Prisoner Abuse is a critical problem faced by societies worldwide. It affects numerous countries and encompasses various forms of mistreatment against incarcerated individuals.
Sexual maltreatment, overpopulation, and drug abuse are prevalent forms of mistreatment in prisons. The gravity of sexual abuse is heightened by the fact that both inmates and prison staff can be perpetrators. Additionally, overcrowding leads to inadequate resources for prisoners due to scarcity. Drug-related issues persist within the prison system, causing enduring harm to inmates. It is imperative that these abusive behaviors are met with suitable consequences, irrespective of the severity of inmates' crimes.
Despite the growing influx of prisoners annually, there remains a pressing requirement for interventions that acknowledge their humanity. Numerous inmates endure severe abuse, leading to the tragic demise of some unfortunate individuals. It is disheartening that these prisoners' experiences are frequentl
...y impeded by multiple factors. As they are under the authority's control, they lack the ability to seek justice for the mistreatment they receive, as their behaviors and emotions are manipulated.
Although prisoners' illnesses are often neglected, it is crucial to recognize the significance of addressing this issue. The consequences of abuse extend beyond physical harm and impact both their sociological and psychological well-being. Unfortunately, prisoner abuse continues to be a distressing occurrence that can be prevented and appropriately handled.
Everyone, including prisoners, has the right to advocate for their human rights and should not be denied these rights, even if they have been convicted of a crime.
Defining Prisoner Abuse
Prisoner abuse refers to mistreatment of incarcerated individuals that includes facing additional punishment from abusive jail guards and staff members.
The Human Rights website states that prisoners and co-prisoners experience various forms of maltreatment
including anguish. Within the prison context, anguish refers to any action that causes intense physical or mental pain or suffering.
There are various intentions behind deliberately causing physical or mental suffering to an individual. These include extracting information or a confession from the person or a third party, punishing them for their own actions or those of a third party, intimidating or coercing them or a third party, and engaging in discriminatory behavior.
It is crucial to address the significant issue of public functionaries or individuals in an official capacity inflicting or allowing pain and suffering. This problem requires immediate attention as there is a high prevalence of violence among prisoners, including both fellow prisoners and prison staff. Prompt action must be taken to address this problem, which affects prisoners from all cultures and races. (Fathi, 2008)
Mistreatment affects prisoners from various backgrounds, with severity varying depending on socioeconomic status and cultural heritage. Those who are economically disadvantaged suffer more as they lack resources to seek legal help for better living conditions while in prison. Furthermore, non-indigenous inmates may struggle to find assistance due to language barriers in the host country (Richie, 2000).
Forms of Prison Abuse
Both male and female prisoners experience prison abuse, which includes physical and psychological mistreatment.
Victims of physical maltreatment endure various forms of abuse, such as striking, continuous whipping, and forced labor. This mistreatment is often accompanied by sexual and verbal abuse. Additionally, cruel prison employees may deny the victims their basic necessities like food and clothing.
The issue of prison overcrowding is regarded as a form of physical abuse, resulting in limited resources and depriving inmates of their basic necessities (Idaho Observer, 2006). The mistreatment
of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib by American soldiers stands out as a highly controversial and distressing case of prisoner abuse. An investigation conducted by Higham and Stephens (2004) for the Washington Post reveals previously undisclosed testimonies that shed light on the brutal physical abuse suffered by Iraqi detainees, providing explicit details beyond what has been publicly acknowledged.
The text examines different claims of abuse at Abu Ghraib, including mistreatment and sexual harassment inflicted on captives by female soldiers. Furthermore, these prisoners experience physical harm and are dehumanized as if they were animals. Additionally, they endure social isolation, which impedes their capacity to interact with others due to a range of factors.
Prisoners are unable to defend themselves due to their previous convictions for the crimes they have committed, which can impact their overall welfare. Furthermore, they may also face verbal abuse, including being insulted and called derogatory names.
