PSY 301 Final Part 1 (history & careers)

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Because all psychologists are trained in how to design research, gather data, and analyze results, research-based careers occur in every subfield of the discipline, including clinical and counseling psychology. True or False
A study investigating long-term effects of stress on the body would most likely be conducted by a __________ researcher. a) developmental b) social c) cognitive d) biopsychological
d) Biopsychological
Experimental psychologists' research skills are general enough to be applied to a variety of topics. True or False
Developmental psychologists view development from a ______ perspective.
The research-intensive nature of the graduate training in the research subfields allows doctoral programs in these areas to offer students substantial financial support. Typically, these doctoral students: a)do not pay tuition and are paid to do research or teach b)are paid to do research or teach but must pay tuition c)are given a choice to not pay tuition or be paid to do research or teach d)do not pay tuition but must seek employment outside the graduate program
a) do not pay tuition and are paid to do research or teach
Graduates with bachelor's degrees who are interested in the research subfields often find rewarding work as a research assistant for institutions or private companies. Their responsibilities usually include all of the following EXCEPT:
designing the purpose and methods of research projects
A core part of your education as an undergraduate and graduate student in psychology will include training in: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) applied work in mental health counseling experimentation research methodology social psychology statistics
applied work in mental health counseling experimentation research methodology statistics
Although fewer in number than doctoral programs, master's programs exist in the research subfields, the largest number in: a) biopsychology b) cognitive c) developmental d) experimental e) social
Social psychologists investigate areas such as: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) aggression sleep deprivation effects problem solving interpersonal relationships normal aging prejudice
aggression interpersonal relationships prejudice
Because of its interests in topics such as attention, perception, memory, reasoning, and language, cognitive psychology has recently:
developed more connections to other disciplines
Biopsychologists are interested in: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) the aging process the impact of disease processes on behavior how biological systems affect behavior genetics how behavior affects biological systems the impact of medications on behavior
the impact of disease processes on behavior how biological systems affect behavior how behavior affects biological systems the impact of medications on behavior
A study by Kleykamp, Jennings, Sams, Weaver, and Eissenberg (2008) investigated the effectiveness of nicotine patches in helping individuals stop smoking. Which of the following accurately describes one finding from this biopsychological study? a) Use of the nicotine patches failed to lower some of the effects of smoking, such as heart rate increases. b) Males showed more benefits from using the nicotine patches than did females. c) Symptoms that smokers experience when they do not smoke are only partially based on nicotine withdrawal. d) Nicotine removal from the body is sufficient to eliminate all of the symptoms that occur with smoking abstinence (withdrawal).
c) Symptoms that smokers experience when they do not smoke are only partially based on nicotine withdrawal.
Surveys of undergraduate psychology majors reveal that: a) majors typically rank the research-oriented subfields high among their future career goals b) most students correctly assume that psychology is only about applied work in mental health c) new majors are often surprised to learn that research and statistics will be a priority in their psychology courses d) new majors often have selected psychology as a major with a clear understanding of what the field entails
c) new majors are often surprised to learn that research and statistics will be a priority in their psychology courses
As an undergraduate, good preparation for graduate training in the research subfields of experimental, developmental social, cognitive, and biopsychology begins with your being highly successful and enjoying courses in: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) introductory psychology research methods psychology of addiction abnormal psychology seminars in experimental design history of psychology statistics
statistics seminars in experimental design research methods
Psychologists in academic settings serve many roles. These roles include: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)teaching undergraduate students supervising undergraduate research providing treatment services to students generating new knowledge through research supervising graduate student research overseeing research conducted by other professionals training future psychologists
teaching undergraduate students supervising undergraduate research training future psychologists supervising graduate student research
____% of U. S. PhDs awarded between 1996 and 2005 were in the five research-intensive subfields of experimental, developmental, social, cognitive, and biopsychology. a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 25
e) 25
\"How do a variety of factors in a learning environment (like multimedia-based instruction and rehearsal schedules) affect human learning?\" is a question a(n) __________ psychologist would ask. (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) experimental developmental social cognitive biopsychological
