Professional Role: My Nursing Lab – Flashcards

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A nurse educator is planning a seminar about the mentorship process. Which techniques reflect correct understanding of factors that promote​ learning? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Organizing the content in a​ simple-to-complex order 2. Ensuring that the content is relevant to the nurse​ educator's personal experience 3. Repeating key concepts and facts throughout the​ teaching/learning process 4. Adjusting the temperature of the learning environment so that the participants are comfortable 5. Actively engaging the participants in the learning process
1, 3, 4, 5 Strategies that promote learning include actively engaging learners in the learning​ process; organizing content using a​ simple-to-complex format; promoting environmental comfort​ (physical and​ psychologic); and repeating key concepts and facts. The educator should ensure that content is relevant to the​ learners' personal​ experiences, not those of the educator.
While teaching a​ 32-year-old client about colostomy​ care, the nurse notes the client has tears in his eyes. The client​ states, "I​ can't believe I have to live with this thing for the rest of my​ life." Which nursing response best reflects the​ nurse's understanding of factors that inhibit​ learning? 1. ​"I hear you saying that​ you're upset.​ I'll reschedule your teaching for tomorrow morning.​ Now, please tell me more about how you​ feel." ​2. "Let's reschedule this teaching session for later.​ I'll check back with you to pick a time. Right​ now, please tell me more about what​ you're feeling." ​3. "You've been through a lot. As soon as​ we're finished,​ I'd like to ask your nurse practitioner to give you a counseling​ referral." ​4. "I'm sorry you have to go through this. Understanding how to take care of yourself should make it a little easier for​ you, so​ let's talk a little more about how to clean your colostomy​ site."
​2. "Let's reschedule this teaching session for later.​ I'll check back with you to pick a time. Right​ now, please tell me more about what​ you're feeling."
A community health nurse is designing a teaching plan for college students about smoking cessation. What information would be most appropriate for the nurse to​ include? 1. Accurate educational content that is at least 10 years old 2. Quizzes and verbal assessments 3. Client​ goals, including that all smokers will stop smoking within one week of completing the class 4.General information that applies to learners of all ages and backgrounds
2. Quizzes and verbal assessments
A​ 64-year-old male client is admitted for treatment of dehydration and diagnosed with diabetes. While the nurse is teaching the client about the signs and symptoms of​ hypoglycemia, the​ client's wife​ states, "While you two are​ talking, I'm going to get some​ coffee." Which nursing action best reflects application of the adult learning​ theory? 1. Explaining to the​ client's wife that she may be the first to recognize the signs and symptoms of her​ husband's hypoglycemia, which may help him get treatment sooner 2. Recognizing that the​ client's wife has personal​ characteristics, such as impatience and appreciation for​ coffee, that influence her perception of the​ nurse's teaching 3. Giving the​ client's wife a cup of coffee if she stays for the teaching 4. Considering the​ wife's lack of interest in the teaching from the standpoint of​ biologic, psychologic,​ cultural, social, and spiritual​ perspectives; including her marital beliefs and social status
1. Explaining to the​ client's wife that she may be the first to recognize the signs and symptoms of her​ husband's hypoglycemia, which may help him get treatment sooner
Which factors influence the​ nurse's choice of educational content and have the most impact on required documentation of educational​ sessions? 1. Advances in health care and research 2. Widespread availability of Internet resources ​3. Client-specific characteristics 4. Federal regulations
4. Federal regulations
The nurse is teaching a​ 7-year-old client about hand washing. The client is resistant to washing her hands after playing with her pet hamster. Which teaching strategy reflects the​ nurse's application of the behaviorist theory of​ learning? 1. Assessing the​ client's aversion to handwashing through viewing her from​ biologic, psychologic,​ cultural, social, and spiritual​ standpoints, including her health status and psychologic state 2. Explaining to the client how the benefits of handwashing apply to her 3. Giving the client a healthy treat each time she washes her hands after playing with her pet hamster 4. Recognizing that the client has personal​ characteristics, such as shyness and love of​ animals, that influence her perception of the​ nurse's teaching
3. Giving the client a healthy treat each time she washes her hands after playing with her pet hamster
When planning client education​ activities, which factors would affect the​ nurse's choice of content and teaching​ method? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Advances in health care and research 2. Cultural background of the nurse 3. Federal and state regulations 4. Socioeconomic background of the client 5. Widespread availability of Internet resources
1, 3, 4, 5
Which teaching strategy best exemplifies a characteristic of effective​ teaching? 1. Evaluating the​ client's comprehension of the content 2. Minimizing​ question-answer interactions to avoid distracting the client 3. Using one teaching method for the client 4. Avoiding​ goal-setting to prevent intimidating the client
1. Evaluating the​ client's comprehension of the content
Which learning theory proposes that positively or negatively reinforcing an​ individual's response to a stimulus produces​ learning? 1. Cognitive theory 2. Adult learning theory 3. Humanist theory 4. Behaviorist theory
4. Behaviorist theory
Which statement best describes a principle of humanist learning​ theory? 1. ​Self-evaluation and​ self-criticism are more important than​ others' evaluation of the learner. 2. The​ learner's personal characteristics affect his perception of a given cue. 3. By altering the stimulus or the type of reinforcement that is​ delivered, the​ learner's response can be modified. 4. The learner is motivated to acquire new knowledge by understanding how and why the knowledge is directly applicable to his specific situation.
