Quiz#9 – Flashcard
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Casey's persuasive speech contained the following statement: The decline in the U.S. bat population has reached critical proportions. Since 2006, more than six million bats in 23 states have been killed by a fungus called white-nose syndrome. The shrinking number of bats has serious consequences, not only because bats eat insects that are harmful to trees and crops, but because they eat mosquitoes, such as those that carry West Nile virus. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Casey address in this excerpt? (Note: there is only one correct answer to this question) plan
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Cliff's persuasive speech contained the following statement: Reducing the problem of bullying will require a combination of measures. To begin with, school personnel need to be trained to recognize the signs of bullying and to respond appropriately. In addition, students need to be reminded that bullying is everybody's problem and that every student has a responsibility to report it to school officials. Finally, parents and teachers need to know how to empower students with appropriate ways to respond when they find themselves a victim of bullying. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Cliff address in this excerpt? (Note: there is only one correct answer to this question)
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in a speech seeking to persuade his audience to donate blood, Ian explained how little time the donation process would take from their busy schedules. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Ian address in this part of his speech? (Note: there is only one correct answer to this question)
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What organizational method for persuasive speeches is designed to take the audience through the five steps of attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action?
Monroe's motivated sequence
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