cognitive biopsychological
In all settings where research psychologists work (academic, government, and private sector), research careers will carry specific expectations for: a) teaching b) securing patents c) productivity d) competition with other professionals
c) Productivity
A good way for you to gain additional understanding of careers in research within psychology is to _______. a) apply to a prestigious graduate program b) read the research literature c) examine a research methods text book d) take a tour of faculty research labs e) take a History of Psychology course
b) read the research literature
If you are interested in applying to I/O graduate programs, it is recommended that you take and enjoy which of the following courses as an undergraduate? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Ethics Social Psychology Learning and Behavior Biopsychology Research Methods Psychological Testing
Ethics Social Psychology Learning and Behavior Research Methods Psychological Testing
To increase employee job satisfaction as well as their commitment to their employers, I/O psychologists might design a(n): a) performance evaluation b) termed succession plan c) incentive program d) honesty/integrity assessment
c) incentive program
Most states now require that I/O psychologists who intend to refer to themselves as psychologists and engage in psychological testing when working with clients must have a doctoral degree and be licensed. True or False
The U.S. Department of Labor (2007) ranks I/O psychologists as the ______ wage earners of all the psychology subfields. a) highest b) second highest (with highest earners in clinical psychology) c) third highest (behind clinical and school psychologists) d) average e) lowest
a) highest
Many graduate programs in the I/O psychology subfield place emphasis on: a) coursework only b) coursework and internship experiences c) on-the-job training only d) coursework, research, and internship experiences
d) coursework, research, and internship experiences
Psychological thought includes three fundamental questions about: a) thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. b) clinical, social, and organizational psychology. c) normal, abnormal, and child psychology. d) research, practice, and applied psychology.
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Psychology as a discipline a) is about 120 years old. b) dates back to the early Greeks. c) is about 50 years old. d) began with the invention of clocks.
a) is about 120 years old
Early Greek philosophers rejected ____ explanations in favor of ____ explanations a) spiritiualistic; Western b) socratic: platonic c) spiritualistic; naturalistic d) naturalistic; rational
c) spiritualistic; naturalistic
The earliest Greek philosopher thought to have contributed to Western psychological thought was a) Socrates b) Plato. c) Aristotle. d) Thales.
d) Thales
Descartes was significant to psychology as a science in that he helped liberate a) science from the grasp of philosophy. b) science from the dictates of government. c) science from the grasp of theology. d) psychology from the dictates of science.
c) science from the grasp of theology
Figurines, wind-up toys, automata, and clocks were part of a contextual force of the 17th Century that influenced the development of the doctrine of a) positivism. b) materialism. c) empiricism. d) mechanism.
d) mechanism
What position did Locke take on the origin of human knowledge? a) All knowledge is innate; experience just makes us aware of its presence. b) Some knowledge is innate, such as self, time, God. c) All knowledge is acquired from experience; no knowledge is innate. d)All knowledge is innate, only verbal knowledge is acquired.
c) All knowledge is acquired from experience; no knowledge is innate.
During the 18th century _______________ became experimentally oriented and contributed both methods and knowledge to the study of the mind and of psychological thought. a) physiology b) astronomy c) psychology d) philosophy
a) physiology
__________ proposed that the topography of a person's skull revealed his or her personality. a) Comte b) Muller c) Broca d) Gall
d) Gall
Sir Francis Galton claimed that if scientists were going to make claims about data they had collected, they had better use a) mathematics. b) statistics c) eugenics d) mental tests
b) statistics
Experimental application in the field of physiology was the zeitgeist of the last half of the _______________ century. a) 17th b) 18th c) 19th d) 20th
c) 19th
The field of sensation and perception was originally established with the work of German physiologists, including __________ and ____________. a) Helmholtz; Fechner b) Wundt; Titchener c) Darwin; Galton d) Koffka and Wertheimer
a) Helmholtz; Fechner
The \"publish or perish\" ethic, which is the hallmark of the most prestigious U.S. universities and colleges, is a direct descendant of the 19th century _______________ universities. a) British b) Russian c) French d) German
Instead of developing a unifying paradigm, psychology has developed a) trends b) themes c) schools/systems d) all of the above
d) Trends, themes, schools/systems
The greatest physician of antiquity who is also known as the father of medicine is a) Aristotle b) Plato c) Hippocrates d) Socrates
c) Hippocrates
The founder of philosophical psychology is a) Fechner b) Wundt c) Descartes d) Aristotle
d) Aristotle
Who was the first to advance an empirical point of view? a) Aristotle b) Skinner c) Locke d) Wundt
a) Aristotle
The British Empiricists believed that knowledge could only be derived from a) rationalization. b) observation. c) experimentation. d) memorization.
