Psychology Chapter 13 Study Guide Personality – Flashcards

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The unique way in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels throughout life is called a) character. b) personality. c) temperament. d) the unconscious.
b) personality Temperament and character are both part of personality. Character refers to value judgments made about a person's morals, and temperament refers to the enduring characteristics that a person is born with.
One limitation of the trait perspective compared to the other perspectives is there is not much a) description. b) research. c) material. d) explanation.
a) description. Trait theories are descriptive and deal with the actual end result of personality.
Many have compared Freud's idea of the mind to an iceberg. If that were the case and you were standing on the deck of a ship in Alaska, what part of the mind would you see above the water? a) ego b) superego c) id d) preconscious
a) ego The ego is the part of the mind that is conscious and in view.
Information that cannot be recalled even when a person makes a determined effort to retrieve it would be said by Freud to be residing in the a) conscious. b) preconscious. c) unconscious. d) superego.
c) unconscious Freud thought that information sometimes seeped out of the unconscious through our dreams or slips of the tongue, but for the most part, the information was not readily available to our conscious awareness.
In Sigmund Freud's theory, the _____ operates according to the pleasure principle. a) id b) ego c) thanatos d) superego
a) id According to Freud, the id represents the most basic part of the personality and operates on the pleasure principle. The ego operates on the reality principle.
According to Freud, the last component of an individual's personality to develop is the a) ego. b) superego. c) id. d) libido.
b) superego Freud's theory states that the superego develops during the phallic stage or when an individual is 5-6 years old.
What is Freud's term for the executive of the personality that has a realistic plan for obtaining gratification of an individual's desires? a) id b) ego c) superego d) preconscious
b) ego The ego is in charge of reality and decisions and the superego is there for moral judgments, but the ego makes the decisions.
Freud called the developmental stage in which the Oedipus complex occurs the a) oral stage. b) anal stage. c) phallic stage. d) latency stage.
c) phallic stage. The Oedipus complex leads to the development of the superego and occurs during the phallic stage.
Freud believed that the personality characteristics of overeating, gum chewing, being too dependent or overly optimistic developed due to fixation during the a) oral stage. b) anal stage. c) phallic stage. d) latency stage.
a) oral stage Freud described those personality traits as resulting from fixation during the oral stage of development.
Which neo-Freudian viewed personality disturbances as resulting from the feelings of inferiority all people share? a) Carl Jung b) Alfred Adler c) Carl Rogers d) Karen Horney
b) Alfred Adler Adler viewed personality disturbances as resulting from the feelings of inferiority all people share. Jung focused on archetypes in the collective unconscious.
Karen Horney disagreed with Freud about the unconscious force that influences behavior. She believed the force was not sexual desire, but rather a) feelings of inferiority. b) basic anxiety. c) the collective unconscious. d) self-regard.
b) basic anxiety Horney believed that basic anxiety was the unconscious driving force behind many of the behaviors people exhibited.
Which of the following is not a current criticism of Freud's psychoanalytic theory? a) the significant impact it has had on culture b) the lack of empirical evidence c) observations based on Freud's personal clients d) role of women in Freud's theory
a) the significant impact it has had on culture The impact of Freud's theory on culture is not considered a criticism.
Albert Bandura's notion that people are affected by their environment but can also influence that environment is known as a) self-efficacy. b) locus of control. c) phenomenology. d) reciprocal determinism.
d) reciprocal determinism. Self-efficacy refers to one's perception of how effective a behavior will be in any particular circumstance, whereas reciprocal determinism is Bandura's notion that people are affected by their environment but can also influence that environment.
A baseball player's son is quite talented; he has received lots of awards over the years. When he gets up to bat he expects to get a hit, and when he is in the field he expects to make every catch. According to Bandura, what characteristic does this young man seem to have? a) self-regard b) self-centeredness c) self-efficacy d) self-actualization
c) self-efficacy Self-efficacy refers to one's perception of how effective a behavior will be in any particular circumstance. Self-actualization has to do with self-fulfillment and reaching one's full potential.
_____________ theory is called the third force in personality theory. a) Psychoanalytic. b) Behaviorist c) Cognitive d) Humanistic
d) Humanistic Humanistic theory is called the third force in personality theory; the first two are psychoanalytic theory and behaviorist theory.
In Carl Rogers's theory, our perception of our abilities, behaviors, and characteristics is known as ________. a) personality b) self-regard c) self-esteem d) self-concept
d) self-concept Self-esteem has more to do with one's sense of worth.