1. ​Self-evaluation and​ self-criticism are more important than​ others' evaluation of the learner.
Which potential barrier to learning is culturally​ based? 1. Values 2. Shortened attention span 3. Sensorimotor deficits 4. Critical illness
1. Values
Which strategies are appropriate for inclusion in the teaching plan for a pediatric​ client? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Exposing the pediatric client to healthcare personnel who are dressed in​ uniforms, surgical​ masks, and scrubs prior to the​ client's hospital admission 2. Gearing instructions toward the comprehension level of the pediatric​ client's parent or caregiver 3. Addressing the pediatric client primarily through the use of terms of​ endearment, such as​ "sweetheart" 4. Demonstrating relevant treatments or procedures using stuffed animals 5. Including the pediatric​ client's caregiver in the teaching session
1, 4, 5
The nurse is developing a teaching plan for clients with hypertension. Which statement by the nurse indicates correct understanding of the principles of effective​ teaching? 1. ​"To help keep the clients from feeling​ intimidated, I should avoid setting goals for​ them." 2. ​"I should choose one method of teaching and use that throughout this​ class." 3. ​"I need to find out the ages of the clients who will be attending this​ class." 4. ​"To avoid​ distractions, I should ask the clients to hold their questions until​ I'm finished​ teaching, then have a​ question-and-answer session."
3. ​"I need to find out the ages of the clients who will be attending this​ class."
The nurse teaches principles of diet and nutrition at a community health center. When evaluating one​ client's comprehension of the content during the third teaching​ session, the client​ states, "My friend says I​ don't know anything about what foods are good for me. I feel like​ I've learned a lot about​ nutrition, though. ​ I've started eating​ healthier, and I already lost two​ pounds." Which nursing response best reflects application of humanist learning​ theory? 1. Your opinion of how much​ you've learned is more important than is your​ friend's opinion. 2. Because of individual​ differences, your perception of the teaching material will be different from your​ friend's perception of the content. 3. Perhaps we should try a different way of teaching this material to you to help you better understand. 4. Perhaps we should explore how knowledge of diet and nutrition applies to you.
1. Your opinion of how much​ you've learned is more important than is your​ friend's opinion.
The nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client with asthma. To promote client​ learning, which strategy should the nurse​ implement? 1. Instruct the client to wait until the teaching session has ended before asking questions about the content. 2. Repeat the key concepts and facts. 3. Organize the teaching content in a​ complex-to-simple fashion. 4. Encourage the client to wait at least 24 hours before applying new knowledge and skills.
2. Repeat the key concepts and facts.
Which statement best describes the influence of the Internet on teaching and learning in the healthcare​ setting? 1. Due to the widespread use of Internet​ technology, the nurse should incorporate​ computer-based learning into every teaching plan. 2. Because the Internet offers information that is mostly​ incorrect, the nurse must anticipate the need to reeducate all clients. 3. Because of​ client-specific variations, the nurse must be skilled at implementing effective teaching strategies for clients who use the Internet as well as for those who do not. 4. Due to the widespread use of Internet​ technology, all clients should be trained to use a​ computer-based approach to learning.
3. Because of​ client-specific variations, the nurse must be skilled at implementing effective teaching strategies for clients who use the Internet as well as for those who do not.
A​ 73-year-old female Native American client is hospitalized with an exacerbation of chronic obsructive pulmonary disease​ (COPD). The​ client, who has a 55​ pack-year history, reports that she still smokes cigarettes. She also reports that she smokes tobacco during certain important religious rituals and tribal celebrations. Which nursing interventions best reflect the​ nurse's application of humanist theory of​ learning? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Considering the​ client's tobacco use from the standpoint of her religious beliefs 2. Explaining to the client how smoking cessation at this stage of life still promotes lung​ healing, and can lead to fewer exacerbations of COPD and improved quality of life 3. Exploring how the​ client's cultural background influences her decision to continue to smoke 4. Encouraging the​ client's family members and loved ones to praise the client for not smoking 5. Recognizing that the client has personal​ characteristics, such as stoicism and mistrust for traditional​ medicine, that may influence her perception of the​ nurse's teaching
1, 3 Humanist learning theory recognizes the learner as being a unique combination of​ biologic, psychologic,​ cultural, social, and spiritual​ factors; consideration of the​ client's religious and cultural influences best refects this approach. Explaining how smoking cessation can positively impact the client at her stage of life is reflective of adult learning theory. Encouraging the​ client's family members and loved ones to praise her for not smoking reflects behaviorist theory. Recognizing the influence of the​ learner's personal​ characteristics, such as the​ client's stoicism and mistrust for traditional​ medicine, is reflective of cognitive theory.