b) observation
While increasing the importance of measurement and prediction, _________ advanced the idea of perfect design. a) calculators b) clocks c) computers d) telescopes
b) clocks
Rather than achieving knowledge by means of devine inspiration, the early Greek philosophers believed they had the ability to a)design experiments b) reason c) observe d) speculate
b) reason
As a philosophical approach, psychological thought is considered to be a) prescientific b) spiritualistic c) scientific d) speculative
a) prescientific
The earliest questions of human nature were explained in terms of _________________ conceptualizations. a) humanistic b)naturalistic c)individualistic d) spiritualistic
d) spiritualistic
Evidence of the beginnings of psychological thought came with the rise of a)Naturalism b) Empericism c) Intellectualism d) Rationalism
a) Naturalism
Plato was the first to recognize that psychological events are a) forms b)within the psyche c)physical d)mental
To draw forth knowledge from students by pursuing a series of questions and examining the implications of their answers is known as a)the socratic dialogue b)self knowledge c) examination d) introspection
a) the socratic dialogue
Early Greek physicians contributed to psychological thought with their increased a) introspection b) rationalization c) objectivity d) phenomenology
c) objectivity
Socrates elicited \"self-knowledge\" through a process called a) the socratic dialogue b) introspection c) rationalization d) form formation
b) introspection
The first reference to psychological thought was reported by a) Thales. b) Homer. c) Wundt. d) Socrates.
b) Homer
Classical psychological positions became crystalized with the work of _____________ and ________________. a) Plato; Aristotle b)Thales; Hippocrates c)Wundt; Freud d)Socrates; Plato
a) Plato; Aristotle
Most scientific disciplines offer courses about the history of their field. True or False
Although the method of introspection was developed by _______________ as an examination of one's own mind to inspect and report on personal thoughts or feelings, it had its roots in the early philosophical work of _______________ as it related to self-knowledge. a)Wundt; Socrates b)Freud; Descartes c)Jung; Aristotle d)Titchener; Plato
a) Wundt; Socrates
America's first professor of psychology was a) William James b) J. McKeen Cattell c) Stanley Hall d) Herbert Spencer
b) J. McKeen Cattell
William James believed that the goal for psychology should beWilliam James believed that the goal for psychology should be a)the study of how people adapt to their environment. b)strict adherence to experimental design. c)the discovery of mental elements. d)the application of principles to practice.
a) the study of how people adapt to their environment.
The difference between the early mental tests developed by Galton and Cattell and Binet's mental tests was the difference between _______________ and _______________. a) eugenics; intelligence b) sensory motor skills; cognitive factors c) individual testing; group testing d) mental abilities; intelligence
b) sensory motor skills; cognitive factors
Who is credited with being the first clinical psychologist? a) Lightner Witmer b) Alfred Adler c) Sigmund Freud d) Karen Horney
a) Lightner Witmer
Who was the first psychologist to receive a Ph.D. in psychology? a) Edward Titchener b) John Dewey c) William James d) G. Stanley Hall
d) G. Stanley Hall
Demonstrating the versatility of the new discipline ____________ paved the way for applied psychology. a) William James b) G. Stanley Hall c) Sigmund Freud d) Edward Tichener
b) G. Stanley Hall
Degree programs other than the Ph.D. for those in consulting professions were first suggested by a) Lightner Witmer b) Anna Freud c) Leta Hollingsworth d) Hugo Munsterberg
c) Leta Hollingsworth
_______________ was the first American psychologist to apply psychological principles to personnel selection. a) Lightner Witmer b) John Watson c) Walter Dill Scott d) Kurt Lewin
c) Walter Dill Scott
American Behaviorism is divided into how many distinct stages? a)1 b) 2 c)3 d)4
c) 3
Who is considered the founder of American Behaviorism? a) B. F. Skinner b) John Watson c) Edward Tolman d) Ivan Pavlov
b) John Watson
Neobehaviorism __________ the scope of acceptable behavior to study. a) resticted b) did not change c) expanded d) diminished
Carl Rogers' major impact in the field of psychology changed the practice of a) humanistic psychology b)educational psychology c)psychotherapy d) testing psychology
c) psychotherapy
Freud's psychoanalysis was not well received in the U.S. by the academic community because it a)focused on abnormal behavior. b)lacked scientific rigor. c)relied on dream interpretation. d)was too popular with the American public.
b) lacked scientific rigor.