Which of the following represents an example of unconditional positive regard? a) a mother telling her son that she hopes he becomes an engineer like his father b) a father telling his daughter that he will really only be proud of her if she gets all As like she did last semester c) an owner only pays attention to her dog when he is well-behaved d) a parent telling his son he loves him even though he just wrecked the family car
d) a parent telling his son he loves him even though he just wrecked the family car Rogers defined unconditional positive regard as being love, affection, and respect with no strings attached.
What did Gordon Allport think about traits? a) He thought they were like stages. b) He thought they were wired into the nervous system. c) He thought they were learned. d) He thought they were the result of cognitive modeling.
b) He thought they were wired into the nervous system. Allport thought traits were not learned, but rather were wired into the nervous system.
How many source traits did Raymond Cattell discover through the process of factor analysis? a) 5 b) 16 c) 200 d) 4,500
b) 16 Cattell proposed that there were 16 source traits of personality.
What psychoanalytic theorist most notably influenced the Big Five theory of personality? a) Freud b) Jung c) Erikson d) Horney
b) Jung Freud's views are not involved in trait theory, but Jung's theory mentioned extroversion, which is one of the Big Five traits.
The fact that an outgoing extravert might be very talkative at a party but very quiet at a funeral is an example of a) trait-situation interaction. b) cross-cultural similarities. c) source trait reliability. d) neuroticism.
a) trait-situation interaction. The trait-situation interaction focuses on the interaction of source traits with the specific environment or situation that a person is in.
What major conclusion about personality traits emerged from the Minnesota twin study? a) Identical twins are more similar than any other type of sibling. b) Siblings reared apart were much more similar than identical twins. c) Fraternal twins reared together were much more similar than identical twins. d) Personality scores for twins were not related in either case.
a) Identical twins are more similar than any other type of sibling. Identical twins, who share the same genes, are more similar in personality than are any other type of siblings.
Which of the following countries would NOT be considered a collectivist country according to the studies by Geert Hofstede? a) Japan b) United States c) Mexico d) Korea
b) United States The Hofstede study found that the United States could be described as more of an individualistic culture.
Which of the following terms describes the cultural personality of the United States according to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural personality? a) individualistic b) high in power distance c) low in individualism d) high in uncertainty avoidance
a) individualistic Americans expect power to be well-distributed rather than held by an elite few; democracies are typically low in power distance.
Which of the following is considered an advantage in the use of interviews for personality assessment? a) halo effect b) answers are based on self-report c) bias of the interviewer d) natural flow of the questions
d) natural flow of the questions The natural flow of the interview process is one of the advantages of this method.
Which personality test relies on the interpretation of inkblots to understand personality? a) MMPI b) 16PF c) TAT d) Rorschach
d) Rorschach The Rorschach is a projective test that relies on the use of inkblot interpretation.
Which of the following is not a criticism of projective tests? a) They are a projection of the person's unconscious concern. b) They are low in reliability. c) Their interpretation is more an art than a science. d) They lack validity.
a) They are a projection of the person's unconscious concern. The reason a psychologist would use a projective test is to get a "projection" of that individual's unconscious concerns.
The most commonly used personality inventory is the a) MMPI-2. b) MBTI. c) TAT. d) CPI.
a) MMPI-2. The MMPI-2 is used more than any other inventory.
Which of the following is an advantage to using personality inventories? a) observer bias b) their standardization c) biases of interpretation d) their reliance on self-report
b) their standardization The fact that personality inventories are standardized represents one of the greatest advantages to using this assessment technique.
Darla tries to save money by bringing her lunch to work. However, on four out of five work days last week, she threw away her sandwich from home and instead went out to lunch with her work colleagues. To justify the added expense of the restraunt meals, Darla tells herself that the time spent "networking" with her colleagues will help to improve her chances for promotion at work. Which of the following psychological defense mechanisms best describes Darla's behavior? a) Projection b) Displacement c) Rationalization d) Repression
c) Rationalization The psychological defense mechanism of rationalization is defined as making up acceptable excuses for unacceptable behavior.
A personality test that results in statements that are so general that they could apply to just about anyone is a good example of a) high validity. b) the Barnum Effect. c) observer bias. d) inter-rater reliability.
b) the Barnum Effect.