During a​ seminar, the nurse educator is asked how the Internet affects the selection of content and teaching methods used in client education. Which is the best​ response? 1. ​"Health-related information on the Internet is​ accurate, and it does not affect the selection of content and teaching​ methods." ​2. "Because the Internet is infrequently used to access​ health-related information, it does not have much effect on selecting content and teaching​ methods." ​3. "Almost all of the information presented on the Internet is​ inaccurate, but it still affects the selection of content used in client​ education." ​4. "The Internet offers content that is both accurate and inaccurate. When choosing client education​ materials, we take this into​ consideration."
​4. "The Internet offers content that is both accurate and inaccurate. When choosing client education​ materials, we take this into​ consideration."
The nurse at a college health center is discharging a​ 19-year-old female client following her annual sports physical and gynecological exam. As the nurse is completing the​ client's discharge​ teaching, the client​ states, "I read online that you​ can't get pregnant while​ you're on your​ period." Which information should the nurse include in her​ response? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. ​"I'm glad you brought this up. A lot of people believe that you​ can't get pregnant while​ you're on your​ period, but you​ can." ​2. "Don't believe what you read on the Internet. Almost all online information is​ incorrect." 3. ​"Most of what​ you'll find on the Internet is​ accurate, but that is not. Where did you read that you​ couldn't get pregnant while you were on your​ period?" 4. ​"That's foolishness. Of course you can get pregnant while​ you're on your​ period." 5. ​"Tell me more about your understanding of the times when a woman is most likely to get​ pregnant."
1, 5 By praising the client for bringing up a topic of​ education, the nurse is offering encouragement. By asking the client to share her current​ knowledge, the nurse is attempting to assess the​ client's knowledge base and actively engage the client in the learning​ process, both of which promote effective learning. Instead of referring to the​ client's erroneous belief as​ "foolishness," the nurse should offer nonjudgmental support and teach the client accurate information. The Internet is a source of both accurate and inaccurate information.
A​ 21-year-old male pharmacy student is admitted to the ED for treatment of a sprained right ankle. Following ​ treatment, the client is prescribed ibuprofen to reduce pain and swelling. As the nurse begins teaching about the maximum dose of​ ibuprofen, the client​ states, "I already know this stuff. Can you finish my discharge paperwork so I can get out of​ here?" Which nursing approaches reflect the application of cognitive​ theory? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Telling the​ client, "If you let me finish teaching you about​ ibuprofen, I'll quickly complete your discharge​ paperwork." 2. Recognizing the​ client's disinterest in teaching as being shaped by his history of unpleasant social interactions 3. Considering the​ client's teaching preferences from the standpoint of his psychologic state 4. Realizing the effects of the​ client's spiritual beliefs on his learning 5. Recognizing the​ client's knowledge base and intelligence level as an important consideration in the​ nurse's choice of teaching content
4, 5 Cognitive theory presents learning as being primarily a​ mental, intellectual, or thinking process during which the learner selectively chooses his​ perceptions; the process is shaped by personal​ characteristics, which impact the​ learner's perception of a given cue. Recognizing the influence of the​ client's knowledge and intelligence level on the​ teaching-learning process reflects application of cognitive​ theory, as does assessing the​ client's knowledge base and adjusting the teaching content as needed. Rewarding the client by finishing his discharge paperwork once he has completed the teaching session best reflects application of behaviorist theory. Humanist theory describes the learner as comprising various​ factors, including spiritual beliefs and psychologic state.
The nurse is planning a teaching session on diet and nutrition for a group of teenage mothers who are students at a local high school. When planning the​ teaching, which​ client-specific factors should the nurse seek to​ learn? 1. Level of education 2. Gender 3. Cultural background 4. Age
3. Cultural background
The school nurse is developing a client teaching plan for high school students that addresses the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Which resources are appropriate for use when designing the​ plan? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. An infectious disease textbook written by a physician 2. A family practice physician 3. An article in a nursing journal 4. An online blog with no stated author 5. A nursing colleague
1, 2, 3, 5 Acceptable sources of teaching content include​ textbooks, nursing​ journals, reputable​ websites, and other healthcare providers.
During a teaching session about early recognition of the signs and symptoms of colon​ cancer, the client​ states, "I think​ ''feces' means​ 'poop.' Is that​ right?" How should the nurse​ respond? 1. ​"'Feces' is also called​ 'stool.'" ​2. "No, the correct term is​ 'feces.'" ​3. "Yes, that's​ right." ​4. "Let's move on with the​ teaching."
​3. "Yes, that's​ right."
The nursing student asks the nurse educator which elements are included in evaluation of a teaching​ plan's effectiveness. How should the educator​ respond? 1. ​"Feedback questionnaires from the client are not useful in the evaluation​ process." ​2. "Choice of content is included in the​ evaluation." ​3. "Teaching strategies are not​ evaluated." ​4. "The degree to which the plan facilitated the​ nurse's achievement of the learning outcomes is part of the​ evaluation."
​2. "Choice of content is included in the​ evaluation."