The importance of applied psychology or \"social action research\" was emphasized by a) Kurt Lewin b)John Watson c)Albert Bandura d)Jean Piaget
a) Kurt Lewin
Abraham Maslow introduced a \"third force\" in psychology known as a)psychoanalytic psychology b)cognitive psychology c)humanistic psychology d)behaviorism
c) humanistic psychology
____________ disagreed with Freud about the amount of conscious ability individuals have to monitor and direct their lives. a)Horney b)Jung c)Adler d)Hall
c) Adler
That personality is determined by both current and early life experiences is a basic principle of all _______________ theories. a) psychoanalytic b)humanistic c) cognitive d) behavioral
a) Psychoanalytic
Currently, only two states allow clinical and counseling psychologists to prescribe medications. Which two? (CHECK TWO BELOW) California Louisiana Missouri Massachusetts New Mexico Washington
Louisiana New Mexico
This term is used to describe activities that involve providing direct services to patients. a) evaluation b) clinical psychology c) intervention d) counseling e)practice
e) practice
If you'd like to use your bachelor's degree working to coordinate social services between clients in need and agencies that serve them (e.g., nonprofit organizations, government agencies), your best bet for maximizing your salary would be a position as a: a) psychiatric aide b) nursing aide c) human service assistant d) community and social services specialist
d) community and social services specialist
There are two basic types of graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology: university-based (e.g., psychology departments at universities) and professional school programs (institutions that are largely independent from universities). a) Potential students need to understand how they differ, in order to select an appropriate graduate program.University-based programs accept a much greater percentage of graduate school applicants (41%) than professional school programs (14%). b)Professional school programs have smaller enrollments and thus greater opportunities for individual student mentoring than do university-based programs. c)University-based programs largely grant PhD degrees (meaning doctoral students here do significant research), while professional school programs grant PsyD degrees. d)Professional school programs offer many more students full financial assistance during graduate school (72% of students receive aid) as opposed to university-based programs (only 18% of students receive aid).
c) University-based programs largely grant PhD degrees (meaning doctoral students here do significant research), while professional school programs grant PsyD degrees.
A middle-aged gentlemen has just experienced a tragic death of a family member. Since then, he has been showing a few signs of depression, and the depression is worsened by daily stress of his job and events that remind him of the death. Although he might benefit from either psychotherapy or counseling, which approach is most appropriate in his case? a) psychotherapy b) counseling
b) counseling
Clinical and counseling psychologists' theoretical orientation in their practice is likely to be heavily influenced by their: a) patients' needs b) graduate program c) region of the country d) interests e) personal background
b) Graduate program
There are many career options related to the fields of clinical and counseling psychology. Several of them are listed below. Select which ones typically require a master's degree. (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY social work school counseling marriage and family therapy occupational therapy recreational therapy
social work school counseling marriage and family therapy occupational therapy recreational therapy
The Boulder model is a specific type of graduate training for clinical and counseling psychologists. Which of the following are characteristics of the Boulder model? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Students are prepared for careers in private practice. Students are prepared for careers in research. Enrollment in the graduate program is intended for many students at once. Successful completion of the program results in a PhD. Successful completion of the program results in a PsyD.
Students are prepared for careers in research. Successful completion of the program results in a PhD.