The prison guards use derogatory terms and verbally abuse the inmates in order to humiliate them (Higham & Stephens, 2004). Higham and Stephens (2004) also mention that some detainees are subjected to abuse as punishment or discipline after being caught fighting or possessing prohibited items. According to the Idaho Observer (2006), the guards tend to believe that the inmates are always in the wrong.
One of the guards confessed that when they catch the prisoners speaking untruthfully, they assume it based on their lip movements. The words used by prison guards towards inmates are often harsh and difficult to digest. These words are not only discriminatory but also humiliating. Additionally, there are occasions when inmates who make mistakes in front of their fellow prisoners are shouted at by both prison
guards and employees.
These are inappropriate methods of handling captives as they negatively impact their self-esteem and outlook.
Psychological Maltreatment
Discipline and torment are not the same. Nevertheless, some prison administrations resort to using psychological maltreatment, disguising it as a means of controlling captives. This occurs through teasing.
The presence of constant white noise and the prevention of sleep can lead to psychological maltreatment, potentially resulting in mental disorders. Additionally, prisoners may experience threats that induce paranoia and emotional distress. The use of drugs within prisons can also contribute to the development of psychological disorders (Idaho Observer, 2006).
One example of psychological maltreatment in prison is mentioned in the May 2006 Idaho Observer study. The study suggests that instead of physically harming prisoners, the abuse they experience is more subtle and involves psychological and emotional manipulation.
As reported by the Idaho Observer, prison employees at Case Gaol maintain the lights on for a total of 17-and-a-half hours, starting from 4:30 in the morning until 10 in the evening. Additionally, they disturb prisoners' sleep through various means such as shining torches in their faces around every 60 minutes, banging doors, and speaking loudly.
Observations made in 2006 revealed the impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive function, which remains a significant problem in prisons. Among correctional facilities, prisoners commonly experience mistreatment in the form of forced sexual intercourse.
This maltreatment leads to the development of diseases like AIDS and HIV. Sexual abuse occurs when prisoners are compelled to engage in sexual activities with prison guards, jail staff, and other inmates. This mistreatment is not limited to just prison guards and personnel but also happens within the prison itself.
Male to male sexual abuse is frequently perpetrated
by fellow inmates. This form of abuse arises when male prisoners resort to mistreating their fellow inmates in order to satisfy their sexual desires. In instances where female captives experience sexual abuse, they often refrain from reporting the incident due to a lack of power. Occasionally, sexual abuse towards female captives may occur with the victim's consent.
This is a violation of legal principles.
Types of Abuse in Prisons
Instances of mistreatment and misconduct within correctional facilities occur when jail guards, any prison employee, or fellow inmates engage in inappropriate actions towards other prisoners. Different categories exist for abusive behavior. However, regardless of the inmate's wrongdoing, it is still unacceptable to treat them in an inhumane manner. This represents a case of power abuse by prison authorities and a violation of human rights.
Drugs in Prison
The imprisonment of individuals involved in illegal drugs, drug trafficking, and other drug-related activities is intended to prevent the proliferation of drugs. However, there is continuous debate regarding the efficacy of this approach.
The issue of drug use goes beyond this particular aspect. Some correctional facilities permit drug usage among prisoners, while others compel them to do so. Furthermore, individuals who were already drug users before entering prison persist in their drug use. The stress encountered in such an environment also contributes to the inmates' addiction. Moreover, the distribution of drugs within prisons can lead those who previously used drugs moderately to develop a serious addiction.
However, individuals without any record of drug use may resort to drugs as a way to cope with stress and depression (Managing Drugs in Prison, 2007). The source of illicit drugs includes prison employees, guards, and inmates
who maintain connections with drug suppliers outside the prison.
Drug abuse in prison can also arise from various forms of abuse. For instance, prisoners who have experienced sexual abuse may be given drugs as a means to silence them regarding the incident. Furthermore, inmates who already use drugs may feel compelled to persist in their substance use and endure further victimization due to their addiction being exploited. Additionally, weaker prisoners frequently encounter bullying and coercion from stronger individuals in their cells to engage in drug use. The repercussions of drug abuse on prisoners are enduring since substance misuse can impair their cognitive skills and regular functioning.
