Renaissance Chapter 17, Chapter 19 and 20 – Flashcards

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What is the Renaissance (1300-1600)
The word renaissance comes from the French word meaning 'rebirth'. This was a time in Europe of enormous change, cultural and artistic evolution took place with many new scientific discoveries made. Together they catapulted the world into a more modern way of thinking.
Why did it begin in Italy?
1.) it has many cities and of Europe was rural so people come together to share ideas. 2.) the cities were full of merchants and bankers who were becoming wealthy and powerful. 3.) The Italian artists and scholars were inspired by reminders of classical Rome.
What is Humanism?
Deep interest in what people have already achieved as well as what they could achieve in the future. The main difference is that medieval thinking was preoccupied with God and religion, whereas Humanism is pre-occupied with reason, progress and science.
What is a Humanist?
A person interested in developing themselves in a variety of areas including thought, science, politics and art.
How did Humanism depart from the Medieval beliefs of worldly pleasures?
The main difference is that medieval thinking was preoccupied with God and religion, whereas Humanism is pre-occupied with reason, progress and science.
What are "key" characteristics of Renaissance Art?
Drew on techniques and style of classical Rome, art is more realistic, artist created both secular and religious work. Artists were striving to make their works as true to life as possible.
What are the "key" characteristics of Medieval Art?
Religious subject matter - Important figures are shown as larger than others around them - Figures look stiff with little sense of movement - Fully clothed - Faces were serious and showed little emotion. - Flat and two-dimensional - Backgrounds were one color.
How were Medieval Art and Renaissance art different?
Renaissance art departed from art of the Middle Ages because it drew on techniques and style of classical Rome, art is more realistic, artist created both secular and religious work.
Why was the invention of the printing press so significant with regard to peoples' faith?
The invention of the printing press was important because it made it easier to make many copy of a book. Words became available far and wide. People of faith no longer had to rely on knowing Latin or listening to people who knew Latin to get their religious information. People read the bible on their own and formed ideas about religion that were different than the church.
How did the Renaissance change European society?
It created people who questioned and had thoughts verses relying on the church and lords to give them information. People were not afraid to give there views on a variety of subjects so great works like the Prince by Machiavelli was written and is still used today.
Babylonian Captivity
Period during the 1300s when the Popes were influenced by the French monarchy to reside in Avignon
Great Schism
1378-1417; 2 popes, 1 in Rome and 1 in Avignon to appease the people; caused question in the Church
Martin Luther
(1483-1546) a German monk who, in 1517, took a public stand against the sale of indulgences by nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenburg; he believed that people did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them; his actions began the Reformation
95 Theses
(1517) A list of arguments against the Catholic Church and indulgences that was written by Martin Luther. It was originally written in Latin, and it questioned indulgence peddling and the purchase of church offices. Martin Luther posted on the door of Wittenberg's All Saints Church. Among other things, he argued that indulgences had no basis in the Bible, that the pope had no authority to release souls from purgatory, and that Christians could only be saved through faith (the "by faith alone" belief). Once it became public, it unleashed a sudden and violent outpouring of pent-up resentment and frustration among the laypeople.
Luther's theology
sola fide-salvation is through faith alone
Reasons for Protestant Reformation
1 Humanism lead to people questioning the church 2. Printing press helped spread ideas critical of the chruch 3. Powerful monarchs challenged the church as the supreme power over Europe and the pope as the leader 4. Kings were jealous of the church's wealth 5 Merchants resented having to pay taxes to the church 6 Church leaders became corrupt people found practices unacceptable
Catholic and Counter Reformations
Church responded to protestant reforms and tried to maintain power. Created the Jesuits to stop the spread of protestansim, convert non christians to catholics and founded schools to teach classical studies in religion.
The Inquisition
A secret church sect set up in the Middle Ages that would use secret testimony, torture, and execution to root out heresy.
Spanish conquest over Aztecs
Cortes found the amazing Aztec capital and asked to stay (usually sacrificed), but left and came back and conquered by using horses and dog and disease (Aztec had not been exposed to childhood diseases like measles).