The clinical nurse educator is teaching nursing students about methods of evaluating the​ client's degree of learning. Which statement should the educator include in the​ teaching? 1. ​"Self-reports are acceptable forms of client evaluation.​ " ​2. "Written tests are​ acceptable, but online tests should be​ avoided." ​3. "Oral questioning is not an objective means of​ evaluation." ​4. "Direct observation of behavior is the only acceptable form of client​ evaluation."
1. ​"Self-reports are acceptable forms of client evaluation.​ "
The home health nurse is teaching an older adult client how to use an automatic blood pressure monitoring device. Which teaching strategy reflects the​ nurse's correct application of lifespan considerations for this​ client? 1. Encouraging the client to rest as opposed to asking her to perform a return demonstration of skills 2. Using written materials that feature large​ print, black​ ink, and​ reflective, bright white paper 3. Scheduling the session as a​ one-on-one meeting between the nurse and the client 4. Designing content that targets individuals with a​ fifth- to​ sixth-grade reading level
4. Designing content that targets individuals with a​ fifth- to​ sixth-grade reading level
The nurse is planning a seminar that emphasizes health promotion. Which topics are most appropriate for inclusion in the​ teaching? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Stress management 2. Grief and loss 3. Nutrition 4. Fertility. 5. Growth and development
1, 3, 4, 5 ​Fertility, nutrition, stress​ management, and growth and development are most appropriate as topics for health promotion. Grief and loss are better addressed in the context of adaptation to altered health and function.
The nurse educator is teaching a group of students about learning environments. Which statement should the educator​ include? ​1. "Private residences do not qualify as teaching environments because the client is away from the clinical​ setting." ​2. "Managed care facilities do not recognize the​ nurse's role as​ teacher; therefore, client education is not required in these​ facilities." ​3. "Teaching may take place in any setting that offers an opportunity for effective communication between the teacher and the​ learner." ​4. "Community health organizations are not legally considered to be teaching​ environments."
​3. "Teaching may take place in any setting that offers an opportunity for effective communication between the teacher and the​ learner."
During a​ medical-surgical clinical​ rotation, the nurse educator is teaching students how to develop client learning outcomes. Which statements should the educator include in the​ teaching? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1.​ "Client-specific characteristics, such as​ age, gender, and cultural​ background, should be incorporated in the client learning​ outcomes." ​2. "To motivate the​ client, learning outcomes should include goals that reflect the highest level of​ accomplishment." ​3. "Avoid using words such as​ 'believes,' 'knows,'​ 'appreciates,' and​ 'understands' in the client learning​ outcomes." ​4. "Be sure that each desired client action and response is​ measurable." ​5. "The nursing​ interventions, including the planned topics of​ teaching, should be clearly stated in the client learning​ outcomes."
1, 3, 4 Reaching the highest level of accomplishment may be​ unrealistic, depending on the client. Client learning outcomes should reflect​ realistic, achievable goals. The​ nurse's intention to teach about a specific topic reflects a nursing​ action, not a client goal. All desired client actions and responses should be measurable. Because words such as ​believes, knows,​ appreciates, and understands are not​ measurable, these terms should not be included. Client learning outcomes should incorporate​ client-specific characteristics, including​ age, developmental​ level, and cultural background.
Which statement best describes The American Hospital​ Association's publication, A ​Patient's Bill of Rights​? 1. It identifies client teaching as a nursing function. 2. It declares that clients have a right to be educated about their health care. 3. It qualifies client teaching as a nursing responsibility within both the professional and legal domains. 4. It requires evidence that clients and their significant others collaborate in the provision of care.
2. It declares that clients have a right to be educated about their health care.
Which nursing intervention best reflects a strategy that is conducive to the​ teaching-learning process? 1. Explaining the content as quickly as possible 2. Disregarding the​ client's facial expressions 3. Asking the client to perform a return demonstration of skills 4. Avoiding repetition of information
3. Asking the client to perform a return demonstration of skills
When formulating learning​ outcomes, which nursing guideline is most​ appropriate? 1. Including statements about what the client will understand 2. Identifying the desired nursing action 3. Using measurable data in each statement 4. Avoiding the use of​ client-specific characteristics
3. Using measurable data in each statement
When organizing the​ client's learning​ experience, which guideline should the nurse implement in the teaching​ plan? 1. Avoid documentation of informal or unscheduled teaching​ sessions, such as during medication administration. 2. Include casual conversation as a form of assessing the​ client's knowledge base. 3. Ensure that all teaching sessions are formal in nature. 4. Introduce educational​ content, then assess the​ client's current knowledge level.