Their relationships with each other and their relationships outside of the prison are also impacted.
Prison Overpopulation
Each year, an increasing number of individuals are being incarcerated for different reasons, including both the guilty and those unjustly victimized. The rising inmate population results in greater resource and space requirements within correctional facilities. However, corrupt prison authorities exploit prisoners by seeking government aid to address food shortages.
The scarcity of beds and resources in overcrowded prisons exacerbates the situation, particularly due to housing both normal and mentally ill prisoners together. This increases the likelihood of public outbreaks of violence, making the prisons more prone to insecurity. The incarceration of pregnant women is a contributing factor to prison overcrowding.
The number of women delivering babies while in prison is growing quickly. This presents a concern not only for the health of the female inmates, but also for the circumstances surrounding childbirth. Poor medical assistance within prisons contributes to difficulties before and during delivery.
Incidents of Sexual Abuse in Prison
Certain instances of sexual abuse in prison involve bribery to discourage victims from reporting harm endured. Inmates who have been abused are compensated with cigarettes.
Providing captives with goods such as drugs, clothing, and access to telephones and other prison privileges is a means to engage in sexual abuse. Captives desire these items because they are typically only available outside of captivity. Typically, food and drugs are commonly utilized to commit abuse, while threats are also used when carrying out forced sexual abuse.
However, sexual maltreatment carried out by female inmates does not fit within the definition of rape. This is because no force is used to commit the abuse. "Probation officers often portray girls as being careless and dependent." Male rape is prevalent in prison settings.
Female prisoners are at a higher risk from male prison guards and staff compared to other inmates. When subjected to sexual coercion by jail personnel, female prisoners often comply out of fear. Additionally, prisons commonly employ sexual abuse as a means to conceal more significant issues such as drug addiction and the trafficking of dangerous weapons.
Furthermore, sexual abuse is used as a means for prisoners to escape confinement by seeking assistance from correctional personnel who engage in romantic relationships with female inmates. The problem of sexual abuse among women prisoners is especially severe due to their significant population. Studies show that the United States has the highest worldwide rate of imprisonment, primarily made up of women, and this figure has been steadily rising since 1980.
According to current statistics, the number of adult females in U.S. prisons has seen
a fourfold increase, which is roughly double the rate of increase compared to males.According to a report by Human Rights Watch (1996), around half of incarcerated women have experienced sexual abuse prior to their imprisonment, with most instances involving the use of force. A study conducted by the Department of Justice in 2004 recorded eight specific incidents directly associated with this issue.According to the Department of Justice (2005), correctional governments reported a total of 210 allegations of sexual force in 2004. This translates to an average of 3.2 allegations per 1,000 inmates and young persons.
Forceful sexual abuse causes severe harm to the victim, resulting in a devastating impact. The victim may suffer from physical disabilities including fractures, joint injuries, and skin damage.
Many instances of prison colza result in the death of captives, and male captives also experience rape. Male prison guards and correctional staff take advantage of their power and force male captives to engage in sexual intercourse with them.
Then, they disguise their revolting act by pretending to be defenders of the captives. This often includes involving a group of captives to intimidate the targeted captive into being assaulted. It is a tactic where a group of captives are used to bully and threaten the victim with physical harm. The intention is to cause pain and harm to the victim.
The supposed "guardian" will try to protect the victim and scare away the groups. To repay Jesus (a prison guard, staff member, or fellow inmate), the inmate will be requested to perform sexual favors.
Causes of Prison Abuse
The primary reason for prison abuse is the abuse of power. Those in positions of authority exploit their power
and make demands on others. This dominance leads to abuse and suffering for vulnerable inmates who are confined behind bars. Another cause is the lack of courage to speak up for the truth and fight for justice, which allows the abuse to continue unchecked. Instances of sexual abuse are also a part of this example, as documented on the Human Rights Watch website. The following are the words of a male prisoner who was raped within the facility.