Measuring intelligence by testing is a rather new concept in the history of the world. It is roughly_________________ years old. a) 50 b) 100 c) 200 d) 500
b) 100
An 8-year-old child who scored like an average 10-year-old on an intelligence test would have a mental age of ________ and an IQ of ________. a) eight; 80 b) eight; 125 c) ten; 100 d) ten; 125
d) ten; 125
Because of the need to measure the IQ of people of varying ages, newer IQ tests base their evaluation of IQ on_____________. a) mental age alone b) deviation scores from the mean of the normal distribution c) giving extra points for older folks to compensate for their slower processing times d) none of these
b) deviation scores from the mean of the normal distribution
If a test consistently produces the same score when administered to the same person under identical conditions, that test can be said to be high in a) reliability. b) validity. c) accuracy. d) norms.
a) reliability.
Denny has a flat upper lip, wide-set eyes, and problems with his heart in addition to being mildly retarded. Denny most likely suffers from a) Down syndrome. b) fetal alcohol syndrome. c) fragile X syndrome. d) cretinism.
b) fetal alcohol syndrome.
Which two of the following aspects are included in the definition of developmental delay? a) IQ scores and adaptive behavior b) age and socioeconomic status c) race and country of origin d) Only IQ scores are considered.
a) IQ scores and adaptive behavior
Which of the following statements about the gifted is true? a) They are more likely to suffer from mental illnesses. b) They are physically weaker than nongifted persons. c) They are often skilled leaders. d) They are socially unskilled.
c) They are often skilled leaders
In Freud's view of the personality, the "devil" would be seen as the______ . a.conscience. c. ego. d. superego
Darrell is convinced that a woman supervisor in his office is very attracted to him, even though she has shown no outward signs of interest in him. He watches her frequently and makes excuses to be near her or to talk to her. He interprets everything she says as a veiled reference to her desire for him. If Darrell's supervisor actually has no romantic interest in him, we might conclude that Darrell is______ . a. rationalizing. b. repressing. c. projecting. d. regressing.
c. projecting.
Rusty drinks beer all day long, often passing out in a stupor after several hours of steady drinking. Yet he refuses to admit that he has a drinking problem, saying that "it's only beer" and continuing to drink. Rusty is most likely using which defense mechanism? a.denial b.repression c. displacement d. reaction formation
According to behaviorists, personality is_____ . a. driven by unconscious forces. b. a set of learned responses. c. motivated by a striving for success. d. a collection of specific traits.
b. a set of learned responses.
Sandy is playing a trivia game with her friends. When it is her turn, she gets the category of geography. She knows very little about geography and has never done well in this category in the past, so her sense of self-efficacy is likely to be___ . a.low. b.high. c. just right. d. unaffected by the game.
Eddie knows that he is pretty good at art, but his parents have never encouraged him to develop art as a career because they don't feel that artists have "real" jobs. As a result, Eddie feels that he should concentrate on a more practical career to please his parents. If Eddie is working to be who he should be, according to his par ents, he is being influenced by his___ . a.self concept. b. real self. c. superego. d. ideal self.
d. ideal self.
Rogers believed that in order for people to become fully function ing, they must receive____ from the important people in their lives. a. unconditional positive regard b. conditional positive regard c. positive reinforcement d. positive modeling
a. unconditional positive regard
Who believed that traits existed as part of the nervous system? a.Costa and McCrae b.Allport c. Cattell d. Rogers
According to Cattell, traits that are numerous and can easily be seen by other people are called____ traits. a. central b. cardinal c. surface d. source
c. surface
In the Big Five theory of personality, "C" stands for______ a.conscientiousness. b.consciousness. c. contrariness. d. complexity.
Elsie's daughter gave her a microwave oven for her birthday. Elsie has never used a microwave and is scared to use this one. Instead, she lets it sit in her kitchen and refuses to let her daughter teach her how to use it. Elsie would probably score very low on___ . a.agreeableness. b.neuroticism. c. introversion. d. openness.
d. openness.
Using the Stanford-Binet IQ formula, what IQ would a person have whose mental age is 10 and whose chronological age is 15? a. 150 b. 1.50 c. 0.67 d. 67
d. 67
Darla is 4 years old. The intelligence test that would most likely be used to determine her IQ is the____ . a. WAIS-IV. b. WISC-IV. c. WPPSI-III. d. Dove Test
According to Spearman, a traditional IQ test would most likely measure_____ . a. practical intelligence. b. specific intelligence. c. general intelligence. d. emotional intelligence.
c. general intelligence
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