2. Include casual conversation as a form of assessing the​ client's knowledge base.
Which nursing action reflects correct understanding of the principles related to implementing a teaching​ plan? 1. Avoiding summarizing content that has already been discussed 2. Using teaching methods that engage more than one of the​ client's senses 3. Using professional healthcare terminology with all clients 4. Scheduling teaching sessions at times that are most convenient for the nurse
2. Using teaching methods that engage more than one of the​ client's senses
Which strategies are appropriate for inclusion in the teaching plan for a pediatric​ client? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Exposing the pediatric client to healthcare personnel who are dressed in​ uniforms, surgical​ masks, and scrubs prior to the​ client's hospital admission 2. Addressing the pediatric client primarily through the use of terms of​ endearment, such as​ "sweetheart" 3. Gearing instructions toward the comprehension level of the pediatric​ client's parent or caregiver 4. Including the pediatric​ client's caregiver in the teaching session 5. Demonstrating relevant treatments or procedures using stuffed animals
1, 4, 5
Which strategies are appropriate for inclusion in the teaching plan for the older adult​ client? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Providing written materials that use​ non-reflective (e.g.,​ off-white, matte) paper 2. Including the older adult​ client's caregiver in the teaching session 3. Using teaching materials that feature multicolored print 4. Pacing the teaching session with respect to the​ client's energy level 5. Gearing teaching content toward individuals with a​ tenth- to​ twelfth-grade reading level
1, 2, 4
Which of the​ nurse's statements correctly reflects the use of learning evaluation​ methods? 1. Written or online tests are not effective evaluation tools. 2. ​Self-reports and​ self-monitoring are not valid forms of evaluation. 3. Oral questioning is an acceptable method of learning evaluation. 4. Direct observation of the​ client's behavior is the only appropriate method of evaluation.
3. Oral questioning is an acceptable method of learning evaluation.
Which elements of client teaching should the nurse document in the​ client's record of​ care? ​(Select all that​ apply.) ​1. Client's reading level 2. Degree to which client learning outcomes were achieved 3. Learning outcomes 4. Need for additional teaching 5. Identified learning needs
2, 3, 4, 5
The nurse is teaching a postoperative client about using incentive spirometry to prevent pulmonary atelectasis. Upon conclusion of the​ session, the client points to the incentive spirometer and​ asks, "What is that​ thing"? Which nursing response is the most​ appropriate? 1. Repeat the needed content and ask the client to demonstrate use of the incentive spirometer. 2. Conclude the session and schedule an additional teaching session for a later time. 3. Ask another healthcare provider to assist with teaching the client. 4. Provide the client with written instructions that describe using the incentive spirometer.
1. Repeat the needed content and ask the client to demonstrate use of the incentive spirometer.
The nurse is writing a plan of care for a client. Which statement best reflects correct application of the guidelines for writing learning​ outcomes? 1. Within 30​ days, the client will feel less pain and will be exercising more frequently. 2. The client will be taught the signs and symptoms of diabetes. 3. Upon conclusion of the teaching​ session, the client will verbally identify three types of​ low-impact exercise. 4. The client will no longer be depressed and will believe that she is valuable.
3. Upon conclusion of the teaching​ session, the client will verbally identify three types of​ low-impact exercise.
The nurse is teaching a preoperative client methods to avoid infection of his surgical incision during the postoperative period. The client is scheduled for surgery the following day. As the nurse is​ speaking, the client begins to fall asleep. Which nursing response is​ best? 1. Gently awaken the client and continue teaching. 2. Allow the client to nap for five​ minutes, then awaken him and resume teaching. 3. Reschedule the teaching session for a time that is acceptable to the client. 4. Awaken the client and politely ask him to pay attention.
3. Reschedule the teaching session for a time that is acceptable to the client.
The nurse is performing a telephone​ follow-up with a client who received teaching about the use of assistive hearing devices. During the call the client​ states, "My hearing aids are working just fine. I have no trouble at all adjusting​ them, and they really help me hear better. I​ don't have any​ questions." When considering documentation of client​ teaching, which nursing action is​ best? 1. Do not document​ anything; only​ formal, in-person meetings qualify as​ follow-up evaluations. 2. Do not document​ anything; telephone conversations are not considered to be official forms of​ follow-up. 3. Document the​ client's reported success with the use of assistive hearing devices and note that the client denied the need for additional teaching. 4. Document the​ client's reported successful achievement of learning​ objectives, but require a​ face-to-face appointment with her physician to demonstrate proficiency with the use of the devices.
3. Document the​ client's reported success with the use of assistive hearing devices and note that the client denied the need for additional teaching.
The nurse is conducting preoperative teaching for an adult female client who is scheduled to undergo a biopsy for a breast mass. During the​ session, the nurse notices the client is trembling. Which nursing response is​ best? 1. Pausing the teaching session and asking the client how she is feeling 2. Canceling the teaching session and leaving the client alone so she can have privacy 3. Asking the client if she understands the information that has been discussed 4. Providing the client with a warm blanket and continuing the teaching session
1. Pausing the teaching session and asking the client how she is feeling
The nurse is teaching an older adult client how to use an incentive spirometer. The client has unsuccessfully attempted to use the device several times. Which is the best response by the nurse ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Encouraging the client to continue to practice using the spirometer 2. Concluding the teaching session 3. Asking the charge nurse to assume the role of teacher 4. Telling the client a return demonstration is necessary 5. Praising the client for his attempts to use the incentive spirometer and repeating the instructions for its use
1, 4, 5 Effective client teaching includes repeating content as needed and providing positive reinforcement. Return demonstration is needed to evaluate the​ client's comprehension of the teaching. The teaching session should not be concluded​ abruptly; instead, the nurse should allow sufficient time for the client to process the information. There is no indication for asking the charge nurse to assume the role of teacher.