To receive licensure as a clinical or counseling psychologist, all states require: a) completion of a master's degree in clinical or counseling psychology b) the same number of hours of supervised postdoctoral training c)a passing score on the national licensing exam, the Examination for Professional Practice of Psychology (EPPP) d) a letter of support from the licensed practitioner who supervised a candidate's training
c) a passing score on the national licensing exam, the Examination for Professional Practice of Psychology (EPPP)
Clinical and counseling psychology students who are not interested in conducting research may prefer to pursue a: a) PsyD b)PhD
a) PsyD
The American Psychological Association (APA) offers accreditation for: a)master's degree programs in clinical and counseling psychology b)doctoral programs in clinical and counseling psychology c)doctoral programs in all subfields of psychology d)all graduate programs (both master's and doctoral) in clinical and e)counseling psychology all graduate programs (both master's and doctoral) in all subfields of psychology
b)doctoral programs in clinical and counseling psychology
Graduate schools report that the THREE most important components in a student's application are: (CHECK THREE BELOW) extracurricular activities internship experiences employment experience letters of recommendation personal interview research experience GPA personal statement GRE scores
GPA personal statement Letters of rec
All the following undergraduate courses are recommended for students interested in clinical and counseling psychology EXCEPT: a) research methods b) ethics c) statistics d) natural sciences e) psychometrics d) learning e) computer science f) none (ALL of the above ARE recommended)
f) none (ALL of the above ARE recommended)
Which of the following would you be REQUIRED to have, if you wished to work as a school psychologist in a public school setting in most states? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)minimum of the specialist level degree minimum of doctoral level degree completion of the Praxis School Psychology Exam passing score on the Examination for Professional Practice of Psychology national certification as a school psychologist granted by the National Association of School Psychologists
minimum of the specialist level degree completion of the Praxis School Psychology Exam national certification as a school psychologist granted by the National Association of School Psychologists
Educational psychologists are interested in a wide variety of topics related to teaching and learning. Their interests encompass all of the following activities EXCEPT: a) studying the impact of environmental variables, such as classroom management techniques, on student learning b)working directly with individual students in formal settings, like classrooms c)investigating the effectiveness of instructional methods, like specific teaching materials d)examining factors affecting student learning, such as intelligence, study habits, and motivation
b)working directly with individual students in formal settings, like classrooms
The single biggest issue that school psychologists focus on is: a) addressing students' special needs such as physical, emotional, and learning disabilities b) helping students adjust to demanding school environments c) working with students to manage difficulties like substance abuse and life stress d) assisting teachers with strategies for curricular development that maximize student achievement
a)addressing students' special needs such as physical, emotional, and learning disabilities
Which of the following statements about specialist-level training in school psychology are TRUE? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Many specialist-level programs require a combined master's and specialist's degree. Students typically must complete a master's program before being admitted to the specialist's program. Some programs offer a specialist-level degree by itself (no master's degree component). Programs at the specialist-level degree require both coursework and practicum/internship experience.
Many specialist-level programs require a combined master's and specialist's degree. Students typically must complete a master's program before being admitted to the specialist's program. Some programs offer a specialist-level degree by itself (no master's degree component). Programs at the specialist-level degree require both coursework and practicum/internship experience.
If you'd like to prepare for graduate training in school psychology, you should concentrate on and excel in undergraduate courses in development, research, and education as well as: a) psychological testing and diversity b) social psychology and group dynamics c) clinical and counseling psychology d) motivation and leadership
a) psychological testing and diversity
Your text describes a variety of research areas studied by exercise and sport psychology professionals to illustrate the field's broad array of research interests. Examples of sport psychology research include: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) disordered eating in dance professionals psychological issues associated with officiating (being a referee) gambling by student and professional athletes maintaining an exercise program gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues in sport
disordered eating in dance professionals psychological issues associated with officiating (being a referee) gambling by student and professional athletes maintaining an exercise program gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues in sport
Galli (2008) recommends that undergraduate students who wish to pursue graduate study in exercise and sport psychology should: a)major in biology b)major in psychology c)major in exercise science d)double major in psychology and exercise science c)double major in psychology and biology
d)double major in psychology and exercise science
The American Psychological Association (APA) reflects the tremendous diversity of subfields in psychology by identifying specific divisions, each one related to a subfield. Which division should you investigate to learn about exercise and sport psychology? a) Division ESP (short for Exercise and Sport Psychology) b)Division XII c)Division APA-Applied Sport d)Division 47
d) Division 47
Health psychologists may provide individuals with health-focused intervention strategies. These strategies include all of the following EXCEPT: a)medication management b)relaxation training c)hypnosis d)biofeedback
a)medication management
