Question of Chemistry Essay Example
Question of Chemistry Essay Example

Question of Chemistry Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (368 words)
  • Published: May 26, 2017
  • Type: Tests
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When the perfumed incense is lit, it transforms from a solid to a gaseous state. Gases are known to spread in all directions. Once the incense is lit, the perfume molecules mix with the air molecules in the room as they move randomly due to absorbed heat energy. As these molecules collide with one another, they mix and disperse throughout the room.

Q-4. The rate of diffusion between Honey and ink differs. Ink diffuses at a faster rate compared to honey due to the low viscosity of ink. In contrast, honey is more viscous, which slows down its diffusion rate in a solution.

Q-9. Carbon-di-oxide and Oxygen, two atmospheric gases, dissolve in water by diffusion. This natural process plays an important role in nature.

The advantageous element for marine creatures is oxygen, whereas CO2 suits aquatic plants. The blood cells receive t


he diffused oxygen from the lungs, which ultimately reaches every cell. Fish can breathe underwater as dissolved oxygen permeates their lungs. The feeble intermolecular forces between gas molecules discussed in Q-18 explain why gases lack a fixed volume or shape.

Gas molecules move freely and randomly in all directions, allowing them to fill the entirety of their container, regardless of its shape. As a result, gases lack a fixed volume or shape. For Q-20, steam at 100°C is superior to boiling water at the same temperature for heating because it holds more energy due to its extra latent heat of vaporization.

On hot days, perspiration helps regulate body temperature by cooling the skin through evaporation. This is comparable to how water in a mud pot cools during summer. When sweat evaporates from our porous body, it releases water that

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absorbs heat on the skin's surface and facilitates body cooling. Additionally, wet clothes dry faster in the sun because of the process of water evaporation from their fabric.

Although evaporation of water can occur at room temperature, it is expedited in hot and dry conditions and influenced by the extent of surface area. Consequently, to accelerate the process of drying damp garments, one can hang or spread them out.

It should be noted that an increase in evaporation is directly linked to an increase in wind velocity.

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