When discussing the process of developing a client teaching​ plan, the nursing student​ asks, "What's the purpose of the client learning​ outcomes?" How should the nurse educator​ respond? 1. ​"Learning outcomes help the nurse to evaluate the​ client's developmental level and select appropriate teaching​ strategies." ​2. "Learning outcomes identify the nursing interventions and help the client evaluate the effectiveness of the​ plan." ​3. "Learning outcomes guide the teaching plan and help the nurse evaluate the effectiveness of the​ plan." ​4. "Learning outcomes help the client set goals and help to evaluate the​ client's degree of satisfaction with the teaching​ plan."
​3. "Learning outcomes guide the teaching plan and help the nurse evaluate the effectiveness of the​ plan."
The nurse is planning a teaching session for a​ 6-year-old client who is scheduled to undergo tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in two weeks. Which strategies reflect the​ nurse's correct understanding of lifespan​ considerations? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Giving the client a coloring book that depicts the​ hospital, surgical​ team, and client monitoring devices 2. Using a doll to demonstrate placement of an oxygen mask 3. Discouraging parents from reading story books about the planned​ procedure, as this may frighten the child 4. Including instructions that are geared toward the​ parents' level of comprehension 5. Using terms of endearment for the​ child, such as​ "sweetheart," as opposed to addressing the child by name
1, 2 Pediatric clients should be addressed by name.​ Teaching, including​ instructions, should be geared toward the pediatric​ client's comprehension level. The use of coloring books as teaching tools can be an effective way to familiarize pediatric clients with​ facilities, people, and equipment. Parents and caregivers should also be encouraged to prepare the child for hospital admission through reading the child special story books that describe the clinical​ setting, procedures, and staff. Demonstrating relevant treatments or procedures on dolls or stuffed animals can be an effective method for teaching the pediatric client.
The nurse is developing client learning outcomes for an adult client who experiences recurrent respiratory infections. The client has smoked 1 pack of cigarettes each day for 20 years. Which learning outcome is most appropiate for inclusion in the teaching​ plan? 1. Upon conclusion of the teaching​ session, the client will correctly state two types of nicotine replacement products. 2. During the teaching​ session, the client will be taught how cigarette smoke damages the pulmonary structures. 3. The client will stop smoking today. 4. Within two​ weeks, the client will not feel like smoking.
1. Upon conclusion of the teaching​ session, the client will correctly state two types of nicotine replacement products.
Prior to discharging a client who has recently been diagnosed with​ asthma, the nurse plans to teach the client about health restoration. Which topic is most appropriate for inclusion in the​ teaching? 1. Protective health measures 2. Health screenings 3. Medication administration and side effects 4. First aid
3. Medication administration and side effects
When documenting the​ client's teaching​ session, which component should the nurse​ include? 1. ​Client-specific characteristics, such as cultural background and spiritual beliefs 2. Degree to which client outcomes were achieved 3. A detailed description of each teaching strategy that was used 4. Names of the​ client's healthcare team members
2. Degree to which client outcomes were achieved
The nurse is teaching a​ 48-year-old client about insulin administration. Which nursing intervention best reflects correct understanding of how to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the​ teaching-learning process? 1. Using standardized teaching plans that are designed for all clients with diabetes 2. Respecting the​ client's time by completing the teaching as quickly as possible 3. Verbally assessing the​ client's comprehension of the material 4. Minimizing the​ client's boredom by avoiding repetition of information
3. Verbally assessing the​ client's comprehension of the material
Which strategy should the nurse choose to achieve career development through sharing professional opportunities and fostering a sense of​ belonging? 1. Networking 2. Coaching 3. Preceptorship 4. Mentoring
1. Networking
A novice nurse wants to become a hospital administrator. Which career development strategy is most likely to help the nurse work toward this​ goal? 1. Engaging in networking 2. Finding a coach 3. Requesting a preceptor 4. Seeking a mentor
4. Seeking a mentor
The novice nurse is interviewing for a critical care staff nurse position. The unit director asks the nurse to describe the importance of professional development to nursing. Which reply is​ best? 1. ​"Professional development enhances collaboration among staff​ members." ​2. "Professional development involves engagement in planned activities that help the nurse maintain proficiency and currency in​ practice." ​3. "Professional development is the same thing as staff​ development." 4. ​"Engaging in professional development enhances the​ nurse's role performance and improves client​ outcomes."
4. ​"Engaging in professional development enhances the​ nurse's role performance and improves client​ outcomes."
James​ Ullriche, a nurse​ educator, is mentoring Robert​ Dellreno, who wants to become a nursing professor. The mentorship process has reached a point at which Robert is becoming more independent. Which phase of the mentorship process does this description​ reflect? 1. Redefinition 2. Initiation 3. Cultivation 4. Separation
4. Separation
The​ medical-surgical unit's nurse leader is identifying activities and programs that qualify as forms of professional development. Which activities will​ qualify? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. ​In-services 2. Critical care certification courses 3. Preceptorship 4. General policy orientation 5. Employee orientation
1, 2, 3, 5 Professional development programs and activities include employee​ orientation, in-services, specialty certification courses​ (such as critical care and quality​ improvement/quality assurance) and preceptorship opportunities. A general policy orientation would be included in a general​ orientation, not in a professional development program.