The Tempe Summit Report was generated by major leaders in the field of health psychology in 2007. This report outlines six competencies that all health psychologists who provide services to the public must possess. The ability of a health psychologist to evaluate a person's readiness for gastric bypass surgery falls under the competency referred to as: a) intervention b) consultation c) assessment d)supervision and training
c) assessment
Health psychology recognizes that health is influenced by three types of factors. Those factors are: (SELECT THREE BELOW) psychological biological personal evolutionary sociocultural clinical coping
psychological biological sociocultural
According to the specialty designation by APA, the practice of clinical health psychology includes which of the following? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) application of knowledge to promote and maintain health improvement of the health care system development of knowledge regarding connections between behavior and health prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of illness
application of knowledge to promote and maintain health improvement of the health care system development of knowledge regarding connections between behavior and health prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of illness
The subfield of health psychology envisions a very bright future that is full of positive contributions to our everyday lives. Future challenges for the subfield include all of the following EXCEPT: a) supporting and spearheading health care policy reform b) reducing health discrepancies based on gender, race, or socioeconomic status c) applying evidence-based approaches to health living d) finding cures for five major diseases that are currently the leading causes of death e) providing equal access to preventative health care services increasing the healthy lifespan of all people
d) finding cures for five major diseases that are currently the leading causes of death
There are a number of areas related to health psychology in which you might work with a bachelor's degree. One option is to work as a __________, who assists in the delivery of rehabilitative services who have health impairments. a) occupational therapy aide b) health educator c) research assistant in a hospital d) medical-surgical hospital support staffer
a) occupational therapy aide
In their profession, clinical health psychologists provide services to: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) individual patients patients' families health care providers entire communities
individual patients patients' families health care providers entire communities
Health psychology can be divided into three broad areas of study which include all of the following EXCEPT: a) issues in health care b)stress and coping c)health behaviors d)wellness and illness
d) wellness and illness
If you are interested in working as a clinical health psychologist, remember that it is important to seek out a graduate program that is: a) competitive b)in the state you want to work c)identifying itself as having an emphasis in health psychology d)APA-accredited
d) APA-Accredited
An excellent resource for students to learn about current job openings in a variety of subfields of psychology is at This website: a) is sponsored by b)requires a small fee to use c) is APA's Online Career Center d) is maintained by the U.S. Department of Labor
c) is APA's Online Career Center
Research in neuropsychology is an ever-changing, constantly moving field. As a neuropsychologist, you should also keep up with research in closely related fields including: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)cognitive psychology computer science medicine neuroscience exercise psychology
cognitive psychology medicine neuroscience
The Houston Conference Report specified a knowledge base required for specialization in clinical neuropsychology that included all of the following areas EXCEPT: a) general brain-behavior b) general clinical psychology c) clinical neuropsychology d) general psychology e) professional psychology
e) professional psychology
Neuropsychologists are extremely helpful in establishing a baseline of functioning for patients for a variety of disorders. These baselines can be used in the future to: a) assure patients receive the care necessary to address deficits in their functioning b) educate health care providers about rehabilitation for specific patients c) judge disease and recovery rates d) discriminate among disorders to provide accurate diagnoses
c) judge disease and recovery rates
For which of the following neuropsychology related careers available to individuals with a bachelor's degree would you expect to earn the highest median salary? a) health educator b) occupational therapist aide c) social science research assistant d) rehabilitation counselor
a)health educator
Selected examples of recent topics researched by neuropsychologists include all of the following EXCEPT: a) the neuropsychological components of dyslexia b) identifying effective strategies to cope with chronic pain c)neuropsychological effects of toxin exposure in industrial and military settings d)the impact of Alzheimer's disease on language e)the effectiveness of educational programs that encourage use of helmets when cycling
b)identifying effective strategies to cope with chronic pain
Intervention, one of the core professional activities of neuropsychologists, would include the responsibility of: a) developing rehabilitative programs for individuals who suffered a traumatic brain injury b)evaluating a program that a practitioner developed for use with individuals adjusting to the aftermath of a stroke c)assessing memory functioning in individuals diagnosed with dementias d)consulting with physicians and rehabilitation specialists when neuropsychological issues arise in a patient's treatment
a) developing rehabilitative programs for individuals who suffered a traumatic brain injury
There are a variety of jobs in areas related to neuropsychology that are available to individuals with a bachelor's degree. In which one of them from the list below would you be LEAST LIKELY to work directly with patients? a) health educator b)occupational therapist aide c)social science research assistant d)rehabilitation counselor
c) social science research assistant
The area of clinical neuropsychology that concentrates on treating adults appears to fall into two broad categories best identified as: a)practice and research b)development and disease c)assessment and intervention d)neurological problems and psychiatric problems
