right to interpret federal laws
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As a result of President Andrew Jackson's policies, Native American Indians were (1) relocated to reservations in Mexico (2) forcibly removed to areas west of the Mississippi (3) gradually allowed to return to their ancestral lands (4) given United States citizenship
(2) forcibly removed to areas west of the Mississippi
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The growth of early-nineteenth-century American manufacturing was stimulated by the A) War of 1812. B) Peace Treaty of Ghent. C) Louisiana Purchase. D) Tariff of 1816. E) rise of the "Know-Nothing" Party.
A) War of 1812
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The vote in favor of war in 1812 in the House of Representatives indicated that a. almost all Americans wanted war b. the country was divided about going to war with England c. when it came to an issue as serious as the consideration of war, Representatives put aside sectional differences d. most Americans desired war with France as opposed to England
b. the country was divided about going to war with England
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In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was established mainly because the United States wanted to 1.keep control of Alaska and Hawaii 2.establish more colonies in Latin America England's attempt to keep its empire in Central America 4.warn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America
4.warn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America
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1 An example of a primary source of information about the War of 1812 would be a (1) battle plan for the attack on Fort McHenry (2) historical novel on the Battle of New Orleans (3) movie on the life of President James Madison (4) textbook passage on the naval engagements of the war
1) battle plan for the attack on Fort McHenry
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One similarity in the foreign policies of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe was that they (1) favored France over England (2) promoted colonial expansion (3) came to the defense of Latin American nations (4) sought to avoid involvement in European political struggles
(4) sought to avoid involvement in European political struggles
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President George Washington's principal reason for issuing the Proclamation of Neutrality (1793) was to (1) repay France for help in the Revolutionary War (2) protect United States interests in the Caribbean area (3) safeguard the newly won independence (4) punish the British for failing to withdraw from American territory
(3) safeguard the newly won independence
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'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world ...‖ — President George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796 The United States was able to follow this advice from President Washington for several decades primarily because of (1) industrial and agricultural self-sufficiency (2) strong support from other Western Hemisphere nations (3) geographic isolation from Europe (4) peaceful relations between the European powers
(3) geographic isolation from Europe
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How did President George Washington react to the conflict between France and England in 1793? (1) He used the opportunity to begin the war for American independence. (2) He declared the neutrality of the United States. (3) He aided the French because they had supported the American Revolution. (4) He negotiated a peace settlement between the warring nations.
(2) He declared the neutrality of the United States.
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Conflicts between Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians during President George Washington's first administration led directly to the (1) end of the Era of Good Feelings (2) decision to replace the Articles of Confederation (3) addition of the elastic clause to the Constitution (4) start of the first political parties
(4) start of the first political parties
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The unwritten constitution is best defined as the (1) amendments to the United States Constitution (2) powers that the Constitution reserves for the states (3) powers that the Constitution denies to Congress and to the states (4) practices of the government that are based on custom and tradition
(4) practices of the government that are based on custom and tradition
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All of the following were arguments of Southerns in their defense of slavery EXCEPT a. slavery had constitutional support b.the Bible justified slavery c. blacks were inherently inferior to whites d. most European nations still used slave labor
d. most European nations still used slave labor
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The most critical question facing the nation in the 1850s was a. what the status of states would be after succession b. the political balance between the North and South in the House of Representatives c. the extension of slavery into territies d. the significance of a multi-party system in American politics
c. the extension of slavery into terrorities
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During the 1840s, a majority of northerners a.Converted to the cause of gradual abolition of slavery. b. Disliked slavery, but were reluctant to accept large numbers of blacks as equal and free citizens. c. Viewed slavery as a useful and desirable labor system for an agricultural economy. d. Rejected the law of the land in favor of an immediate "higher law" prohibiting human bondage. e None of the answers are correct.
b. Disliked slavery, but were reluctant to accept large numbers of blacks as equal and free citizens.
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During 1859-1860, southern extremists supported the 1.release of John Brown after his raid on Harpers Ferry. 2.reopening of the Atlantic slave trade. 3.election of John Sherman as Speaker of the House. 4.All of the answers are correct. 5.election of Abraham Lincoln as president.
2.reopening of the Atlantic slave trade
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In the Dred Scott v Sanford (1857) decision, the Supreme Court held that a. slavery could not be prohibited by any state b. the Fugitive Slave Law was unconstitutional c. Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories d. The Missouri Compromise was valid
c. Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories
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