Susanna Ronterson is a​ 36-year-old nurse who wants to become a nursing professor. In selecting her​ mentor, which individual appears to be most​ ideal? 1. ​Stéphanié Gallivieri, a​ 36-year-old university nursing professor whose​ protégés have been hired at prestigious universities. 2. Amanda​ Wiersteine, a​ 35-year-old university nursing professor who wrote an​ award-winning book about delegation. 3. Jenny​ Irrisman, a​ 47-year-old college nursing professor who is an expert in leadership development. 4. John​ Hollcombe, a​ 49-year-old college dean of nursing who is an acclaimed and respected mentor.
3. Jenny​ Irrisman, a​ 47-year-old college nursing professor who is an expert in leadership development.
Which responsibilities are included in the staff​ nurse's role in professional​ development? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Requesting constructive criticism and feedback related to professional performance 2. Identifying staff​ members' learning needs 3. Identifying programs and activities that meet the learning needs of staff members 4. Evaluating staff​ members' professional performance 5. Participating in activities that meet​ nurse-specific learning needs and facilitate personal growth
1, 5 Regarding professional​ development, staff nurse responsibilities include participating in activities that meet​ nurse-specific learning​ needs, promote professional​ development, and facilitate personal growth. In​ addition, the staff nurse is expected to request constructive criticism and feedback related to professional performance. The nurse​ leader's responsibilities include identifying staff​ members' learning​ needs, as well as designing and identifying programs and activities that meet the learning needs of staff members. The nurse leader also is responsible for evaluating staff​ members' professional performance.
For the new nurse in the hospital​ setting, which activity is most likely to be included during the nursing orientation​ phase? 1. Assignment of a preceptor 2. Introduction to unit policies and procedures 3. Discussion of the​ institution's philosophy 4. Meeting with human resource personnel
1. Assignment of a preceptor
Which responsibilities are included as part of the nursing​ preceptor's function in relationship to the novice​ nurse? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Helping to ensure that nursing care adheres to professional standards 2. Offering professional opportunities and fostering a sense of belonging 3. Evaluating clinical performance and and providing feedback 4. Helping the novice nurse achieve the highest level of personal and professional fulfillment 5. Promoting the use of clinical nursing skills and judgments that are necessary for​ safe, effective nursing practice
1, 3, 5 Responsibilities of the preceptor include evaluating the novice​ nurse's clinical performance and providing​ feedback; assisting with learning​ routines, policies, and​ procedures; and promoting the use of clinical nursing skills and judgments that are necessary for​ safe, effective nursing practice. Coaching involves helping an individual to achieve the highest level of personal and professional fulfillment. The functions of networking include offering professional opportunities and fostering a sense of belonging.
Which action describes a primary function of​ coaching? 1. Assisting newly hired or novice nurses with learning​ routines, policies, and procedures 2. Helping an individual learn roles and responsibilities that are associated with a specific task or job 3. Empowering individuals to perform at their highest level of excellence in all areas of life 4. Connecting with other individuals or groups for the purpose of improving professional​ practice, offering​ support, advancing career​ goals, sharing​ information, and providing advice
3. Empowering individuals to perform at their highest level of excellence in all areas of life
Which activities are included in the process of​ networking? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Promoting professional and personal growth 2. Helping others to experience personal fulfillment ​3. Supporting, guiding, and advising others 4. Fostering creativity 5. Sharing information and ideas
1, 3, 4, 5 Functions of networking include​ supporting, guiding, and advising​ others; fostering​ creativity; sharing information and​ ideas; and promoting professional and personal growth. Functions of coaching include helping others to experience the greatest possible sense of fulfillment on a professional and personal level.
Which characteristic is usually true of individuals who are engaged in a ​mentor-protege relationship? 1. The mentor is usually of the same gender as the protege . 2. The protege demonstrates a high level of expertise as well as a willingness to share knowledge. 3. The protege typically holds a position of authority in the organization. 4. The mentor is usually younger than the protege .
1. The mentor is usually of the same gender as the protege .
A novice nurse is hired to work in the​ medical-surgical unit of a hospital. Which statement reflects this​ nurse's understanding of his​ responsibilities? 1. ​I'm expected to participate in activities that promote professional development. 2. Part of my role includes providing constructive criticism related to professional performance. 3. Part of my role includes identifying the learning needs of other staff members. 4. I'm expected to evaluate staff​ members' professional performance.
1. ​I'm expected to participate in activities that promote professional development.
Which description best reflects the function of a nursing​ preceptor? 1. Promote creativity and share ideas about nursing. 2. Help an individual to achieve the highest level of personal and professional fulfillment. 3. Assist the newly hired nurse with learning a hospital​ unit's routines,​ policies, and procedures. 4. Offer professional nursing opportunities and fostering a sense of belonging.