Reasons for European Exploration
The Spanish conquistadors and other countries were looking for lands to conquer, gold to capture, and people to convert to the Catholic religion.
Encomienda system
A land grant system started in 1503 which gave certain Spaniards an estate or tract of land in America as well as the Native American inhabitants of that land; also, this tract of land and its inhabitants
Causes of African slave trade
European colonists needed cheap labor, Muslims believed that prisoners of war could be slaves so many africans were enslaved, africans were ideal because they had agriculture experience, had been exposed to european diseases and would have a hard time escaping in north america and europe.
Triangular trade
A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa
Middle Passage
A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies
Consequences of the slave trade
Introduced guns to Africa, tore families apart, lost strongest members of African society. For the Americas, they would not have survived without this labor.
Columbian exchange & impact of European disease
The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages. Most important items were corn and potatos. Diseases, small pox and measles lead to the death of millions of native americans.
Theory of mercantilism and establishment of colonies
Theory of mercantilism held that a country's power depended on its wealth. Through acquiring gold and silver and a favorable balance of trade (sold more goods that bought, a country would be self sufficient. Colonies provided raw materials not available in home country and a market to sell european goods.
Describe Mayan society
Independent city states, intensive agriculture, united culture, strong religious beliefs, loyal to king, wealthy , produced more food then needed.
Mayan Architecture
public buildings, temples, palaces, ball courts, pyramids. Made of cut stone.
Mayan Calendar
each day associated witha different god who carried sun on back until they became tired (sunset) and passed it off to another (sunrise); allowed Maya to know which god was in charge each day; decisions on when to plant, declare war, marry based upon what god carried the sun on a given day; 260 and 365 day calendars- interlocking gears; 18 months with 20 days each (360) and 5 days in last month, Uayeb, said to be ominous (19 months in all); two calendars combined, took 52 years to repeat same combination of dates; predicted that the world will end on December 21, 2012
Mayan mathematics
-the mayans had a number system consisting of shells, dots and lines included concept of zero and base 20 system.
Mayan hieroglyphics
The writing system of the Maya civilization of Mesoamerica. 800 hieroglyphics or GLYPHS. put in bark paper book called CODEX.
Aztec Engineering
bridges, canals, step temple pyramids
Azetec Tenochtitlan
In 1500, among the largest cities in the world, with perhaps as many as 200,000 inhabitants. City of great wealth, obtained through the spoils of tribute from conquered regions.Colorful, busy markets with a bewildering array of foods and luxuries impressed native visitors and conquering Spaniards alike.
Aztec Sacrifices
a performed ritual because they believed killing a human and providing blood to gods it would keep the gods happy. war captives, criminals, slaves, people by tribute, 1,000s of sacrifices/ yr, large crowd of spectators may have been to get people to obey
1. The basis of social organization among early North American peoples was (A) religion (B) language (C) nature (D) family
D. Family The extended family, including parents, children, grandparents, and other close relatives, was the basic social unit of Native American societies.
2. The sophisticated numerical system developed by the Maya was mainly used for (A) astronomy (B) trade (C) architecture (D) record-keeping According to Mayan belief, the fortune of any given day (good or bad luck) depended on the nature of the god who controlled that day. Mayan advances in astronomy and mathematics were motivated by the need to have an accurate calendar to know which god was in charge of the day.
(A) astronomy According to Mayan belief, the fortune of any given day (good or bad luck) depended on the nature of the god who controlled that day. Mayan advances in astronomy and mathematics were motivated by the need to have an accurate calendar to know which god was in charge of the day.
3. One aspect of Aztec society that was greatly influenced by religion was (A) trade (B) warfare (C) social class (D) agriculture
(B) warfare Human sacrifice, usually of war captives, was a central part of Aztec ritual. Soldiers fought constantly in order to capture more prisoners to sacrifice. Not surprisingly, a major goal of Aztec military strategy was the taking of live prisoners.