d) neurological problems and psychiatric problems
The Houston Conference Report established the expectation that postdoctoral education and training for clinical neuropsychology be at least ________, fulltime a) 1 year b)18 months c) 2 years d) 3 years
c) 2 years
Forensic psychologists contribute to the discipline and the legal system in four main ways (listed below). Which of these four main areas is the largest within forensic psychology? a)research b)public policy development and analysis c)education d)clinical practice
d) clinical practice
To help the court determine if a defendant is able to understand the charges, the legal issues and procedures in a case as well as possible penalties, a forensic psychologist would administer a: a) transfer evaluation b) victim treatment program c) competency to be sentenced and executed assessment d) competency to be adjudicated assessment
d) competency to be adjudicated assessment
If you are interested in being an applied forensic psychologist, there are many job settings that you might be likely to choose including: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) colleges or universities state psychiatric hospitals correctional settings (e.g., prisons) court clinics police departments the Department of Justice the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
correctional settings (e.g., prisons) court clinics state psychiatric hospitals the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Trial consultants assist with jury selection as well as case development and strategies. Which of the following undergraduate classes provide excellent preparation for the skills needed by these particular forensic psychologists? a) research methods and applied statistics b) social psychology and applied statistics c) research methods and social psychology d) criminal justice and research methods e)social psychology and criminal justice
a) research methods and applied statistics
Research within the forensic psychology subfield is quite varied, and different topics overlap with the interests of many of the other subfields within psychology. For example, investigations of racial profiling intertwines the interests of forensic and _____ psychology. a) social b)cognitive c)developmental d)school
a) social
Forensic psychology includes subfields known by a variety of names. Which one of the following is NOT one of the names used to refer to forensic psychology? a)Investigative Psychology b)Psychology and Law c)Psychology and Judicial Systems d)Criminal Psychology e)Legal Psychology
c) Psychology and Judicial Systems
Multisystematic therapy would be classified under the applied area of: a) criminal forensic psychology assessment b) civil forensic psychology assessment c)criminal forensic psychology treatment d)civil forensic psychology treatment
c) criminal forensic psychology treatment
What credentials are currently required for many treatment provider positions in correctional environments within the forensic psychology subfield? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) master's degree doctoral degree licensure postdoctoral training
MS degree Licensure
Graduates with a bachelor's degree in psychology can work in many positions related to forensic psychology including: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) caseworker/case manager probation officer correctional officer police officer parole officer
caseworker/case manager probation officer correctional officer police officer parole officer
Regarding applied/practitioner positions in correctional settings: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) jobs are scarce jobs are plentiful the pay is modest the pay is quite good worker turnover is high worker turnover is low
jobs are plentiful the pay is quite good worker turnover is high
Because law enforcement personnel and psychologists can have very different worldviews, tension exists in the relationship between psychology and the legal system. However, psychologists' involvement in the legal system is highly valued because psychologists: a) deal primarily in absolutes, helping to simplify complex situations b)offer expert opinions based on scientific research findings c)help law enforcement personnel cope with the high stress of their jobs d)have a verifiable and strong record in contributing to crime solving
b)offer expert opinions based on scientific research findings
To obtain a faculty position at a college or university, the preferred degree(s) is(are): a)master's degree in psychology with a b)teaching credential c)PsyD d)PhD f)PsyD or PhD (equally preferred) g)PhD with a teaching credential
d) PhD
Professional activities for faculty in academic positions vary considerably based on the setting. For instance, most 4-year colleges and almost all universities expect: a) a professor's time will always be equally divided between research activities and teaching b)the majority of a professor's time will be devoted to research activities c)a portion of the professor's time will be devoted to research activities d)the majority of a professor's time will be devoted to teaching
c) a portion of the professor's time will be devoted to research activities
At community colleges, the typical teaching loads are around ____ courses per year. a)4 - 6 b)6 - 8 c)8 - 10 d)10 - 12
d) 10-12
Although research projects comprise many steps and activities, the defining aspect of this professorial activity is often considered to be: a) developing research protocols and procedures b)administering testing c)entering and statistically analyzing data d)interpreting the results e)making the findings available to a wider audience
e)making the findings available to a wider audience
If you are interested in teaching psychology with just a bachelor's degree: a)there are really no options available b)you can teach only at a community college c)you can teach only at a technical school d)teaching high school is a good alternative for you
d) teaching high school is a good alternative for you
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the various ranks of faculty positions? a)Research and clinical faculty typically teach courses in addition to their primary role in research or clinical training, respectively. b)Fulltime faculty typically start at the rank of associate professor. c)Visiting faculty are contracted for a specified length of time and then are offered the opportunity to continue in the position. d)Adjunct faculty are not expected to engage in research. e)Promotions for fulltime faculty are automatic after a specific number of years.