3. Assist the newly hired nurse with learning a hospital​ unit's routines,​ policies, and procedures.
Jeff​ Hytrean, a​ 26-year-old male staff nurse in the emergency​ department, is seeking a mentor. Which individual best meets the criteria to serve as​ Jeff's mentor? 1. Kylie​ Karelli, a​ 36-year-old female hospital administrator who has successfully mentored nurses in the past 2. Pam​ Redalvo, a​ 42-year-old female nurse​ executive, entrepreneur, and educator 3. Marcus​ Jellain, a​ 38-year-old male emergency department manager who enjoys teaching 4. Vince​ Bellforte, a​ 43-year-old nursing administrator who describes himself as being​ "somewhat impatient with​ students"
3. Marcus​ Jellain, a​ 38-year-old male emergency department manager who enjoys teaching
A clinical nurse educator is preparing to teach a group of novice nurses about the staff​ nurse's professional development responsibilities. Which elements should the nurse educator​ include? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Evaluating the effectiveness of professional development activities in meeting staff​ members' needs 2. Seeking activities that promote professional and personal growth 3. Identifying staff​ members' learning needs 4. Evaluating staff​ members' professional performance 5. Requesting constructive criticism related to professional performance
1, 4, 5 Responsibilities of the staff nurse include seeking activities that promote professional and personal growth and requesting constructive criticism related to professional performance. The nurse​ leader's responsibilities include identifying staff​ members' learning​ needs; evaluating staff​ members' professional​ performance; and evaluating the effectiveness of professional development activities in meeting staff​ members' needs.
A nurse executive is asked to describe the responsibilities of a coach. Which statements are the most​ appropriate? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Teaching an individual about​ job-specific roles and responsibilities 2. Helping one or more individuals accomplish the highest level of achievement 3. Assisting an individual with achieving maximum personal and professional fulfillment 4. Encouraging accountability for actions and behaviors 5. Ensuring that the novice​ nurse's client care adheres to professional standards
2, 3, 4 Coaching involves helping one or more individuals to accomplish the highest level of achievement and to experience maximum personal and professional fulfillment. Coaching also includes encouraging accountability for actions and behaviors. Mentoring includes teaching an individual about​ job-specific roles and responsibilities. Preceptorship ensures that the novice​ nurse's client care adheres to professional standards.
A​ protégé is asked to describe her successful relationship with her nurse mentor. Which statement should she​ include? 1. ​"We regularly evaluate professional​ outcomes, but we do not evaluate personal​ outcomes." 2. ​"When we began the​ mentorship, we set clear definition of goals and​ objectives." ​3. "To facilitate the​ relationship, we schedule one conversation each​ week." 4. "My mentor redefines our relationship as​ necessary."
2. ​"When we began the​ mentorship, we set clear definition of goals and​ objectives."
An experienced nurse engages in career development by serving as a preceptor. Which statement best describes the responsibilities of a preceptor to the newly employed​ nurse? 1. ​"I guide the nurse in achieving the highest possible level of personal and professional​ fulfillment." 2. "I help the nurse learn roles and responsibilities associated with a specific job and encourage professional​ development." 3. "I help the nurse learn​ routines, policies, and​ procedures, and I make sure all nursing care adheres to nursing standards of​ practice." ​4. "I guide the nurse in sharing information and improving interpersonal​ skills."
3. "I help the nurse learn​ routines, policies, and​ procedures, and I make sure all nursing care adheres to nursing standards of​ practice."
The nurse is teaching an older adult client how to use an incentive spirometer. The client has unsuccessfully attempted to use the device several times. Which is the best response by the nurse ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. Asking the charge nurse to assume the role of teacher 2. Concluding the teaching session 3. Telling the client a return demonstration is not necessary 4. Encouraging the client to continue to practice using the spirometer 5. Praising the client for his attempts to use the incentive spirometer and repeating the instructions for its use
3, 4, 5 Effective client teaching includes repeating content as needed and providing positive reinforcement. Return demonstration is needed to evaluate the​ client's comprehension of the teaching. The teaching session should not be concluded​ abruptly; instead, the nurse should allow sufficient time for the client to process the information. There is no indication for asking the charge nurse to assume the role of teacher.
A nurse educator is asked to describe the responsibilities of an effective mentor. Which statements are the most​ appropriate? ​(Select all that​ apply.) 1. ​"The mentor advises the protege about role​ expectations." ​2. "During the mentorship​ process, the protege introduces the mentor to influential individuals who can assist with career​ advancement." 3. ​"During the mentorship​ process, the protege challenges the mentor to advance​ professionally." ​4. "The mentor assists the protege with learning policies and​ procedures." 5. ​"It is the​ mentor's responsibility to help the protege evaluate ideas in the context of institutional​ policy."
1, 5 The​ mentor's responsibilities include advising the protege regarding role expectations and helping the protege evaluate ideas in the context of institutional policy. The mentor also introduces the protege to influential individuals who can assist with career advancement and challenges the protege to advance​ professionally, not vice versa. Preceptors assist novice nurses to learn​ routines, policies, and procedures.
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