As he remembers, he says: "I have been convicted for a DUI offense. It is my third offense. When I first arrived in prison."
I had no expectations. I am a tall white male, who unfortunately has a small amount of feminine features and is very shy.
These features have subjected me to sexual assault numerous times, causing me to lose all physical sensation. I have experienced sexual assault by up to 5 black workers and two white workers at once. I have had knives held against my head and throat. Unfortunately, there is no supervision after lockdown, which allows for instances where captives become targets of sexual abuse by prison guards. Some captives manipulate their appeals to gain access to privileges such as phone calls and extra food during meal times (Human Rights Watch, 2006).
Impact of Prisoner Abuse
The consequences of prisoner abuse can have long-lasting effects on individuals.
The captives who were physically, psychologically, verbally, and sexually abused can be deeply affected, leaving lasting scars. The ones who were violently abused physically may have physical scars and bone injuries that are untreatable. Some inmates are also coerced by their fellow inmates to get tattoos as a form of physical abuse.
denial phase occurs when relatives visit and inquire about the mistreatment experienced by prisoners. In an effort to hide the abuse, prisoners attempt to conceal the fact that they are being harmed by the very people who should have cared for them and only provided them with education instead of causing them pain. Many captives fear telling the truth because they know their perpetrators will subject them to harsher punishments. Additionally, mental illnesses frequently develop over time within prisons due to the widespread drug abuse that occurs. It is widely known that illicit drugs cause a malfunction in the brain. Furthermore, sexual abuse within prisons is responsible for the spread of diseases such as STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and AIDS.
This is the world of the prison system that has become ingrained in society - a system that perpetuates violence within prisons. The maltreatment of prisoners also has sociological consequences as the traumatic experiences can instill fear and trauma, causing them to withdraw from others. Another aspect of prisoner maltreatment is the situation of female inmates giving birth, as their children are immediately separated from them upon being born in prison.
In conclusion, the child may not receive the required care and support from their biological mother. Some pregnant prisoners are even subjected to rape by prison guards, which is absolutely unacceptable for both the victims and their families. This sexual abuse has an impact not only on the prisoners themselves but also on the entire institution.
The reason why prisoners are incarcerated is for the purpose of discipline, not for torture and abuse (Acoca & Austin, 1996). When the establishment allows sexual abuse, it undermines its credibility
in training the inmates. Instead, the perpetrators themselves should also be incarcerated.
When prisoners endure mistreatment, the consequences can persist throughout their lifetime. The torment will haunt them indefinitely and may even result in mental illness or death. Those who suffer from sexual abuse and acquire diseases are more likely to choose suicide as a means of escaping the daily agony of their sickness.
Instances of female captives who are raped have a greater risk of becoming pregnant, as well as an added risk of developing mental illness (Acoca & Austin, 1996).
Rights of Prisoners
Even if a person is convicted of a crime.
Despite the abundance of studies showing various changes in the conditions of prisoners, the issue of abuse inside prisons has not been addressed adequately. Many of these studies reveal instances of abuse occurring without any consequences for the perpetrators. It is important to recognize that even individuals behind bars have the right to seek justice. Inmates should not experience any form of maltreatment during their time in correctional facilities, as these institutions aim to rehabilitate and discipline them.
According to a study conducted by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice, the prison population in the United States has reached 2 million inmates (Longley, 2007). This research also reveals that the increasing number of inmates worsens the issue of sexual abuse within prisons.