d)Adjunct faculty are not expected to engage in research.
Which of the following accurately describe the teaching activities of university professors? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Being inside the classroom and having direct contact with students constitute the largest part of a faculty member's work week during regular semesters. Depending on new developments in psychology research, updating one course can take weeks of preparation prior to the semester and significant amounts of time during the semester. For most professors, grading is their favorite activity. The syllabus, course activities as well as handouts and other materials are the culmination of significant effort by the professor, effort rarely seen by students or outside observers.
Depending on new developments in psychology research, updating one course can take weeks of preparation prior to the semester and significant amounts of time during the semester. The syllabus, course activities as well as handouts and other materials are the culmination of significant effort by the professor, effort rarely seen by students or outside observers.
The TWO types of academic employment settings that have a very limited psychology curriculum are: (CHECK TWO BELOW) technical schools community colleges four-year colleges universities professional psychology schools medical schools
technical schools community colleges
Which of the following are TRUE of faculty salaries? Mean salaries vary greatly from state to state. There are typically only two promotions in a professor's lifetime. Assistant professors in a university psychology department are paid better than assistant professors in a university education department. Assistant professors at a 4-year college psychology department are paid better than assistant professors at a 2-year college. Assistant professors at a university business school have the highest entry-level salaries.
Mean salaries vary greatly from state to state. Assistant professors at a 4-year college psychology department are paid better than assistant professors at a 2-year college.
A faculty member holding a position as an editor of a professional journal is considered: a) teaching/mentoring b)research c)university-based professional service d)community-based professional service
d) community-based professional service
Which of the following statements are TRUE of professional psychology schools? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Some are affiliated with a university, while others are not. These schools have higher admission standards and lower acceptance rates. These institutions offer both undergraduate and graduate education. These schools are usually private and make their money through high tuition. Students should be aware that these schools, particularly freestanding ones, can mislead students by calling themselves \"universities\" when they really are not (thus, they'll never be APA-accredited, for example). Faculty at these schools focus equally on teaching, training, and research.
Some are affiliated with a university, while others are not. These schools are usually private and make their money through high tuition. Students should be aware that these schools, particularly freestanding ones, can mislead students by calling themselves \"universities\" when they really are not (thus, they'll never be APA-accredited, for example).
The interview process for a faculty position: a) typically takes one full day b)often requires a course lecture and a research presentation c)includes only formal interviews with current faculty d)is granted to all who apply for a faculty position
b)often requires a course lecture and a research presentation
Tenure means that fulltime faculty members have stability in their employment. Faculty endure a rigorous, long-term review process before being awarded tenure. Which of the following statements are TRUE about the tenure process? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
Typically in the third year of employment, faculty are reviewed by peers/colleagues as well as by the department chair. Faculty must apply for tenure in their fifth or sixth year. Prior to tenure, there is no guarantee of another year of employment. If the faculty member does not receive a favorable tenure review, the faculty member is given one year to find another position.
Generally, in order for a faculty member to receive tenure, they must receive a favorable review from: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
the department chair tenured department faculty the college dean the vice president of academic affairs or provost of the university the president of the university
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