4. A cultural feature common to the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca Empires was (A) a calendar (B) human sacrifice (C) written language (D) centralized trade All three societies developed elaborate time-keeping systems based on two interconnected calendars. These calendars were used principally for religious purposes.
(A) a calendar All three societies developed elaborate time-keeping systems based on two interconnected calendars. These calendars were used principally for religious purposes.
5. In contrast to the Aztecs, the Inca built their empire through (A) brutal conquest and tribute (B) diplomacy (C) the expansion of trade (D) peaceful means The Inca Empire expanded both by military force and by diplomacy but used force as a last resort. The Incas offered attractive surrender terms to enemy states, including the right to keep their own customs and leaders. Many accepted these terms without further resistance.
(B) diplomacy The Inca Empire expanded both by military force and by diplomacy but used force as a last resort. The Incas offered attractive surrender terms to enemy states, including the right to keep their own customs and leaders. Many accepted these terms without further resistance.
1. Like artists of the Middle Ages, Renaissance artists (A) used perspective in painting (B) painted realistic portraits (C) often chose religious subjects (D) portrayed personalities of their subjects
(C) often chose religious subjects Although both medieval and Renaissance artists used religious themes, Renaissance painting revived the realistic techniques of classical art and used them to convey the individuality of their subjects.
2. The most important vehicle for the spread of Renaissance ideas was (A) immigration (B) long-distance trade (C) the printing press (D) humanism
(C) the printing press With the invention of the printing press, books became cheaper and more plentiful. As the audience for books widened, new ideas spread more quickly and writing in vernacular languages increased.
3. In his 95 Theses, Martin Luther criticized (A) the selling of indulgences (B) the authority of the pope (C) the Holy Roman emperor (D) gambling and drinking
(A) the selling of indulgences Martin Luther's initial criticism of the Church focused on the sale of indulgences, or pardons. He soon expanded his critique to call for a full reform of the Church.
5. All of the following ideas were part of Martin Luther's teachings EXCEPT (A) the Bible was the only legitimate religious authority (B) salvation came only from faith (C) salvation was predestined by God (D) all people of faith were equal J
(C) salvation was predestined by God John Calvin expanded Luther's idea that salvation cannot be earned. He taught that a chosen few had been predestined for salvation since the beginning of time.
1. The main motive for European exploration in the 1400s was (A) new navigational tools (B) the invention of the caravel (C) to find new sources of wealth (D) to spread Christianity
(C) to find new sources of wealth European nations felt spreading Christianity was a sacred duty. However, the main motive for overseas exploration was the opportunity to profit from the trade of Asian goods.
1. Native Americans did not become the main labor force in the colonies because (A) colonists believed them to be agents of the devil (B) most of the native population was killed by disease (C) colonists feared native uprisings (D) they were not good workers
(B) most of the native population was killed by disease Epidemic diseases such as smallpox and measles killed thousands of Native Americans. The drastic reduction in the native population created a labor shortage in the colonies.
3. Unlike slavery in the Americas, slavery in Africa was (A) based on race (B) hereditary (C) not hereditary (D) a lifelong condition
(C) c. not hereditary Slaves in African societies were mostly prisoners of war and criminals. Unlike slaves in the Americas, they could achieve their freedom in a variety of ways and their children were born free.
4. Triangular trade refers to (A) the Atlantic slave trade (B) the trade network between the Americas, Europe, and Africa (C) the journey of African slaves to the Americas (D) the philosophy of mercantilism
(B) the trade network between the Americas, Europe, and Africa African slaves were brought to the Americas as one leg of a transatlantic trade triangle. This trade included different routes between the American colonies, Europe, and Africa and carried not only slaves, but such goods as sugar, rum, and tobacco.
5. The spread of corn and potatoes beyond the Americas (A) helped boost the world's population (B) preceded the Columbian Exchange (C) caused outbreaks of disease (D) created a favorable balance of trade
(A) helped boost the world's population Inexpensive to grow and nutritious, corn and potatoes became the regular diet of millions of people. Because of their benefit to the world's population, these plants are considered one of the key contributions of the Columbian Exchange.
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