The demands and preventive measures to eradicate this job should no longer be ignored. The rights of captives, as stated in the Human Rights Website (2008), are based on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 1992. These rights include treating individuals deprived of their autonomy with humanity and respect for
their self-respect. The penitentiary system should aim to reform and rehabilitate captives, and the ICCPR guarantees remedies for those who have been abused. These remedies ensure that individuals whose rights are violated have access to effective redress, even if the violation was committed by individuals acting in an official capacity. Competent judicial, administrative, legislative, or other authorities determined by the state's legal system have the responsibility to determine the right to redress and develop avenues for judicial redress. In addition to the mentioned rights and privileges, solutions for preventing prison abuse should be pursued.
There are various ways to prevent the mistreatment of prisoners. Organizations and government agencies provide assistance to victims of prison abuse. Additionally, there are preventive measures that can be implemented to stop any form of maltreatment. People who oppose prisoner abuse are individuals who advocate for justice on behalf of the abused prisoners.
People Against Prison Abuse is an organization that has been advocating for inmate rights since 1994. Their primary goal is to provide support for incarcerated individuals and their families and friends (Peoples Against Prison Abuse, 2008).
It attempts to address the following concerns:
- The taxpayers have been paying more on prison inmates than public education in the past few years, but this allocation is not visibly evident.
- The medical care of inmates is an issue.
- Overcrowding is consistently overlooked and should not become a norm.
- Mentally ill prisoners are not properly cared for and are often abused by guards due to lack of training.
- Physically challenged inmates lack the necessary medical care, equipment, and facilities to function within the prison system.
The large number of industrial
prison complex staff, including wardens and guards, is also a concern.
People who want justice for prison abuse believe that prison officials and medical staff commit worse offenses than most inmates and should be punished (People Against Prison Abuse, 2008). These concerns are just a few examples of the many pleas for justice. It is crucial to support organizations like this in order to raise awareness and convince the government to investigate prison conditions and pass legislation to protect prisoners from abuse.
It is disheartening to note that the judicial system, which is supposed to protect the vulnerable, offers no solution to this problem. Instead, it considers prison abuse as an internal matter and allows prison officials to handle it themselves. The indifferent attitude of correctional officials towards instances of inmate-on-inmate rape is equally dismissive.
The mistreatment of prisoners has a damaging impact on their well-being and the perception of fairness. It is a widespread issue in prisons, but it can be prevented and managed through the implementation of preventive measures and responsible government action. The solution should not only focus on harsh punishment but also include measures to avoid such incidents as part of prison policies.
"The authorities often have limited resources in providing the correct prosecution process for victims and offenders. Prisoner abuse should be promptly addressed to prevent its recurrence. Authoritative misconduct should not be tolerated. This is a pressing issue that must be resolved immediately, not only because the victim is already convicted, but also because the victim is a human being."
Every human being has inherent rights that cannot be erased. No matter how heinous the
offense, a conviction will not strip an individual of these rights.
- Acoca. L. ; A ; James. A. (1996).
The Crisis: Women In Prison. Draft report - submitted to the Charles E. Culpepper Foundation.
San Francisco. CA: National Council on Crime and Delinquency.
Southern California Law Review. 66.
New information has surfaced regarding the abuse that occurred in prisons.
The Washington Post. Retrieved April 30, 2008 from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. washingtonpost. com/ac2/wp-dyn/A43783-2004May20? language=printer
(1996). All Too Familiar: Sexual Abuse of Women in State Prisons.
The report on prisons can be found at # _1_2. Another source of information is the Idaho Observer, which was published in 2008.
Seven Old ages Abuse in Idaho Prison.
Pro-Liberty Network.
(2008) Men Stuff Organization . Retrieved April 30, 2008 from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. menstuff. org/issues/byissue/jailhouserock.HTML
R. (2007). U.S.
Prison Population exceeds 2 million. Retrieved April 30, 2008 from: hypertext transfer protocol: //usgovinfo. about.
peopleagainstprisonabuse. com/page1. html
(2000). Researching the Link Between Violence Against Women and Women's
on Women and Girls in the Justice System.
(2008) Stop Prison Abuse. Retrieved April 30, 2008 from:
A. (2008). "Drug Prevention Outside and Inside Prison Walls."Joomla!
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